Give a Donation
Our mission is to strengthen the worldwide Church through empowering deeper study of Scripture.
We accomplish this mission in three ways.
- The Biblearc Study Bible gives users access to super-powered reading and searching.
- Biblearc TOOLS enables users to create “Visual Meditations” using graphical Bible study methods.
- Biblearc EQUIP offers live and self-paced Bible study courses with personal coaching.
In our efforts to serve the world, we provide The Biblearc Study Bible and Biblearc TOOLS to those in the developing countries under a whatever-you-can-afford policy, and give scholarships to Biblearc EQUIP whenever possible. As a result, we have had the privelege to strengthen many missionaries and nationals as they serve the Lord in hard places.
Yet we want to do more.
For that reason, we invite you consider partering with our efforts through a donation. Doing so will enable us to grant more scholarships and translate more of our resources. Would you join us in promoting the sound handling of God’s word throughout the world?

You may also make a check out to “Bethlehem College and Seminary,” write “For Biblearc” in the memo line, and send it to:
Bethlehem College and Seminary
720 13th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1793