Hosea 3 (NBS)
1 Le Seigneur me dit : Va encore, aime une femme aimée d’un compagnon, une femme adultère ; aime-la comme le Seigneur (YHWH) aime les Israélites ! Eux, ils se tournent vers d’autres dieux et ils aiment les gâteaux de raisin ! 2 Je l’achetai pour quinze sicles d’argent, un homer d’orge et un létek d’orge ; 3 et je lui dis : Reste longtemps à moi, ne te prostitue pas, ne sois à aucun homme, et je ferai de même envers toi. 4 Car les Israélites resteront longtemps sans roi, sans prince, sans sacrifice, sans pierre levée, sans éphod et sans teraphim. 5 Après cela, les Israélites reviendront ; ils chercheront le Seigneur, leur Dieu, et David, leur roi ; effrayés, ils s’approcheront du Seigneur et de sa bonté, dans la suite des temps.
In Other Versions
Hosea 3 in the ANGEFD
Hosea 3 in the ANTPNG2D
Hosea 3 in the AS21
Hosea 3 in the BAGH
Hosea 3 in the BBPNG
Hosea 3 in the BBT1E
Hosea 3 in the BDS
Hosea 3 in the BEV
Hosea 3 in the BHAD
Hosea 3 in the BIB
Hosea 3 in the BLPT
Hosea 3 in the BNT
Hosea 3 in the BNTABOOT
Hosea 3 in the BNTLV
Hosea 3 in the BOATCB
Hosea 3 in the BOATCB2
Hosea 3 in the BOBCV
Hosea 3 in the BOCNT
Hosea 3 in the BOECS
Hosea 3 in the BOGWICC
Hosea 3 in the BOHCB
Hosea 3 in the BOHCV
Hosea 3 in the BOHLNT
Hosea 3 in the BOHNTLTAL
Hosea 3 in the BOICB
Hosea 3 in the BOILNTAP
Hosea 3 in the BOITCV
Hosea 3 in the BOKCV
Hosea 3 in the BOKCV2
Hosea 3 in the BOKHWOG
Hosea 3 in the BOKSSV
Hosea 3 in the BOLCB
Hosea 3 in the BOLCB2
Hosea 3 in the BOMCV
Hosea 3 in the BONAV
Hosea 3 in the BONCB
Hosea 3 in the BONLT
Hosea 3 in the BONUT2
Hosea 3 in the BOPLNT
Hosea 3 in the BOSCB
Hosea 3 in the BOSNC
Hosea 3 in the BOTLNT
Hosea 3 in the BOVCB
Hosea 3 in the BOYCB
Hosea 3 in the BPBB
Hosea 3 in the BPH
Hosea 3 in the BSB
Hosea 3 in the CCB
Hosea 3 in the CUV
Hosea 3 in the CUVS
Hosea 3 in the DBT
Hosea 3 in the DGDNT
Hosea 3 in the DHNT
Hosea 3 in the DNT
Hosea 3 in the ELBE
Hosea 3 in the EMTV
Hosea 3 in the ESV
Hosea 3 in the FBV
Hosea 3 in the FEB
Hosea 3 in the GGMNT
Hosea 3 in the GNT
Hosea 3 in the HARY
Hosea 3 in the HNT
Hosea 3 in the IRVA
Hosea 3 in the IRVB
Hosea 3 in the IRVG
Hosea 3 in the IRVH
Hosea 3 in the IRVK
Hosea 3 in the IRVM
Hosea 3 in the IRVM2
Hosea 3 in the IRVO
Hosea 3 in the IRVP
Hosea 3 in the IRVT
Hosea 3 in the IRVT2
Hosea 3 in the IRVU
Hosea 3 in the ISVN
Hosea 3 in the JSNT
Hosea 3 in the KAPI
Hosea 3 in the KBT1ETNIK
Hosea 3 in the KBV
Hosea 3 in the KJV
Hosea 3 in the KNFD
Hosea 3 in the LBA
Hosea 3 in the LBLA
Hosea 3 in the LNT
Hosea 3 in the LSV
Hosea 3 in the MAAL
Hosea 3 in the MBV
Hosea 3 in the MBV2
Hosea 3 in the MHNT
Hosea 3 in the MKNFD
Hosea 3 in the MNG
Hosea 3 in the MNT
Hosea 3 in the MNT2
Hosea 3 in the MRS1T
Hosea 3 in the NAA
Hosea 3 in the NASB
Hosea 3 in the NBLA
Hosea 3 in the NBVTP
Hosea 3 in the NET2
Hosea 3 in the NIV11
Hosea 3 in the NNT
Hosea 3 in the NNT2
Hosea 3 in the NNT3
Hosea 3 in the PDDPT
Hosea 3 in the PFNT
Hosea 3 in the RMNT
Hosea 3 in the SBIAS
Hosea 3 in the SBIBS
Hosea 3 in the SBIBS2
Hosea 3 in the SBICS
Hosea 3 in the SBIDS
Hosea 3 in the SBIGS
Hosea 3 in the SBIHS
Hosea 3 in the SBIIS
Hosea 3 in the SBIIS2
Hosea 3 in the SBIIS3
Hosea 3 in the SBIKS
Hosea 3 in the SBIKS2
Hosea 3 in the SBIMS
Hosea 3 in the SBIOS
Hosea 3 in the SBIPS
Hosea 3 in the SBISS
Hosea 3 in the SBITS
Hosea 3 in the SBITS2
Hosea 3 in the SBITS3
Hosea 3 in the SBITS4
Hosea 3 in the SBIUS
Hosea 3 in the SBIVS
Hosea 3 in the SBT
Hosea 3 in the SBT1E
Hosea 3 in the SCHL
Hosea 3 in the SNT
Hosea 3 in the SUSU
Hosea 3 in the SUSU2
Hosea 3 in the SYNO
Hosea 3 in the TBIAOTANT
Hosea 3 in the TBT1E
Hosea 3 in the TBT1E2
Hosea 3 in the TFTIP
Hosea 3 in the TFTU
Hosea 3 in the TGNTATF3T
Hosea 3 in the THAI
Hosea 3 in the TNFD
Hosea 3 in the TNT
Hosea 3 in the TNTIK
Hosea 3 in the TNTIL
Hosea 3 in the TNTIN
Hosea 3 in the TNTIP
Hosea 3 in the TNTIZ
Hosea 3 in the TOMA
Hosea 3 in the TTENT
Hosea 3 in the UBG
Hosea 3 in the UGV
Hosea 3 in the UGV2
Hosea 3 in the UGV3
Hosea 3 in the VBL
Hosea 3 in the VDCC
Hosea 3 in the YALU
Hosea 3 in the YAPE
Hosea 3 in the YBVTP
Hosea 3 in the ZBP