Psalms 30 (BOLCB2)

1 Nzembo ya Davidi mpo na libulisi ya Tempelo. 2 Yawe, nanetoli Yo,pamba te obimisaki ngai na libulu ya mozindompe otikaki te banguna na ngai kosepela na tina na ngai. 3 Yawe, Nzambe na ngai, nabelelaki Yompo na kosenga lisungi,mpe obikisaki ngai na bokono. 4 Yawe, obimisaki ngai na mboka ya bakufi,obatelaki bomoi na ngaimosika na bato oyo bazali kokita na libulu. 5 Boyemba banzembo mpo na lokumu ya Yawe,bino babulami na Ye ;bokumisa Kombo na Ye ya bule. 6 Pamba te kanda makasi na Ye ewumelakampo na mwa tango moke,kasi ngolu na Ye ewumelaka seko na seko ;kolela ekoki kowumela kino na pokwa,kasi kosepela ekokota na tongo. 7 Tango nazalaki na kimia, nalobaki :« Nakotikala kokweya te. » 8 Yawe, tango osalelaki ngai ngolu,olendisaki ngomba na ngai ;kasi tango obombelaki ngai elongi,nabungisaki elikya. 9 Yawe, nabelelaki Yo ;nabelelaki Yawe mpo na kosenga lisungi : 10 « Litomba nini ezali soki nakufi,soki nakiti na libulu ?Boni, putulu ekokumisa Yo ?Boni, ekosakola boyengebene na Yo ? 11 Yawe, yoka ngai mpe salela ngai ngolu ;Yawe, zala lisungi na ngai. » 12 Obongoli kolela na ngai, okomisi yango mabina ;olongoli mokumba na ngai mpe olatisi ngai esengo, 13 mpo ete molimo na ngai ekumisa Yo na banzembo,kasi navanda nye te.Yawe, Nzambe na ngai, nakokumisa Yolibela na libela.

In Other Versions

Psalms 30 in the ANGEFD

Psalms 30 in the ANTPNG2D

Psalms 30 in the AS21

Psalms 30 in the BAGH

Psalms 30 in the BBPNG

Psalms 30 in the BBT1E

Psalms 30 in the BDS

Psalms 30 in the BEV

Psalms 30 in the BHAD

Psalms 30 in the BIB

Psalms 30 in the BLPT

Psalms 30 in the BNT

Psalms 30 in the BNTABOOT

Psalms 30 in the BNTLV

Psalms 30 in the BOATCB

Psalms 30 in the BOATCB2

Psalms 30 in the BOBCV

Psalms 30 in the BOCNT

Psalms 30 in the BOECS

Psalms 30 in the BOGWICC

Psalms 30 in the BOHCB

Psalms 30 in the BOHCV

Psalms 30 in the BOHLNT

Psalms 30 in the BOHNTLTAL

Psalms 30 in the BOICB

Psalms 30 in the BOILNTAP

Psalms 30 in the BOITCV

Psalms 30 in the BOKCV

Psalms 30 in the BOKCV2

Psalms 30 in the BOKHWOG

Psalms 30 in the BOKSSV

Psalms 30 in the BOLCB

Psalms 30 in the BOMCV

Psalms 30 in the BONAV

Psalms 30 in the BONCB

Psalms 30 in the BONLT

Psalms 30 in the BONUT2

Psalms 30 in the BOPLNT

Psalms 30 in the BOSCB

Psalms 30 in the BOSNC

Psalms 30 in the BOTLNT

Psalms 30 in the BOVCB

Psalms 30 in the BOYCB

Psalms 30 in the BPBB

Psalms 30 in the BPH

Psalms 30 in the BSB

Psalms 30 in the CCB

Psalms 30 in the CUV

Psalms 30 in the CUVS

Psalms 30 in the DBT

Psalms 30 in the DGDNT

Psalms 30 in the DHNT

Psalms 30 in the DNT

Psalms 30 in the ELBE

Psalms 30 in the EMTV

Psalms 30 in the ESV

Psalms 30 in the FBV

Psalms 30 in the FEB

Psalms 30 in the GGMNT

Psalms 30 in the GNT

Psalms 30 in the HARY

Psalms 30 in the HNT

Psalms 30 in the IRVA

Psalms 30 in the IRVB

Psalms 30 in the IRVG

Psalms 30 in the IRVH

Psalms 30 in the IRVK

Psalms 30 in the IRVM

Psalms 30 in the IRVM2

Psalms 30 in the IRVO

Psalms 30 in the IRVP

Psalms 30 in the IRVT

Psalms 30 in the IRVT2

Psalms 30 in the IRVU

Psalms 30 in the ISVN

Psalms 30 in the JSNT

Psalms 30 in the KAPI

Psalms 30 in the KBT1ETNIK

Psalms 30 in the KBV

Psalms 30 in the KJV

Psalms 30 in the KNFD

Psalms 30 in the LBA

Psalms 30 in the LBLA

Psalms 30 in the LNT

Psalms 30 in the LSV

Psalms 30 in the MAAL

Psalms 30 in the MBV

Psalms 30 in the MBV2

Psalms 30 in the MHNT

Psalms 30 in the MKNFD

Psalms 30 in the MNG

Psalms 30 in the MNT

Psalms 30 in the MNT2

Psalms 30 in the MRS1T

Psalms 30 in the NAA

Psalms 30 in the NASB

Psalms 30 in the NBLA

Psalms 30 in the NBS

Psalms 30 in the NBVTP

Psalms 30 in the NET2

Psalms 30 in the NIV11

Psalms 30 in the NNT

Psalms 30 in the NNT2

Psalms 30 in the NNT3

Psalms 30 in the PDDPT

Psalms 30 in the PFNT

Psalms 30 in the RMNT

Psalms 30 in the SBIAS

Psalms 30 in the SBIBS

Psalms 30 in the SBIBS2

Psalms 30 in the SBICS

Psalms 30 in the SBIDS

Psalms 30 in the SBIGS

Psalms 30 in the SBIHS

Psalms 30 in the SBIIS

Psalms 30 in the SBIIS2

Psalms 30 in the SBIIS3

Psalms 30 in the SBIKS

Psalms 30 in the SBIKS2

Psalms 30 in the SBIMS

Psalms 30 in the SBIOS

Psalms 30 in the SBIPS

Psalms 30 in the SBISS

Psalms 30 in the SBITS

Psalms 30 in the SBITS2

Psalms 30 in the SBITS3

Psalms 30 in the SBITS4

Psalms 30 in the SBIUS

Psalms 30 in the SBIVS

Psalms 30 in the SBT

Psalms 30 in the SBT1E

Psalms 30 in the SCHL

Psalms 30 in the SNT

Psalms 30 in the SUSU

Psalms 30 in the SUSU2

Psalms 30 in the SYNO

Psalms 30 in the TBIAOTANT

Psalms 30 in the TBT1E

Psalms 30 in the TBT1E2

Psalms 30 in the TFTIP

Psalms 30 in the TFTU

Psalms 30 in the TGNTATF3T

Psalms 30 in the THAI

Psalms 30 in the TNFD

Psalms 30 in the TNT

Psalms 30 in the TNTIK

Psalms 30 in the TNTIL

Psalms 30 in the TNTIN

Psalms 30 in the TNTIP

Psalms 30 in the TNTIZ

Psalms 30 in the TOMA

Psalms 30 in the TTENT

Psalms 30 in the UBG

Psalms 30 in the UGV

Psalms 30 in the UGV2

Psalms 30 in the UGV3

Psalms 30 in the VBL

Psalms 30 in the VDCC

Psalms 30 in the YALU

Psalms 30 in the YAPE

Psalms 30 in the YBVTP

Psalms 30 in the ZBP