Isaiah 18 (TFTU)
1 Terrible things will happen to you people of Ethiopia!In your land there are many sailboats at the upper part of the Nile River. 2 Your rulers send ambassadors that sail quickly down the river in papyrus boats.You messengers to Ethiopia, go quickly!Go up the river to people who are tall and who have smooth skin.People everywhere are afraid of those people,because they conquer and destroy other nations;they live in a land that is divided by branches of one large river. 3 You messengers must tell people everywhere,to people everywhere,“Look when I lift up my battle flag on top of the mountain,and listen when I blow the ram’s horn to signal that the battle is about to begin.” 4 Listen because Yahweh has told me this:“I will watch quietly from where I live.I will watch as quietly as [SIM] the heat waves shimmer as they rises on a hot summer day,as quietly as the dew forms on the ground during harvest time.” 5 But even before the army of Ethiopia starts to attack,while their plans are slowly forming like [SIM] grapes that are ripening,Yahweh will get rid of them like a farmer who [MET] cuts off the new shoots of the grapevines with his shears,and prunes the branches that have become very long. 6 All the soldiers in the army of Ethiopia will be killed,and their corpses will lie in the fields for vultures to eat their flesh in the ◄summer/hot season►.Then wild animals will chew on their bones all during the ◄winter/cold season►. 7 At that time, the people of that land that is divided by the branches of that one big river will take gifts to Yahweh in Jerusalem.Those tall people who have smooth/dark skin, whom people everywhere are afraid of,because they conquer and destroy many countries,will take gifts to Jerusalem, the city where the Commander of the armies of angels lives.
In Other Versions
Isaiah 18 in the ANGEFD
Isaiah 18 in the ANTPNG2D
Isaiah 18 in the AS21
Isaiah 18 in the BAGH
Isaiah 18 in the BBPNG
Isaiah 18 in the BBT1E
Isaiah 18 in the BDS
Isaiah 18 in the BEV
Isaiah 18 in the BHAD
Isaiah 18 in the BIB
Isaiah 18 in the BLPT
Isaiah 18 in the BNT
Isaiah 18 in the BNTABOOT
Isaiah 18 in the BNTLV
Isaiah 18 in the BOATCB
Isaiah 18 in the BOATCB2
Isaiah 18 in the BOBCV
Isaiah 18 in the BOCNT
Isaiah 18 in the BOECS
Isaiah 18 in the BOGWICC
Isaiah 18 in the BOHCB
Isaiah 18 in the BOHCV
Isaiah 18 in the BOHLNT
Isaiah 18 in the BOHNTLTAL
Isaiah 18 in the BOICB
Isaiah 18 in the BOILNTAP
Isaiah 18 in the BOITCV
Isaiah 18 in the BOKCV
Isaiah 18 in the BOKCV2
Isaiah 18 in the BOKHWOG
Isaiah 18 in the BOKSSV
Isaiah 18 in the BOLCB
Isaiah 18 in the BOLCB2
Isaiah 18 in the BOMCV
Isaiah 18 in the BONAV
Isaiah 18 in the BONCB
Isaiah 18 in the BONLT
Isaiah 18 in the BONUT2
Isaiah 18 in the BOPLNT
Isaiah 18 in the BOSCB
Isaiah 18 in the BOSNC
Isaiah 18 in the BOTLNT
Isaiah 18 in the BOVCB
Isaiah 18 in the BOYCB
Isaiah 18 in the BPBB
Isaiah 18 in the BPH
Isaiah 18 in the BSB
Isaiah 18 in the CCB
Isaiah 18 in the CUV
Isaiah 18 in the CUVS
Isaiah 18 in the DBT
Isaiah 18 in the DGDNT
Isaiah 18 in the DHNT
Isaiah 18 in the DNT
Isaiah 18 in the ELBE
Isaiah 18 in the EMTV
Isaiah 18 in the ESV
Isaiah 18 in the FBV
Isaiah 18 in the FEB
Isaiah 18 in the GGMNT
Isaiah 18 in the GNT
Isaiah 18 in the HARY
Isaiah 18 in the HNT
Isaiah 18 in the IRVA
Isaiah 18 in the IRVB
Isaiah 18 in the IRVG
Isaiah 18 in the IRVH
Isaiah 18 in the IRVK
Isaiah 18 in the IRVM
Isaiah 18 in the IRVM2
Isaiah 18 in the IRVO
Isaiah 18 in the IRVP
Isaiah 18 in the IRVT
Isaiah 18 in the IRVT2
Isaiah 18 in the IRVU
Isaiah 18 in the ISVN
Isaiah 18 in the JSNT
Isaiah 18 in the KAPI
Isaiah 18 in the KBT1ETNIK
Isaiah 18 in the KBV
Isaiah 18 in the KJV
Isaiah 18 in the KNFD
Isaiah 18 in the LBA
Isaiah 18 in the LBLA
Isaiah 18 in the LNT
Isaiah 18 in the LSV
Isaiah 18 in the MAAL
Isaiah 18 in the MBV
Isaiah 18 in the MBV2
Isaiah 18 in the MHNT
Isaiah 18 in the MKNFD
Isaiah 18 in the MNG
Isaiah 18 in the MNT
Isaiah 18 in the MNT2
Isaiah 18 in the MRS1T
Isaiah 18 in the NAA
Isaiah 18 in the NASB
Isaiah 18 in the NBLA
Isaiah 18 in the NBS
Isaiah 18 in the NBVTP
Isaiah 18 in the NET2
Isaiah 18 in the NIV11
Isaiah 18 in the NNT
Isaiah 18 in the NNT2
Isaiah 18 in the NNT3
Isaiah 18 in the PDDPT
Isaiah 18 in the PFNT
Isaiah 18 in the RMNT
Isaiah 18 in the SBIAS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIBS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIBS2
Isaiah 18 in the SBICS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIDS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIGS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIHS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIIS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIIS2
Isaiah 18 in the SBIIS3
Isaiah 18 in the SBIKS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIKS2
Isaiah 18 in the SBIMS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIOS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIPS
Isaiah 18 in the SBISS
Isaiah 18 in the SBITS
Isaiah 18 in the SBITS2
Isaiah 18 in the SBITS3
Isaiah 18 in the SBITS4
Isaiah 18 in the SBIUS
Isaiah 18 in the SBIVS
Isaiah 18 in the SBT
Isaiah 18 in the SBT1E
Isaiah 18 in the SCHL
Isaiah 18 in the SNT
Isaiah 18 in the SUSU
Isaiah 18 in the SUSU2
Isaiah 18 in the SYNO
Isaiah 18 in the TBIAOTANT
Isaiah 18 in the TBT1E
Isaiah 18 in the TBT1E2
Isaiah 18 in the TFTIP
Isaiah 18 in the TGNTATF3T
Isaiah 18 in the THAI
Isaiah 18 in the TNFD
Isaiah 18 in the TNT
Isaiah 18 in the TNTIK
Isaiah 18 in the TNTIL
Isaiah 18 in the TNTIN
Isaiah 18 in the TNTIP
Isaiah 18 in the TNTIZ
Isaiah 18 in the TOMA
Isaiah 18 in the TTENT
Isaiah 18 in the UBG
Isaiah 18 in the UGV
Isaiah 18 in the UGV2
Isaiah 18 in the UGV3
Isaiah 18 in the VBL
Isaiah 18 in the VDCC
Isaiah 18 in the YALU
Isaiah 18 in the YAPE
Isaiah 18 in the YBVTP
Isaiah 18 in the ZBP