2 Chronicles 9 (TOMA)

1 É woni Saɓa yooi zu masa anzanui ma ga Salomɔn lɔɠɔ ʋagɔ zɔlɔɔgɛ. É ʋaani Salomɔn ʋoluɠulazu ga gaazaɠa kpaaɓaagiti. Bɛbɛ wola yɛni polu, ti ʋa Zeluzalɛme, é ʋaani ga ɲɔmɛiti ti ɠasɔɠiliai ga tufa maku nɛɛnɛgiti, ta zanu mɔinmɔingiti, ta kɔtu zɔngɔ ɓaaɓaagiti. É kisu vai pɛ boni naa ma. 2 Salomɔn ná-gaazaɠagiti pɛ gaaʋoteni, tanɔpɛ ge la ɠɛni ɓaani Salomɔn ya, ta la yɛni ʋoluzu, nii é la ɠɛni zooga é ʋa gaaʋote. 3 Saɓa masa anzanui Salomɔn ná-ɠimalai ɠaani, ta pɛlɛi é togai, 4 é ná-daamianigiti ka, ta ná-botiɠɛ nu wolaiti ɲiizuʋɛti, ta ná-botiɠɛ nuiti tosuʋɛti, ta ti maaɠili zɔɔlaiti, ta niiti ti ɠɛni daamianigi ta dɔɔi veezu zea, é wɛlɛ, é nu ɠɔɠɔlosuʋɛti ka, nu lɛɛzuʋɛ Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zei ʋɛlɛi ma ɠoizuʋɛ. Naati kaai ma, daavɔɔni, zɛnvu maaleʋe. 5 É ɠɛni masagi ma: «Nii kpein ti bogai mà nà-zooi zu, é lo è-laawooiti ta ɗa-ɠimalai ʋa, ti pɛ ka ga gaama! 6 Gè ʋa ɠɛ gè zeeli ʋɛ, gè ka ga ɠaazu, gè la ɠɛa laani da, kɛlɛ wɛlɛ, ti la vɔlɔ ɗa-ɠimalai wɔɔlɔ ʋelei ma lukpɛgi ɓalaa boni mà. È ɓudɛʋɛ naati kpein maazu niiti gè ti mɛnigai, ti ɗa bo. 7 Undaanɛ nu ɠa ga ɗa-nuiti ta ɗa-wotiɠɛ nu wolaiti, ti è ʋa folo-o-folo, ti ɗa tɔnɔ zɔlɔɔ ɗa-ɠimalai zu. 8 Mamagi ɠa Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ʋɛ, ɗa-ƓALAGI nii é faaɓɔɠɔ ɠɛai è ʋɛ, è zei vai zu ná-masa kpɔkpɔgi ɠa, nii a kɛ è ɠɛ tɔun bɛ ga masagi, tɛigi é ga Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ɗa-ƓALAGI. Ná-nɛɛbɛi nii é zii ma ɠɔ Izilayɛle ʋɛ, naa maaʋele ɠa é kɛa è zeiɗai ga masagi, nii a kɛ è sɔledai ta telebodai ɠɛ.» 9 Naa ʋoluma, é zanugi kilo waasaʋagɔ undɔɔlugɔ (3.500) veeni masagi ʋɛ, ta é tufa maku nɛɛnɛgi ma mɔinmɔin feeni, ta kɔtu zɔngɔ ɓaaɓaagiti. Kaipa tufa maku nɛɛnɛ ge la mɔ ɠɛni zɔlɔɔni, é ʋa ɠɛ ga naa ɠɛʋele nii Saɓa masa anzanui ʋaani la Salomɔn ʋɔ. 10 Yilame ta Salomɔn ta-wotiɠɛ nuiti ti ɠɛni ʋaazu ga zanugi, é zeɠezu Wofiil, naati ti ɠɛni ʋaazu ga santale gului ta kɔtu zɔngɔ ɓaaɓaagiti. 11 Masagi santale gului naa tanigaa ɓɛtɛni ga nu lɛɛzuʋɛ Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zei ʋɛlɛi ta masagi ná-pɛlɛi wu, é kɔnigiti ta papaiti kpɛtɛ ga ta guye loo nuiti bɛ. Kaipa nu ɠɛni dɛ santale gului naa ɠɛɠala ɠaani pɛ Zuda yooi zu mɔungi. 12 Nii kpein wɔin ɠɛni Saɓa masa anzanui ma, ta nii kpein é falini masagi Salomɔn ma, naa ti pɛ feeni zea, naa ʋoluma é vebɛani ɠiligaa veeni bɛ, nii ti ma ʋɛɛda la ga ʋe ta nii é ʋaani la. Naa pɛ poluma masa anzanui ɠaleni ma ná-zooi zu, ta ná-botiɠɛ nuiti. 13 Kona-o-kona kilo waaʋuufelegɔ (20.000) ɠa Salomɔn ɠɛni sɔlɔɔsu zanugi zu, 14 naa la ʋɛɛni sɛʋɛ zalaiti ba niiti ti ɠɛni ɠulazu zou ʋolu zɔɔlaiti ta yaaɠo zɔɔlaiti ma, naa ʋɛɛ walii ta zanugi ʋa nii Alaɓe masagiti ta Salomɔn ɓɔɠɔi ná-zou zɛʋɛ ɠundiɠiiti ti ɠɛni feezu. 15 Masagi Salomɔn kɔɔɠɔ zɛpɛ gola unfelegɔ (200) ɓɛtɛni ga zanu doɠaai, kilo lɔzita ɠa é dɔɔni ga zanugi ti ɠilagilagi pɛ kpɛtɛ vai zu, 16 é kɔɔɠɔ zɛpɛ koiti unsaʋagɔ (300) ɓɛtɛ ga zanu doɠaai, kilo saʋagɔ ɠa é dɔɔni ga zanugi ti ɠilagilagi pɛ kpɛtɛ vai zu. Masagi ti pɛ daani pɛlɛi naa wu daa ga «Liɓan lɔɓɔi». 17 Masagi masa kpɔkpɔ gola ɓɛtɛni ga see ɲiigai, é maaʋu ga zanu kitei. 18 Kɔɠɔ losu lɔzita ɠa é ɠɛni nu laazeelizu masa kpɔkpɔgi naa ɠa, kɔɠɔloma anii ɠɛni ba, kpɛtɛai ga zanugi, zeelokoi ɠɛ ba kakama felegɔiti, zalai ʋaaɠulaba felegɔ ɠɛ zeeloko felegɔiti koba, 19 zalai ʋaaɠulaba puugɔ maazu felegɔ (12) ɠɛ kɔɠɔ losu lɔzitaiti su, kakama felegɔiti pɛ su. Kɛɠala nɔpɛ ge la dɛ ɓɛtɛni masadai tanɔpɛ bɛ. 20 Masagi Salomɔn ná-ziawɔi pɛ ge ɠɛni ga zanugi, daami aniɲakai niiti kpein ti ɠɛni pɛlɛi wu daa ga «Liɓan lɔɓɔi», naati pɛ ti ɠɛni ga zanu kitei. Salomɔn ná-siɛgi zu, nu la vɔlɔ ɠɛni walii levezu ga ani ɓii. 21 Tɔɔzei ɓatoiti ti ɠɛni masagi ya ti ɗa leʋeteʋe kpoloɗɛi ɠa ta Yilame ná-botiɠɛ nuiti, kona saʋagɔ-o-kona saʋagɔ ɓatoiti ti ɠɛni ʋaazu ga zanugi ta walii, ta see ɲiigai, ta koyaiti, ta waso wɔniiti. 22 Masagi Salomɔn leʋeni etea masagiti pɛ ba, kpɛtɛi ta ɠimalai zu. 23 GALA ge ɠimalai wola veeni Salomɔn ya, naa maaʋele ma masagiti pɛ ti ɠɛni ʋaazu ga ti goomɛni. 24 Ɛsɛ ge ɗa ʋa ga vebɛaniiti pɔ, ga walii zɔɔlaiti ta zanu sɔɔlaiti, seɠeiti ta kɔɔɠɔ zɔɔlaiti, é tufa maku nɛɛnɛgiti feezu, ta sooiti, naa ʋɛɛ soovale fuuluiti ba. Ʋele ɠana é ɠɛni ɠɛɛzu la kona-o-kona. 25 Sooiti ta wotoloiti makɛ ʋɛlɛi waanaanigɔ (4.000) ɠa é ɠɛni Salomɔn ya, ta soo ɓizɛ zalaʋusu waapuugɔ maazu felegɔ (12.000), é ti ɠaaɠwɛ taaiti su, ʋɛti ná-sooiti ti ɠɛni ná, ta Zeluzalɛme tɔ ɓɔɠɔi ɠobaʋɛ. 26 Salomɔn ɠɛni masadai ɠɛɛzu zɔɔma masada ʋɛlɛʋɛlɛgiti pɛ unda, é zo ziɛ wolai Efelate, é li Filisiti yooi zu, é zeeli Ezipete yooi ɠwɛgi ma. 27 Masagi zaalai zu, walii mɔinni Zeluzalɛme eɠɛ kɔtui, sɛdele gului mɔin eɠɛ sikɔmɔɔl gului, nii é ʋɔnɔsu ziɛlaʋɛ ma nɛmɛi zu. 28 Ti ɠɛni ʋaazu ga sooiti Salomɔn ʋɛ, é zeɠe Ezipete ta zɔɔma yooiti pɛ su. 29 Salomɔn ná-kɛɛwotii mɔtaiti, é zo ma mɔungiti ma, é li gaaɓelagiti pɔ, naati sɛʋɛʋɛ GALA goo wo nui niiti ta-zɛʋɛiti su: Natan, Silo nui Ayiya, ta Yeyedo ná-kulakɛlɛma zɛʋɛiti su é lo Neɓate ná-doun zunui Zeloɓoame vaa zu. 30 Salomɔn kɛɛni masadai zu Zeluzalɛme ta Izilayɛle pɛ unda ga kona ʋuunaanigɔ (40). 31 Naa ʋoluma, Salomɔn zaani. Ti maaɠuluni kɛɛɠɛ Davide ná-taa wolai zu. Ná-doun zunui Loɓoame ɠa é masadai ɠɛɛni potogi zu.

In Other Versions

2 Chronicles 9 in the ANGEFD

2 Chronicles 9 in the ANTPNG2D

2 Chronicles 9 in the AS21

2 Chronicles 9 in the BAGH

2 Chronicles 9 in the BBPNG

2 Chronicles 9 in the BBT1E

2 Chronicles 9 in the BDS

2 Chronicles 9 in the BEV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BHAD

2 Chronicles 9 in the BIB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BLPT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BNTABOOT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BNTLV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOATCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOATCB2

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOBCV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOCNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOECS

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOGWICC

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOHCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOHCV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOHLNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOHNTLTAL

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOICB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOILNTAP

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOITCV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOKCV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOKCV2

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOKHWOG

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOKSSV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOLCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOLCB2

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOMCV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BONAV

2 Chronicles 9 in the BONCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BONLT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BONUT2

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOPLNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOSCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOSNC

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOTLNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOVCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BOYCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BPBB

2 Chronicles 9 in the BPH

2 Chronicles 9 in the BSB

2 Chronicles 9 in the CCB

2 Chronicles 9 in the CUV

2 Chronicles 9 in the CUVS

2 Chronicles 9 in the DBT

2 Chronicles 9 in the DGDNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the DHNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the DNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the ELBE

2 Chronicles 9 in the EMTV

2 Chronicles 9 in the ESV

2 Chronicles 9 in the FBV

2 Chronicles 9 in the FEB

2 Chronicles 9 in the GGMNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the GNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the HARY

2 Chronicles 9 in the HNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVA

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVB

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVG

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVH

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVK

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVM

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVM2

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVO

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVP

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVT

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVT2

2 Chronicles 9 in the IRVU

2 Chronicles 9 in the ISVN

2 Chronicles 9 in the JSNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the KAPI

2 Chronicles 9 in the KBT1ETNIK

2 Chronicles 9 in the KBV

2 Chronicles 9 in the KJV

2 Chronicles 9 in the KNFD

2 Chronicles 9 in the LBA

2 Chronicles 9 in the LBLA

2 Chronicles 9 in the LNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the LSV

2 Chronicles 9 in the MAAL

2 Chronicles 9 in the MBV

2 Chronicles 9 in the MBV2

2 Chronicles 9 in the MHNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the MKNFD

2 Chronicles 9 in the MNG

2 Chronicles 9 in the MNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the MNT2

2 Chronicles 9 in the MRS1T

2 Chronicles 9 in the NAA

2 Chronicles 9 in the NASB

2 Chronicles 9 in the NBLA

2 Chronicles 9 in the NBS

2 Chronicles 9 in the NBVTP

2 Chronicles 9 in the NET2

2 Chronicles 9 in the NIV11

2 Chronicles 9 in the NNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the NNT2

2 Chronicles 9 in the NNT3

2 Chronicles 9 in the PDDPT

2 Chronicles 9 in the PFNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the RMNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIAS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIBS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIBS2

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBICS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIDS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIGS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIHS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIIS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIIS2

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIIS3

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIKS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIKS2

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIMS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIOS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIPS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBISS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBITS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBITS2

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBITS3

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBITS4

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIUS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBIVS

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBT

2 Chronicles 9 in the SBT1E

2 Chronicles 9 in the SCHL

2 Chronicles 9 in the SNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the SUSU

2 Chronicles 9 in the SUSU2

2 Chronicles 9 in the SYNO

2 Chronicles 9 in the TBIAOTANT

2 Chronicles 9 in the TBT1E

2 Chronicles 9 in the TBT1E2

2 Chronicles 9 in the TFTIP

2 Chronicles 9 in the TFTU

2 Chronicles 9 in the TGNTATF3T

2 Chronicles 9 in the THAI

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNFD

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNT

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNTIK

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNTIL

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNTIN

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNTIP

2 Chronicles 9 in the TNTIZ

2 Chronicles 9 in the TTENT

2 Chronicles 9 in the UBG

2 Chronicles 9 in the UGV

2 Chronicles 9 in the UGV2

2 Chronicles 9 in the UGV3

2 Chronicles 9 in the VBL

2 Chronicles 9 in the VDCC

2 Chronicles 9 in the YALU

2 Chronicles 9 in the YAPE

2 Chronicles 9 in the YBVTP

2 Chronicles 9 in the ZBP