Leviticus 4 (BOICB)

1 ONYENWE ANYỊ gwara Mosis sị, 2 “Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu, sị ha, ‘Mgbe onye ọbụla mehiere na-amaghị ama, megide ihe ọbụla ONYENWE ANYỊ nyere nʼiwu: 3 “ ‘Ọ bụrụ na onye nchụaja e tere mmanụ emehie na-amaghị ama, si otu a weta ikpe ọmụma nʼisi ọha mmadụ. Ọ ga-ewetara ONYENWE ANYỊ otu oke ehi na-enweghị ntụpọ dịka aja mmehie, nʼihi mmehie ahụ o mere. 4 Ọ ga-ewere oke ehi ahụ bịa nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ nzute, nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ. Ọ ga-ebikwasị aka ya nʼisi ya, gbuo ya nʼebe ahụ nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ. 5 Mgbe ahụ, onye nchụaja e tere mmanụ ga-eburu ụfọdụ ọbara oke ehi ahụ baa nʼime ụlọ nzute. 6 Ọ ga-edenye mkpịsịaka ya nʼime ọbara ahụ, fesa ya ugboro asaa nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ, nʼihu akwa mgbochi nke ebe nsọ ahụ. 7 Onye nchụaja ga-etekwasị ụfọdụ ọbara ahụ na mpi dị nʼebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ ihe na-esi isi ụtọ, nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ nʼime ụlọ nzute. Ọbara fọdụrụ nʼoke ehi ahụ ka ọ ga-awụsa nʼụkwụ ebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ ahụ, nʼọnụ ụzọ ịba ụlọ nzute. 8 Ọ ga-ewepụ abụba niile site nʼoke ehi aja mmehie, abụba niile kpuchiri ihe dị nʼime afọ ya na nke jikọtara ha, 9 na akụrụ ya abụọ na abụba kpuchiri ha ruo nʼakụkụ ukwu ya, na ihe kpuchiri umeju ya, nke ọ ga-ewepụ ya na akụrụ ya, 10 dịka e si ewepụ abụba oke ehi e ji chụọ aja udo. Mgbe ahụ, onye nchụaja ga-akpọ ha ọkụ nʼelu ebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ. 11 Ma akpụkpọ anụ oke ehi ahụ na ahụ ya niile, ma isi ya, na ụkwụ ya, na ihe dị nʼime afọ ya, na mgbịrị afọ ya, 12 ihe niile fọdụrụ nʼoke ehi ahụ, ka a ga-ebupu nʼazụ ebe obibi ụmụ Izrel, ebe dị ọcha, ebe a na-ekpofu ntụ. Ebe ahụ ka a ga-anọ kpọọ ya ọkụ, nʼọkụ a kwanyere nʼebe a na-ekpofu ntụ. 13 “ ‘Ọ bụrụ na nzukọ Izrel niile emehie na-amaghị ama, mee ihe ọbụla megidere ihe ONYENWE ANYỊ nyere nʼiwu nke a na-adịghị eme eme, ọ bụ ezie na ndị obodo amaghị okwu a, mgbe ha ghọtara ikpe ọmụma ha 14 matakwa mmehie ha mehiere, nzukọ ahụ aghaghị iweta nwa oke ehi dịka aja mmehie, duru ya chee ya nʼihu ụlọ nzute. 15 Ndị okenye nzukọ Izrel ga-ebikwasị aka ha nʼisi oke ehi ahụ nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ. A ga-egbu ehi ahụ nʼihu Onyenwe anyị. 16 Mgbe ahụ, onye nchụaja e tere mmanụ ga-ewere ụfọdụ nʼime ọbara ya baa nʼụlọ nzute. 17 Ọ ga-edenye mkpịsịaka ya nʼime ọbara ahụ fesa ya ugboro asaa nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ, nʼihu akwa mgbochi ahụ. 18 Ọ ga-ete ọbara ụfọdụ nʼelu mpi nke dị nʼebe ịchụ aja nke dị nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ, nʼụlọ nzute. Ọ ga-awụ ọbara nke fọdụrụ nʼụkwụ ala ala, nʼebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ, nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ nzute. 19 Ọ ga-ewepụta abụba niile dị ya nʼahụ kpọọ ha ọkụ nʼelu ebe ịchụ aja. 20 Ọ ga-eme oke ehi ahụ ihe o mere oke ehi aja mmehie. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, onye nchụaja ga-ekpuchi mmehie ndị Izrel. A ga-agbagharakwa ha. 21 Emesịa, onye nchụaja ga-eburu ozu oke ehi ahụ gaa nʼazụ obodo kpọọ ya ọkụ nʼebe ahụ, dịka o mere oke ehi nke mbụ. Nke a bụ aja mmehie nʼihi nzukọ Izrel. 22 “ ‘Mgbe otu nʼime ndịisi obodo mehiere na-amaghị ama, si otu a megide ihe ONYENWE ANYỊ Chineke nyere nʼiwu banyere ihe a na-agaghị eme, mgbe ọ ghọtara ikpe ọmụma ya. 23 Ọ bụrụkwa na-eme ka ọ mata mmehie ya, ọ ghaghị iweta mkpi na-enweghị nkwarụ dịka onyinye nʼihi mmehie ya. 24 Ọ ga-ebikwasị aka ya nʼisi mkpi ahụ. Gbuo ya nʼebe a na-egbu anụ aja nsure ọkụ, nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ. Ọ bụ aja mmehie. 25 Mgbe ahụ, onye nchụaja ga-arụrụ ụfọdụ nʼime ọbara aja mmehie ahụ na mkpịsịaka ya tee ya nʼelu mpi ebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ. Nke fọdụrụ ka ọ ga-awụpụ nʼụkwụ ala ala ebe ịchụ aja. 26 Ọ ga-akpọ abụba ya niile ọkụ nʼebe ịchụ aja dịka o si kpọọ abụba anụ e ji chụọ aja udo ọkụ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, onye nchụaja ga-ekpuchiri onyeisi ahụ mmehie ya. A ga-agbaghara ya. 27 “ ‘Ọ bụrụ na otu onye nʼetiti ndị obodo ahụ emehie na-amaghị ama, mee ihe megidere ihe ọbụla ONYENWE ANYỊ nyere nʼiwu nke a na-adịghị eme eme, mgbe ha ghọtara ikpe ọmụma ha, 28 ọ bụrụkwa na-amata mmehie ha mere, ha ga-eweta nne ewu na-enweghị ntụpọ dịka onyinye nʼihi mmehie ya. 29 Ọ ga-ebikwasị aka ya nʼelu isi aja mmehie ahụ, e gbuo ya nʼebe a na-achụ aja nsure ọkụ. 30 Onye nchụaja ga-ewere ụfọdụ ọbara ahụ na mkpịsịaka ya tee ya na mpi nke ebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ, ọ ga-awụ ọbara fọdụrụ nʼụkwụ ala ala ebe ịchụ aja. 31 Ọ ga-ewepụ abụba ya niile dịka a na-eme nʼaja udo. Onye nchụaja ga-akpọ ha ọkụ nʼebe ịchụ aja, dịka ihe na-esi isi ụtọ nye ONYENWE ANYỊ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, onye nchụaja a ga-ekpuchikwara ha mmehie. A ga-agbagharakwa ha. 32 “ ‘Ma ọ bụrụ na mmadụ eweta otu atụrụ dịka onyinye nʼihi aja mmehie ya, ọ ghaghị ịbụ nne atụrụ na-enweghị ntụpọ. 33 Ọ ga-eweta ya nʼebe a na-egbu anụ aja nsure ọkụ. Ọ ga-ebikwasị ya aka nʼisi, gbuo ya nʼebe ahụ, ka ọ bụrụ aja mmehie ya. 34 Onye nchụaja ga-ewere ụfọdụ ọbara anụ aja mmehie ahụ na mkpịsịaka ya, tee ya na mpi dị nʼebe ịchụ aja nke aja nsure ọkụ. Ọ ga-awụ ọbara fọdụrụ nʼụkwụ ala ala nke ebe ịchụ aja. 35 Ha ga-ewepụ abụba ya niile, dịka a na-eme nʼatụrụ aja udo. Onye nchụaja ga-akpọ abụba ahụ ọkụ nʼelu ebe ịchụ aja dịka onyinye nsure ọkụ a chụrụ nye ONYENWE ANYỊ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, onye nchụaja ga-ekpuchikwara ha mmehie nʼihi iwu ha dara. A ga-agbaghara ha mmehie ha.

In Other Versions

Leviticus 4 in the ANGEFD

Leviticus 4 in the ANTPNG2D

Leviticus 4 in the AS21

Leviticus 4 in the BAGH

Leviticus 4 in the BBPNG

Leviticus 4 in the BBT1E

Leviticus 4 in the BDS

Leviticus 4 in the BEV

Leviticus 4 in the BHAD

Leviticus 4 in the BIB

Leviticus 4 in the BLPT

Leviticus 4 in the BNT

Leviticus 4 in the BNTABOOT

Leviticus 4 in the BNTLV

Leviticus 4 in the BOATCB

Leviticus 4 in the BOATCB2

Leviticus 4 in the BOBCV

Leviticus 4 in the BOCNT

Leviticus 4 in the BOECS

Leviticus 4 in the BOGWICC

Leviticus 4 in the BOHCB

Leviticus 4 in the BOHCV

Leviticus 4 in the BOHLNT

Leviticus 4 in the BOHNTLTAL

Leviticus 4 in the BOILNTAP

Leviticus 4 in the BOITCV

Leviticus 4 in the BOKCV

Leviticus 4 in the BOKCV2

Leviticus 4 in the BOKHWOG

Leviticus 4 in the BOKSSV

Leviticus 4 in the BOLCB

Leviticus 4 in the BOLCB2

Leviticus 4 in the BOMCV

Leviticus 4 in the BONAV

Leviticus 4 in the BONCB

Leviticus 4 in the BONLT

Leviticus 4 in the BONUT2

Leviticus 4 in the BOPLNT

Leviticus 4 in the BOSCB

Leviticus 4 in the BOSNC

Leviticus 4 in the BOTLNT

Leviticus 4 in the BOVCB

Leviticus 4 in the BOYCB

Leviticus 4 in the BPBB

Leviticus 4 in the BPH

Leviticus 4 in the BSB

Leviticus 4 in the CCB

Leviticus 4 in the CUV

Leviticus 4 in the CUVS

Leviticus 4 in the DBT

Leviticus 4 in the DGDNT

Leviticus 4 in the DHNT

Leviticus 4 in the DNT

Leviticus 4 in the ELBE

Leviticus 4 in the EMTV

Leviticus 4 in the ESV

Leviticus 4 in the FBV

Leviticus 4 in the FEB

Leviticus 4 in the GGMNT

Leviticus 4 in the GNT

Leviticus 4 in the HARY

Leviticus 4 in the HNT

Leviticus 4 in the IRVA

Leviticus 4 in the IRVB

Leviticus 4 in the IRVG

Leviticus 4 in the IRVH

Leviticus 4 in the IRVK

Leviticus 4 in the IRVM

Leviticus 4 in the IRVM2

Leviticus 4 in the IRVO

Leviticus 4 in the IRVP

Leviticus 4 in the IRVT

Leviticus 4 in the IRVT2

Leviticus 4 in the IRVU

Leviticus 4 in the ISVN

Leviticus 4 in the JSNT

Leviticus 4 in the KAPI

Leviticus 4 in the KBT1ETNIK

Leviticus 4 in the KBV

Leviticus 4 in the KJV

Leviticus 4 in the KNFD

Leviticus 4 in the LBA

Leviticus 4 in the LBLA

Leviticus 4 in the LNT

Leviticus 4 in the LSV

Leviticus 4 in the MAAL

Leviticus 4 in the MBV

Leviticus 4 in the MBV2

Leviticus 4 in the MHNT

Leviticus 4 in the MKNFD

Leviticus 4 in the MNG

Leviticus 4 in the MNT

Leviticus 4 in the MNT2

Leviticus 4 in the MRS1T

Leviticus 4 in the NAA

Leviticus 4 in the NASB

Leviticus 4 in the NBLA

Leviticus 4 in the NBS

Leviticus 4 in the NBVTP

Leviticus 4 in the NET2

Leviticus 4 in the NIV11

Leviticus 4 in the NNT

Leviticus 4 in the NNT2

Leviticus 4 in the NNT3

Leviticus 4 in the PDDPT

Leviticus 4 in the PFNT

Leviticus 4 in the RMNT

Leviticus 4 in the SBIAS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIBS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIBS2

Leviticus 4 in the SBICS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIDS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIGS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIHS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIIS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIIS2

Leviticus 4 in the SBIIS3

Leviticus 4 in the SBIKS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIKS2

Leviticus 4 in the SBIMS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIOS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIPS

Leviticus 4 in the SBISS

Leviticus 4 in the SBITS

Leviticus 4 in the SBITS2

Leviticus 4 in the SBITS3

Leviticus 4 in the SBITS4

Leviticus 4 in the SBIUS

Leviticus 4 in the SBIVS

Leviticus 4 in the SBT

Leviticus 4 in the SBT1E

Leviticus 4 in the SCHL

Leviticus 4 in the SNT

Leviticus 4 in the SUSU

Leviticus 4 in the SUSU2

Leviticus 4 in the SYNO

Leviticus 4 in the TBIAOTANT

Leviticus 4 in the TBT1E

Leviticus 4 in the TBT1E2

Leviticus 4 in the TFTIP

Leviticus 4 in the TFTU

Leviticus 4 in the TGNTATF3T

Leviticus 4 in the THAI

Leviticus 4 in the TNFD

Leviticus 4 in the TNT

Leviticus 4 in the TNTIK

Leviticus 4 in the TNTIL

Leviticus 4 in the TNTIN

Leviticus 4 in the TNTIP

Leviticus 4 in the TNTIZ

Leviticus 4 in the TOMA

Leviticus 4 in the TTENT

Leviticus 4 in the UBG

Leviticus 4 in the UGV

Leviticus 4 in the UGV2

Leviticus 4 in the UGV3

Leviticus 4 in the VBL

Leviticus 4 in the VDCC

Leviticus 4 in the YALU

Leviticus 4 in the YAPE

Leviticus 4 in the YBVTP

Leviticus 4 in the ZBP