Acts 26 (TNFD)

1 Pen Juda gapman bɨnonɨm Aglipa ne Pol nop agak, Yad nep nɨgebin nen, takaw agan agak. Agek, Pol ñɨn dad aplanɨl agak, 2 Bɨnonɨm Aglipa. Nad apɨl yɨp takaw agɨnɨmɨn age, Juda bɨ okok takaw yɨp apal ak nep agɨnɨgebin ak, nɨgɨnɨgaban agɨl nɨgen yɨp tep gup agak. 3 Chɨn Juda binɨb gɨpun gɨpun adek ak sek, takaw penpen agolɨgɨpun ak sek, nad mɨdupsek nepan ak nɨm, nep agɨnɨgebin ak, nɨgɨnɨgaban agɨl nɨgen yɨp tep gup agak. Anɨb ak takaw agen, yɨp yɨlɨk ma nɨgɨnɨmɨn agak. 4 4-5 Juda binɨb okok mɨdupsek nepal, yad bɨ ke okok nɨb mel, bɨ Pelisi olap agak. Bɨ Pelisi okok, takaw adek keke mɨdɨl kɨdek gep tek mel ak pen, yad takaw anɨb okok mɨdupsek nɨŋɨd, asɨk tep yɨbɨl gɨpin agak. Ñɨsɨkol mug tɨkɨl, mɨd dad apɨl, mɨñɨl mɨdebin ñɨn awl, Juda binɨb taun Tasus nɨb, Jelusalem nɨb yad kɨli ayɨp mɨdebin agak. Anɨb ak yɨp Pelisi agɨl nepal ak pen, takaw anɨb ak we gɨl, yɨp kot gebal agak. 6 Mɨñɨl mɨdebin nɨm awl, yɨp kot gebal agak. Pen God bɨlel apɨs based sɨkop kɨlop takaw tep agek, gos sek kod yelɨgɨpal takaw anep agɨnek ak, kɨli nɨŋɨd yɨp kot gebal agak. 7 Chɨn Juda binɨb okok jɨj keke anep umɨgan ak, subnab maynab God nop kɨdek gɨl agnɨgɨlɨg mɨdobun agak. Chɨn mɨdupsek, God based apɨs sɨkop kɨlop agak takaw tep ak kod mɨdobun agak. Pen bɨnonɨm, nad nɨgan agak. Takaw anɨb anep agen, yɨp kot gɨpal agak. 8 Pen taynen binɨb kubal okok, God kɨlop gek ma tɨkjakɨnɨgabal agɨl gos nepɨm agak? 9 Pen ned ñɨn ak, yad abe Jisas taun Nasalet nɨb takaw ak yɨpɨd ma gup agɨl, takaw anɨb ak gɨ tɨmel yɨbɨl gelɨgɨpin agak. 10 Jelusalem mɨden, bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok yɨp agel, amɨl binɨb Klays yɨl yelak okok kɨlop dad apen, nag lelɨgɨpal agak. Ogɨnap pɨsnep paklelɨgɨpal agak. Pen binɨb pakelɨgɨpal anɨb okok, kɨlop paj agelɨgɨpin agak. 11 Pen Juda apnan gɨpal kal okok ajɨlɨg, binɨb Klays yɨl yelak okok kɨlop nɨŋɨd, takaw anɨb ak kelɨgɨl Klays nop agjunɨgel agɨl, kɨlop gɨ tɨmel gelɨgɨpin agak. Yɨp mɨlɨk tɨmel yapek, binɨb anɨb okok pɨyow nɨgin agɨl, man palawl okok amelɨgɨpin agak. 12 Pol takaw olap agak, Pen ñɨn olap, taun Damaskus amɨl binɨb Klays yɨl yelak okok kɨlop nag lɨl dad owin agɨnek. Agen, bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok yaw agɨl, mɨj tɨk ñel, dad saŋɨdɨnek agak. 13 Bɨnonɨm nɨgan agak. Subnab won ak, kanɨb nab ak amɨlɨg nɨgɨnek, mɨlek awl ak wɨsɨp alaŋ nɨb, chɨn amnɨnok ak nɨgak agak. Mɨlek anɨb ak, sub mɨlek tek mel, mɨlek awl anɨb ak ke yɨbɨl gak agak. 14 Anɨgek, chɨn mɨdupsek apyap pakɨl yad nɨgɨnek, takaw olap, takaw yɨbɨl chɨn Hiblu takaw agɨl, yɨp agak. Anɨb agak, Sol. Sol. Yɨp taynen pel gɨ tɨmel gɨpan agak? Tap kɨd tɨmel ak, tob pak dɨge okok okok gup, nep ke puŋɨlɨl yul geb agak. 15 Agek, yad agɨnek, Bɨawl, nad an agɨnek agak? Agen Bɨawl ne agak, Yad Jisas, yɨp pel gɨ tɨmel gɨpan ak nep agak. 16 Anɨb agɨl, yɨp agak, Tɨkjakan agak. Yad nep aglɨnɨg opin ak agɨnɨgebin agak. Nad wog yad ak gɨnɨgaban agak. Yɨp mɨñɨl nepan tek, pen kɨdek yomen nɨgtep gɨnɨgaban tek, binɨb okok kɨlop agñɨnɨgaban agak. 17 Binɨb nak okok sek, binɨb Juda mel okok sek kɨli nep gɨ tɨmel gɨlaknɨŋ, nep kod yenɨgayn agak. Pen binɨb Juda mel anɨb okok, yad nep agyoken kɨlop amnɨgaban agak. 18 Yad nep agyoken, wɨdɨn kɨlop am tɨg yoke, sɨbgup bad ak kelɨgɨl, mɨlek ak nɨgɨnɨgabal agak. Satan kɨles ne ak kelɨgɨl, God yɨl ownɨgabal agak. Anɨgek, yɨp gos lɨnɨgel, God ne tap si tap tɨmel gɨlak okok tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨgab agak. Tɨg walɨg gɨyokek, kɨli binɨb yad ke aglɨpin nab okok yenɨgel agak. 19 Pol takaw olap agak, Pen bɨnonɨm Aglipa agak. Takaw anɨb ak God man ne alaŋ nɨb apek nɨgɨnek ak, ma kelɨgɨnek agak. 20 Taun Damaskus amɨl, binɨb anɨb okok kɨlop God takaw tep ak agñɨnek agak. Kɨdek amɨl Jelusalem binɨb kɨlop agñɨl, Judiya binɨb okok mɨdupsek kɨlop agñɨl, binɨb Juda mel man okok agñɨl gɨnek agak. Kɨlop agñɨl agɨnek, Nɨbi tap si tap tɨmel gɨpun ak taynen anɨgɨpun agɨl kelɨgɨnɨmɨb agɨnek agak. Kelɨgɨl, adɨkɨd God nop gos nɨŋɨd, gos teplep pal ak kɨdek gɨnɨmɨb agɨnek agak. Kɨdek gem, nɨbi God yɨl opɨm agɨl nɨgɨnɨgabal agɨnek agak 21 Yad takaw anɨb ak agen, jɨj anɨb won ak Juda binɨb okok yɨp chɨchɨk dɨlak agak. God agnɨgep kal awl kab wali kus gɨl yek ak mɨgan ayaŋ amenek, yɨp chɨchɨk dɨl paklun agɨl nɨgɨlak agak. 22 God pen yɨp kod mɨdɨl, mɨd dad amɨl, mɨñɨl kod mɨdeb agak. Ak tek ak, takaw tep nop ak, binɨb yɨb mɨdeb okok sek, binɨb yɨb ma mɨdeb okok sek agñɨlɨg mɨdebin agak. Takaw agñɨbin anɨb ak, adek olap ke mel, bɨ Mosis sek, bɨ God gos ñek agñeb okok sek, kɨli agɨlak tek agñɨbin agak. 23 Kɨli agɨlak, Bɨ God nop aglup ak ne apɨl, yul awl dɨl kumnɨgab agɨlak agak. Kumɨl, ne ned jɨj ak tɨkjakɨnɨgab agɨlak agak. Ak nɨm, ne God mɨlek takaw ak dɨl age, Juda binɨb okok sek, binɨb Juda mel okok sek nɨgɨnɨgabal agɨlak agak. 24 Pol takaw anɨb ak agaknɨŋ, gapman bɨawl Pestus takaw awl agɨl agak, Pol. Nad takaw adek keke nepan tek, kɨmɨg mok nep ak mɨlep gek ageban agak. 25 Agek Pol agak, Bɨawl Pestus. Yɨp kɨmɨg mok mɨlep gek ma agebin agak. Gos nɨgɨlɨg takaw nɨŋɨd yɨbɨl ak agebin agak. 26 Chɨn nɨŋɨd gɨpun adek ak, bɨnonɨm Aglipa ne nɨgup ak nɨm, yad nop pɨlɨkɨl ma agebin agak. Yad nepin, tap anɨb okok mɨdupsek gak ak, we gɨl ma gak, mɨseŋ yɨbɨl gek nɨgak ak nɨm, tap olap ma nɨgup mel, mɨdupsek nɨgup agak. 27 Bɨnonɨm Aglipa, nad bɨ God gos ñek agñeb takaw agɨlak ak, nɨŋɨd agɨlak agɨl gos nepan akaŋ agak? Yad nepin, nad nɨŋɨd agɨlak agɨl nepan tek lup agak. 28 Pol anɨb agek, Aglipa ne Pol nop agak, Nad yɨp takaw sɨkol olap agen Klays bɨne olap mɨdeŋ agɨl, yɨp takaw anɨb ak ageban akaŋ agak? 29 Agek Pol agak, Takaw palawl agɨl akaŋ, takaw wulep won agɨl ma apin agak. Pen God nop agnɨŋɨd apin, Nad ayɨp, binɨb takaw agen nɨg mɨdebal okol ayɨp, nɨbi mɨdupsek yad mɨdebin tek yenɨmɨb apin agak. Pen yɨp nag kɨles lɨpal tek, nɨbop ma lɨnɨgel apin agak. 30 Pol anɨb agek, Juda bɨnonɨm Aglipa ak, gapman bɨawl Pestus ak, Aglipa nɨnay Benaysi ak, binɨb ayɨp yelak okok, kɨli mɨdupsek tɨkjakɨlak. 31 Tɨkjakɨl, seŋayaŋ am mɨdɨl agɨlak, Binɨb okok tap tɨmel gel nɨm, kot gɨl, ogɨnap nag lɨl, ogɨnap pɨsnep paklɨl gɨpal agɨlak. Bɨ anɨb awl pen tap tɨmel olap ma gup agɨlak. 32 Anɨb agɨl, Aglipa ne Pestus nop agak, Bɨ anɨb ak kalabus kelɨgɨl seŋayaŋ abɨkop ak pen, ne Lom gapman bɨnonɨm ne kot yɨp nɨgɨnɨgab agup agak. Ak nɨm, kalabus mɨdɨl, Lom gapman bɨnonɨm mɨdeb ak amnɨgab agak.

In Other Versions

Acts 26 in the ANGEFD

Acts 26 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 26 in the AS21

Acts 26 in the BAGH

Acts 26 in the BBPNG

Acts 26 in the BBT1E

Acts 26 in the BDS

Acts 26 in the BEV

Acts 26 in the BHAD

Acts 26 in the BIB

Acts 26 in the BLPT

Acts 26 in the BNT

Acts 26 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 26 in the BNTLV

Acts 26 in the BOATCB

Acts 26 in the BOATCB2

Acts 26 in the BOBCV

Acts 26 in the BOCNT

Acts 26 in the BOECS

Acts 26 in the BOGWICC

Acts 26 in the BOHCB

Acts 26 in the BOHCV

Acts 26 in the BOHLNT

Acts 26 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 26 in the BOICB

Acts 26 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 26 in the BOITCV

Acts 26 in the BOKCV

Acts 26 in the BOKCV2

Acts 26 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 26 in the BOKSSV

Acts 26 in the BOLCB

Acts 26 in the BOLCB2

Acts 26 in the BOMCV

Acts 26 in the BONAV

Acts 26 in the BONCB

Acts 26 in the BONLT

Acts 26 in the BONUT2

Acts 26 in the BOPLNT

Acts 26 in the BOSCB

Acts 26 in the BOSNC

Acts 26 in the BOTLNT

Acts 26 in the BOVCB

Acts 26 in the BOYCB

Acts 26 in the BPBB

Acts 26 in the BPH

Acts 26 in the BSB

Acts 26 in the CCB

Acts 26 in the CUV

Acts 26 in the CUVS

Acts 26 in the DBT

Acts 26 in the DGDNT

Acts 26 in the DHNT

Acts 26 in the DNT

Acts 26 in the ELBE

Acts 26 in the EMTV

Acts 26 in the ESV

Acts 26 in the FBV

Acts 26 in the FEB

Acts 26 in the GGMNT

Acts 26 in the GNT

Acts 26 in the HARY

Acts 26 in the HNT

Acts 26 in the IRVA

Acts 26 in the IRVB

Acts 26 in the IRVG

Acts 26 in the IRVH

Acts 26 in the IRVK

Acts 26 in the IRVM

Acts 26 in the IRVM2

Acts 26 in the IRVO

Acts 26 in the IRVP

Acts 26 in the IRVT

Acts 26 in the IRVT2

Acts 26 in the IRVU

Acts 26 in the ISVN

Acts 26 in the JSNT

Acts 26 in the KAPI

Acts 26 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 26 in the KBV

Acts 26 in the KJV

Acts 26 in the KNFD

Acts 26 in the LBA

Acts 26 in the LBLA

Acts 26 in the LNT

Acts 26 in the LSV

Acts 26 in the MAAL

Acts 26 in the MBV

Acts 26 in the MBV2

Acts 26 in the MHNT

Acts 26 in the MKNFD

Acts 26 in the MNG

Acts 26 in the MNT

Acts 26 in the MNT2

Acts 26 in the MRS1T

Acts 26 in the NAA

Acts 26 in the NASB

Acts 26 in the NBLA

Acts 26 in the NBS

Acts 26 in the NBVTP

Acts 26 in the NET2

Acts 26 in the NIV11

Acts 26 in the NNT

Acts 26 in the NNT2

Acts 26 in the NNT3

Acts 26 in the PDDPT

Acts 26 in the PFNT

Acts 26 in the RMNT

Acts 26 in the SBIAS

Acts 26 in the SBIBS

Acts 26 in the SBIBS2

Acts 26 in the SBICS

Acts 26 in the SBIDS

Acts 26 in the SBIGS

Acts 26 in the SBIHS

Acts 26 in the SBIIS

Acts 26 in the SBIIS2

Acts 26 in the SBIIS3

Acts 26 in the SBIKS

Acts 26 in the SBIKS2

Acts 26 in the SBIMS

Acts 26 in the SBIOS

Acts 26 in the SBIPS

Acts 26 in the SBISS

Acts 26 in the SBITS

Acts 26 in the SBITS2

Acts 26 in the SBITS3

Acts 26 in the SBITS4

Acts 26 in the SBIUS

Acts 26 in the SBIVS

Acts 26 in the SBT

Acts 26 in the SBT1E

Acts 26 in the SCHL

Acts 26 in the SNT

Acts 26 in the SUSU

Acts 26 in the SUSU2

Acts 26 in the SYNO

Acts 26 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 26 in the TBT1E

Acts 26 in the TBT1E2

Acts 26 in the TFTIP

Acts 26 in the TFTU

Acts 26 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 26 in the THAI

Acts 26 in the TNT

Acts 26 in the TNTIK

Acts 26 in the TNTIL

Acts 26 in the TNTIN

Acts 26 in the TNTIP

Acts 26 in the TNTIZ

Acts 26 in the TOMA

Acts 26 in the TTENT

Acts 26 in the UBG

Acts 26 in the UGV

Acts 26 in the UGV2

Acts 26 in the UGV3

Acts 26 in the VBL

Acts 26 in the VDCC

Acts 26 in the YALU

Acts 26 in the YAPE

Acts 26 in the YBVTP

Acts 26 in the ZBP