2 Kings 18 (BOATCB)

1 Ahas babarima Hesekia hyɛɛ aseɛ dii ɔhene wɔ Yuda no, na Ela babarima Hosea adi ɔhene wɔ Israel mfeɛ mmiɛnsa. 2 Ɔdii ɔhene no na wadi mfirinhyia aduonu enum, na ɔdii ɔhene wɔ Yerusalem mfirinhyia aduonu nkron. Na ne maame yɛ Sakaria babaa a wɔfrɛ no Abi. 3 Ɔyɛɛ deɛ ɛfata wɔ Awurade ani so, sɛdeɛ ne tete agya Dawid yɛeɛ no. 4 Ɔtutuu abosonnan, bubuu afadum kronkron no, kaa Asera afɔrebukyia no guu fam. Ɔbubuu kɔbere mfrafraeɛ ɔwɔ a Mose ayɛ no, ɛfiri sɛ, na nnipa no hye nnuhwam ma no de som. Na wɔfrɛ ɔwɔ no a wɔde kɔbere mfrafraeɛ ayɛ no Nehustan. 5 Hesekia de ne ho too AWURADE, Israel Onyankopɔn so. Nʼakyi ne nʼanim no, na ɔhene biara nni hɔ a ɔte sɛ no wɔ Yuda asase so. 6 Biribiara mu, ɔdii AWURADE nokorɛ, na ɔde ntoboaseɛ dii ahyɛdeɛ a AWURADE de maa Mose no nyinaa so. 7 Ne saa enti, na AWURADE ka ne ho, na Hesekia kɔɔ so wɔ biribiara a ɔyɛeɛ mu. Ɔyɛɛ dɔm tiaa Asiriahene, na wantua apeatoɔ amma no. 8 Afei, ɔkɔdii Filistifoɔ so nkonim, de kɔsii Gasa ne nʼahyeɛ so, firi ne nkuraaseɛ, de kɔsii wɔn kuropɔn a wɔato ɔfasuo atwa ho no. 9 Hesekia ahennie no mfeɛ ɛnan so a na ɔhene Hosea nso wɔ nʼahennie wɔ Israel mfeɛ nson mu no, Asiriahene Salmaneser kɔtuaa Israel, hyɛɛ aseɛ kaa Samaria kuropɔn hyɛeɛ. 10 Mfeɛ mmiɛnsa akyi a, na ɔhene Hesekia adi adeɛ mfeɛ nsia mu a, na ɛyɛ ɔhene Hosea nso adedie wɔ Israel mfeɛ nkron mu no, Samaria bɔeɛ. 11 Saa ɛberɛ no, Asiriahene twaa Israelfoɔ no asuo, kɔɔ Asiria, de wɔn hyehyɛɛ aman so wɔ Halah wɔ Asubɔnten Habor a ɛwɔ Gosan nkonkɔnoa ne nkuro akɛseɛ a ɛwɔ Media mu. 12 Ɛfiri sɛ, wɔantie AWURADE, wɔn Onyankopɔn no. Wɔbuu nʼapam no so, mmara a AWURADE nam Mose so hyehyɛ maa wɔn no. 13 Ɔhene Hesekia adedie mfeɛ dunan so, Asiriahene Sanaherib bɛto hyɛɛ Yuda nkuro a na wɔabɔ ho ban no so, dii wɔn so nkonim. 14 Na Hesekia de saa nkra yi kɔmaa Asiriahene wɔ Lakis sɛ, “Mayɛ mfomsoɔ. Sɛ wobɛfiri ha akɔ nko ara deɛ a, apeatoɔ biara a wobɛgye me no, mɛtua.” Na Asiriahene bisaa mpatadeɛ a ɛboro dwetɛ tɔno 11 ne sikakɔkɔɔ nso bɛyɛ tɔno baako. 15 Enti, ɔhene Hesekia de dwetɛ a wɔakora no AWURADE Asɔredan no mu ne deɛ ɛwɔ ahemfie adekoraeɛ hɔ nyinaa maeɛ. 16 Mpo, Hesekia waawae sikakɔkɔɔ a wɔde aduradura AWURADE asɔredan no apono ho, de ne nyinaa maa Asiriahene. 17 Yeinom nyinaa akyi, Asiriahene somaa ne sahene, nʼasraadɔmhene ne nʼananmusini firii Lakis ne akodɔm a wɔn mu yɛ duru, kɔɔ Hesekia so wɔ Yerusalem. Asiriafoɔ no gyinaa nsukwan bi a ɛma atifi ɔtadeɛ nsuo a ɛbɛn ɛkwan a ɛde kɔ baabi a wɔpa ntoma ani no ho. 18 Wɔfrɛɛ Hesekia, nanso ɔsomaa ne mpanimfoɔ yi sɛ wɔnkɔhyia wɔn: Hilkia babarima Eliakim a ɔhwɛ ahemfie hɔ so, ɔtwerɛfoɔ Sebna ne Asaf babarima Yoa a ɔyɛ ahemfie abakɔsɛm twerɛfoɔ. 19 Na Asiriahene no ara ananmusini no ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Monka nkyerɛ Hesekia sɛ,“ ‘Asɛm a otumfoɔ Asiriahene ka nie: Ɛdeɛn na wode wo ho to so a ɛma wogye wo ho di saa? 20 Wogye di sɛ wobɛtumi de anosɛm hunu asi akodie mu nyansa ne nʼahoɔden anan? Wʼakyitaafoɔ bɛn na wɔbɛtaa wʼakyi, ama woatumi ako atia Asiria? 21 Misraim anaa? Sɛ wotwere Misraim a, wobɛhunu sɛ, ɛte sɛ abaa a wo mu duru bɛbu no, na awɔ wo ahwire wo nsam. Misraim Farao mpo mu nni ahotosoɔ korakora. 22 Ebia, wobɛka sɛ, “Yɛde yɛn ho to AWURADE, yɛn Onyankopɔn so!” Nanso, ɛnyɛ ɔno na ɔhene Hesekia didii nʼatɛm no? Hesekia ammubu abosonnan ne afɔrebukyia nyinaa, anhyɛ Yudafoɔ sɛ wɔnsom wɔ afɔrebukyia a ɛwɔ Yerusalem ha nko ara no so? 23 “ ‘Mɛka asɛm bi akyerɛ wo! Me wura Asiriahene ne wo bɛyɛ nhyehyɛeɛ bi. Sɛ wobɛnya apɔnkɔsotefoɔ mpenu, afiri wʼasraadɔm mu a, ɔbɛma wɔn apɔnkɔ mpenu ama wɔatenatena wɔn so. 24 Na wʼasraadɔm ketewa sɛɛ yi, ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na woaso daeɛ sɛ wobɛtumi ne me wura akodɔm no mu fa bi a wɔyɛ mmerɛ mpo adi asie. Menim sɛ wode wo ho ato Misraim nteaseɛnam ne apɔnkɔsotefoɔ mmoa so. 25 Deɛ ɛka ho ne sɛ, wogye di sɛ yɛadi mo asase yi so a AWURADE akwankyerɛ nni mu? AWURADE ankasa na ɔka kyerɛɛ yɛn sɛ, Kɔ na kɔsɛe no!’ ” 26 Afei, Hilkia babarima Eliakim ne Sebna ne Yoa ka kyerɛɛ ɔhene no ananmusini no sɛ, “Kasa wɔ Arameike mu kyerɛ yɛn, na saa kasa no na yɛte aseɛ yie. Nka Hebri nkyerɛ yɛn, ɛfiri sɛ nnipa a wɔwɔ ɔfasuo no so no bɛte.” 27 Na ɔsahene no buaa sɛ, “Me wura pɛ sɛ obiara a ɔwɔ Yerusalem te saa asɛm yi, na ɛnyɛ mo nko. Ɔpɛ sɛ wɔte sɛ, sɛ moamma mo nsa so a, wɔbɛtua kuropɔn yi. Ɛkɔm ne sukɔm werɛmfoɔ bɛde nkurɔfoɔ no ara kɔsi sɛ, wɔbɛdi wɔn ara agyanan, anom wɔn dwonsɔ.” 28 Afei, ɔsɔre gyinaeɛ, maa ne nne so kasaa wɔ Hebri mu, kyerɛɛ nnipa a wɔwɔ ɔfasuo no so sɛ, “Montie nkra a ɛfiri Asiria ɔhene kɛseɛ no nkyɛn! 29 Sɛdeɛ ɔhene seɛ nie: Mommma ɔhene Hesekia nnaadaa mo. Ɔrentumi nnye mo mfiri me tumi ase. 30 Mommma ɔnnaadaa mo sɛ, momfa mo ho nto AWURADE so, nnka sɛ, ‘AWURADE bɛgye yɛn! Wɔremfa saa kuropɔn yi mma Asiriahene da.’ 31 “Monntie Hesekia. Yeinom ne nhyehyɛeɛ a Asiriahene reyɛ. Mo ne me nni no asomdwoeɛ so. Mommue apono no, na mompue mmra. Na mɛma mo mu biara ɛkwan, na moatoa so adidi afiri mo bobe ne borɔdɔma mfikyifuo mu, anom nsuo afiri mo ara mo abura mu. 32 Na mɛyɛ nhyehyɛeɛ de mo akɔ asase foforɔ bi a ɛte sɛ yei so. Ɛyɛ ɔman a atokoɔ, nsã, burodo, bobe nturo, ngo nnua ne ɛwoɔ abu so hɔ. Ɛyɛ asase a nneɛma pa abu so hɔ. Mompere nkwa, na monyi owuo akwa!“Mommma Hesekia nnaadaa mo nka sɛ, ‘AWURADE bɛgye yɛn!’ 33 Anyame a wɔwɔ aman so no atumi agye wɔn nkurɔfoɔ afiri Asiriahene nsam da? 34 Asɛm bɛn na ɛtoo Hamat ne Arpad anyame no? Na Sefarwaim, Hena ne Iwa anyame nso, wɔwɔ he? Wɔtumi gyee Samaria firii me tumi ase anaa? 35 Ɔman bɛn so anyame na watumi agye ne nkurɔfoɔ afiri me tumi ase? Mommɔ baako pɛ din. Na afei, ɛdeɛn na ɛma mo dwene sɛ AWURADE bɛtumi agye Yerusalem?” 36 Na nnipa no yɛɛ komm a wɔamma mmuaeɛ biara, ɛfiri sɛ, na Hesekia aka akyerɛ wɔn sɛ wɔnnkasa. 37 Afei, Hilkia babarima Eliakim, ahemfie sohwɛfoɔ ne ɔtwerɛfoɔ Sebna ne Asaf babarima Yoa, ahemfie abakɔsɛm twerɛfoɔ, sane kɔɔ Hesekia nkyɛn. Wɔsunsuanee wɔn ntadeɛ mu, na wɔkɔhunuu ɔhene no, kaa asɛm a Asiria ɔnanmusini kaeɛ no kyerɛɛ no.

In Other Versions

2 Kings 18 in the ANGEFD

2 Kings 18 in the ANTPNG2D

2 Kings 18 in the AS21

2 Kings 18 in the BAGH

2 Kings 18 in the BBPNG

2 Kings 18 in the BBT1E

2 Kings 18 in the BDS

2 Kings 18 in the BEV

2 Kings 18 in the BHAD

2 Kings 18 in the BIB

2 Kings 18 in the BLPT

2 Kings 18 in the BNT

2 Kings 18 in the BNTABOOT

2 Kings 18 in the BNTLV

2 Kings 18 in the BOATCB2

2 Kings 18 in the BOBCV

2 Kings 18 in the BOCNT

2 Kings 18 in the BOECS

2 Kings 18 in the BOGWICC

2 Kings 18 in the BOHCB

2 Kings 18 in the BOHCV

2 Kings 18 in the BOHLNT

2 Kings 18 in the BOHNTLTAL

2 Kings 18 in the BOICB

2 Kings 18 in the BOILNTAP

2 Kings 18 in the BOITCV

2 Kings 18 in the BOKCV

2 Kings 18 in the BOKCV2

2 Kings 18 in the BOKHWOG

2 Kings 18 in the BOKSSV

2 Kings 18 in the BOLCB

2 Kings 18 in the BOLCB2

2 Kings 18 in the BOMCV

2 Kings 18 in the BONAV

2 Kings 18 in the BONCB

2 Kings 18 in the BONLT

2 Kings 18 in the BONUT2

2 Kings 18 in the BOPLNT

2 Kings 18 in the BOSCB

2 Kings 18 in the BOSNC

2 Kings 18 in the BOTLNT

2 Kings 18 in the BOVCB

2 Kings 18 in the BOYCB

2 Kings 18 in the BPBB

2 Kings 18 in the BPH

2 Kings 18 in the BSB

2 Kings 18 in the CCB

2 Kings 18 in the CUV

2 Kings 18 in the CUVS

2 Kings 18 in the DBT

2 Kings 18 in the DGDNT

2 Kings 18 in the DHNT

2 Kings 18 in the DNT

2 Kings 18 in the ELBE

2 Kings 18 in the EMTV

2 Kings 18 in the ESV

2 Kings 18 in the FBV

2 Kings 18 in the FEB

2 Kings 18 in the GGMNT

2 Kings 18 in the GNT

2 Kings 18 in the HARY

2 Kings 18 in the HNT

2 Kings 18 in the IRVA

2 Kings 18 in the IRVB

2 Kings 18 in the IRVG

2 Kings 18 in the IRVH

2 Kings 18 in the IRVK

2 Kings 18 in the IRVM

2 Kings 18 in the IRVM2

2 Kings 18 in the IRVO

2 Kings 18 in the IRVP

2 Kings 18 in the IRVT

2 Kings 18 in the IRVT2

2 Kings 18 in the IRVU

2 Kings 18 in the ISVN

2 Kings 18 in the JSNT

2 Kings 18 in the KAPI

2 Kings 18 in the KBT1ETNIK

2 Kings 18 in the KBV

2 Kings 18 in the KJV

2 Kings 18 in the KNFD

2 Kings 18 in the LBA

2 Kings 18 in the LBLA

2 Kings 18 in the LNT

2 Kings 18 in the LSV

2 Kings 18 in the MAAL

2 Kings 18 in the MBV

2 Kings 18 in the MBV2

2 Kings 18 in the MHNT

2 Kings 18 in the MKNFD

2 Kings 18 in the MNG

2 Kings 18 in the MNT

2 Kings 18 in the MNT2

2 Kings 18 in the MRS1T

2 Kings 18 in the NAA

2 Kings 18 in the NASB

2 Kings 18 in the NBLA

2 Kings 18 in the NBS

2 Kings 18 in the NBVTP

2 Kings 18 in the NET2

2 Kings 18 in the NIV11

2 Kings 18 in the NNT

2 Kings 18 in the NNT2

2 Kings 18 in the NNT3

2 Kings 18 in the PDDPT

2 Kings 18 in the PFNT

2 Kings 18 in the RMNT

2 Kings 18 in the SBIAS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIBS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIBS2

2 Kings 18 in the SBICS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIDS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIGS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIHS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIIS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIIS2

2 Kings 18 in the SBIIS3

2 Kings 18 in the SBIKS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIKS2

2 Kings 18 in the SBIMS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIOS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIPS

2 Kings 18 in the SBISS

2 Kings 18 in the SBITS

2 Kings 18 in the SBITS2

2 Kings 18 in the SBITS3

2 Kings 18 in the SBITS4

2 Kings 18 in the SBIUS

2 Kings 18 in the SBIVS

2 Kings 18 in the SBT

2 Kings 18 in the SBT1E

2 Kings 18 in the SCHL

2 Kings 18 in the SNT

2 Kings 18 in the SUSU

2 Kings 18 in the SUSU2

2 Kings 18 in the SYNO

2 Kings 18 in the TBIAOTANT

2 Kings 18 in the TBT1E

2 Kings 18 in the TBT1E2

2 Kings 18 in the TFTIP

2 Kings 18 in the TFTU

2 Kings 18 in the TGNTATF3T

2 Kings 18 in the THAI

2 Kings 18 in the TNFD

2 Kings 18 in the TNT

2 Kings 18 in the TNTIK

2 Kings 18 in the TNTIL

2 Kings 18 in the TNTIN

2 Kings 18 in the TNTIP

2 Kings 18 in the TNTIZ

2 Kings 18 in the TOMA

2 Kings 18 in the TTENT

2 Kings 18 in the UBG

2 Kings 18 in the UGV

2 Kings 18 in the UGV2

2 Kings 18 in the UGV3

2 Kings 18 in the VBL

2 Kings 18 in the VDCC

2 Kings 18 in the YALU

2 Kings 18 in the YAPE

2 Kings 18 in the YBVTP

2 Kings 18 in the ZBP