Joshua 21 (BOECS)

1 Levitɔwo ƒe kplɔlawo va Silo be yewoalé nya aɖe akpɔ kple nunɔla Eleazar kple Yosua kple Israel ƒe to vovovoawo ƒe kplɔlawo. 2 Wogblɔ na takpekpe la be, “Yehowa ɖo na eƒe dɔla, Mose, be wòatsɔ du aɖewo ana mí Levitɔwo, woanye aƒe na mí kple lãnyiƒe na míaƒe lãwo.” 3 Eya ta Israelviwo tsɔ du siwo dzi woɖu la dometɔ aɖewo kple woƒe lãnyiƒewo na Levitɔwo abe ale si Yehowa gblɔ ene. 4 Levi ƒome la ƒe akpa si tso Kohat ƒe hlɔ̃ me lae nye ame gbãtɔ siwo wona anyigbae. Aron ƒe dzidzimeviwo hã xɔ du wuietɔ̃ siwo nye: Yuda, Simeon kple Benyamin ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba ƒe akpa aɖe. 5 Wotsɔ du ewo tso Efraim ƒe viwo ƒe duwo me na Kohat ƒe ƒome bubuawo. 6 Gerson ƒe viwo xɔ du wuietɔ̃ siwo wotia to akɔdada me tso du siwo le Basan la me. Isaka ƒe viwo, Aser ƒe viwo, Naftali ƒe viwo kple Manase ƒe to ƒe afã ɖe asi le du siawo ŋu na wo. 7 Merari ƒe viwo xɔ du wuieve tso Ruben ƒe viwo, Gad ƒe viwo kple Zebulon ƒe viwo gbɔ. 8 Ale wowɔ ɖe nu si Yehowa ɖo na Mose la dzi, eye woma du siawo kple lãnyiƒe siwo le wo ŋu la to akɔdada me. 9 Esiawoe nye du siwo woxɔ tso Yuda ƒe viwo kple Simeon ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi 10 na Aron ƒe dzidzimeviwo, ame siwo wɔ Kohat hlɔ̃, eye wodzɔ tso Levi me. Woawoe nye ame gbãtɔ siwo wona anyigbae. 11 Wotsɔ Arba du, si wotsɔ Arba, Anak fofo ƒe ŋkɔ na, eye woyɔnɛ azɔ be Hebron le Yuda ƒe tonyigba dzi la na wo, kpe ɖe lãnyiƒe si ƒo xlãe la ŋu. 12 Ke wotsɔ agblenyigba siwo le dua kple kɔƒe siwo le eŋu la na Kaleb, Yefune ƒe vi, abe eƒe domenyinu ene xoxo. 13 Hekpe ɖe Hebron si nye sitsoƒeduwo dometɔ ɖeka ŋu la, du siwo wogatsɔ na nunɔla Aron ƒe dzidzimeviwo la woe nye Libna, 14 Yatir, Estemoa, 15 Holon, Debir, 16 Ain, Yuta kple Bet Semes kple lãnyiƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo. Wonye du asiekɛ tso Yuda ƒe viwo kple Simeon ƒe viwo ƒe anyigbawo me. 17 Wona du ene siawo wo, le Benyamin ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi:Gibeon, Geba, 18 Anatɔt kple Almon kple lãnyiƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo. 19 Ale wotsɔ du wuietɔ̃ kple lãnyiƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo la na nunɔlawo, Aron ƒe dzidzimeviwo. 20 Wotsɔ du aɖewo tso Efraim ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi na ƒome bubu aɖewo tso Kohat hlɔ̃ la me. 21 Wotsɔ du ene siawo le Efraim tonyigba la dzi la na wo:Sekem si nye sitsoƒeduwo dometɔ ɖeka kple lãnyiƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo le Efraim ƒe tonyigba la dzi, Gezer, 22 Kibzaim kple Bet Horon kple wo ŋu lãnyiƒewo. 23 Wotsɔ du ene siawo, Elteke, Gibeton, 24 Aiyalon kple Gat Rimon kple wo ŋu lãnyiƒewo na wo tso Dan ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi. 25 Wotsɔ du eve na wo le Manase ƒe viwo ƒe to afã la ƒe anyigba dzi; du siawoe nye Taanak kple Gat Rimon kpe ɖe woƒe lãnyiƒewo ŋu. 26 Ale ƒome siwo tso Kohat hlɔ̃ la me la, xɔ du ewo kple lãnyiƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo. 27 Levitɔ bubu siwo tso Gerson hlɔ̃ la me la xɔ du eve kple woƒe lãnyiƒewo:le Manase ƒe viwo ƒe ɣedzeƒenyigba dzi.Du siawoe nye Golan le Basan, si nye sitsoƒeduwo dometɔ ɖeka kple Be Estera. 28 Woxɔ du ene siawo le Isaka ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi:Kision, Daberat, 29 Yarmut kple En Ganim, kpe ɖe woƒe lãnyiƒewo ŋu siwo le du ene. 30 Woxɔ du ene siawo le Aser ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi:Misal, Abdon, 31 Helkat kple Rehob, kpe ɖe wo ŋu lãnyiƒewo ŋu siwo le du ene. 32 Woxɔ du etɔ̃ le Naftali ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi:Kedes le Galilea si nye Sitsoƒeduwo dometɔ ɖeka kple Hamot Dor kple Kartan kple wo ŋu lãnyiƒewo siwo le du etɔ̃. 33 Ale ƒome vovovoawo tso Gerson ƒe hlɔ̃ la me xɔ du wuietɔ̃ kple woƒe lãnyiƒewo. 34 Levitɔ mamlɛawo, ame siwo nye Merari ƒe hlɔ̃ la xɔ du ene siawo:le Zebulon ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi:Yokneam, Karta, 35 Dimna kple Nahalal kple woƒe lãnyiƒewo siwo nye du ene. 36 Woxɔ du ene, Bezer, Yahaz, 37 Kedemot kple Mefaat kple wo ŋu lãnyiƒewo le Ruben ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi siwo le du ene. 38 Woxɔ du ene le Gad ƒe viwo ƒe anyigba dzi:Ramot le Gilead si nye sitsoƒeduwo dometɔ ɖeka, Mahanaim, 39 Hesbon kple Yazer kple lãnyiƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo. 40 Ale du siwo katã wodzidze nu tsɔ na Merari ƒe hlɔ̃ siwo nye Levitɔwo ƒe ƒome mamlɛawo la le du wuieve. 41 Du siwo katã nɔ Levitɔwo si le Israelnyigba dzi la, le blaene-vɔ-enyi kpe ɖe woƒe lãnyiƒewo ŋu. 42 Lãnyiƒewo ƒo xlã du siawo dometɔ ɖe sia ɖe, aleae wònɔ na du ɖe sia ɖe. 43 Ale Yehowa tsɔ anyigba si ŋugbe wòdo na wo tɔgbuiwo la katã na Israelviwo. Woyi ɖaɖu ameawo dzi, eye wonɔ afi ma. 44 Yehowa na ŋutifafa wo abe ale si wòdo ŋugbe ene; ame aɖeke mete ŋu nɔ te ɖe wo nu o. Yehowa kpe ɖe wo ŋu woɖu woƒe futɔwo katã dzi. 45 Ale nu nyui siwo katã ŋugbe Yehowa do na wo la va eme nenema tututu.

In Other Versions

Joshua 21 in the ANGEFD

Joshua 21 in the ANTPNG2D

Joshua 21 in the AS21

Joshua 21 in the BAGH

Joshua 21 in the BBPNG

Joshua 21 in the BBT1E

Joshua 21 in the BDS

Joshua 21 in the BEV

Joshua 21 in the BHAD

Joshua 21 in the BIB

Joshua 21 in the BLPT

Joshua 21 in the BNT

Joshua 21 in the BNTABOOT

Joshua 21 in the BNTLV

Joshua 21 in the BOATCB

Joshua 21 in the BOATCB2

Joshua 21 in the BOBCV

Joshua 21 in the BOCNT

Joshua 21 in the BOGWICC

Joshua 21 in the BOHCB

Joshua 21 in the BOHCV

Joshua 21 in the BOHLNT

Joshua 21 in the BOHNTLTAL

Joshua 21 in the BOICB

Joshua 21 in the BOILNTAP

Joshua 21 in the BOITCV

Joshua 21 in the BOKCV

Joshua 21 in the BOKCV2

Joshua 21 in the BOKHWOG

Joshua 21 in the BOKSSV

Joshua 21 in the BOLCB

Joshua 21 in the BOLCB2

Joshua 21 in the BOMCV

Joshua 21 in the BONAV

Joshua 21 in the BONCB

Joshua 21 in the BONLT

Joshua 21 in the BONUT2

Joshua 21 in the BOPLNT

Joshua 21 in the BOSCB

Joshua 21 in the BOSNC

Joshua 21 in the BOTLNT

Joshua 21 in the BOVCB

Joshua 21 in the BOYCB

Joshua 21 in the BPBB

Joshua 21 in the BPH

Joshua 21 in the BSB

Joshua 21 in the CCB

Joshua 21 in the CUV

Joshua 21 in the CUVS

Joshua 21 in the DBT

Joshua 21 in the DGDNT

Joshua 21 in the DHNT

Joshua 21 in the DNT

Joshua 21 in the ELBE

Joshua 21 in the EMTV

Joshua 21 in the ESV

Joshua 21 in the FBV

Joshua 21 in the FEB

Joshua 21 in the GGMNT

Joshua 21 in the GNT

Joshua 21 in the HARY

Joshua 21 in the HNT

Joshua 21 in the IRVA

Joshua 21 in the IRVB

Joshua 21 in the IRVG

Joshua 21 in the IRVH

Joshua 21 in the IRVK

Joshua 21 in the IRVM

Joshua 21 in the IRVM2

Joshua 21 in the IRVO

Joshua 21 in the IRVP

Joshua 21 in the IRVT

Joshua 21 in the IRVT2

Joshua 21 in the IRVU

Joshua 21 in the ISVN

Joshua 21 in the JSNT

Joshua 21 in the KAPI

Joshua 21 in the KBT1ETNIK

Joshua 21 in the KBV

Joshua 21 in the KJV

Joshua 21 in the KNFD

Joshua 21 in the LBA

Joshua 21 in the LBLA

Joshua 21 in the LNT

Joshua 21 in the LSV

Joshua 21 in the MAAL

Joshua 21 in the MBV

Joshua 21 in the MBV2

Joshua 21 in the MHNT

Joshua 21 in the MKNFD

Joshua 21 in the MNG

Joshua 21 in the MNT

Joshua 21 in the MNT2

Joshua 21 in the MRS1T

Joshua 21 in the NAA

Joshua 21 in the NASB

Joshua 21 in the NBLA

Joshua 21 in the NBS

Joshua 21 in the NBVTP

Joshua 21 in the NET2

Joshua 21 in the NIV11

Joshua 21 in the NNT

Joshua 21 in the NNT2

Joshua 21 in the NNT3

Joshua 21 in the PDDPT

Joshua 21 in the PFNT

Joshua 21 in the RMNT

Joshua 21 in the SBIAS

Joshua 21 in the SBIBS

Joshua 21 in the SBIBS2

Joshua 21 in the SBICS

Joshua 21 in the SBIDS

Joshua 21 in the SBIGS

Joshua 21 in the SBIHS

Joshua 21 in the SBIIS

Joshua 21 in the SBIIS2

Joshua 21 in the SBIIS3

Joshua 21 in the SBIKS

Joshua 21 in the SBIKS2

Joshua 21 in the SBIMS

Joshua 21 in the SBIOS

Joshua 21 in the SBIPS

Joshua 21 in the SBISS

Joshua 21 in the SBITS

Joshua 21 in the SBITS2

Joshua 21 in the SBITS3

Joshua 21 in the SBITS4

Joshua 21 in the SBIUS

Joshua 21 in the SBIVS

Joshua 21 in the SBT

Joshua 21 in the SBT1E

Joshua 21 in the SCHL

Joshua 21 in the SNT

Joshua 21 in the SUSU

Joshua 21 in the SUSU2

Joshua 21 in the SYNO

Joshua 21 in the TBIAOTANT

Joshua 21 in the TBT1E

Joshua 21 in the TBT1E2

Joshua 21 in the TFTIP

Joshua 21 in the TFTU

Joshua 21 in the TGNTATF3T

Joshua 21 in the THAI

Joshua 21 in the TNFD

Joshua 21 in the TNT

Joshua 21 in the TNTIK

Joshua 21 in the TNTIL

Joshua 21 in the TNTIN

Joshua 21 in the TNTIP

Joshua 21 in the TNTIZ

Joshua 21 in the TOMA

Joshua 21 in the TTENT

Joshua 21 in the UBG

Joshua 21 in the UGV

Joshua 21 in the UGV2

Joshua 21 in the UGV3

Joshua 21 in the VBL

Joshua 21 in the VDCC

Joshua 21 in the YALU

Joshua 21 in the YAPE

Joshua 21 in the YBVTP

Joshua 21 in the ZBP