Numbers 26 (BOGWICC)

1 Utatha mliri Yehova anati kwa Mose ndi Eliezara mwana wa Aaroni, 2 “Werengani Aisraeli onse mwa mabanja awo, onse a zaka makumi awiri kapena kuposera pamenepo omwe angathe kugwira ntchito ya usilikali mʼgulu lankhondo la Israeli.” 3 Kotero mu zigwa za Mowabu pafupi ndi mtsinje wa Yorodani ku Yeriko, Mose ndi wansembe Eliezara anayankhula nawo kuti, 4 “Werengani amuna a zaka makumi awiri kapena kuposera pamenepo, monga momwe Yehova walamulira Mose.” Aisraeli omwe anachokera ku Igupto ndi awa: 5 Zidzukulu za Rubeni, mwana woyamba wamwamuna wa Israeli, zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Hanoki, fuko la Ahanoki;kuchokera mwa Palu, fuko la Apalu; 6 kuchokera mwa Hezironi, fuko la Ahezironi;kuchokera mwa Karimi, fuko la Akarimi. 7 Awa anali mafuko a Rubeni: onse amene anawerengedwa analipo 43,730. 8 Mwana wa Palu anali Eliabu, 9 ndipo ana a Eliabu anali Nemueli, Datani ndi Abiramu. Datani ndi Abiramu anali gulu la akuluakulu aja amene anawukira Mose ndi Aaroni ndipo analinso mʼgulu la otsatira Kora pamene anawukira Yehova. 10 Nthaka inangʼambika ndi kuwameza pamodzi ndi Kora, kotero kuti gulu lawo linafa pamene moto unapsereza anthu 250 aja, nasanduka chenjezo. 11 Koma ana a Kora sanafe nawo. 12 Zidzukulu za Simeoni mwa mafuko awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Nemueli, fuko la Anemuele;kuchokera mwa Yamini, fuko la Ayamini;kuchokera mwa Yakini fuko la Ayakini; 13 kuchokera mwa Zera, mbumba ya Zera;kuchokera mwa Sauli, fuko la Asauli. 14 Awa anali mafuko a Simeoni. Iwowa analipo amuna 22,200. 15 Zidzukulu za Gadi mwa mafuko awo ndi izi:kuchokera mwa Zefoni, fuko la Azefoni;kuchokera mwa Hagi, fuko la Ahagi;kuchokera mwa Suni, fuko la Asuni; 16 kuchokera mwa Ozini, fuko la Aozini;kuchokera mwa Eri, fuko la Aeri; 17 kuchokera mwa Arodi, fuko la Aarodi;kuchokera mwa Arieli, fuko la a Areli. 18 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Gadi. Onse amene anawerengedwa analipo 40,500. 19 Eri ndi Onani anali ana aamuna a Yuda, koma anafera mu Kanaani. 20 Zidzukulu za Yuda monga mwa mafuko awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Sela, fuko la Asera;kuchokera mwa Perezi, fuko la Aperezi;kuchokera mwa Zera, mbumba ya Zera. 21 Zidzukulu za Perezi zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Hezironi, fuko la Ahezironi;kuchokera mwa Hamuli, fuko la Ahamuli. 22 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Yuda. Amene anawerenga analipo 76,500. 23 Zidzukulu za Isakara monga mwa mafuko awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Tola, fuko la Atola;kuchokera mwa Puwa, fuko la Apuwa; 24 kuchokera mwa Yasubu, fuko la Ayasubu.Kuchokera mwa Simironi, fuko la Asimironi. 25 Awa ndi amene anali a fuko la Isakara. Amene anawerengedwa analipo 64,300. 26 Zidzukulu za Zebuloni mwa mafuko awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Seredi, fuko la Aseredi;kuchokera mwa Eloni, fuko la Aeloni;kuchokera mwa Yahaleeli, fuko la Ayahaleeli. 27 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Zebuloni. Amene anawerengedwa analipo 60,500. 28 Zidzukulu za Yosefe mwa mafuko awo kupyolera mwa Manase ndi Efereimu zinali izi: 29 Zidzukulu za Manase:kuchokera mwa Makiri, fuko la Amakiri (Makiri anali abambo ake a Giliyadi);kuchokera mwa Giliyadi, fuko la Agiliyadi. 30 Izi ndizo zinali zidzukulu za Giliyadi;kuchokera mwa Iyezeri, fuko la Aiyezeri;kuchokera mwa Heleki, fuko la Aheleki; 31 kuchokera mwa Asirieli, fuko la Aasirieli;kuchokera mwa Sekemu, fuko la Asekemu; 32 kuchokera mwa Semida, fuko la Asemida;kuchokera mwa Heferi, fuko la Aheferi. 33 (Zelofehadi mwana wa Heferi analibe ana aamuna koma ana aakazi okha, amene mayina awo anali: Mala, Nowa, Hogila, Milika ndi Tiriza.) 34 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Manase. Amene anawerengedwa analipo 52,700. 35 Zidzukulu za Efereimu monga mwa mafuko awo zinali izi;kuchokera mwa Sutela, fuko la Asutela;kuchokera mwa Bekeri, fuko la Abekeri;kuchokera mwa Tahani, fuko la Atahani. 36 Zidzukulu za Sutela zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Erani, fuko la Aerani. 37 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Efereimu. Amene anawerengedwa analipo 32,500.Zimenezi zinali zidzukulu za Yosefe monga mwa mafuko awo. 38 Zidzukulu za Benjamini monga mwa mabanja awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Bela, fuko la Abela;kuchokera mwa Asibeli, fuko la Aasibeli;kuchokera mwa Ahiramu, fuko la Ahiramu; 39 kuchokera mwa Sufamu, fuko la Asufamu;kuchokera mwa Hufamu, fuko la Ahufamu; 40 Zidzukulu za Bela kupyolera mwa Aridi ndi Naamani zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Aridi, fuko la Aaridi;kuchokera mwa Naamani, fuko la Anaamani; 41 Awa ndiwo anali mabanja a Benjamini. Amene nawerengedwa analipo 45,600. 42 Zidzukulu za Dani mwa mabanja awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Suhamu fuko la Asuhamu.Izi zinali zidzukulu za Dani. 43 Onse a fuko la Asuhamu amene anawerengedwa analipo 64,400. 44 Zidzukulu za Aseri monga mwa mafuko awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Imina, fuko la Aimuna;kuchokera mwa Isivi, fuko la Ayisivi;kuchokera mwa Beriya, fuko la Aberiya; 45 ndipo kupyolera mwa zidzukulu za Beriya:kuchokera mwa Heberi, fuko la Aheberi;kuchokera mwa Malikieli, fuko la Amalikieli; 46 (Aseri anali ndi mwana wamkazi dzina lake Sera) 47 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Aseri. Onse amene anawerengedwa analipo 53,400. 48 Zidzukulu za Nafutali mwa mafuko awo zinali izi:kuchokera mwa Yahazeeli, fuko la Ayahazeeli;kuchokera mwa Guni, fuko la Aguni; 49 kuchokera mwa Yezeri, fuko la Ayezeri;kuchokera mwa Silemu, fuko la Asilemu. 50 Awa ndiwo anali mafuko a Nafutali. Onse amene anawerengedwa analipo 45,400. 51 Chiwerengero chonse cha amuna mu Israeli chinalipo 601,730. 52 Yehova anawuza Mose kuti, 53 “Uwagawire dziko anthu awa kuti likhale cholowa chawo molingana ndi chiwerengero cha mayina awo. 54 Gulu lalikulu ulipatse cholowa chachikulu, ndipo lochepa cholowa chocheperapo. Gulu lililonse lilandire cholowa chake molingana ndi chiwerengero cha amene anawerengedwa. 55 Dzikolo uligawe pochita maere. Alandire cholowa chawocho potsata mayina a mafuko a makolo awo. 56 Cholowa chawo uchigawe pakati pa fuko lalikulu ndi lalingʼono mwa maere.” 57 Alevi omwe anawerengedwa monga mwa mafuko awo ndi awa:kuchokera mwa Geresoni, fuko la Ageresoni;kuchokera mwa Kohati, fuko la Akohati;kuchokera mwa Merari, fuko la Amerari. 58 Awanso anali mabanja a Alevi:banja la Alibini,banja la Ahebroni,banja la Amali,banja la Amusi, fuko la Korabanja la Akohati,(Kohati anali abambo a Amramu. 59 Dzina la mkazi wa Amramu linali Yokobedi, mdzukulu wa Levi, yemwe anabadwa mwa Alevi mu Igupto. Yokobedi anaberekera Amramu Aaroni, Mose ndi Miriamu mlongo wawo. 60 Aaroni anali abambo a Nadabu, Abihu, Eliezara ndi Itamara. 61 Koma Nadabu ndi Abihu anafa pamene anapereka nsembe pamaso pa Yehova ndi moto wachilendo). 62 Alevi onse aamuna a mwezi umodzi kapena kuposera pamenepa analipo 23,000. Iwowo sanawerengedwe pamodzi ndi Aisraeli ena chifukwa sanalandire cholowa pakati pawo. 63 Awa ndi amene anawerengedwa ndi Mose ndi Eliezara wansembe pamene ankawerenga Aisraeli pa zigwa za ku Mowabu mʼmbali mwa Yorodani ku Yeriko. 64 Mwa anthu amenewa panalibe ndi mmodzi yemwe amene anali mʼgulu la Aisraeli omwe Mose ndi wansembe Aaroni anawawerenga mʼchipululu cha Sinai; 65 Chifukwa Yehova anali atawuza Aisraeliwo kuti adzafera ndithu mʼchipululu, ndipo palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe amene anatsala kupatula Kalebe mwana wa Yefune ndi Yoswa mwana wa Nuni.

In Other Versions

Numbers 26 in the ANGEFD

Numbers 26 in the ANTPNG2D

Numbers 26 in the AS21

Numbers 26 in the BAGH

Numbers 26 in the BBPNG

Numbers 26 in the BBT1E

Numbers 26 in the BDS

Numbers 26 in the BEV

Numbers 26 in the BHAD

Numbers 26 in the BIB

Numbers 26 in the BLPT

Numbers 26 in the BNT

Numbers 26 in the BNTABOOT

Numbers 26 in the BNTLV

Numbers 26 in the BOATCB

Numbers 26 in the BOATCB2

Numbers 26 in the BOBCV

Numbers 26 in the BOCNT

Numbers 26 in the BOECS

Numbers 26 in the BOHCB

Numbers 26 in the BOHCV

Numbers 26 in the BOHLNT

Numbers 26 in the BOHNTLTAL

Numbers 26 in the BOICB

Numbers 26 in the BOILNTAP

Numbers 26 in the BOITCV

Numbers 26 in the BOKCV

Numbers 26 in the BOKCV2

Numbers 26 in the BOKHWOG

Numbers 26 in the BOKSSV

Numbers 26 in the BOLCB

Numbers 26 in the BOLCB2

Numbers 26 in the BOMCV

Numbers 26 in the BONAV

Numbers 26 in the BONCB

Numbers 26 in the BONLT

Numbers 26 in the BONUT2

Numbers 26 in the BOPLNT

Numbers 26 in the BOSCB

Numbers 26 in the BOSNC

Numbers 26 in the BOTLNT

Numbers 26 in the BOVCB

Numbers 26 in the BOYCB

Numbers 26 in the BPBB

Numbers 26 in the BPH

Numbers 26 in the BSB

Numbers 26 in the CCB

Numbers 26 in the CUV

Numbers 26 in the CUVS

Numbers 26 in the DBT

Numbers 26 in the DGDNT

Numbers 26 in the DHNT

Numbers 26 in the DNT

Numbers 26 in the ELBE

Numbers 26 in the EMTV

Numbers 26 in the ESV

Numbers 26 in the FBV

Numbers 26 in the FEB

Numbers 26 in the GGMNT

Numbers 26 in the GNT

Numbers 26 in the HARY

Numbers 26 in the HNT

Numbers 26 in the IRVA

Numbers 26 in the IRVB

Numbers 26 in the IRVG

Numbers 26 in the IRVH

Numbers 26 in the IRVK

Numbers 26 in the IRVM

Numbers 26 in the IRVM2

Numbers 26 in the IRVO

Numbers 26 in the IRVP

Numbers 26 in the IRVT

Numbers 26 in the IRVT2

Numbers 26 in the IRVU

Numbers 26 in the ISVN

Numbers 26 in the JSNT

Numbers 26 in the KAPI

Numbers 26 in the KBT1ETNIK

Numbers 26 in the KBV

Numbers 26 in the KJV

Numbers 26 in the KNFD

Numbers 26 in the LBA

Numbers 26 in the LBLA

Numbers 26 in the LNT

Numbers 26 in the LSV

Numbers 26 in the MAAL

Numbers 26 in the MBV

Numbers 26 in the MBV2

Numbers 26 in the MHNT

Numbers 26 in the MKNFD

Numbers 26 in the MNG

Numbers 26 in the MNT

Numbers 26 in the MNT2

Numbers 26 in the MRS1T

Numbers 26 in the NAA

Numbers 26 in the NASB

Numbers 26 in the NBLA

Numbers 26 in the NBS

Numbers 26 in the NBVTP

Numbers 26 in the NET2

Numbers 26 in the NIV11

Numbers 26 in the NNT

Numbers 26 in the NNT2

Numbers 26 in the NNT3

Numbers 26 in the PDDPT

Numbers 26 in the PFNT

Numbers 26 in the RMNT

Numbers 26 in the SBIAS

Numbers 26 in the SBIBS

Numbers 26 in the SBIBS2

Numbers 26 in the SBICS

Numbers 26 in the SBIDS

Numbers 26 in the SBIGS

Numbers 26 in the SBIHS

Numbers 26 in the SBIIS

Numbers 26 in the SBIIS2

Numbers 26 in the SBIIS3

Numbers 26 in the SBIKS

Numbers 26 in the SBIKS2

Numbers 26 in the SBIMS

Numbers 26 in the SBIOS

Numbers 26 in the SBIPS

Numbers 26 in the SBISS

Numbers 26 in the SBITS

Numbers 26 in the SBITS2

Numbers 26 in the SBITS3

Numbers 26 in the SBITS4

Numbers 26 in the SBIUS

Numbers 26 in the SBIVS

Numbers 26 in the SBT

Numbers 26 in the SBT1E

Numbers 26 in the SCHL

Numbers 26 in the SNT

Numbers 26 in the SUSU

Numbers 26 in the SUSU2

Numbers 26 in the SYNO

Numbers 26 in the TBIAOTANT

Numbers 26 in the TBT1E

Numbers 26 in the TBT1E2

Numbers 26 in the TFTIP

Numbers 26 in the TFTU

Numbers 26 in the TGNTATF3T

Numbers 26 in the THAI

Numbers 26 in the TNFD

Numbers 26 in the TNT

Numbers 26 in the TNTIK

Numbers 26 in the TNTIL

Numbers 26 in the TNTIN

Numbers 26 in the TNTIP

Numbers 26 in the TNTIZ

Numbers 26 in the TOMA

Numbers 26 in the TTENT

Numbers 26 in the UBG

Numbers 26 in the UGV

Numbers 26 in the UGV2

Numbers 26 in the UGV3

Numbers 26 in the VBL

Numbers 26 in the VDCC

Numbers 26 in the YALU

Numbers 26 in the YAPE

Numbers 26 in the YBVTP

Numbers 26 in the ZBP