Numbers 26 (MAAL)

1 ዬይ ዎዻ ዶርዓሢ ዔቄስካፓ ናንጊና ናንጋ ጎዳ ሙሴና ቄኤሳሢ ዓኣሮኔ ናኣዚ ዓላዜሬናም፦ 2 «ዒስራዔኤሌ ዴሮ ቢያሢኮ ማኣሮይዳ ማኣሮይዳ ሌዓ ላማታሚ ኩሜያና ዬካፓ ዑሣ ማዔያ፥ ዖልዚ ዖላኒ ዳንዳዓ ዓቲንቆ ቢያ ፓይዱዋቴ» ጌዔኔ። 3 ሙሴና ቄኤሳሢ ዓላዜሬና ዮርዳኖሴ ዎሮ ዓጫ፥ ዒያርኮኮ ሆታ ዓኣ ሞዓኣቤ ቦኦሎይዳ ዴሮ ቡኩሳዖ፦ 4 «ናንጊና ናንጋ ጎዳ ዓይሤ ጎይፆና ላማታሚ ሌዔና ዬካፓ ዑሣ ዓኣዼ ሌዔ ማዔ ዓቲንቆ ቢያ ፓይዱዋቴ» ጌዔኔ።ጊብፄ ዓጫፓ ኬስኬ፥ ዒስራዔኤሌ ዓሳ ሃካፓ ሊካ ፓይዲንታ ዓሶኬ፤ 5 ያይቆኦቤኮ ናኣዚ ቶይዲ፥ ሮኦቤኤሌ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ ሃኖኬ ዓሳ፥ ፓሉ ዓሳ፥ 6 ሄፂሮኔ ዓሶንታ ኬርሚ ዓሶንታኬ፤ 7 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ዖይዲታሚ ሃይሦ ሺያና ላንካይ ፄኤታና ሃይሢታሚናኬ፤ 8 ፓሉ ዜርፃ ዔኤሊያቤና 9 ዔኤሊያቤኮ ናኣቶናኬ፤ ዬያታ ኔሙዔኤሌንታ ዳኣታኔንታ ዓቤሮሜንታኬ፤ ዳኣታኔና ዓቤሮሜና ሃያኮ ቤርታ ዴራ ዶኦሬዞንሢ ማዓዛ ዔያታ ቆራሄና ዒዛና ዎላ ፔቴ ማዔ ዓሶና ባኣኮ ጌሊ ፆኦሲም ዋይዞ ዒፄ ዎዶና ሙሴና ዓኣሮኔና ዔያታ ሜታሴያኬ። 10 ዒማና ዔያቶ ሳዓ ዳርዒ፥ ቆራሄንታ ዎላ ዔኤዼኔ፤ ዔያታ ሃይቃማና ታሚ ኬዲ ላምዖ ፄኤታና ዶንጊንታሚ ዓሲ ሙዔኔ፤ ዬያይዲፆና ዔያታ ዴሮም ዒንሢና ዔሩዋቴ ጋዓ ማላታ ማዔኔ። 11 ቆራሄ ናኣታ ጋዓንቴ ዒማና ሃይቂባኣሴ። 12 ሲሞኦኔ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ኔሙዔኤሌ ዓሳ፥ ያሚኔ ዓሳ፥ ያኪኔ ዓሳ፥ 13 ዛራሄ ዓሶንታ ሻዑሌ ዓሶንታኬ። 14 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ላማታሚ ላምዖ ሺያና ላምዖ ፄኤታናኬ። 15 ጋኣዴ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ፂፖኔ ዓሳ፥ ሃጊ ዓሳ፥ ሹኒ ዓሳ፥ 16 ዖዚኒ ዓሳ፥ ዔሪ ዓሳ፥ 17 ዓሮዴ ዓሶንታ ዓርዔኤሌ ዓሶንታኬ። 18 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ዖይዲታሚ ሺያና ዶንጎ ፄኤታናኬ። 19 ዪሁዳ ማኣራፓ ዔኤሬና ዓውናኔና ካኣናኔ ዓጮይዳ ሃይቄኔ። 20 ሃንጎ ዪሁዳ ናኣታ፦ ሼላ ዓሶንታ ፓሬሴ ዓሶንታኬ፤ 21 ፓሬሴ ናኣታ፦ ሄፂሮኔና ሃሙሊ ዓሶንታኬ። 22 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ላንካይታሚ ላሆ ሺያና ዶንጎ ፄኤታናኬ። 23 ዪሳኮኦሬ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ቶላዒ ዓሳ፥ ፑዋ ዓሳ፥ 24 ያሹቤና ሼምሮኔ ዓሶንታኬ። 25 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ላሂታሚ ዖይዶ ሺያና ሃይሦ ፄኤታናኬ። 26 ዛብሎኦኔ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ሴሬዴ ዓሳ፥ ዔሎኔና ያህሊዔኤሌ ዓሶንታኬ። 27 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ላሂታሚ ሺያና ዶንጎ ፄኤታናኬ። 28 ዮሴፔ ዜርፃፓ ማዔ ሚናኣሴና ዔፕሬኤሜ ዛሎና ሾይንቴ ቶኦካ ሃካፓ ሊካ ዓኣዞንሢኬ፤ 29 ሚናኣሴ ማኣራፓ፦ ሚናኣሴ ናኣዚ ማኪሬ ጌሌዓዴ ሾዔኔ፤ 30 ጌሌዓዴ ናኣታ፦ ዒዔዜሬ ዓሳ፥ ሄሌቄ ዓሳ፥ 31 ዓስሪዔሌ ዓሳ፥ ሼኬሜ ዓሳ፥ 32 ሼሚዳ ዓሶንታ ሄፔሬ ዓሶንታኬ፤ 33 ሄፔሬ ናኣዚ ፄሎፒሃዴኮ ዉዱሮ ናይ ሌሊኬ፥ ዓቲንቄ ናይ ባኣሴ፤ ዬያታ፦ ማሂላ፥ ኖዓ፥ ሆግላ፥ ሚልካንታ ቲርፃ ጎዖዞንታኬ፤ 34 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዶንጊታሚ ላምዖ ሺያና ላንካይ ፄኤታናኬ። 35 ዔፕሬኤሜ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ሹቱላሄ ዓሳ፥ ቤኬርኔ ዓሶንታ ታሃኔ ዓሶንታኬ፤ 36 ሹቱላሄ ዓሳ፦ ዔራኔና ናኣቶናኬ። 37 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ሃይሢታሚ ላምዖ ሺያና ዶንጎ ፄኤታናኬ፤ ዬያታ ቢያ ዮሴፔ ዜርፆኬ። 38 ቢኢኒያሜ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ቤላዔ ዓሳ፥ ዓሽቤሌ ዓሳ፥ ዓሂራሜ ዓሳ፥ 39 ሹፓሜ ዓሶና ሁፓሜ ዓሶናኬ። 40 ቤላዔ ዜርፃ፦ ዓርዲና ናዕማኔ ዓሶናኬ። 41 ዬኖ ቶኦካፓ ቶኦካፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዖይዲታሚ ዶንጎ ሺያና ላሆ ፄኤታናኬ። 42 ዳኣኔ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ሹሃሜና ዒዛኮ ናኣቶናኬ፤ 43 ዬያቶይዳፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓቲንቃ ላሂታሚ ዖይዶ ሺያና ዖይዶ ፄኤታናኬ። 44 ዓሴኤሬ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ዪሞና ዓሳ፥ ዪሺዊ ዓሶንታ ቤሪዓ ዓሶንታኬ። 45 ቤሪዓ ዜርፃ፦ ሄቤሪ ዓሶና ማልኪዔኤሌ ዓሶናኬ። 46 ዓሴሪሜኮ ሴራሂ ጌይንታ ዉዱሮ ናይ ዓኣኔ፤ 47 ዬኖ ዓሶኮ ዓቲንቆ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ዶንጊታሚ ሃይሦ ሺያና ዖይዶ ፄኤታናኬ። 48 ኒፕታሌሜ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ቶኦካ፦ ያህፂዔኤሌ ዓሳ፥ ጉኒ ዓሳ፥ 49 ዬፅሬ ዓሶና ሺሌሜ ዓሶናኬ፤ 50 ዬኖ ዓሶኮ ዓቲንቃ ዎሊ ዑፃ ዖይዲታሚ ዶንጎ ሺያና ዖይዶ ፄኤታናኬ። 51 ዬያይዲ ፓይዲንቴ ዒስራዔኤሌ ዓሶኮ ዓቲንቆ ፓይዳ ላሆ ፄኤታና ፔቴ ሺያና ላንካይ ፄኤታና ሃይሢታሚናኬ። 52 ናንጊና ናንጋ ጎዳ ሙሴም፦ 53 «ሳዔሎ ዔያቶኮ ሱንፃ ፃኣፒንቴ ጎይፆና ፔቴ ፔቴ ማኣሮም ዔያቶ ሳዓ ማሂ ማሂ ጊሽኬ፤ 54 ሚርጌ ዓሳ ዓኣ ማኣሮም ዳልጊ ሳዓ፥ ዻካ ዓሲ ዓኣ ማኣሮም ዻካ ሳዓ ዒንጌ፤ ዔያቶም ኔ ሳዖ ጊሽካንዳሢ ዴራ ፓይዲንቲ ዔርቴ ፓይዶ ጎይፆናኬ። 55 ጋዓንቴ ኔኤኒ ጊዦ ጊሽካንዳሢ ዒፃ ዓጊኬ፤ ዬይ ዓጊንታንዳሢ ፔቴ ፔቴ ማኣሮ ሱንፆናኬ። 56 ዒፃሢ ዓጊንታኣና ዻኮ ዴሮም ዻኮ ጎይፆና ዺቦ ዴሮም ዺቦ ጎይፆና ዓጊንቶም» ጌዔኔ። 57 ሌዊ ማኣራፓ ፓይዲንቴ ዓሳ፦ ጌርሾኔ ዓሳ፥ ቄዓቴ ዓሶና ሜራሪ ዓሶናኬ። 58 ዬያቶኮ ዜርፃ፦ ሊቢኒ ዓሳ፥ ኬብሮ ዓሳ፥ ማሂሊ ዓሳ፥ ሙሺ ዓሶና ቆራሄ ዓሶናኬ፤ ቄዓቴ ዓምራሜ ሾዔኔ። 59 ዓምራሜ ጊብፄ ዓጮይዳ ሾይንቴ ሌዊ ናዎ ዮኬቤዴ ጎዖዞ ዔኬም ዒዛ ሙሴና ዓኣሮኔና ጌይንታ ላምዖ ዓቲንቄ ናይንታ ማይራሞ ጌይንታ ፔቴ ዉዱሮ ናይስኬኖዋ ሾዔኔ። 60 ዓኣሮኔኮ ናኣዳኣቤ፥ ዓቢሁ፥ ዓላዜሬና ዒታማሬ ጌይንታ ዖይዶ ዓቲንቄ ናይ ዓኣኔ። 61 ናኣዳኣቤና ዓቢሁና ፆኦሲም ዱማዺባኣ ታሞ ናንጊና ናንጋ ጎዳም ሺኢሺፆና ዶርዖ ዔኪ ሃይቄኔ። 62 ሌዓ ፔቴ ዓጊኒና ዬካፓ ዑሣ ማዔ፥ ሌዊ ዓሶ ዓቲንቆኮ ፓይዳ ዎሊ ዑፃ ላማታሚ ሃይሦ ሺያኬ፤ ዔያታ ሃንጎ ዒስራዔኤሌ ዓሶይዳፓ ዱማሲ ፃኣፒንቴኔ፤ ዬይ ያዺ ማዔሢ ዒስራዔኤሌ ዓጮይዳ ፔቴታዖ ዔያቶሮ ማዔ ሳዓ ዒንጊንቲባኣሢሮኬ። 63 ሙሴና ዓላዜሬና ዒያርኮኮ ሆታ፥ ዮርዳኖሴ ዎሮኮ ኮይላ ዓኣ ሞዓኣቤ ቦኦሎይዳ ዒስራዔኤሌ ዓሶ ፓይዴ ዎዶና ዔያታ ፃኣፔ ፔቴ ፔቴ ቶኦኮኮ ሱኡጋ ዬያቶኬ። 64 ሲና ቦኦሎይዳ ባራሪ ዴራ ፓይዲንቴ ዎዶና ሙሴና ዓኣሮኔና ፃኣፔ ዓቲንቆይዳፓ ፔቴታዖ ዓሲ ዓቲባኣሴ። 65 ዬይ ያዺ ማዔሢ «ቢያሢ ዓሲ ናንጉዋ ዳውሎይዳ ሃይቃንዳኔ» ጌይ ቤርታ ፆኦሲ ኬኤዜሢሮኬ፤ ዬያሮ ዬፑኔ ናኣዚ ካኣሌቤና ኔዊ ናኣዚ ዒያሱናፓ ዓታዛ ቢያሢ ሃይቄኔ።

In Other Versions

Numbers 26 in the ANGEFD

Numbers 26 in the ANTPNG2D

Numbers 26 in the AS21

Numbers 26 in the BAGH

Numbers 26 in the BBPNG

Numbers 26 in the BBT1E

Numbers 26 in the BDS

Numbers 26 in the BEV

Numbers 26 in the BHAD

Numbers 26 in the BIB

Numbers 26 in the BLPT

Numbers 26 in the BNT

Numbers 26 in the BNTABOOT

Numbers 26 in the BNTLV

Numbers 26 in the BOATCB

Numbers 26 in the BOATCB2

Numbers 26 in the BOBCV

Numbers 26 in the BOCNT

Numbers 26 in the BOECS

Numbers 26 in the BOGWICC

Numbers 26 in the BOHCB

Numbers 26 in the BOHCV

Numbers 26 in the BOHLNT

Numbers 26 in the BOHNTLTAL

Numbers 26 in the BOICB

Numbers 26 in the BOILNTAP

Numbers 26 in the BOITCV

Numbers 26 in the BOKCV

Numbers 26 in the BOKCV2

Numbers 26 in the BOKHWOG

Numbers 26 in the BOKSSV

Numbers 26 in the BOLCB

Numbers 26 in the BOLCB2

Numbers 26 in the BOMCV

Numbers 26 in the BONAV

Numbers 26 in the BONCB

Numbers 26 in the BONLT

Numbers 26 in the BONUT2

Numbers 26 in the BOPLNT

Numbers 26 in the BOSCB

Numbers 26 in the BOSNC

Numbers 26 in the BOTLNT

Numbers 26 in the BOVCB

Numbers 26 in the BOYCB

Numbers 26 in the BPBB

Numbers 26 in the BPH

Numbers 26 in the BSB

Numbers 26 in the CCB

Numbers 26 in the CUV

Numbers 26 in the CUVS

Numbers 26 in the DBT

Numbers 26 in the DGDNT

Numbers 26 in the DHNT

Numbers 26 in the DNT

Numbers 26 in the ELBE

Numbers 26 in the EMTV

Numbers 26 in the ESV

Numbers 26 in the FBV

Numbers 26 in the FEB

Numbers 26 in the GGMNT

Numbers 26 in the GNT

Numbers 26 in the HARY

Numbers 26 in the HNT

Numbers 26 in the IRVA

Numbers 26 in the IRVB

Numbers 26 in the IRVG

Numbers 26 in the IRVH

Numbers 26 in the IRVK

Numbers 26 in the IRVM

Numbers 26 in the IRVM2

Numbers 26 in the IRVO

Numbers 26 in the IRVP

Numbers 26 in the IRVT

Numbers 26 in the IRVT2

Numbers 26 in the IRVU

Numbers 26 in the ISVN

Numbers 26 in the JSNT

Numbers 26 in the KAPI

Numbers 26 in the KBT1ETNIK

Numbers 26 in the KBV

Numbers 26 in the KJV

Numbers 26 in the KNFD

Numbers 26 in the LBA

Numbers 26 in the LBLA

Numbers 26 in the LNT

Numbers 26 in the LSV

Numbers 26 in the MBV

Numbers 26 in the MBV2

Numbers 26 in the MHNT

Numbers 26 in the MKNFD

Numbers 26 in the MNG

Numbers 26 in the MNT

Numbers 26 in the MNT2

Numbers 26 in the MRS1T

Numbers 26 in the NAA

Numbers 26 in the NASB

Numbers 26 in the NBLA

Numbers 26 in the NBS

Numbers 26 in the NBVTP

Numbers 26 in the NET2

Numbers 26 in the NIV11

Numbers 26 in the NNT

Numbers 26 in the NNT2

Numbers 26 in the NNT3

Numbers 26 in the PDDPT

Numbers 26 in the PFNT

Numbers 26 in the RMNT

Numbers 26 in the SBIAS

Numbers 26 in the SBIBS

Numbers 26 in the SBIBS2

Numbers 26 in the SBICS

Numbers 26 in the SBIDS

Numbers 26 in the SBIGS

Numbers 26 in the SBIHS

Numbers 26 in the SBIIS

Numbers 26 in the SBIIS2

Numbers 26 in the SBIIS3

Numbers 26 in the SBIKS

Numbers 26 in the SBIKS2

Numbers 26 in the SBIMS

Numbers 26 in the SBIOS

Numbers 26 in the SBIPS

Numbers 26 in the SBISS

Numbers 26 in the SBITS

Numbers 26 in the SBITS2

Numbers 26 in the SBITS3

Numbers 26 in the SBITS4

Numbers 26 in the SBIUS

Numbers 26 in the SBIVS

Numbers 26 in the SBT

Numbers 26 in the SBT1E

Numbers 26 in the SCHL

Numbers 26 in the SNT

Numbers 26 in the SUSU

Numbers 26 in the SUSU2

Numbers 26 in the SYNO

Numbers 26 in the TBIAOTANT

Numbers 26 in the TBT1E

Numbers 26 in the TBT1E2

Numbers 26 in the TFTIP

Numbers 26 in the TFTU

Numbers 26 in the TGNTATF3T

Numbers 26 in the THAI

Numbers 26 in the TNFD

Numbers 26 in the TNT

Numbers 26 in the TNTIK

Numbers 26 in the TNTIL

Numbers 26 in the TNTIN

Numbers 26 in the TNTIP

Numbers 26 in the TNTIZ

Numbers 26 in the TOMA

Numbers 26 in the TTENT

Numbers 26 in the UBG

Numbers 26 in the UGV

Numbers 26 in the UGV2

Numbers 26 in the UGV3

Numbers 26 in the VBL

Numbers 26 in the VDCC

Numbers 26 in the YALU

Numbers 26 in the YAPE

Numbers 26 in the YBVTP

Numbers 26 in the ZBP