Ezekiel 44 (BOKHWOG)

1 Ningĩ mũndũ ũcio akĩnjookia nginya kĩhingo-inĩ kĩa nyumĩrĩra ya handũ-harĩa-haamũre, kĩrĩa kĩangʼetheire mwena wa irathĩro, nakĩo kĩarĩ kĩhinge. 2 Nake Jehova akĩnjĩĩra atĩrĩ, “Kĩhingo gĩkĩ kĩrĩikaraga kĩrĩ kĩhinge. Gĩtikanahingũrwo; gũtirĩ mũndũ ũgaagĩtoonyera. Kĩrĩikaraga kĩhingĩtwo tondũ nĩkĩo Jehova, Ngai wa Isiraeli, aatoonyeire. 3 Mũthamaki we mwene nowe wiki ũngĩikara mwena wa thĩinĩ wa itoonyero rĩu na arĩĩre irio hau mbere ya Jehova. Arĩĩtoonyagĩra gĩthaku gĩa itoonyero rĩu, na akiuma na nja akoimĩra njĩra o ro ĩyo.” 4 Ningĩ mũndũ ũcio akĩndwara na njĩra ya kĩhingo kĩa mwena wa gathigathini nginya hau mbere ya hekarũ. Ngĩcũthĩrĩria, ngĩona riiri wa Jehova ũiyũrĩte hekarũ ĩyo ya Jehova, na niĩ ngĩĩgũithia, ngĩturumithia ũthiũ thĩ. 5 Nake Jehova akĩnjĩĩra atĩrĩ, “Mũrũ wa mũndũ, rora wega, na ũthikĩrĩrie wega, na ũrũmbũiye maũndũ mothe marĩa ngũkwĩra makoniĩ mawatho mothe megiĩ hekarũ ya Jehova. Rũmbũiya ũhoro wa itoonyero rĩa hekarũ, na njĩra ciothe cia kuuma handũ-harĩa-haamũre. 6 Ĩra andũ aya aremi a nyũmba ya Isiraeli atĩrĩ, ‘Mwathani Jehova ekuuga ũũ: Inyuĩ andũ a nyũmba ya Isiraeli, maũndũ manyu ma magigi nĩmaiganĩte! 7 Hamwe na maũndũ marĩa mothe marĩ magigi mwekire, nĩmwatoonyirie andũ a kũngĩ matarĩ aruu ngoro na mwĩrĩ handũ-hakwa-harĩa-haamũre, mũgĩthaahia hekarũ yakwa rĩrĩa mwandutĩire irio, na maguta, na thakame, na mũgĩthũkia kĩrĩkanĩro gĩakwa. 8 Handũ ha kũruta wĩra wanyu ũrĩa wagĩrĩire ũkoniĩ maũndũ makwa marĩa matheru, mwatuire andũ angĩ arũgamĩrĩri a handũ-hakwa-harĩa-haamũre. 9 Mwathani Jehova ekuuga ũũ: Gũtirĩ mũndũ wa kũngĩ ũtarĩ mũruu ngoro na mwĩrĩ ũngĩtoonya handũ-hakwa-harĩa-haamũre, o na angĩkorwo nĩ andũ a kũngĩ arĩa matũũranagia na andũ a Isiraeli. 10 “ ‘Alawii arĩa maanjehereire makĩndaihĩrĩria hĩndĩ ĩrĩa andũ a Isiraeli maaturuurire na makĩehera harĩ niĩ makĩrũmĩrĩra mĩhianano yao-rĩ, no nginya magaacookererwo nĩ mehia mao. 11 Andũ acio no matungatage handũ-hakwa-harĩa-haamũre, na maikaragie ihingo cia hekarũ o na matungatage thĩinĩ wayo; no mathĩnje nyamũ cia maruta ma njino, na marutagĩre andũ magongona mao, na marũgamage mbere ya andũ makamatungatĩra. 12 No rĩrĩ, tondũ nĩo maamatungatĩire marĩ mbere ya mĩhianano yao, na magĩtũma andũ a nyũmba ya Isiraeli magũe mehia-inĩ-rĩ, nĩ ũndũ ũcio na niĩ nĩndĩhĩtĩte njoete guoko na igũrũ atĩ no nginya magaacookererwo nĩ mehia mao, ũguo nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga. 13 Andũ acio matigacooka kũnguhĩrĩria mandungatagĩre ta athĩnjĩri-Ngai, kana makuhĩrĩrie kĩndũ o na kĩrĩkũ kĩa indo ciakwa iria theru, kana maruta makwa marĩa matheru mũno; no nginya magaacookererwo nĩ gĩconoko kĩa maũndũ marĩa marĩ magigi maneeka. 14 No nĩngamatua arũgamĩrĩri a maũndũ ma hekarũ, na mawĩra mothe marĩa mabataire kũrutwo kũu thĩinĩ. 15 “ ‘No rĩrĩ, athĩnjĩri-Ngai, acio marĩ Alawii na a rũciaro rwa Zadoku, o acio maarutire mawĩra ma handũ-hakwa-harĩa-haamũre na wĩhokeku rĩrĩa andũ a Isiraeli meeherire makiuma harĩ niĩ, nĩo marĩnguhagĩrĩria makandungatĩra; marĩrũgamaga mbere yakwa makaruta magongona ma maguta na ma thakame, ũguo nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga. 16 Acio oiki nĩo marĩtoonyaga handũ-hakwa-harĩa-haamũre; acio oiki nĩo marĩĩkuhagĩrĩria metha yakwa makandungatĩra na makaruta wĩra wakwa. 17 “ ‘Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa megũtoonya ihingo-inĩ cia nja ya na thĩinĩ, marĩĩhumbaga nguo cia gatani; matikanehumbe nguo o na ĩmwe ya guoya wa ngʼondu hĩndĩ ĩrĩa megũtungata ihingo-inĩ cia nja ĩrĩa ya na thĩinĩ, kana kũu hekarũ thĩinĩ. 18 Nĩmeyohage iremba cia gatani mĩtwe, na nguo cia gatani cia thĩinĩ njohero-inĩ. Matikanehumbe kĩndũ o na kĩrĩkũ kĩngĩtũma mathigine. 19 Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mekuuma matoonye nja ya nyumĩrĩra kũrĩa andũ marĩ-rĩ, makaruta nguo iria megũtungataga nacio, na magacitiga tũnyũmba-inĩ tũrĩa twamũre, na makehumba nguo ingĩ, nĩgeetha matikae kwamũra andũ acio na ũndũ wa nguo icio ciao. 20 “ ‘Matikanenjwo njuĩrĩ ĩthire mĩtwe, kana mareke njuĩrĩ ciao iraihe mũno, no nĩ maigage njuĩrĩ ciao cia mĩtwe irĩ nenge. 21 Ningĩ gũtikanagĩe na mũthĩnjĩri-Ngai ũkũnyua ndibei rĩrĩa egũtoonya nja ya na thĩinĩ. 22 Matikanahikie atumia a ndigwa, kana mahikie atumia arĩa matiganĩte na athuuri ao; no rĩrĩ, no mahikie airĩtu gathirange a rũciaro rwa andũ a Isiraeli, kana atumia a ndigwa a athĩnjĩri-Ngai. 23 No nginya marutage andũ akwa ũtiganu wa maũndũ marĩa matheru na marĩa ma ndũire, na mamoonagie gũkũũrana maũndũ marĩa marĩ thaahu na marĩa matarĩ thaahu. 24 “ ‘Kũngĩgĩa ngarari-rĩ, athĩnjĩri-Ngai no nginya matuithanagie ciira, na maũtue kũringana na matuĩro makwa ma ciira. Nĩmarĩmenyagĩrĩra mawatho makwa na kĩrĩra kĩa watho wakwa wa kũrũmĩrĩrwo igũrũ rĩa ciathĩ ciakwa ciothe iria njathane, na maikaragie Thabatũ ciakwa irĩ theru. 25 “ ‘Mũthĩnjĩri-Ngai ndakanethaahie na ũndũ wa gũkuhĩrĩria kĩimba; no rĩrĩ, ũrĩa ũkuĩte angĩkorwo nĩ ithe kana nyina, kana mũriũ kana mwarĩ, kana mũrũ wa nyina kana mwarĩ wa nyina ũtahikĩte-rĩ, hĩndĩ ĩyo no ethaahie. 26 Aarĩkia gũtherio-rĩ, no nginya eterere mĩthenya mũgwanja. 27 Mũthenya ũrĩa agaacooka gũtoonya nja ĩrĩa ya na thĩinĩ ya handũ-harĩa-haamũre nĩguo agatungate thĩinĩ wa handũ-harĩa-haamũre-rĩ, no nginya erutĩre iruta rĩa mehia, ũguo nĩguo Mwathani Jehova ekuuga. 28 “ ‘Niĩ no niĩ igai rĩa athĩnjĩri-Ngai. Mũtikanamagaĩre igai gũkũ bũrũri wa Isiraeli; Nĩ niĩ ngũtuĩka igai rĩao. 29 Marĩĩrĩĩaga maruta ma ngano, na maruta ma mehia, na maruta ma mahĩtia; nakĩo kĩndũ o gĩothe kĩrĩa kĩrutĩirwo Jehova gũkũ bũrũri wa Isiraeli gĩgaatuĩka kĩao. 30 Maciaro mothe ma mbere marĩa mega, na iheo cianyu ciothe cia mwanya, igaatuĩka cia athĩnjĩri-Ngai. No nginya mũmaheage gĩcunjĩ kĩa mbere kĩa mũtu ũrĩa mũhinyu nĩgeetha kĩrathimo gĩtũũre kwanyu mĩciĩ. 31 Athĩnjĩri-Ngai matikanarĩe nyamũ o na ĩrĩkũ ĩngĩkorwo ĩkuĩte, ĩrĩ nyoni, kana matigari ma nyamũ yũragĩtwo nĩ nyamũ ĩngĩ.

In Other Versions

Ezekiel 44 in the ANGEFD

Ezekiel 44 in the ANTPNG2D

Ezekiel 44 in the AS21

Ezekiel 44 in the BAGH

Ezekiel 44 in the BBPNG

Ezekiel 44 in the BBT1E

Ezekiel 44 in the BDS

Ezekiel 44 in the BEV

Ezekiel 44 in the BHAD

Ezekiel 44 in the BIB

Ezekiel 44 in the BLPT

Ezekiel 44 in the BNT

Ezekiel 44 in the BNTABOOT

Ezekiel 44 in the BNTLV

Ezekiel 44 in the BOATCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BOATCB2

Ezekiel 44 in the BOBCV

Ezekiel 44 in the BOCNT

Ezekiel 44 in the BOECS

Ezekiel 44 in the BOGWICC

Ezekiel 44 in the BOHCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BOHCV

Ezekiel 44 in the BOHLNT

Ezekiel 44 in the BOHNTLTAL

Ezekiel 44 in the BOICB

Ezekiel 44 in the BOILNTAP

Ezekiel 44 in the BOITCV

Ezekiel 44 in the BOKCV

Ezekiel 44 in the BOKCV2

Ezekiel 44 in the BOKSSV

Ezekiel 44 in the BOLCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BOLCB2

Ezekiel 44 in the BOMCV

Ezekiel 44 in the BONAV

Ezekiel 44 in the BONCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BONLT

Ezekiel 44 in the BONUT2

Ezekiel 44 in the BOPLNT

Ezekiel 44 in the BOSCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BOSNC

Ezekiel 44 in the BOTLNT

Ezekiel 44 in the BOVCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BOYCB

Ezekiel 44 in the BPBB

Ezekiel 44 in the BPH

Ezekiel 44 in the BSB

Ezekiel 44 in the CCB

Ezekiel 44 in the CUV

Ezekiel 44 in the CUVS

Ezekiel 44 in the DBT

Ezekiel 44 in the DGDNT

Ezekiel 44 in the DHNT

Ezekiel 44 in the DNT

Ezekiel 44 in the ELBE

Ezekiel 44 in the EMTV

Ezekiel 44 in the ESV

Ezekiel 44 in the FBV

Ezekiel 44 in the FEB

Ezekiel 44 in the GGMNT

Ezekiel 44 in the GNT

Ezekiel 44 in the HARY

Ezekiel 44 in the HNT

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVA

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVB

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVG

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVH

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVK

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVM

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVM2

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVO

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVP

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVT

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVT2

Ezekiel 44 in the IRVU

Ezekiel 44 in the ISVN

Ezekiel 44 in the JSNT

Ezekiel 44 in the KAPI

Ezekiel 44 in the KBT1ETNIK

Ezekiel 44 in the KBV

Ezekiel 44 in the KJV

Ezekiel 44 in the KNFD

Ezekiel 44 in the LBA

Ezekiel 44 in the LBLA

Ezekiel 44 in the LNT

Ezekiel 44 in the LSV

Ezekiel 44 in the MAAL

Ezekiel 44 in the MBV

Ezekiel 44 in the MBV2

Ezekiel 44 in the MHNT

Ezekiel 44 in the MKNFD

Ezekiel 44 in the MNG

Ezekiel 44 in the MNT

Ezekiel 44 in the MNT2

Ezekiel 44 in the MRS1T

Ezekiel 44 in the NAA

Ezekiel 44 in the NASB

Ezekiel 44 in the NBLA

Ezekiel 44 in the NBS

Ezekiel 44 in the NBVTP

Ezekiel 44 in the NET2

Ezekiel 44 in the NIV11

Ezekiel 44 in the NNT

Ezekiel 44 in the NNT2

Ezekiel 44 in the NNT3

Ezekiel 44 in the PDDPT

Ezekiel 44 in the PFNT

Ezekiel 44 in the RMNT

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIAS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIBS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIBS2

Ezekiel 44 in the SBICS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIDS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIGS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIHS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIIS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIIS2

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIIS3

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIKS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIKS2

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIMS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIOS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIPS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBISS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBITS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBITS2

Ezekiel 44 in the SBITS3

Ezekiel 44 in the SBITS4

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIUS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBIVS

Ezekiel 44 in the SBT

Ezekiel 44 in the SBT1E

Ezekiel 44 in the SCHL

Ezekiel 44 in the SNT

Ezekiel 44 in the SUSU

Ezekiel 44 in the SUSU2

Ezekiel 44 in the SYNO

Ezekiel 44 in the TBIAOTANT

Ezekiel 44 in the TBT1E

Ezekiel 44 in the TBT1E2

Ezekiel 44 in the TFTIP

Ezekiel 44 in the TFTU

Ezekiel 44 in the TGNTATF3T

Ezekiel 44 in the THAI

Ezekiel 44 in the TNFD

Ezekiel 44 in the TNT

Ezekiel 44 in the TNTIK

Ezekiel 44 in the TNTIL

Ezekiel 44 in the TNTIN

Ezekiel 44 in the TNTIP

Ezekiel 44 in the TNTIZ

Ezekiel 44 in the TOMA

Ezekiel 44 in the TTENT

Ezekiel 44 in the UBG

Ezekiel 44 in the UGV

Ezekiel 44 in the UGV2

Ezekiel 44 in the UGV3

Ezekiel 44 in the VBL

Ezekiel 44 in the VDCC

Ezekiel 44 in the YALU

Ezekiel 44 in the YAPE

Ezekiel 44 in the YBVTP

Ezekiel 44 in the ZBP