Leviticus 25 (BOKHWOG)

1 Nake Jehova akĩĩra Musa Kĩrĩma-inĩ gĩa Sinai atĩrĩ, 2 “Arĩria andũ a Isiraeli, ũmeere atĩrĩ, ‘Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mũgaatoonya bũrũri ũrĩa ngaamũhe-rĩ, bũrũri ũcio guo mwene no nginya ũkaagĩaga na Thabatũ ĩrĩa yamũrĩirwo Jehova. 3 Mũkaahaandaga mĩgũnda yanyu mĩaka ĩtandatũ, na mũcehage mĩgũnda yanyu ya thabibũ mũkamĩcehaga mĩaka ĩtandatũ mũgĩcookanagĩrĩria maciaro mayo. 4 No mwaka wa mũgwanja wakinya, bũrũri ũcio nĩũkagĩa na Thabatũ ya kũhurũka, Thabatũ yamũrĩirwo Jehova; mũtikanahaande kĩndũ mĩgũnda kana mũcehe mĩthabibũ yanyu. 5 Irio iria ikeemeria, nĩcio cia maitĩka-rĩ, mũtikanacigethe kana mũgethe thabibũ cia mĩthabibũ yanyu ĩyo ĩtarĩ mĩrutĩre wĩra. Bũrũri ũcio no nginya ũkaagĩa na mwaka wa kũhurũka. 6 Kĩrĩa gĩothe bũrũri ũcio ũgaaciara mwaka-inĩ ũcio wa Thabatũ gĩgaatuĩka irio cianyu, inyuĩ ene na cia ndungata cianyu cia arũme na cia andũ-a-nja, na cia aruti anyu a wĩra wa mũcaara, na mũraarĩrĩri ũrĩa mũikaranĩtie nake, 7 o hamwe na mahiũ manyu na nyamũ cia gĩthaka iria itũũraga bũrũri wanyu. Kĩrĩa gĩothe bũrũri ũcio ũgaaciara no kĩrĩĩo. 8 “ ‘Tarai Thabatũ mũgwanja cia mĩaka, mĩaka mũgwanja maita mũgwanja, nĩguo Thabatũ icio mũgwanja cia mĩaka ihinge mĩaka mĩrongo ĩna na kenda. 9 Ningĩ mũcooke mũhuhe karumbeta kũndũ guothe mũthenya wa ikũmi wa mweri wa mũgwanja; Mũthenya wa Kũhoroherio Mehia, mũkaahuha karumbeta kũndũ guothe bũrũri-inĩ wanyu. 10 Amũrai mwaka ũcio wa mĩrongo ĩtano, na mũhunjanĩrie ũhoro wa kũohorwo kwa andũ othe arĩa matũũraga bũrũri ũcio wothe. Mwaka ũcio ũgaatuĩka wa Jubilii nĩ ũndũ wanyu; o mũndũ wanyu nĩagacooka kũrĩa ithaka cia nyũmba yao irĩ, na kũrĩa andũ a mũhĩrĩga wao marĩ. 11 Mwaka ũcio wa mĩrongo ĩtano ũgaatuĩka wa Jubilii kũrĩ inyuĩ; mũtikanahaande na mũtikanagethe kĩrĩa gĩĩkũrĩtie kĩo kĩene, kana mũgethe mĩthabibũ ĩrĩa ĩtarĩ mĩrutĩre wĩra. 12 Nĩgũkorwo ĩyo nĩ Jubilii, na nĩyo ĩgaatuĩka theru kũrĩ inyuĩ; rĩĩagai o kĩrĩa gĩĩkũrĩtie mĩgũnda-inĩ. 13 “ ‘Mwaka-inĩ ũyũ wa Jubilii, o mũndũ no nginya acooke gĩthaka-inĩ gĩake. 14 “ ‘Mũngĩkenderia mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu mũgũnda kana mũgũre mũgũnda kũrĩ we, mũtikanaheenanie mũndũ na ũrĩa ũngĩ. 15 Mũrĩgũraga mũgũnda wa mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu kũringana na ũrĩa mĩaka ĩthirĩte thuutha wa Jubilii. Nake mwendia akaawendagia kũringana na mĩaka ĩrĩa ĩgakorwo ĩtigarĩte ya magetha. 16 Mĩaka ĩngĩkorwo ĩtigarĩte mĩingĩ, mũkongerera thogora, na mĩaka ĩngĩkorwo ĩtigarĩte mĩnini, mũkanyiihia thogora, nĩ ũndũ kĩrĩa arakwenderia nĩ mũigana wa magetha. 17 Mũtikanaheenanie mũndũ na ũrĩa ũngĩ, no mwĩtigagĩre Ngai wanyu. Niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova Ngai wanyu. 18 “ ‘Rũmagĩrĩrai kĩrĩra kĩa watho wakwa na mwĩmenyagĩrĩre nĩguo mwathĩkagĩre mawatho makwa, na inyuĩ nĩ mũgaatũũra bũrũri ũcio mũrĩ na thayũ. 19 Naguo bũrũri ũcio nĩũgaciaraga maciaro maguo, na inyuĩ nĩmũkarĩĩaga mũkahũũna na mũtũũre kuo mũrĩ na thayũ. 20 Mwahota kũũria atĩrĩ, “Tũkaarĩa kĩ mwaka wa mũgwanja aakorwo tũtikahaanda kana tũgethe?” 21 Nĩngamũtũmĩra kĩrathimo mwaka-inĩ ũcio wa gatandatũ nĩguo mĩgũnda yanyu ĩgaaciara maciaro ma kũmũigana mĩaka ĩtatũ. 22 Mũkĩhaanda mwaka-inĩ wa kanana, mũkaarĩĩaga irio iria mwaigĩte mũthiithũ, na mũgaacirĩa nginya mũgethe maciaro ma mwaka wa kenda. 23 “ ‘Mĩgũnda ndĩkanendio biũ, tondũ bũrũri nĩ wakwa na inyuĩ mũrĩ o ageni kuo, na nĩ niĩ ndĩmũkomborithĩtie. 24 Bũrũri wothe ũrĩa mwĩnyiitĩire ũgaatuĩka wanyu, no nginya kũgĩe na mweke wa gũkũũraga mĩgũnda ĩyo. 25 “ ‘Mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu angĩthĩĩna na endie gĩcunjĩ kĩa mũgũnda wake, mũndũ ũrĩa wa hakuhĩ mũno wa nyũmba yake nĩagooka na akũũre mũgũnda ũcio mũndũ wao eendetie. 26 No rĩrĩ, mũndũ angĩkorwo ndarĩ na mũndũ wa kũmũkũũrĩra mũgũnda, na we mwene atonge agĩe na indo ciiganĩte kũũkũũra, 27 nĩwe ũgaatua thogora kũringana na mĩaka ĩrĩa mĩthiru kuuma rĩrĩa aawendirie, na acookie mbeeca icio ingĩ kũrĩ mũndũ ũrĩa eendeirie; thuutha ũcio no acooke mũgũnda-inĩ wake. 28 No angĩaga kũgĩa na indo cia kũmũrĩha-rĩ, gĩcunjĩ kĩrĩa eendirie gĩgũtũũra kĩrĩ kĩa mũgũri nginya Mwaka wa Jubilii. Gĩgaacookio hĩndĩ ya Jubilii, na hĩndĩ ĩyo no acooke gĩthaka-inĩ gĩake. 29 “ ‘Mũndũ angĩkeendia nyũmba ĩrĩ itũũra-inĩ inene rĩirigĩre, nĩarĩkoragwo arĩ na kĩhooto gĩa kũmĩkũũra ihinda rĩa mwaka mũgima kuuma amĩendia. Thĩinĩ wa ihinda rĩu no amĩkũũre. 30 Ĩngĩaga gũkũũrwo mwaka ũmwe ũtanathira, nyũmba ĩyo ĩrĩ itũũra-inĩ inene rĩirigĩre nĩĩgatuĩka ya mũmĩgũri na njiaro ciake nginya tene. Nyũmba ĩyo ndĩgaacookerio mwene Mwaka wa Jubilii. 31 No nyũmba cia tũtũũra-inĩ tũrĩa tũtarĩ tũirigĩre, irĩtuagwo ta mĩgũnda ya kũndũ gũtarĩ kũirige. Icio no ikũũrwo, na nĩ igaacookio Mwaka wa Jubilii. 32 “ ‘Alawii hĩndĩ ciothe nĩ marĩ na kĩhooto gĩa gũkũũraga nyũmba ciao iria irĩ matũũra-inĩ ma Alawii, marĩa megwatĩire. 33 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio indo cia Alawii no ikũũrwo, ũguo nĩ ta kuuga atĩ, nyũmba nyendie itũũra-inĩ o rĩothe rĩao, nĩĩgacookio Mwaka wa Jubilii, tondũ nyũmba iria irĩ matũũra-inĩ ma Alawii nĩcio igai rĩao thĩinĩ wa andũ a Isiraeli. 34 No ithaka cia ũrĩithio cia matũũra mao itikanendio; icio nĩ ciao nginya tene. 35 “ ‘Mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu angĩthĩĩna nginya aremwo nĩ kwĩrũgamĩrĩra gatagatĩ kanyu, mũteithagiei o ta ũrĩa mũngĩteithia mũgeni kana mũndũ ũrarĩrĩire kwanyu, nĩgeetha ahote gũtũũrania na inyuĩ. 36 Mũtikanamũrĩhie uumithio o na ũrĩkũ, no mwĩtigagĩre Ngai wanyu, nĩgeetha mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu ahote gũtũũrania na inyuĩ. 37 Mũtikanamũkombere mbeeca nĩguo acookie na maciaro, kana mũmwenderie irio nĩguo muone uumithio. 38 Niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova Ngai wanyu, ũrĩa wamũrutire bũrũri wa Misiri nĩguo ndĩmũhe bũrũri wa Kaanani na nduĩke Ngai wanyu. 39 “ ‘Mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu angĩthĩĩna arĩ gatagatĩ kanyu, nake eyendie harĩ inyuĩ, mũtikanamũrutithie wĩra ta ngombo. 40 Mũkaamũtua ta mũruti wa wĩra wa mũcaara kana ta mũndũ ũrarĩrĩire kwanyu; mũndũ ũcio akaamũrutĩra wĩra nginya Mwaka wa Jubilii. 41 Thuutha ũcio mũndũ ũcio na ciana ciake nĩmakarekererio, nake acooke kũrĩ andũ a mũhĩrĩga wake, na gĩthaka-inĩ kĩa maithe make ma tene. 42 Tondũ andũ a Isiraeli nĩ ndungata ciakwa, iria ndaarutire bũrũri wa Misiri, matikanendio matuĩke ngombo. 43 Mũtikamaathage mũtekũmaiguĩra tha, no mwĩtigagĩrei Ngai wanyu. 44 “ ‘Ngombo cianyu cia arũme na cia andũ-a-nja iriumaga ndũrĩrĩ-inĩ iria imũrigiicĩirie; kuuma kũrĩ ndũrĩrĩ icio no mũgũrage ngombo. 45 O na ningĩ no mwĩgũrĩre ngombo kuuma kũrĩ andũ arĩa mararĩrĩire kwanyu na kuuma kũrĩ andũ a mĩhĩrĩga yao arĩa maciarĩirwo bũrũri wanyu, nao matuĩke indo cianyu. 46 Andũ acio no mũmeegaĩre kũrĩ ciana cianyu matuĩke igai rĩrĩa mũmagaĩire, na no mũmatue ngombo rĩrĩa rĩothe marĩ muoyo, no mũtikanaathe andũ anyu a Isiraeli mũtekũmaiguĩra tha. 47 “ ‘No rĩrĩ, mũgeni kana mũndũ ũrĩa ũrarĩrĩire kwanyu angĩtonga arĩ gatagatĩ kanyu, nake mũndũ wa bũrũri wanyu athĩĩne na eyendie kũrĩ mũgeni ũrĩa ũtũũranĩtie na inyuĩ, kana kũrĩ mũndũ wa mũhĩrĩga wa mũndũ ũcio mũgeni-rĩ, 48 mũndũ ũcio no arĩkoragwo arĩ na kĩhooto gĩa gũkũũrwo thuutha wa kwĩyendia. Mũndũ wa nyũmba yao no amũkũũre: 49 Ithe mũnini kana ithe mũkũrũ, kana mũrũ wa ithe, kana mũndũ wa rũrĩra rwa mũhĩrĩga wao no amũkũũre; kana we mwene angĩgaacĩra, no ekũũre. 50 Mũndũ ũcio na mũmũgũri magaatara ihinda rĩrĩa rĩthiru kuuma mwaka ũrĩa eyendirie nginya rĩrĩa Mwaka wa Jubilii ũgaakinya. Thogora wa kũrekererio gwake ũkaaringana na irĩhi rĩa mũndũ wa mũcaara thĩinĩ wa mĩaka ĩyo. 51 Angĩkorwo nĩ mĩaka mĩingĩ ĩtigarĩte, nĩakarĩha gĩcunjĩ kĩnene gĩa thogora ũrĩa aagũrĩtwo naguo. 52 No angĩkorwo no mĩaka mĩnini ĩtigarĩte Mwaka wa Jubilii ũkinye, ĩyo noyo agaatara arĩhe gũkũũranio gwake kũringana na ũrĩa kwagĩrĩire. 53 Agaatuuo ta mũndũ wa mũcaara mwaka o mwaka; na no nginya mũmenyagĩrĩre atĩ mũmũgũri ndarĩmwathaga atekũmũiguĩra tha. 54 “ ‘O na angĩaga gũkũũrwo na njĩra ĩmwe ya icio, we na ciana ciake no nginya makaarekererio Mwaka wa Jubilii wakinya, 55 nĩgũkorwo andũ a Isiraeli nĩ ndungata ciakwa. Acio nĩ ndungata ciakwa, iria ndaarutire bũrũri wa Misiri. Niĩ nĩ niĩ Jehova Ngai wanyu.

In Other Versions

Leviticus 25 in the ANGEFD

Leviticus 25 in the ANTPNG2D

Leviticus 25 in the AS21

Leviticus 25 in the BAGH

Leviticus 25 in the BBPNG

Leviticus 25 in the BBT1E

Leviticus 25 in the BDS

Leviticus 25 in the BEV

Leviticus 25 in the BHAD

Leviticus 25 in the BIB

Leviticus 25 in the BLPT

Leviticus 25 in the BNT

Leviticus 25 in the BNTABOOT

Leviticus 25 in the BNTLV

Leviticus 25 in the BOATCB

Leviticus 25 in the BOATCB2

Leviticus 25 in the BOBCV

Leviticus 25 in the BOCNT

Leviticus 25 in the BOECS

Leviticus 25 in the BOGWICC

Leviticus 25 in the BOHCB

Leviticus 25 in the BOHCV

Leviticus 25 in the BOHLNT

Leviticus 25 in the BOHNTLTAL

Leviticus 25 in the BOICB

Leviticus 25 in the BOILNTAP

Leviticus 25 in the BOITCV

Leviticus 25 in the BOKCV

Leviticus 25 in the BOKCV2

Leviticus 25 in the BOKSSV

Leviticus 25 in the BOLCB

Leviticus 25 in the BOLCB2

Leviticus 25 in the BOMCV

Leviticus 25 in the BONAV

Leviticus 25 in the BONCB

Leviticus 25 in the BONLT

Leviticus 25 in the BONUT2

Leviticus 25 in the BOPLNT

Leviticus 25 in the BOSCB

Leviticus 25 in the BOSNC

Leviticus 25 in the BOTLNT

Leviticus 25 in the BOVCB

Leviticus 25 in the BOYCB

Leviticus 25 in the BPBB

Leviticus 25 in the BPH

Leviticus 25 in the BSB

Leviticus 25 in the CCB

Leviticus 25 in the CUV

Leviticus 25 in the CUVS

Leviticus 25 in the DBT

Leviticus 25 in the DGDNT

Leviticus 25 in the DHNT

Leviticus 25 in the DNT

Leviticus 25 in the ELBE

Leviticus 25 in the EMTV

Leviticus 25 in the ESV

Leviticus 25 in the FBV

Leviticus 25 in the FEB

Leviticus 25 in the GGMNT

Leviticus 25 in the GNT

Leviticus 25 in the HARY

Leviticus 25 in the HNT

Leviticus 25 in the IRVA

Leviticus 25 in the IRVB

Leviticus 25 in the IRVG

Leviticus 25 in the IRVH

Leviticus 25 in the IRVK

Leviticus 25 in the IRVM

Leviticus 25 in the IRVM2

Leviticus 25 in the IRVO

Leviticus 25 in the IRVP

Leviticus 25 in the IRVT

Leviticus 25 in the IRVT2

Leviticus 25 in the IRVU

Leviticus 25 in the ISVN

Leviticus 25 in the JSNT

Leviticus 25 in the KAPI

Leviticus 25 in the KBT1ETNIK

Leviticus 25 in the KBV

Leviticus 25 in the KJV

Leviticus 25 in the KNFD

Leviticus 25 in the LBA

Leviticus 25 in the LBLA

Leviticus 25 in the LNT

Leviticus 25 in the LSV

Leviticus 25 in the MAAL

Leviticus 25 in the MBV

Leviticus 25 in the MBV2

Leviticus 25 in the MHNT

Leviticus 25 in the MKNFD

Leviticus 25 in the MNG

Leviticus 25 in the MNT

Leviticus 25 in the MNT2

Leviticus 25 in the MRS1T

Leviticus 25 in the NAA

Leviticus 25 in the NASB

Leviticus 25 in the NBLA

Leviticus 25 in the NBS

Leviticus 25 in the NBVTP

Leviticus 25 in the NET2

Leviticus 25 in the NIV11

Leviticus 25 in the NNT

Leviticus 25 in the NNT2

Leviticus 25 in the NNT3

Leviticus 25 in the PDDPT

Leviticus 25 in the PFNT

Leviticus 25 in the RMNT

Leviticus 25 in the SBIAS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIBS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIBS2

Leviticus 25 in the SBICS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIDS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIGS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIHS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIIS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIIS2

Leviticus 25 in the SBIIS3

Leviticus 25 in the SBIKS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIKS2

Leviticus 25 in the SBIMS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIOS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIPS

Leviticus 25 in the SBISS

Leviticus 25 in the SBITS

Leviticus 25 in the SBITS2

Leviticus 25 in the SBITS3

Leviticus 25 in the SBITS4

Leviticus 25 in the SBIUS

Leviticus 25 in the SBIVS

Leviticus 25 in the SBT

Leviticus 25 in the SBT1E

Leviticus 25 in the SCHL

Leviticus 25 in the SNT

Leviticus 25 in the SUSU

Leviticus 25 in the SUSU2

Leviticus 25 in the SYNO

Leviticus 25 in the TBIAOTANT

Leviticus 25 in the TBT1E

Leviticus 25 in the TBT1E2

Leviticus 25 in the TFTIP

Leviticus 25 in the TFTU

Leviticus 25 in the TGNTATF3T

Leviticus 25 in the THAI

Leviticus 25 in the TNFD

Leviticus 25 in the TNT

Leviticus 25 in the TNTIK

Leviticus 25 in the TNTIL

Leviticus 25 in the TNTIN

Leviticus 25 in the TNTIP

Leviticus 25 in the TNTIZ

Leviticus 25 in the TOMA

Leviticus 25 in the TTENT

Leviticus 25 in the UBG

Leviticus 25 in the UGV

Leviticus 25 in the UGV2

Leviticus 25 in the UGV3

Leviticus 25 in the VBL

Leviticus 25 in the VDCC

Leviticus 25 in the YALU

Leviticus 25 in the YAPE

Leviticus 25 in the YBVTP

Leviticus 25 in the ZBP