Proverbs 2 (NAA)
1 Meu filho, se você aceitaras minhas palavrase guardar no seu coraçãoos meus mandamentos; 2 se você der ouvidosà sabedoriae inclinar o seu coraçãoao entendimento; 3 sim, se você pedir inteligênciae gritar por entendimento; 4 se buscar a sabedoriacomo a pratae a procurar como se procuramtesouros escondidos, 5 então você entenderáo temor do SENHORe achará o conhecimento de Deus. 6 Porque o SENHOR dá a sabedoria,e da sua boca vem o conhecimentoe a inteligência. 7 Ele reserva a verdadeirasabedoria para os retos;é escudo para os que andamcom integridade, 8 guardando as veredas da justiçae conservando o caminhodos seus santos. 9 Então você entenderáa justiça, o juízoe a equidade — todasas boas veredas. 10 Porque a sabedoriaentrará no seu coração,e o conhecimentoserá agradável à sua alma. 11 O discernimento o guardaráe o entendimento o protegerá. 12 A sabedoria o livrarádo caminho do male do homem que dizcoisas perversas; 13 dos que abandonamas veredas da retidão,para andarem pelos caminhosdas trevas; 14 dos que têm prazerem fazer o male se alegram com as perversidadesdos maus, 15 cujas veredas são tortuosase que se desviamem seus caminhos. 16 A sabedoria também o livraráda mulher adúltera,da estranha que lisonjeiacom palavras, 17 que abandona o amigoda sua mocidadee se esquece da aliançado seu Deus; 18 porque a casa delase inclina para a morte,e as suas veredas conduzempara o mundo dos mortos. 19 Todos os que se dirigema essa mulher não voltarãoe não encontrarãoas veredas da vida. 20 Tendo a sabedoria, você andarápelo caminhodos homens de beme guardará as veredas dos justos. 21 Porque os retoshabitarão a terra,e os íntegros permanecerão nela. 22 Mas os perversosserão eliminados da terra,e os infiéis serão dela arrancados.
In Other Versions
Proverbs 2 in the ANGEFD
Proverbs 2 in the ANTPNG2D
Proverbs 2 in the AS21
Proverbs 2 in the BAGH
Proverbs 2 in the BBPNG
Proverbs 2 in the BBT1E
Proverbs 2 in the BDS
Proverbs 2 in the BEV
Proverbs 2 in the BHAD
Proverbs 2 in the BIB
Proverbs 2 in the BLPT
Proverbs 2 in the BNT
Proverbs 2 in the BNTABOOT
Proverbs 2 in the BNTLV
Proverbs 2 in the BOATCB
Proverbs 2 in the BOATCB2
Proverbs 2 in the BOBCV
Proverbs 2 in the BOCNT
Proverbs 2 in the BOECS
Proverbs 2 in the BOGWICC
Proverbs 2 in the BOHCB
Proverbs 2 in the BOHCV
Proverbs 2 in the BOHLNT
Proverbs 2 in the BOHNTLTAL
Proverbs 2 in the BOICB
Proverbs 2 in the BOILNTAP
Proverbs 2 in the BOITCV
Proverbs 2 in the BOKCV
Proverbs 2 in the BOKCV2
Proverbs 2 in the BOKHWOG
Proverbs 2 in the BOKSSV
Proverbs 2 in the BOLCB
Proverbs 2 in the BOLCB2
Proverbs 2 in the BOMCV
Proverbs 2 in the BONAV
Proverbs 2 in the BONCB
Proverbs 2 in the BONLT
Proverbs 2 in the BONUT2
Proverbs 2 in the BOPLNT
Proverbs 2 in the BOSCB
Proverbs 2 in the BOSNC
Proverbs 2 in the BOTLNT
Proverbs 2 in the BOVCB
Proverbs 2 in the BOYCB
Proverbs 2 in the BPBB
Proverbs 2 in the BPH
Proverbs 2 in the BSB
Proverbs 2 in the CCB
Proverbs 2 in the CUV
Proverbs 2 in the CUVS
Proverbs 2 in the DBT
Proverbs 2 in the DGDNT
Proverbs 2 in the DHNT
Proverbs 2 in the DNT
Proverbs 2 in the ELBE
Proverbs 2 in the EMTV
Proverbs 2 in the ESV
Proverbs 2 in the FBV
Proverbs 2 in the FEB
Proverbs 2 in the GGMNT
Proverbs 2 in the GNT
Proverbs 2 in the HARY
Proverbs 2 in the HNT
Proverbs 2 in the IRVA
Proverbs 2 in the IRVB
Proverbs 2 in the IRVG
Proverbs 2 in the IRVH
Proverbs 2 in the IRVK
Proverbs 2 in the IRVM
Proverbs 2 in the IRVM2
Proverbs 2 in the IRVO
Proverbs 2 in the IRVP
Proverbs 2 in the IRVT
Proverbs 2 in the IRVT2
Proverbs 2 in the IRVU
Proverbs 2 in the ISVN
Proverbs 2 in the JSNT
Proverbs 2 in the KAPI
Proverbs 2 in the KBT1ETNIK
Proverbs 2 in the KBV
Proverbs 2 in the KJV
Proverbs 2 in the KNFD
Proverbs 2 in the LBA
Proverbs 2 in the LBLA
Proverbs 2 in the LNT
Proverbs 2 in the LSV
Proverbs 2 in the MAAL
Proverbs 2 in the MBV
Proverbs 2 in the MBV2
Proverbs 2 in the MHNT
Proverbs 2 in the MKNFD
Proverbs 2 in the MNG
Proverbs 2 in the MNT
Proverbs 2 in the MNT2
Proverbs 2 in the MRS1T
Proverbs 2 in the NASB
Proverbs 2 in the NBLA
Proverbs 2 in the NBS
Proverbs 2 in the NBVTP
Proverbs 2 in the NET2
Proverbs 2 in the NIV11
Proverbs 2 in the NNT
Proverbs 2 in the NNT2
Proverbs 2 in the NNT3
Proverbs 2 in the PDDPT
Proverbs 2 in the PFNT
Proverbs 2 in the RMNT
Proverbs 2 in the SBIAS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIBS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIBS2
Proverbs 2 in the SBICS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIDS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIGS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIHS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIIS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIIS2
Proverbs 2 in the SBIIS3
Proverbs 2 in the SBIKS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIKS2
Proverbs 2 in the SBIMS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIOS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIPS
Proverbs 2 in the SBISS
Proverbs 2 in the SBITS
Proverbs 2 in the SBITS2
Proverbs 2 in the SBITS3
Proverbs 2 in the SBITS4
Proverbs 2 in the SBIUS
Proverbs 2 in the SBIVS
Proverbs 2 in the SBT
Proverbs 2 in the SBT1E
Proverbs 2 in the SCHL
Proverbs 2 in the SNT
Proverbs 2 in the SUSU
Proverbs 2 in the SUSU2
Proverbs 2 in the SYNO
Proverbs 2 in the TBIAOTANT
Proverbs 2 in the TBT1E
Proverbs 2 in the TBT1E2
Proverbs 2 in the TFTIP
Proverbs 2 in the TFTU
Proverbs 2 in the TGNTATF3T
Proverbs 2 in the THAI
Proverbs 2 in the TNFD
Proverbs 2 in the TNT
Proverbs 2 in the TNTIK
Proverbs 2 in the TNTIL
Proverbs 2 in the TNTIN
Proverbs 2 in the TNTIP
Proverbs 2 in the TNTIZ
Proverbs 2 in the TOMA
Proverbs 2 in the TTENT
Proverbs 2 in the UBG
Proverbs 2 in the UGV
Proverbs 2 in the UGV2
Proverbs 2 in the UGV3
Proverbs 2 in the VBL
Proverbs 2 in the VDCC
Proverbs 2 in the YALU
Proverbs 2 in the YAPE
Proverbs 2 in the YBVTP
Proverbs 2 in the ZBP