Romans 13 (SBT)
1 Muntu uliyense anyumfwilenga bendeleshi bamfulumende, pakwinga kuliyawa bwendeleshi bwalabula kufuma kuli Lesa. Lino bendeleshi balipo balabikwapo ne Lesa. 2 Neco muntu lakananga kunyumfwila bendeleshi bamfulumende, lakananga bubambo bwalabikwapo ne Lesa. Neco beshikwinseco nibakatambule cisubulo. 3 Pakwinga bendeleshi nkabakute kutinwa ne bantu abo beshi kwinsa bintu byaina, nsombi abo beshikwinsa bintu byaipa. Sena ulayandanga kuba muntu utatini mwendeleshi? Winsenga byalulama, neco nendi nakakulumbaishe, 4 pakwinga nendi ni musebenshi wa Lesa lamwinshilinga byaina. Nsombi na ulenshinga byaipa ube ne buyowa pakwinga ukute ngofu shakukupa cisubulo. Nendi ni musebenshi wa Lesa shi kuleta bukalu bwa Lesa pali shikwinsa byaipa, pakumupa cisubulo. 5 Weco kamubanyumfwilanga bendeleshi, kutambeti kutinowa bukalu bwa Lesa, nsombi pacebo ca kwambeti nawo mengashilo alasuminishi kwinseco. 6 Weco ncomukute kubengela misonko, pakwinga bendeleshi bakute kusebensela Lesa pancito ilico. 7 Mupeni uliyense ncalayandanga, musonko kuli beshikusonkesha, lipilani musonko wenu kayi ne wabintu nabimbi mbyomukute.Lemekeni belela kulemekwa, kayi pani bulemu abo belela kupewa bulemu. 8 Mutaba ne nkongole kumuntu uliyense, nsombi ya kusunanowa umo ne munendi.Usuni munendi ekwambeti lakonko byonse ibyo Milawo ya Lesa ncoikute kwamba. 9 Pakwinga Milawo ikute kwambeti, “Utensa bupombo, utashina, utaiba, utakumbwa camunobe.” Neco milawo yonse iyi pamo ne naimbi yonse yabikwa mu mulawo uyu wakwambeti, “Usunenga muntu munobe mbuli ncolisuni omwine.” 10 Na muntu usuni muntu munendi, nkela kumwinshila caipa sobwe. Weco uyo usuni munendi, ekwambeti lasungu byonse ibyo Milawo ya Lesa ncoikute kwamba. 11 Kamwinsani ibi pakwinga cindi cilashiki cakwambeti mupunduke kufuma mutulo. Pakwinga lupulusho luli pepi kupita pacindi mpotwalatatika kushoma. 12 Mashiku alipepi kupwa, nako kumaca kuli pepi. Lino katushilekani ncito sha mashiku, tufwale byensho byakulwanisha cindi ca munshi. 13 Minshilo yetu ibe yalulama, mbuli bantu bakute kwenda munshi. Kamutaya kumalyalya aminyungwe nambi kukolewa, nambi bufule nambi byasafwana, nambi nkondo kayi nambi minyono. 14 Mwami Yesu Klistu abe censho cenu cankondo. Lino kamutakonkela bwikalo bwaipa bwa kusemwa nabo kayi mutakomwa ne lunkumbwa lwaipa lwa kumubili.
In Other Versions
Romans 13 in the ANGEFD
Romans 13 in the ANTPNG2D
Romans 13 in the AS21
Romans 13 in the BAGH
Romans 13 in the BBPNG
Romans 13 in the BBT1E
Romans 13 in the BDS
Romans 13 in the BEV
Romans 13 in the BHAD
Romans 13 in the BIB
Romans 13 in the BLPT
Romans 13 in the BNT
Romans 13 in the BNTABOOT
Romans 13 in the BNTLV
Romans 13 in the BOATCB
Romans 13 in the BOATCB2
Romans 13 in the BOBCV
Romans 13 in the BOCNT
Romans 13 in the BOECS
Romans 13 in the BOGWICC
Romans 13 in the BOHCB
Romans 13 in the BOHCV
Romans 13 in the BOHLNT
Romans 13 in the BOHNTLTAL
Romans 13 in the BOICB
Romans 13 in the BOILNTAP
Romans 13 in the BOITCV
Romans 13 in the BOKCV
Romans 13 in the BOKCV2
Romans 13 in the BOKHWOG
Romans 13 in the BOKSSV
Romans 13 in the BOLCB
Romans 13 in the BOLCB2
Romans 13 in the BOMCV
Romans 13 in the BONAV
Romans 13 in the BONCB
Romans 13 in the BONLT
Romans 13 in the BONUT2
Romans 13 in the BOPLNT
Romans 13 in the BOSCB
Romans 13 in the BOSNC
Romans 13 in the BOTLNT
Romans 13 in the BOVCB
Romans 13 in the BOYCB
Romans 13 in the BPBB
Romans 13 in the BPH
Romans 13 in the BSB
Romans 13 in the CCB
Romans 13 in the CUV
Romans 13 in the CUVS
Romans 13 in the DBT
Romans 13 in the DGDNT
Romans 13 in the DHNT
Romans 13 in the DNT
Romans 13 in the ELBE
Romans 13 in the EMTV
Romans 13 in the ESV
Romans 13 in the FBV
Romans 13 in the FEB
Romans 13 in the GGMNT
Romans 13 in the GNT
Romans 13 in the HARY
Romans 13 in the HNT
Romans 13 in the IRVA
Romans 13 in the IRVB
Romans 13 in the IRVG
Romans 13 in the IRVH
Romans 13 in the IRVK
Romans 13 in the IRVM
Romans 13 in the IRVM2
Romans 13 in the IRVO
Romans 13 in the IRVP
Romans 13 in the IRVT
Romans 13 in the IRVT2
Romans 13 in the IRVU
Romans 13 in the ISVN
Romans 13 in the JSNT
Romans 13 in the KAPI
Romans 13 in the KBT1ETNIK
Romans 13 in the KBV
Romans 13 in the KJV
Romans 13 in the KNFD
Romans 13 in the LBA
Romans 13 in the LBLA
Romans 13 in the LNT
Romans 13 in the LSV
Romans 13 in the MAAL
Romans 13 in the MBV
Romans 13 in the MBV2
Romans 13 in the MHNT
Romans 13 in the MKNFD
Romans 13 in the MNG
Romans 13 in the MNT
Romans 13 in the MNT2
Romans 13 in the MRS1T
Romans 13 in the NAA
Romans 13 in the NASB
Romans 13 in the NBLA
Romans 13 in the NBS
Romans 13 in the NBVTP
Romans 13 in the NET2
Romans 13 in the NIV11
Romans 13 in the NNT
Romans 13 in the NNT2
Romans 13 in the NNT3
Romans 13 in the PDDPT
Romans 13 in the PFNT
Romans 13 in the RMNT
Romans 13 in the SBIAS
Romans 13 in the SBIBS
Romans 13 in the SBIBS2
Romans 13 in the SBICS
Romans 13 in the SBIDS
Romans 13 in the SBIGS
Romans 13 in the SBIHS
Romans 13 in the SBIIS
Romans 13 in the SBIIS2
Romans 13 in the SBIIS3
Romans 13 in the SBIKS
Romans 13 in the SBIKS2
Romans 13 in the SBIMS
Romans 13 in the SBIOS
Romans 13 in the SBIPS
Romans 13 in the SBISS
Romans 13 in the SBITS
Romans 13 in the SBITS2
Romans 13 in the SBITS3
Romans 13 in the SBITS4
Romans 13 in the SBIUS
Romans 13 in the SBIVS
Romans 13 in the SBT1E
Romans 13 in the SCHL
Romans 13 in the SNT
Romans 13 in the SUSU
Romans 13 in the SUSU2
Romans 13 in the SYNO
Romans 13 in the TBIAOTANT
Romans 13 in the TBT1E
Romans 13 in the TBT1E2
Romans 13 in the TFTIP
Romans 13 in the TFTU
Romans 13 in the TGNTATF3T
Romans 13 in the THAI
Romans 13 in the TNFD
Romans 13 in the TNT
Romans 13 in the TNTIK
Romans 13 in the TNTIL
Romans 13 in the TNTIN
Romans 13 in the TNTIP
Romans 13 in the TNTIZ
Romans 13 in the TOMA
Romans 13 in the TTENT
Romans 13 in the UBG
Romans 13 in the UGV
Romans 13 in the UGV2
Romans 13 in the UGV3
Romans 13 in the VBL
Romans 13 in the VDCC
Romans 13 in the YALU
Romans 13 in the YAPE
Romans 13 in the YBVTP
Romans 13 in the ZBP