Daniel 7 (TOMA)

1 Ɓɛlesazaal Ɓaɓilɔne masagi ná-masadai ma ɠona mɔungi zu, Daniyɛle yɛni laani ná-betei zu, é segi ta wo, é kulakɛlɛmaiti ka kigi zu. Naa zeɠeai ma ga, é ná-segi zɛʋɛni. Tɔ ɠa é ga nii. 2 Pelegi é suɠulani la, é ɠɛ ma:«Kulakɛlɛmaiti su kpidii zu, gè fiilɛi ɠaani, é zeɠe ʋepema naanigɔiti geeɠɔlɔgi wu, é yei ga zeeɠaaɓaai kpoloɗɛ wolai ɠa. 3 Sua wola naanigɔiti ti ɗa ɠula kpoloɗɛi wu, ti ma zii la ɠɛni ɓɔni. 4 Sua mɔungi ɠulani eɠɛ zalai, kɛlɛ koɠɛ ɠoʋegiti ka ti ɠɛni ba. Tɛi gè ɠɛni wɛlɛzu, koʋegiti ti ɠulani ba, buzeɠeni zooi ma, é loni ʋoluzu ɠɔɠɔzapala felegɔiti ga eɠɛ nu vului, nuɓusɛ ɠigi veeni zea. 5 Suai velesiɛi ɠulani eɠɛ filɛ zuai taɠili. Tago wuzeɠea ɠɛni de, sua ɠaka ɠaegi saʋagɔ ɠɛni daaʋɛ ɲiigaiti zɔɠɔzu. Devei veeni zea ga é li, é laami ga sua mɔinmɔin. 6 Gè ɠɛni ba, gè ɗa wɛlɛ, gè suai taɠili kaani, kulaai ga kɔii, wɔni ɠoʋegiti ti ɠɛni ba ga naanigɔ poluʋelei, nɔungi ɠɛ ba ɓalaa ga naanigɔ, zobogi veeni zea ga é masadai ɠɛ. 7 Gè ɠɛni ba, gè ɗa wɛlɛ kulakɛlɛmaiti ba ti ɠɛni ɠulazu bɛ̀ kɛlɛma kpidii. Suai naanisiɛi gè kaani, gola maaluani, maayikini gola, zeeɠaaɓa é leʋe kɛɛzu ʋa. Kɔlu ɲiiga wolaiti ka ti ɠɛni daa. É ɗa ná-ani zogaiti mi, é ɗa ti leʋeleʋe su, é ɗa ɠɔɠɔziɛ naa zu, nii é la ɠɛni miizu. Ma zii ɠɛni yɛ. É la ɠɛni ʋɛɛni sua saʋagɔ mɔungiti ba. Minɛ puugɔ ɠɛni ba. 8 Tɛi gè ɠɛni minɛi naati pɛtɛsu, gè ɗa ɠida ta-vaiti bu, minɛ niinɛi, gola lɔiɗai, é tɔɔzeini ga wuzeɠea zɔiti saama, é minɛ saʋagɔ lɔɔɠula, é ti loo. Sua minɛ niinɛi ɠaazuʋɛti ti ɠɛni ba eɠɛ nu vului, ta daaʋɛ ɠɛni ba, é ɗa waso kpɔɛiti bo. 9 «Gè yɛni wɛlɛzu, masa kpɔkpɔgiti ti ʋilɛ, Kɛwola Wɔlɔi ʋaani, é zei. Seɠe ɠolegi ɠɛni kɔba, koleai eɠɛ kobe kolegi, ta nɔundeɠai ɠoleai eɠɛ baala deɠa ɠole pepegi. Ná-masa kpɔkpɔgi ɠɛni eɠɛ abuzogi, kɔɠɔiti kiliɠiligai eɠɛ wotolo ɠɔɠɔi, ti ɠɛ eɠɛ abu ɠɛzɛi. 10 Abui ɠɛni yeizu eɠɛ ziɛ wola, é ɗa leʋe kakalaʋɛ. Nuɓusɛ waa mɔinmɔin seizu waa mɔinmɔin ge ɠɛni loni kakalaʋɛ, ti ɗa botii ɠɛ bɛ. Tukpɔɠaaleʋe nuiti ti zeini, ti sɛʋɛiti daalao. 11 «Gè yɛni wɛlɛzu naazu, tɔɔzei waso kpɔɛiti ba ma minɛ goi ɠɛni bosu, é ɗa zɔngɔ. Gè yɛni nɔ wɛlɛzu, ti suai naanisiɛi ʋaa. Ti kpusɛi ɠoloɠoloni, ti pili abui zu ga é ɠala. 12 Zɔɔma zuaiti ti ʋalani ta-ɠundiɠilai ma, kɛlɛ é veeni ti ʋɛ ga ti-zii zuɠooza yeeɠɛɠala laawu. 13 «Gè ɠɛni nɔ wɛlɛzu kulakɛlɛmaiti ba niiti ti ɠɛni ɠulazu bɛ̀ kɛlɛma kuai. Nu ná-doun zunui ta ʋaani geeɠɔlɔgi ma lonaɓiingiti maazu. É liini kɛwola wɔlɔi ʋɔ pelei, ti liini la naa ɠakala. 14 Kundiɠilai ta lɛbiyai ta masadaiti ti veeni zea, naa ɠa a kɛ zooiti kpein su nuɓusɛiti, ta ziiti kpein, ta zii woo wo nuiti kpein ti botii ɠɛ bɛ. Ná-kundiɠilai ɠa lɛbi eyɛsu ɠɔ, kpela ge la ɠɛa ba, ta ná-masadai la ɠoloɠologa eyɛsu ɠɔ.» 15 «Nà Daniyɛle, zìi wola ɓɔlɔni kòozu, kulakɛlɛmai naati ti ɗa màalua. 16 Gè maaɓuɠani nui naati gila ba ti ɠɛni loni ná, gè gaazaɠa ga nii gè kaai, é ma ɠaama ɠitei lɛ ga ze. É poluʋɛ lɛɛni ga ze naazu: 17 ‹Naama zua maayikiaiti ta ga etea masada naanigɔiti tɔɔzeizuʋɛ. 18 Ti ʋoluma, GALA é Anii-Pɛ-Unda, naa ná-nu ɲadegaiti ta masadai zɔlɔɔ. Toɠa yɛ ti ya eyɛsu ɠɔ.› 19 «Naa ʋoluma gè ɠɛni pɔ ga suai naanisiɛi ná-fai ɠole bɛ̀, nii zɔɠɔzu ɠɛni ti ʋa ta zɔ saʋagɔiti, gola maaluani, é leʋe kɛɛzu ʋa, ná-kɔlu ɲiigaiti maaʋele ma, ta ná-kɔlu ɓɔigi zaingiti, é ɗa ná-ani zogaiti mi, é ɗa ti leʋeleʋe su, é ɗa ɠɔɠɔziɛ naa zu, nii é la ɠɛni miizu. 20 Gè ɠɛa pɔ gè ɠi sɔlɔɔ ɓalaa, é lo suai ʋa nii minɛ puugɔiti ti ɠɛni unba, ta é lo zɔɔma minɛi ʋa, é ʋɔnɔni, é saʋagɔ loo bu ti zaama, minɛi naa gaazuɠɛzɛiti ti ɠɛni ba, ta daaʋɛ é ɗa waso kpɔɛiti bo da, é ɠɛ eɠɛ a wɔɔlɔ é leʋe zɔiti ba. 21 Siɛgi zu gè ɠɛni wɛlɛzu la, é kɔɔi ʋɛɛni nu ɲadegaiti ba, é ɠɛni pilɛ sɔlɔɔsu ti ma. 22 Kɛlɛ kɛwola wɔlɔi ʋaani, nii é ga GALA nii é Anii-Pɛ-Unda, é ná-nuɓusɛiti tukpɔɠaaleʋe. Siɛgi zu yeeɠɛɠalai zeelini la, nuɓusɛ ɲadegaiti ti masadai zɔlɔɔni, é ɠɛ ga tɔnɔ. 23 «É ɠɛni mà: ‹Suai naanisiɛi ɠa ga masadai naanisiɛi nii tɔɔzeiɗai zooi ma, ti yeeɠaaɠwɛɛʋɛ ta zɔiti kpein. Naama masadai ɠa zooi ná pɛ mi, é ɠɔɠɔziɛ su, é teʋeleʋe su. 24 Ma minɛ puugɔiti ta ga masa puugɔiti ti yɛsu zeizu ɓɔɠɔ ʋotogi zu naama masadai unda. Masagi puugɔ maazu ɠilasiɛi (11), nii é la ga zɔiti kɛʋele ti leʋegai, naa ɠa zobogi zɔlɔɔ, toɠa masa saʋagɔiti too bu. 25 Toɠa bɛlɛlala ɓɔɛiti bo GALA daalɔɠɔma nii é Anii-Pɛ-Unda, é GALA nii é Anii-Pɛ-Unda naa ná-nu ɲadegaiti nimizaa, toɠa ɠɛ kisu ga é siɛgiti ta tɔgi valibo, nu ɲadegaiti ta lɔ zeezu kona saʋagɔ ta tukpɛ (3,5) daawu. 26 GALA ná-tukpɔɠaaleʋei ɠa ʋaa naa ʋolu, ta ná-masadai ɠula zea, é ɠoloɠolo, gaaʋala ba eyɛsu ɠɔ. 27 Etea masadaiti kpein, ta-masadai, ta-ɠundiɠilai, ti wɔɔlɔ ʋeleiti ta ve, GALA nii é Anii-Pɛ-Unda, naa ná-nu ɲadegaiti zea. Ná-masadai ɠa ga ɠɔoɠɔ masadai, eteai zu zobobɛ nuiti kpein ta ɠolo bɛ, ti ɗa botii ɠɛ bɛ.› 28 «Fai nii ɠaaɓelazuʋɛ ɠa. Nɔ̀un nà, Daniyɛle, gè wola luani nà-kisiɛiti su, dɔ̀tɔzuleʋeni, gè ɗa nɔ ɠisiɛ su.»

In Other Versions

Daniel 7 in the ANGEFD

Daniel 7 in the ANTPNG2D

Daniel 7 in the AS21

Daniel 7 in the BAGH

Daniel 7 in the BBPNG

Daniel 7 in the BBT1E

Daniel 7 in the BDS

Daniel 7 in the BEV

Daniel 7 in the BHAD

Daniel 7 in the BIB

Daniel 7 in the BLPT

Daniel 7 in the BNT

Daniel 7 in the BNTABOOT

Daniel 7 in the BNTLV

Daniel 7 in the BOATCB

Daniel 7 in the BOATCB2

Daniel 7 in the BOBCV

Daniel 7 in the BOCNT

Daniel 7 in the BOECS

Daniel 7 in the BOGWICC

Daniel 7 in the BOHCB

Daniel 7 in the BOHCV

Daniel 7 in the BOHLNT

Daniel 7 in the BOHNTLTAL

Daniel 7 in the BOICB

Daniel 7 in the BOILNTAP

Daniel 7 in the BOITCV

Daniel 7 in the BOKCV

Daniel 7 in the BOKCV2

Daniel 7 in the BOKHWOG

Daniel 7 in the BOKSSV

Daniel 7 in the BOLCB

Daniel 7 in the BOLCB2

Daniel 7 in the BOMCV

Daniel 7 in the BONAV

Daniel 7 in the BONCB

Daniel 7 in the BONLT

Daniel 7 in the BONUT2

Daniel 7 in the BOPLNT

Daniel 7 in the BOSCB

Daniel 7 in the BOSNC

Daniel 7 in the BOTLNT

Daniel 7 in the BOVCB

Daniel 7 in the BOYCB

Daniel 7 in the BPBB

Daniel 7 in the BPH

Daniel 7 in the BSB

Daniel 7 in the CCB

Daniel 7 in the CUV

Daniel 7 in the CUVS

Daniel 7 in the DBT

Daniel 7 in the DGDNT

Daniel 7 in the DHNT

Daniel 7 in the DNT

Daniel 7 in the ELBE

Daniel 7 in the EMTV

Daniel 7 in the ESV

Daniel 7 in the FBV

Daniel 7 in the FEB

Daniel 7 in the GGMNT

Daniel 7 in the GNT

Daniel 7 in the HARY

Daniel 7 in the HNT

Daniel 7 in the IRVA

Daniel 7 in the IRVB

Daniel 7 in the IRVG

Daniel 7 in the IRVH

Daniel 7 in the IRVK

Daniel 7 in the IRVM

Daniel 7 in the IRVM2

Daniel 7 in the IRVO

Daniel 7 in the IRVP

Daniel 7 in the IRVT

Daniel 7 in the IRVT2

Daniel 7 in the IRVU

Daniel 7 in the ISVN

Daniel 7 in the JSNT

Daniel 7 in the KAPI

Daniel 7 in the KBT1ETNIK

Daniel 7 in the KBV

Daniel 7 in the KJV

Daniel 7 in the KNFD

Daniel 7 in the LBA

Daniel 7 in the LBLA

Daniel 7 in the LNT

Daniel 7 in the LSV

Daniel 7 in the MAAL

Daniel 7 in the MBV

Daniel 7 in the MBV2

Daniel 7 in the MHNT

Daniel 7 in the MKNFD

Daniel 7 in the MNG

Daniel 7 in the MNT

Daniel 7 in the MNT2

Daniel 7 in the MRS1T

Daniel 7 in the NAA

Daniel 7 in the NASB

Daniel 7 in the NBLA

Daniel 7 in the NBS

Daniel 7 in the NBVTP

Daniel 7 in the NET2

Daniel 7 in the NIV11

Daniel 7 in the NNT

Daniel 7 in the NNT2

Daniel 7 in the NNT3

Daniel 7 in the PDDPT

Daniel 7 in the PFNT

Daniel 7 in the RMNT

Daniel 7 in the SBIAS

Daniel 7 in the SBIBS

Daniel 7 in the SBIBS2

Daniel 7 in the SBICS

Daniel 7 in the SBIDS

Daniel 7 in the SBIGS

Daniel 7 in the SBIHS

Daniel 7 in the SBIIS

Daniel 7 in the SBIIS2

Daniel 7 in the SBIIS3

Daniel 7 in the SBIKS

Daniel 7 in the SBIKS2

Daniel 7 in the SBIMS

Daniel 7 in the SBIOS

Daniel 7 in the SBIPS

Daniel 7 in the SBISS

Daniel 7 in the SBITS

Daniel 7 in the SBITS2

Daniel 7 in the SBITS3

Daniel 7 in the SBITS4

Daniel 7 in the SBIUS

Daniel 7 in the SBIVS

Daniel 7 in the SBT

Daniel 7 in the SBT1E

Daniel 7 in the SCHL

Daniel 7 in the SNT

Daniel 7 in the SUSU

Daniel 7 in the SUSU2

Daniel 7 in the SYNO

Daniel 7 in the TBIAOTANT

Daniel 7 in the TBT1E

Daniel 7 in the TBT1E2

Daniel 7 in the TFTIP

Daniel 7 in the TFTU

Daniel 7 in the TGNTATF3T

Daniel 7 in the THAI

Daniel 7 in the TNFD

Daniel 7 in the TNT

Daniel 7 in the TNTIK

Daniel 7 in the TNTIL

Daniel 7 in the TNTIN

Daniel 7 in the TNTIP

Daniel 7 in the TNTIZ

Daniel 7 in the TTENT

Daniel 7 in the UBG

Daniel 7 in the UGV

Daniel 7 in the UGV2

Daniel 7 in the UGV3

Daniel 7 in the VBL

Daniel 7 in the VDCC

Daniel 7 in the YALU

Daniel 7 in the YAPE

Daniel 7 in the YBVTP

Daniel 7 in the ZBP