Genesis 37 (YAPE)

1 Mi i par Jakob u lan e nam nu Kanaan ko gin ni i par e chitamngin riy. 2 Irera’ murung’agen Jakob.I Josef e ba pagel ni ragag nge medlip e duw yangren, ni i un ngak piwalagen ngu’ur gafaliyed e saf nge kaming, ma pi pagel nem ni walagen e pifak Bilhah nge Zilpah ni yow l’agruw e bpin rok e chitamngin Josef. I weliy Josef ngak e chitamngin e pin’en nib kireb nike rin’ fapi cha’ ni walagen. 3 Israel e kab t’uf Josef rok ngak urngin e tin kabay e pumo’on ni pifak, ni bochan e ni gargeleg ngak nike pilbithir. Me ngongliy ba wuru’ e mad ni fen Josef nib n’uw pa’. 4 Ma fa’ani guy pi walagen Josef ni kab gel feni t’uf Josef rok e chitamangirad, miyad fanenikay Josef ni walagrad ndakur nonod ngak nrogon nma non e girdi’ ni bfel’ thilrad. 5 Bay ba ngiyal’ ni lik’ay Josef, me weliy ngak pi walagen e lik’ay rok. Ma aram me ri gel e fanenikan rorad ngak Josef ni bochan e re lik’ay rok nem ni weliy ngorad. 6 I ga’ar Josef ngorad, “Mu telmed ko lik’ay rog. 7 Gu lik’ay ni gadad gubin ni gadad bay u milay’ ni gadad be thumnag e wheat, me suwon e thumi rog. Me yib e yu thumi romed i longobiy e thumi rog ngar siro’gad ngay.” 8 Me fith pi walagen ngak ni lungurad, “Ga be finey ni gur e bay um gagiyeg nagmad? Ga be finey ni bay mang gur e um tay murung’agmad?” Ma aram e ri gel e fanenikan rorad ngak, ni bochan e tin ni weliy ngorad ni murung’agen e lik’ay rok. 9 Me ki lik’ay Josef bayay, me weliy ngak fa pi’nem ni walagen ni ga’ar, “Kug lik’ay bayay, ni kug guy e yal’ nge pul nge ragag nge ta’reb i t’uf ni kar siro’gad ngog.” 10 I weliy e lik’ay rok ngak e chitamngin nge ngak pi walagen, me puwan’ e chitamngin ngak ni ga’ar, “Be mang lik’ay e bin? Ga be finey ni chitinam, nge pi walagem ni pumo’on nge gag e bay gu bad gu siro’gad ngom?” 11 Me par pi walagen Josef nike awan’rad ngak, machane me par e chitamngin ni be leamnag murung’agen e tin nike weliy Josef. 12 I yan pi walagen Josef nga Shekem ni ngar gafaliyed ba ran’ i gamanman ni fak e chitamangirad, 13 me ga’ar Israel ngak Josef, “Piwalagem e ka ranod nga Shekem ni yad be gafaliy fare ran’ i gamanman. Mu fal’eg rogom, ya nggu l’ugem ngam man mu guyrad.” Me ga’ar Josef ngak, “Kug mu’ i fal’eg rogog.” 14 Me ga’ar e chitamngin ngak, “Mman, ngam guy pi walagem ngam nang salprad ma ga nang ko kabfel’ rogon e gamanman fa danga’; ma ga sul ngamog ngog.” Ma aram me l’oeg e chitamngin Josef u lan e loway u Hebron nge yan.Fa’an ni taw nga Shekem, 15 me yib be’ nib mo’on i pir’eg ni be yan u daken e pi flang i yan, me ga’ar ngak Josef, “Mang e ga be gay?” 16 Me ga’ar Josef, “Gu be gay pi walageg. Wenig ngom, mog ngog e gin’en ni yad bay riy ni yad be gafaliy ba ran’ i gamanman.” 17 Me ga’ar fare mo’on ngak, “Kar chuwgad u roy; ma kug rung’ag rorad ni yad be yog ni ngranod nga Dothan.” Ma aram me lek Josef fa pi’in walagean me yan i piri’egrad nga Dothan. 18 Fa’anra guyed nga orel ndawori chugur ngorad, miyad t’ar liybean ngar turguyed ni ngar li’ed ngem’, 19 ma be lungurad rorad, “Ke yib fare ta lik’ay. 20 Ngad li’ed ma gadad yin’ ngalan reb fapi low; ya rayag ni nga dogned ni ba gamanman ni malboch e ke li’. Ma aram ma gadad guy ko mang e bay yib ko pi lik’ay rok.” 21 Me rung’ag Ruben e tin karogned me guy rogon ni nge ayuweg Josef u pa’rad. Me ga’ar Ruben ngorad, “Dab da thanged e pogofan rok. 22 Dab mu li’ed ngem’. Mon’ed ngalan e re low ney u roy u daken e ted, machane dab mu maad’adgad ngak.” I yog ni aram rogon ya be leamnag ni nge ayuweg u pa’rad me guy rogon nge pi’ nge sul ngak e chitamngin. 23 Fa’ani taw Josef ngak pi walagen, miyad luf fare mad rok u daken, nib mad nib n’uw ma ba n’uw pa’. 24 Miyad kol nga ron’ed ngalan ba low ndariy e ran riy. 25 Nap’an ni yad be abich, miyad guy bogi ni’ ni kanog e Ishmaelite ngorad ni karbad u Gilead. Ma kar suguyed daken keru’ e kamel rorad ko florida nge spices, ni yad be fek i yan nga Egypt. 26 Me ga’ar Judah ngak pi walagen, “Fa’an gadad ra li’ walagdad nge yim’ ma gadad mithag ni gadad e kad li’ed, ma be mang e ren’en ni bfel’ nra yib riy ngodad? 27 Ngad pi’ed ngak e pi Ishmaelite ney nchuway’. Ya gadad ra rin’ ni aray rogon ma dab kud maad’adgad ngak; ya ir be’ ni walagdad, ni bang u dowdad ma gadad ta’ab racha’.” Me fel’ u wan’ pi walagen ni nge par ni aram rogon. 28 Ma fa’ani yib bogi ni’ ntachuway’ ni kanog e Midianite ngorad, miyad girengiy Josef u lan fare low ngalang ngar pi’ed nchuway’ ngak fapi girdi’ ni kanog e Ishmaelite ngorad, mi ni pi’ reliw’ yang i silber ngorad ni puluwon, miyad fek Josef nga Egypt. 29 Ma fa’ani yib Ruben ko fare low, me pir’eg nde moy Josef u rom, me guchthuy e mad rok ni aram e ke dag e kireban’ nike tay. 30 Me sul ngak pi walagen me ga’ar ngorad, “Fa’anem i Josef e de moy u lan fare low! Ere mang e nggu rin’?” 31 Miyad li’ ba kaming ngar ted fare mad rok Josef nga fithik’ i rachaen. 32 Miyad fek fare mad i yan ngak e chitamangirad. Me lungurad, “Ba’aray ba mad ni kug pir’eged. Mu guy ko mad rok fakam fa danga’.” 33 Me poy Israel ni ireram fare mad, me ga’ar, “Ir e fen. Ba gamanman ni malboch e ke li’. Fakag i Josef e kan popof!” 34 Me guchthuy Jakob e mad rok me bachiy bangi mad ni yima fanay ko tutuw nga lukngun ni aram e ke dag gelngin e kireban’ nike tay. Ma ba n’uw nap’an ni i par nib kireban’ ma be yornag fak. 35 Me yib urngin pifak ni pumo’on nge ppin ngak ni ngar fal’eged laniyan’, machane dabun ni ngan fal’eg laniyan’, me ga’ar, “Bay ug par ni be kireban’ug ngak fakag nge mada’ ko ngiyal’ ni bay gum’ mu gu wan ngak ko binem e tamilang ni tafen e pi’in ni karm’ad.” Ma aram mi i par ni be kireban’ ma be yornag Josef ni fak. 36 Ma ngiyal’nem u Egypt e ke pi’ fapi Midianite Josef ni chuway’ ngak Potifar, ni ir reb e salthaw rok Farao nib tolang, ni ir e kapten rok e pi salthaw nma matanagiy tafen Farao.

In Other Versions

Genesis 37 in the ANGEFD

Genesis 37 in the ANTPNG2D

Genesis 37 in the AS21

Genesis 37 in the BAGH

Genesis 37 in the BBPNG

Genesis 37 in the BBT1E

Genesis 37 in the BDS

Genesis 37 in the BEV

Genesis 37 in the BHAD

Genesis 37 in the BIB

Genesis 37 in the BLPT

Genesis 37 in the BNT

Genesis 37 in the BNTABOOT

Genesis 37 in the BNTLV

Genesis 37 in the BOATCB

Genesis 37 in the BOATCB2

Genesis 37 in the BOBCV

Genesis 37 in the BOCNT

Genesis 37 in the BOECS

Genesis 37 in the BOGWICC

Genesis 37 in the BOHCB

Genesis 37 in the BOHCV

Genesis 37 in the BOHLNT

Genesis 37 in the BOHNTLTAL

Genesis 37 in the BOICB

Genesis 37 in the BOILNTAP

Genesis 37 in the BOITCV

Genesis 37 in the BOKCV

Genesis 37 in the BOKCV2

Genesis 37 in the BOKHWOG

Genesis 37 in the BOKSSV

Genesis 37 in the BOLCB

Genesis 37 in the BOLCB2

Genesis 37 in the BOMCV

Genesis 37 in the BONAV

Genesis 37 in the BONCB

Genesis 37 in the BONLT

Genesis 37 in the BONUT2

Genesis 37 in the BOPLNT

Genesis 37 in the BOSCB

Genesis 37 in the BOSNC

Genesis 37 in the BOTLNT

Genesis 37 in the BOVCB

Genesis 37 in the BOYCB

Genesis 37 in the BPBB

Genesis 37 in the BPH

Genesis 37 in the BSB

Genesis 37 in the CCB

Genesis 37 in the CUV

Genesis 37 in the CUVS

Genesis 37 in the DBT

Genesis 37 in the DGDNT

Genesis 37 in the DHNT

Genesis 37 in the DNT

Genesis 37 in the ELBE

Genesis 37 in the EMTV

Genesis 37 in the ESV

Genesis 37 in the FBV

Genesis 37 in the FEB

Genesis 37 in the GGMNT

Genesis 37 in the GNT

Genesis 37 in the HARY

Genesis 37 in the HNT

Genesis 37 in the IRVA

Genesis 37 in the IRVB

Genesis 37 in the IRVG

Genesis 37 in the IRVH

Genesis 37 in the IRVK

Genesis 37 in the IRVM

Genesis 37 in the IRVM2

Genesis 37 in the IRVO

Genesis 37 in the IRVP

Genesis 37 in the IRVT

Genesis 37 in the IRVT2

Genesis 37 in the IRVU

Genesis 37 in the ISVN

Genesis 37 in the JSNT

Genesis 37 in the KAPI

Genesis 37 in the KBT1ETNIK

Genesis 37 in the KBV

Genesis 37 in the KJV

Genesis 37 in the KNFD

Genesis 37 in the LBA

Genesis 37 in the LBLA

Genesis 37 in the LNT

Genesis 37 in the LSV

Genesis 37 in the MAAL

Genesis 37 in the MBV

Genesis 37 in the MBV2

Genesis 37 in the MHNT

Genesis 37 in the MKNFD

Genesis 37 in the MNG

Genesis 37 in the MNT

Genesis 37 in the MNT2

Genesis 37 in the MRS1T

Genesis 37 in the NAA

Genesis 37 in the NASB

Genesis 37 in the NBLA

Genesis 37 in the NBS

Genesis 37 in the NBVTP

Genesis 37 in the NET2

Genesis 37 in the NIV11

Genesis 37 in the NNT

Genesis 37 in the NNT2

Genesis 37 in the NNT3

Genesis 37 in the PDDPT

Genesis 37 in the PFNT

Genesis 37 in the RMNT

Genesis 37 in the SBIAS

Genesis 37 in the SBIBS

Genesis 37 in the SBIBS2

Genesis 37 in the SBICS

Genesis 37 in the SBIDS

Genesis 37 in the SBIGS

Genesis 37 in the SBIHS

Genesis 37 in the SBIIS

Genesis 37 in the SBIIS2

Genesis 37 in the SBIIS3

Genesis 37 in the SBIKS

Genesis 37 in the SBIKS2

Genesis 37 in the SBIMS

Genesis 37 in the SBIOS

Genesis 37 in the SBIPS

Genesis 37 in the SBISS

Genesis 37 in the SBITS

Genesis 37 in the SBITS2

Genesis 37 in the SBITS3

Genesis 37 in the SBITS4

Genesis 37 in the SBIUS

Genesis 37 in the SBIVS

Genesis 37 in the SBT

Genesis 37 in the SBT1E

Genesis 37 in the SCHL

Genesis 37 in the SNT

Genesis 37 in the SUSU

Genesis 37 in the SUSU2

Genesis 37 in the SYNO

Genesis 37 in the TBIAOTANT

Genesis 37 in the TBT1E

Genesis 37 in the TBT1E2

Genesis 37 in the TFTIP

Genesis 37 in the TFTU

Genesis 37 in the TGNTATF3T

Genesis 37 in the THAI

Genesis 37 in the TNFD

Genesis 37 in the TNT

Genesis 37 in the TNTIK

Genesis 37 in the TNTIL

Genesis 37 in the TNTIN

Genesis 37 in the TNTIP

Genesis 37 in the TNTIZ

Genesis 37 in the TOMA

Genesis 37 in the TTENT

Genesis 37 in the UBG

Genesis 37 in the UGV

Genesis 37 in the UGV2

Genesis 37 in the UGV3

Genesis 37 in the VBL

Genesis 37 in the VDCC

Genesis 37 in the YALU

Genesis 37 in the YBVTP

Genesis 37 in the ZBP