Luke 9 (BNTLV)

1 Iyesus tatse git b́woshtswotsi b́maand s'eegdek't fo'erawwotsi kishosh, shod jam kashiy, angonat alon b́ imi. 2 Ik'i mengsti jango ash jamosh bo keewitwok'o shodetswotsno bo kashitwok'o boon b́ woshi. 3 Hank'owa boosh bí et, «It werindosh wotitwo eegor deshdek' k'ayere, gumbonor b́wotiyal, k'arc'itonor, galonor, gizonor, woniyet tahonor dab daamk'ayere. 4 Ibo amr maa ikots it kindor gálmanitse keer it amfetsosh maa man mec'rotse teyere. 5 Asha ashwots itn ibiyo bok'azetk wotiyalmó gálmani fakshr it amor it tufatsi k'undo tebk'rar ameree, manwere boats gaw wotitwe.» 6 Mansh wosheetsots maniye kesht doo shishyo daniyfetst shodetswotsi kashiyifere gál gálotse boguurefoni. 7 Ash ik iko «Gpfo Yohans k'irotse k'az tuure» ett bo keewirwotse Gelil dats k'eezfo Herodis Iyesus fints jamo b́ shishor daand b́wutsi. 8 Mank'o ik ikwots «Nebiyo Eliyas aanat waare,» bo etor k'atswotsmó «Shints nebiywotsitse iko k'irotse k'az tuure,» bo etiri. 9 Herodiswe b́ kaaton «Taa Yohans tooko k'ut'rere, eshe, jaman k'alirwe ett keeweyirwo kone eshna?» bí etfo. Bín bek'ono b́ tewnfo. 10 B́woshefwots bowoshetsoke aani wáát bok'alts jamo Iyesussh bokeewi. Bíwere Betesayida eteets kitu ganoke fa'a jokats bo aali dek't bíami. 11 Ash ashonwre Iyesus beyoko áwok b́woto bo daniyakon b́shuutso shoy dek't botuw, bíwere boon dek't Ik'i mengsti jango boosh b́ daniyi, boshodatse kasho geeyat waats jamwotsno bo shodotse b́ kashi. 12 Aawo ilosh bí'etfere, b́danif tatse gitwots Iyesus maants t'int «No beyirwokanwo woorwere, eshe ash ashuwotsi gúranatse fa'a kitwotsnat gat'eriwotsits amr mishonat k'eyokon gee bodek'etwok'o fakshk'rowe,» bo et. 13 Iyesusmó «It it tookon bometwo boosh imere,» bí eti.Bowere «Noo nodetsiye úts mishunat git mus' mec'riye, man b́wottsotse no kewiyala bako jam ashaansh boratse,» bo eti. 14 Ash ashonwere úts kumk'oyi b́tesh.Iyesus b́ danifwotssh «Ash asho b'alk'ts b'alk'tson kayide'er bo bedek'etwoko woshwere» bíet. 15 B́ danifwotswere bí'ettsuk'o ash ashuwotsi bobetwok'o woshbok'ri. 16 Maniyere il Iyesus úts mishwotsnat mus' gitwotsn k'a'udek't daromaants kááwdek't s'iilt Ik'o b́údi, tishde'er ash ashosh bokayitwok'o b́ danifwotssh b́ ími. 17 Jametswots maat bowori, b́ danifwots ash mááre oorts mishi fed'o tatse git ooshi s'eeno bo k'a'úwi. 18 Ik aaw Iyesus bí'yal Ik'o b́ k'onfere b́ danirwots waat bínton be bodek', bíwere, «Ash asho taan koni etfno?» ett bíaat. 19 Bowere «Ik iko ‹Gupfo Yohansiye,› k'atswots ‹Eliyasiye,› etfne neesha, ‹Yoots nebiyiwotsitsi iko k'irotse tuure,› etirwotsu fa'ane,» ett bísh bo aaniyi. 20 Itmó eshe, «Taan koni etfte?» et boon bí aati. P'et'roswere, «Nee Ik'i mesihiyo neene,» ett bísh bí aaniy. 21 Iyesusere han konshor bokeewrawok'o kup'idek't b́ keewi. 22 Manats dabt Iyesus b́ danifwotssh hank'owa bí'et, «Ash na'o gond bek'o ayide bí'ats b́bodo jinatse, eenashwotsnat kahniy naashwotsn, Muse nemo danifwotsoke gac'etwe, úd'etwe, b́wotiyalor keezl aawon k'irotse tuwitwe.» 23 Jametswotssh hank'wa bíet, «T shuuts waa geetso b́ beyal b́took keewo juk'rowe, aaw aawonowere b́ mask'aliyo kurde t shuutso sha'owa 24 Taayere bogo b́ kasho shawsh geyitu jametswots t'ut'etúno, taasha err b́ kasho beshide'er imetwonmó ooridek'etwe. 25 Asho datsatsi gaal jamo b́datsiyal, b́ kashunmó b́ t'afiyal eege bísh b́k'aliti? 26 Taanat tdanits daniyi jangatse tuutson jitsitu jámo ash na'o b́mangonat b́ nih mangon, aani b́ melaki S'aynwots mangon b́ woor b́jangatse jitsitwe. 27 Arikoniye itsh t keewiri, and hanoke fa'úwotsitse Ik'i megstu bo bek'fetsosh k'irrawwots fa'ane.» 28 Iyesus han b́keewtsi shmt aawe hakon P'et'rosi, Yohansnat Yak'obn jishdek't Ik' k'onosh gur iko abaats keshb́dek'i. 29 Ik'o b́k'onfere bí'aro wone b́ wtsi, b́ tahonuwer nas' wotat b́ goli. 30 Mann! gawerawon git ashuwots waat bínton bokeweyir, boowere Musenat Elyasna bo teshi. 31 Mangon be'eyat keewefetst bo teshtsonwere, Iyesus Iyerusalemitse gond bek'o bí'ats b́ bodetwok'onat b́ k'iritwok'ona b́teshi. 32 Manór P'et'rosnat b́ tohwotsn tokron maawutsat k'egutserno boteshi, tokrotse bo tuwtsok'nmo Iyesus mangonat bínton teshts ash gitwotsn bo bek'i. 33 Ash gitwots Iyesusatse k'aleyat bo amtsok'on P'et'ros Iyesussh «Danifono, hanoke beyo noosh shenge, eshe iko neesh, iko Musesh, ikono Eliyassh, keez gofuwotsi áá de'one!» bí et, P'et'ros han bietoor b́ keewirwo danatse. 34 P'et'ros man keewoke b́befre daawno waat boon degbdek', dawnonwere boon degb́dek'tsok'on shat bowtsi. 35 Dawnmanitsno, «T marat'tso t na'o haniye, bín k'ewere!» etiru k'ááro b́ waa. 36 K'armanwere b́ shisheyahakon Iyesus bíaali wotat b́ daatseyi, b́ danifwotswere bo bek'ts jamo konshor bo kewrawon s'ket be bowts. 37 Yatsok'on Iyesusnat b́ danif keezwotsn guri abaatse bo oot'tsok'on ay asho Iyesusi amt gonkbodek'i. 38 Ash ash dagotse ash iko hank'o ett b́kuh! «Danifono! na'an taash iks'uz b́wottsotse taash n kashiytwok'o neen k'onre, 39 Hambe! Kim shayiran gawerawo detsdek't b́ kuhirye, datsats dikdek't úmbo kishifetst b́ s'ik'iyriye, bí atsono gaawit gondo b́ bek'shiyakon b́fakshfoni. 40 Kim shayiran bo kishitwok'o n danifwotssh keewre b́tesh, ernmó falratsne.» 41 Iyesuswere hanko bí et «It amaneraw k'uurts s'oot'wotso! awrifetsone itnton t beeti? awrifetsoshe it keewo t k'amiti? aab n na'o hakan de'ewowe.» 42 Na'onwere Iyesus maants b́ t'intsok'on fo'erawo datsats dikdek't b́ s'ik'i, Iyesusmó kim shayirman hadat, na'onowere kashidek't b́ nihsh imb́k'ri. 43 Ash jamonwere Ik'i een ango bobek'tsotse bo adi.Jametsuwots Iyesus b́ k'alts keewmaanatse tuutson adoke bobefere b́ danifwotssh hank'o bíeti, 44 «Itsh tkeewiru keewan nibn de t'iwintsde'ere! Hambe, Ash Na'o ashuwotssh beshide imetwe.» 45 Boomó keewman t'iwintsde'atsno, b́keewirmanwere boosh aashgutsatni b́tesh, bín aatoshowere shat bowtsi. 46 B́ danifwots «No únetsitse bogo kone?» ett moosho tuuz bok'ri. 47 Iyesusmó bo nibotse bo gawirwo dank'rat na'i marmat' iko dek' waat b́ ganok need'i b́k'ri, 48 Bíwere «Na'i marmat'han taasha err dek'etwo taane b́ dek'iy, taan dek'ts jamonwere taan woshtsonye bo dek'iye. Ititse it jametswotsitse dashtso bí jamoniyere bogee b́ wotitye,» bí et. 49 Maniye hakon Yohans Iyesussh, «Danifono, ash iko n shútson fo'erawo b́ kishfere nobek'i, ernmó noonton b́woterawotse bazi nok'ri,» bíet. 50 Iyesuswere «Iti k'eferaw jamo it maants b́wottsotse k'ayere, bazik'ayere!» bí et. 51 Iyesusi daromadan b́ keshet aawo t'infere b́ waatsok'on Iyerusalem maants amoosh k'ut'dek't b́ tuwi. 52 Bíyere shin shino amet woshetawotsi woshb́k'ri, boowere jam keewo k'aniyosh Semaritse daatsets gal iku maants bo ami. 53 Ernmó bí mann beshar Iyerusalemi bí'ametuwok'o bo dantsotse gal manitsi ashuwots bín dek'o geratsno bo tesh. 54 B́danifuwots Yak'obnat Yohansn man bo bek'tsok'on, «Doonzono! darotse tawo ood'r ashaanotsi mits b́ bazetwok'o no k'alish eekineya?» bo et. 55 Iyesusmó bo maants wongr ett aanat boon b́ hadi. [It aaw naari shayirokik it wottsok'o danatste, ash na'o b́awa ash kash worya bako, t'afiyaliye.] 56 Manoknowere tuut k'osh gaalo maants k'az bo ami. 57 Iyesusnat b́ danifwots weerindatse bo sha'efere ash iko Iyesussh «Taa ni'amiru jamok n shuutso shoyde'er amoosh geefe,» bí et. 58 Iyesuswere «Waangwots gop'o detsfne, daritsi kafwotswere kúto detsfne, ashna'onmó dab b́ tooku bits b́ gedetwok wotts bewoku deshatse,» ett bísh bíaaniy. 59 K'osh ashosho, «T shuutso wowe» bí et. Ashmanmó «T doonzo! shino amr t nihi duh tdek'ish taash eekowe,» bi et. 60 Iyesuswere «K'irtswotsi k'ayk'rowe, k'irts bokuwotsi duhde'enee, nemon amr Ik'i mengsti jango daniwe!» ett bí aaniyi. 61 Maniye il k'osh ash iko «Doonzono, taa neenton sha'o geefe, wotowa bako shino amr t meyitsi ashuwotsi jamir t weetwok'o taash eekowe,» bí eti. 62 Iyesuswere «Goshosh hordo kishon deshde'er shuutso maants s'iliru asho Ik'i mengstosh wotitkaliye,» et bíaanyi.

In Other Versions

Luke 9 in the ANGEFD

Luke 9 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 9 in the AS21

Luke 9 in the BAGH

Luke 9 in the BBPNG

Luke 9 in the BBT1E

Luke 9 in the BDS

Luke 9 in the BEV

Luke 9 in the BHAD

Luke 9 in the BIB

Luke 9 in the BLPT

Luke 9 in the BNT

Luke 9 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 9 in the BOATCB

Luke 9 in the BOATCB2

Luke 9 in the BOBCV

Luke 9 in the BOCNT

Luke 9 in the BOECS

Luke 9 in the BOGWICC

Luke 9 in the BOHCB

Luke 9 in the BOHCV

Luke 9 in the BOHLNT

Luke 9 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 9 in the BOICB

Luke 9 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 9 in the BOITCV

Luke 9 in the BOKCV

Luke 9 in the BOKCV2

Luke 9 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 9 in the BOKSSV

Luke 9 in the BOLCB

Luke 9 in the BOLCB2

Luke 9 in the BOMCV

Luke 9 in the BONAV

Luke 9 in the BONCB

Luke 9 in the BONLT

Luke 9 in the BONUT2

Luke 9 in the BOPLNT

Luke 9 in the BOSCB

Luke 9 in the BOSNC

Luke 9 in the BOTLNT

Luke 9 in the BOVCB

Luke 9 in the BOYCB

Luke 9 in the BPBB

Luke 9 in the BPH

Luke 9 in the BSB

Luke 9 in the CCB

Luke 9 in the CUV

Luke 9 in the CUVS

Luke 9 in the DBT

Luke 9 in the DGDNT

Luke 9 in the DHNT

Luke 9 in the DNT

Luke 9 in the ELBE

Luke 9 in the EMTV

Luke 9 in the ESV

Luke 9 in the FBV

Luke 9 in the FEB

Luke 9 in the GGMNT

Luke 9 in the GNT

Luke 9 in the HARY

Luke 9 in the HNT

Luke 9 in the IRVA

Luke 9 in the IRVB

Luke 9 in the IRVG

Luke 9 in the IRVH

Luke 9 in the IRVK

Luke 9 in the IRVM

Luke 9 in the IRVM2

Luke 9 in the IRVO

Luke 9 in the IRVP

Luke 9 in the IRVT

Luke 9 in the IRVT2

Luke 9 in the IRVU

Luke 9 in the ISVN

Luke 9 in the JSNT

Luke 9 in the KAPI

Luke 9 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 9 in the KBV

Luke 9 in the KJV

Luke 9 in the KNFD

Luke 9 in the LBA

Luke 9 in the LBLA

Luke 9 in the LNT

Luke 9 in the LSV

Luke 9 in the MAAL

Luke 9 in the MBV

Luke 9 in the MBV2

Luke 9 in the MHNT

Luke 9 in the MKNFD

Luke 9 in the MNG

Luke 9 in the MNT

Luke 9 in the MNT2

Luke 9 in the MRS1T

Luke 9 in the NAA

Luke 9 in the NASB

Luke 9 in the NBLA

Luke 9 in the NBS

Luke 9 in the NBVTP

Luke 9 in the NET2

Luke 9 in the NIV11

Luke 9 in the NNT

Luke 9 in the NNT2

Luke 9 in the NNT3

Luke 9 in the PDDPT

Luke 9 in the PFNT

Luke 9 in the RMNT

Luke 9 in the SBIAS

Luke 9 in the SBIBS

Luke 9 in the SBIBS2

Luke 9 in the SBICS

Luke 9 in the SBIDS

Luke 9 in the SBIGS

Luke 9 in the SBIHS

Luke 9 in the SBIIS

Luke 9 in the SBIIS2

Luke 9 in the SBIIS3

Luke 9 in the SBIKS

Luke 9 in the SBIKS2

Luke 9 in the SBIMS

Luke 9 in the SBIOS

Luke 9 in the SBIPS

Luke 9 in the SBISS

Luke 9 in the SBITS

Luke 9 in the SBITS2

Luke 9 in the SBITS3

Luke 9 in the SBITS4

Luke 9 in the SBIUS

Luke 9 in the SBIVS

Luke 9 in the SBT

Luke 9 in the SBT1E

Luke 9 in the SCHL

Luke 9 in the SNT

Luke 9 in the SUSU

Luke 9 in the SUSU2

Luke 9 in the SYNO

Luke 9 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 9 in the TBT1E

Luke 9 in the TBT1E2

Luke 9 in the TFTIP

Luke 9 in the TFTU

Luke 9 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 9 in the THAI

Luke 9 in the TNFD

Luke 9 in the TNT

Luke 9 in the TNTIK

Luke 9 in the TNTIL

Luke 9 in the TNTIN

Luke 9 in the TNTIP

Luke 9 in the TNTIZ

Luke 9 in the TOMA

Luke 9 in the TTENT

Luke 9 in the UBG

Luke 9 in the UGV

Luke 9 in the UGV2

Luke 9 in the UGV3

Luke 9 in the VBL

Luke 9 in the VDCC

Luke 9 in the YALU

Luke 9 in the YAPE

Luke 9 in the YBVTP

Luke 9 in the ZBP