Ezekiel 16 (BOATCB)

1 AWURADE asɛm baa me nkyɛn sɛ: 2 “Onipa ba, fa akyiwadeɛ a Yerusalem yɛ no si nʼanim 3 na ka sɛ, ‘Yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ AWURADE ka kyerɛ Yerusalem: Wo nananom ne wʼawoɔ firi Kanaanfoɔ asase so; na wʼagya yɛ Amorini ɛnna wo maame nso yɛ Hetini. 4 Ɛda a wɔwoo wo no, wɔantwa wo funuma, na wɔamfa nsuo annware wo sɛ wo ho bɛte nso, wɔamfa nkyene ansra wo, na wɔamfa ntoma ankyekyere wo ho. 5 Obiara anhunu wo mmɔbɔ, na obiara yam anhyehye no sɛ ɔbɛyɛ yeinom biara ama wo. Mmom wɔtoo wo twenee wiram, ɛfiri sɛ ɛda a wɔwoo woɔ no, wɔbuu wo animtiaa. 6 “ ‘Mebɛpuee wo so, na mehunuu sɛ worewɔ wo nan na woda mogya mu, na sɛdeɛ na woda hɔ no, meka kyerɛɛ wo sɛ, “Nya nkwa!” 7 Mehwɛɛ wo ma wonyiniiɛ sɛ afifideɛ. Wonyiniiɛ, wofɛeɛ bɛyɛɛ abohemaa mu deɛ ne ho fɛ pa ara. Wo nufu bobɔeɛ na wo ho nwi fuiɛ, wo a na anka woda adagya. 8 “ ‘Akyire yi mebɛpuee wo so, na mehwɛɛ woɔ na mehunuu sɛ woaso awadeɛ no, mede mʼatadeɛ fa bi kataa wʼadagya so. Mesuae kyerɛɛ wo na mene wo yɛɛ apam na wobɛyɛɛ me dea, Otumfoɔ AWURADE na ɔseɛ. 9 “ ‘Mede nsuo dwaree wo, na mehohoroo wo ho mogya na mede sradeɛ ahodoɔ srasraa wo. 10 Mede atadeɛ a wɔanwono ano hyɛɛ wo, na mehyɛɛ wo mmoa wedeɛ mpaboa. Mede nwera papa firaa wo na mede ntadeɛ aboɔden guguu so. 11 Mede agudeɛ siesiee wo. Mede nkapo guu wʼabakɔn, mede kɔnmuadeɛ too wo kɔn mu, 12 na mede kawa hyɛɛ wo hwene mu, ɛnna mede asomuadeɛ hyɛɛ wʼasom na mebɔɔ wo abotire a ɛyɛ fɛ. 13 Enti wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ne dwetɛ siesiee wo. Wʼaduradeɛ yɛɛ nwera papa ne ntoma a ne boɔ yɛ den ne deɛ wɔadi mu adwini. Wʼaduane yɛɛ esiam papa, ɛwoɔ ne ngo. Wo ho yɛɛ fɛ na wobɛyɛɛ ɔhemmaa. 14 Na wʼahoɔfɛ enti, wo din hyetaa wɔ amanaman mu, ɛfiri sɛ animuonyam a mahyɛ wo no ma wʼahoɔfɛ no di mu, AWURADE asɛm nie. 15 “ ‘Nanso wʼahoɔfɛ enti, wogyee wo ho diiɛ na wode wo din a ahyeta no bɔɔ adwaman. Wogyaa wo ho maa obiara a ɔretwam na woyɛɛ wɔn adɔeɛ. 16 Wode wo ntadeɛ no bi kɔyɛɛ sorɔnsorɔmmea hɔ hyirenn, ɛhɔ na wokɔbɔɔ adwaman. Ɛnsɛ sɛ nneɛma a ɛtete sei sisi koraa, na ɛnsɛ sɛ ɛba nso. 17 Afei wode wo nnwinneɛ fɛfɛ a mede maa wo no, deɛ mede sikakɔkɔɔ ne dwetɛ yɛeɛ no yɛɛ ahoni maa wo ho na wo ne wɔn bɔɔ adwaman. 18 Wode wo ntadeɛ a wɔadi mu adwini hyehyɛɛ wɔn na wode me ngo ne nnuhwam brɛɛ wɔn. 19 Bio, aduane a mede maa woɔ no, esiam papa, ɛwoɔ ne ngo a mede maa wo sɛ di no, wode brɛɛ wɔn sɛ afɔrebɔdeɛ a ɛyi hwa. Saa na ɛsiiɛ, Otumfoɔ AWURADE asɛm nie. 20 “ ‘Wofaa wo mmammarima ne wo mmammaa, a me ne wo woo wɔn no kɔbɔɔ afɔdeɛ sɛ aduane maa ahoni. Wʼadwamammɔ no nnɔɔso anaa? 21 Wokumm me mma de wɔn bɔɔ afɔdeɛ maa ahoni no. 22 Akyiwadeɛ a woyɛeɛ ne wʼadwamammɔ akyi no, woankae wo mmabunu ɛberɛ a na wo ho da hɔ na worewowɔ wo nan wɔ mogya mu no. 23 “ ‘Nnome! Nnome nka wo, Otumfoɔ AWURADE na ɔseɛ. Wʼamumuyɛ nyinaa akyi no, 24 wosii banbɔ pie maa wo ho, na woyɛɛ abosonnan tentene wɔ adwabɔeɛ biara. 25 Borɔno so baabiara wosisii abosonnan atentene, na wosɛee wʼahoɔfɛ ɛfiri sɛ honam akɔnnɔ bɔne enti wode wo ho maa obiara a ɔretwam. 26 Wo ne Misraimfoɔ a honam akɔnnɔ ayɛ wɔn ma no bɔɔ adwaman, na wode honam akɔnnɔ bɔne hyɛɛ me abufuo. 27 Enti metenee me nsa wɔ wo so na metee wʼahyeɛ so. Mede wo maa wʼatamfoɔ aniberefoɔ, Filistifoɔ mmammaa a wʼahohwi bra no yɛɛ wɔn nwanwa. 28 Wo ne Asiriafoɔ nso bɔɔ adwaman, ɛfiri sɛ biribiara mmee wo. Na ɛno akyi koraa woammee ara. 29 Afei wotoaa wo honam akɔnnɔ bɔne no so de Babilonia, a ɛyɛ adwadifoɔ asase kaa ho, nanso yei ammee wo ara. 30 “ ‘Wonni ahohyɛsoɔ koraa, Otumfoɔ AWURADE asɛm nie, sɛ wotumi yɛ saa nneɛma yi nyinaa te sɛ odwamanfoɔ a nʼani nwu hwee. 31 Wosisii banbɔ pie wɔ mmorɔno so na wosisii abosonnan atentene wɔ adwaberem biara, na wonsɛ odwamanfoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ wopoo akatua. 32 “ ‘Wo, ɔyere waresɛefoɔ, wopɛ ahɔhoɔ sene wo ara wo kunu! 33 Odwamanfoɔ biara gye akatua, nanso wodeɛ, wode nneɛma kyekyɛ wʼadɔfoɔ nyinaa de hyɛ wɔn afono mu sɛ, wɔmfiri baabiara mmra wo nkyɛn. 34 Enti wʼadwamammɔ mu no wonte sɛ afoforɔ; obiara mma wo hɔ sɛ yɛ no adɔeɛ. Wo ne wɔn bɔ abira koraa, ɛfiri sɛ wotua ka na obiara mma wo hwee. 35 “ ‘Enti, wo odwamanfoɔ, tie AWURADE asɛm! 36 Yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ AWURADE seɛ. Esiane sɛ wohwie wʼahonya guiɛ na wodaa wʼadagya adi, wo ho a woma ɛyɛɛ wo dɛ dodo wɔ wo ne wʼadɔfoɔ nhyiamu, wʼahoni a ɛyɛ akyiwadeɛ na afei wo mma mogya a wode maa wɔn no enti, 37 merebɛboaboa wʼadɔfoɔ a wode wɔn gyee wʼani nyinaa ano; wɔn a wodɔɔ wɔn ne wɔn a woampɛ wɔn. Mɛboaboa wɔn nyinaa ano atia wo afiri wo ho baabiara, na mɛpa wo ho wɔ wɔn anim, na wɔbɛhunu wʼadagya nyinaa. 38 Mede asotwe a wɔde ma mmaa awaresɛefoɔ ne mogya hwiegufoɔ bɛyɛ wʼatemmuo. Mede me mogya aweretɔ a ɛfiri mʼabufuhyeɛ ne me ninkunutweɛ abufuo mu bɛba wo so. 39 Afei, mede wo bɛma wʼadɔfoɔ na wɔbɛbubu banbɔ pie a woahɔre, asɛe abosonnan atentene no. Wɔbɛpa wo ho ntoma. Wɔbɛfa wo nnwinneɛ fɛfɛ no, na wagya wo hɔ adagya mu. 40 Wɔde nnipadɔm a wɔbɛsi wo aboɔ na wɔde wɔn akofena atwitwa wo mu nketenkete bɛba wo so. 41 Wɔbɛhyehye wʼafie na wɔatwe wʼaso wɔ mmaa bebree anim. Mɛtwa wʼadwamammɔ no so na woagyae akatua a wotua wʼadɔfoɔ no. 42 Afei mʼabufuhyeɛ ano bɛdwo na me ninkunutweɛ abufuo no bɛfiri wo so. Mɛyɛ bɔkɔɔ na mebo remfu bio. 43 “ ‘Sɛ woankae wo mmabunu nna, na wode yeinom nyinaa hyɛɛ me abufuo enti, ɛkwan biara so mɛma deɛ woayɛ no abɔ wo tiri so, Otumfoɔ AWURADE na ɔseɛ. Woanyɛ nneɛma fi anka akyiwadeɛ no ho anaa? 44 “ ‘Obiara a ɔbu bɛ no bɛbu saa bɛ yi afa wo ho: “Sɛdeɛ ɛna teɛ no saa ara na ne babaa teɛ.” 45 Wo maame sopaa ne kunu ne ne mma. Wo nso saa ara na woteɛ. Wote te sɛ wo nuanom mmaa a wɔsopaa wɔn kununom ne wɔn mma. Wo maame yɛ Hetini ɛnna wʼagya yɛ Amorini. 46 Na wo nuabaa panin ne Samaria a na ɔne ne mmammaa te wʼatifi fam, ɛnna wo nuabaa kumaa a ɔne ne mmammaa te wʼanafoɔ fam yɛ Sodom. 47 Woannante wɔn akwan mu, ansuasua wɔn akyiwadeɛ nko, na mmom, akwan nyinaa mu, wobɛyɛɛ porɔeɛ sene wɔn. 48 Sɛ mete ase yi, Otumfoɔ AWURADE na ɔseɛ, wo nuabaa Sodom ne ne mmammaa anyɛ deɛ wo ne wo mmammaa ayɛ no da. 49 “ ‘Yei ne bɔne a wo nuabaa Sodom yɛeɛ: Ɔno ne mmammaa yɛɛ ahantan. Wɔdidi traa so na hwee amfa wɔn ho, wɔammoa ahiafoɔ ne mmɔborɔfoɔ. 50 Wɔyɛɛ ahomasoɔ ne akyiwadeɛ wɔ mʼanim. Ɛno enti meyii wɔn sii nkyɛn sɛdeɛ woahunu no. 51 Samaria anyɛ bɔne a woyɛeɛ no mu fa. Woayɛ akyiwadeɛ a ɛboro deɛ wo nuammaanom no yɛeɛ no so koraa, na woama ayɛ sɛ wo nuammaa no tene, ɛsiane saa nneɛma a woayɛ no enti. 52 Gye wʼanimguaseɛ, ɛfiri sɛ woama wo nnuammaa adi bem. Wo bɔne mu yɛ duru sene wɔn deɛ, enti ayɛ sɛ wɔtene sene wo. Ɛnneɛ afei gye wʼanimguaseɛ na wama ayɛ sɛ wo nnuammaa tene. 53 “ ‘Nanso, mede Sodom siadeɛ ne ne mmammaa, Samaria siadeɛ ne ne mmammaa bɛma wɔn, na mede wo siadeɛ bɛka ho, 54 sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a wobɛgye wʼanimguaseɛ na wʼani bɛwu wɔ deɛ woayɛ de ama wɔn ahotɔ nyinaa ho. 55 Na wo nuammaa Sodom ne ne mmammaa, Samaria ne ne mmammaa bɛsane akɔ wɔn tebea dada mu, na wo ne wo mmammaa nso bɛsane akɔ mo dada mu. 56 Anka woremmɔ wo nuabaa Sodom din wɔ wʼahohoahoa ɛda, 57 kɔsi sɛ wʼamumuyɛ ho daa hɔ. Ɛbɛsi ɛnnɛ Edom mmammaa bɔ wo ahohora, wɔne wɔn a atwa wɔn ho ahyia ne Filistifoɔ mmammaa, ɛne wɔn a atwa wo ho ahyia a wɔbɔ wo ahohora nyinaa. 58 Deɛ ɛbɛfiri nneɛma fi a woyɛ ne wʼakyiwadeɛ mu aba no bɛda wo so, AWURADE asɛm nie. 59 “ ‘Yei ne deɛ Otumfoɔ AWURADE seɛ: Me ne wo bɛdi no sɛdeɛ ɛfata, ɛfiri sɛ woasɛe mʼapam de abu me ntam animtiaa. 60 Nanso mɛkae apam a me ne wo yɛɛ wo mmabunu berɛ mu, na me ne wo bɛyɛ apam a ɛbɛtena hɔ afebɔɔ. 61 Afei wobɛkae wʼakwan na wʼani awu ɛberɛ a wo nsa aka wo nuammaa; wɔn a wɔanyini sene woɔ ne nkumaa nyinaa. Mede wɔn bɛma wo sɛ wo mmammaa, nanso ɛrennyina apam a me ne wo ayɛ no so. 62 Enti me ne wo bɛyɛ apam na wobɛhunu sɛ mene AWURADE. 63 Afei sɛ meyɛ mpata ma wo wɔ deɛ woayɛ nyinaa ho a, wobɛkae na wʼani bɛwu na woremmue wʼano bio wɔ brɛ a wɔabrɛ wo ase enti, Otumfoɔ AWURADE asɛm nie.’ ”

In Other Versions

Ezekiel 16 in the ANGEFD

Ezekiel 16 in the ANTPNG2D

Ezekiel 16 in the AS21

Ezekiel 16 in the BAGH

Ezekiel 16 in the BBPNG

Ezekiel 16 in the BBT1E

Ezekiel 16 in the BDS

Ezekiel 16 in the BEV

Ezekiel 16 in the BHAD

Ezekiel 16 in the BIB

Ezekiel 16 in the BLPT

Ezekiel 16 in the BNT

Ezekiel 16 in the BNTABOOT

Ezekiel 16 in the BNTLV

Ezekiel 16 in the BOATCB2

Ezekiel 16 in the BOBCV

Ezekiel 16 in the BOCNT

Ezekiel 16 in the BOECS

Ezekiel 16 in the BOGWICC

Ezekiel 16 in the BOHCB

Ezekiel 16 in the BOHCV

Ezekiel 16 in the BOHLNT

Ezekiel 16 in the BOHNTLTAL

Ezekiel 16 in the BOICB

Ezekiel 16 in the BOILNTAP

Ezekiel 16 in the BOITCV

Ezekiel 16 in the BOKCV

Ezekiel 16 in the BOKCV2

Ezekiel 16 in the BOKHWOG

Ezekiel 16 in the BOKSSV

Ezekiel 16 in the BOLCB

Ezekiel 16 in the BOLCB2

Ezekiel 16 in the BOMCV

Ezekiel 16 in the BONAV

Ezekiel 16 in the BONCB

Ezekiel 16 in the BONLT

Ezekiel 16 in the BONUT2

Ezekiel 16 in the BOPLNT

Ezekiel 16 in the BOSCB

Ezekiel 16 in the BOSNC

Ezekiel 16 in the BOTLNT

Ezekiel 16 in the BOVCB

Ezekiel 16 in the BOYCB

Ezekiel 16 in the BPBB

Ezekiel 16 in the BPH

Ezekiel 16 in the BSB

Ezekiel 16 in the CCB

Ezekiel 16 in the CUV

Ezekiel 16 in the CUVS

Ezekiel 16 in the DBT

Ezekiel 16 in the DGDNT

Ezekiel 16 in the DHNT

Ezekiel 16 in the DNT

Ezekiel 16 in the ELBE

Ezekiel 16 in the EMTV

Ezekiel 16 in the ESV

Ezekiel 16 in the FBV

Ezekiel 16 in the FEB

Ezekiel 16 in the GGMNT

Ezekiel 16 in the GNT

Ezekiel 16 in the HARY

Ezekiel 16 in the HNT

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVA

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVB

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVG

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVH

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVK

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVM

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVM2

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVO

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVP

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVT

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVT2

Ezekiel 16 in the IRVU

Ezekiel 16 in the ISVN

Ezekiel 16 in the JSNT

Ezekiel 16 in the KAPI

Ezekiel 16 in the KBT1ETNIK

Ezekiel 16 in the KBV

Ezekiel 16 in the KJV

Ezekiel 16 in the KNFD

Ezekiel 16 in the LBA

Ezekiel 16 in the LBLA

Ezekiel 16 in the LNT

Ezekiel 16 in the LSV

Ezekiel 16 in the MAAL

Ezekiel 16 in the MBV

Ezekiel 16 in the MBV2

Ezekiel 16 in the MHNT

Ezekiel 16 in the MKNFD

Ezekiel 16 in the MNG

Ezekiel 16 in the MNT

Ezekiel 16 in the MNT2

Ezekiel 16 in the MRS1T

Ezekiel 16 in the NAA

Ezekiel 16 in the NASB

Ezekiel 16 in the NBLA

Ezekiel 16 in the NBS

Ezekiel 16 in the NBVTP

Ezekiel 16 in the NET2

Ezekiel 16 in the NIV11

Ezekiel 16 in the NNT

Ezekiel 16 in the NNT2

Ezekiel 16 in the NNT3

Ezekiel 16 in the PDDPT

Ezekiel 16 in the PFNT

Ezekiel 16 in the RMNT

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIAS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIBS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIBS2

Ezekiel 16 in the SBICS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIDS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIGS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIHS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIIS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIIS2

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIIS3

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIKS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIKS2

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIMS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIOS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIPS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBISS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBITS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBITS2

Ezekiel 16 in the SBITS3

Ezekiel 16 in the SBITS4

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIUS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBIVS

Ezekiel 16 in the SBT

Ezekiel 16 in the SBT1E

Ezekiel 16 in the SCHL

Ezekiel 16 in the SNT

Ezekiel 16 in the SUSU

Ezekiel 16 in the SUSU2

Ezekiel 16 in the SYNO

Ezekiel 16 in the TBIAOTANT

Ezekiel 16 in the TBT1E

Ezekiel 16 in the TBT1E2

Ezekiel 16 in the TFTIP

Ezekiel 16 in the TFTU

Ezekiel 16 in the TGNTATF3T

Ezekiel 16 in the THAI

Ezekiel 16 in the TNFD

Ezekiel 16 in the TNT

Ezekiel 16 in the TNTIK

Ezekiel 16 in the TNTIL

Ezekiel 16 in the TNTIN

Ezekiel 16 in the TNTIP

Ezekiel 16 in the TNTIZ

Ezekiel 16 in the TOMA

Ezekiel 16 in the TTENT

Ezekiel 16 in the UBG

Ezekiel 16 in the UGV

Ezekiel 16 in the UGV2

Ezekiel 16 in the UGV3

Ezekiel 16 in the VBL

Ezekiel 16 in the VDCC

Ezekiel 16 in the YALU

Ezekiel 16 in the YAPE

Ezekiel 16 in the YBVTP

Ezekiel 16 in the ZBP