Ezekiel 16 (LSV)
1 And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, and you have said, 3 Thus said Lord YHWH to Jerusalem: Your birth and your nativity || [Are] of the land of the Canaanite, || Your father the Amorite, and your mother a Hittite. 4 As for your nativity, in the day you were born, || Your navel has not been cut, || And you were not washed in water for ease, || And you have not been salted at all, || And you have not been swaddled at all. 5 No eye has had pity on you, to do any of these to you, || To have compassion on you, || And you are cast on the face of the field, || With loathing of your soul || In the day you were born! 6 And I pass over by you, || And I see you trodden down in your blood, || And I say to you in your blood, Live! Indeed, I say to you in your blood, Live! 7 I have made you a myriad as the shoot of the field, || And you are multiplied, and are great, || And come in with an excellent adornment, || Breasts have been formed, and your hair has grown—And you, naked and bare! 8 And I pass over by you, and I see you, || And behold, your time [is] a time of loves, || And I spread My skirt over you, || And I cover your nakedness, || And I swear to you, and come into a covenant with you, || A declaration of Lord YHWH, || And you become Mine. 9 And I wash you with water, || And I wash away your blood from off you, || And I anoint you with oil. 10 And I clothe you with embroidery, || And I shoe you with tachash [skin], || And I gird you with fine linen, || And I cover you with figured silk. 11 And I adorn you with adornments, || And I give bracelets for your hands, || And a chain for your neck. 12 And I give a ring for your nose, || And rings for your ears, || And a crown of beauty on your head. 13 And you put on gold and silver, || And your clothing [is] fine linen, || And figured silk and embroidery, || You have eaten fine flour, and honey, and oil, || And you are very, very beautiful, || And go prosperously to the kingdom. 14 And your name goes forth among nations, || Because of your beauty—for it [is] complete, || In My honor that I have set on you, || A declaration of Lord YHWH. 15 And you trust in your beauty, || And go whoring because of your renown, || And pour out your whoredoms on everyone passing by—to him [that would have] it. 16 And you take from your garments, || And make spotted high-places for yourself, || And go whoring on them, || They are not coming in—nor will it be! 17 And you take your beautiful vessels || Of My gold and My silver that I gave to you, || And make images of a male for yourself, || And go whoring with them, 18 And you take the garments of your embroidery, || And cover them, || And you have set My oil and My incense before them. 19 And My bread, that I gave to you, || Fine flour, and oil, and honey, that I caused you to eat. You have even set it before them, || For a refreshing fragrance—thus it is, || A declaration of Lord YHWH. 20 And you take your sons and your daughters whom you have born to Me, || And sacrifice them to them for food. Is it a little thing because of your whoredoms, 21 that you slaughter My sons, || And give them up in causing them to pass over to them? 22 And with all your abominations and your whoredoms, || You have not remembered the days of your youth, || When you were naked and bare, || You were trodden down in your blood! 23 And it comes to pass, after all your wickedness || (Woe, woe, to you—a declaration of Lord YHWH), 24 That you build an arch for yourself, || And make a high place for yourself in every broad place. 25 At every head of the way you have built your high place, || And you make your beauty abominable, || And open wide your feet to everyone passing by, || And multiply your whoredoms, 26 And go whoring to sons of Egypt, || Your neighbors—great of appetite! And you multiply your whoredoms, || To provoke Me to anger. 27 And behold, I have stretched out My hand against you, || And I diminish your portion, || And give you to the desire of those hating you, || The daughters of the Philistines, || Who are ashamed of your wicked way. 28 And you go whoring to sons of Asshur, || Without your being satisfied, || And you go whoring with them, || And also—you have not been satisfied. 29 And you multiply your whoredoms || On the land of Canaan—toward Chaldea, || And even with this you have not been satisfied. 30 How weak [is] your heart, || A declaration of Lord YHWH, || In your doing all these, || The work of a domineering, whorish woman. 31 In your building your arch at the head of every way, || You have made your high place in every broad place, || And have not been as a whore deriding a wage. 32 The wife who commits adultery—Under her husband—receives strangers. 33 They give a gift to all whores, || And you have given your gifts to all your lovers, || And bribe them to come in to you, || From all around—in your whoredoms. 34 And you are opposite from [other] women in your whoredoms, || That none go whoring after you; And in your giving a wage, || And a wage has not been given to you; Therefore you are the opposite. 35 Therefore, O whore, hear a word of YHWH! 36 Thus said Lord YHWH: Because of your bronze being poured forth, || And your nakedness is revealed in your whoredoms near your lovers, || And near all the idols of your abominations, || And according to the blood of your sons, || Whom you have given to them; 37 Therefore, behold, I am assembling all your lovers, || To whom you have been sweet, || And all whom you have loved, || Besides all whom you have hated; And I have assembled them by you all around, || And have revealed your nakedness to them, || And they have seen all your nakedness. 38 And I have judged you—judgments of adultresses, || And of women shedding blood, || And have given you blood, fury, and jealousy. 39 And I have given you into their hand, || And they have thrown down your arch, || And they have broken down your high places, || And they have stripped you of your garments, || And they have taken your beautiful vessels, || And they have left you naked and bare. 40 And have caused an assembly to come up against you, || And stoned you with stones, || And thrust you through with their swords, 41 And burned your houses with fire, || And done judgments in you before the eyes of many women, || And I have caused you to cease from going whoring, || And also, you no longer give a wage. 42 And I have caused My fury against you to rest, || And My jealousy has turned aside from you, || And I have been quiet, and I am not angry anymore. 43 Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, || And give trouble to Me in all these, || Therefore I also—behold—I put your way on [your own] head, || A declaration of Lord YHWH, || And you will not have done—have done this wickedness above all your abominations. 44 Behold, everyone using the allegory against you, || Uses [this] allegory concerning [you], saying, || As the mother—her daughter! 45 You [are] your mother’s daughter, || Loathing her husband and her sons, || And you [are] your sisters’ sister, || Who loathed their husbands and their sons, || Your mother [is] a Hittite, and your father an Amorite. 46 And your older sister [is] Samaria, she and her daughters, || Who is dwelling at your left hand, || And your younger sister, who is dwelling on your right hand, [is] Sodom and her daughters. 47 And you have not walked in their ways, || And done according to their abominations, || It has been loathed as a little thing, || Indeed, you do more corruptly than they in all your ways. 48 [As] I live—a declaration of Lord YHWH, || Your sister Sodom has not done—she and her daughters—As you have done—you and your daughters. 49 Behold, this has been the iniquity of your sister Sodom, || Arrogancy, fullness of bread, and quiet ease, || Have been to her and to her daughters, || And the hand of the afflicted and needy || She has not strengthened. 50 And they are haughty and do abomination before Me, || And I turn them aside when I have seen. 51 And Samaria has not sinned even half of your sins, || But you multiply your abominations more than they, || And justify your sisters by all your abominations that you have done. 52 You also—bear your shame, || That you have adjudged for your sisters, || Because of your sins that you have done more abominably than they, || They are more righteous than you, || And you, also, be ashamed and bear your shame, || In your justifying your sisters. 53 And I have turned back [to] their captivity, || The captivity of Sodom and her daughters, || And the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, || And the captivity of your captives in their midst, 54 So that you bear your shame, || And have been ashamed of all that you have done, || In your comforting them. 55 And your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, || Return to their former state, || And Samaria and her daughters return to their former state, || And you and your daughters return to your former state. 56 And your sister Sodom has not been for a report in your mouth, || In the day of your arrogancy, 57 Before your wickedness is revealed, || As [at] the time of the reproach of the daughters of Aram, || And of all her neighbors, the daughters of the Philistines, || Who are despising you all around. 58 Your wicked plans and your abominations, || You have borne them, a declaration of YHWH. 59 For thus said Lord YHWH: I have dealt with you as you have done, || In that you have despised an oath—to break covenant. 60 And I have remembered My covenant with you, || In the days of your youth, || And I have established a perpetual covenant for you. 61 And you have remembered your ways, || And you have been ashamed, || In your receiving your sisters—Your older with your younger, || And I have given them to you for daughters, || And not by your covenant. 62 And I have established My covenant with you, || And you have known that I [am] YHWH. 63 So that you remember, || And you have been ashamed, || And there is not an opening of the mouth to you anymore because of your shame, || In My receiving atonement for you, || For all that you have done, || A declaration of Lord YHWH!”