Leviticus 13 (BOATCB)

1 AWURADE ka kyerɛɛ Mose ne Aaron sɛ, 2 “Sɛ obi hunu sɛ biribi ahono ne honam ani, anaa pɔmpɔ anaa sowanini asi no na adidi kɔ ne honam mu a, ɔnhunu sɛ ɛyɛ kwata. Ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde saa onipa no kɔma ɔsɔfoɔ Aaron anaa ne mmammarima no mu baako 3 na ɔhwɛ ahonoeɛ no. Sɛ enwi a ɛsi ahonoeɛ hɔ dane yɛ fitaa na ahonoeɛ no atɔ honam no mu a, na ɛyɛ kwata a ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no da no adi sɛ ɔyarefoɔ no yɛ ɔkwatani. 4 Na sɛ ahonoeɛ no ntɔɔ honam no mu na sɛ ahonoeɛ hɔ nwi no nso nyɛɛ fitaa a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no yi ɔyarefoɔ no firi nnipa mu nnanson. 5 Nnanson no duru a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛhwɛ no bio na sɛ ahonoeɛ no nsesaeɛ na ɛntrɛtrɛɛ honam no ani a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛsane atwa no asuo nnanson bio. 6 Afei ne nnanson so no, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛhwɛ ne honam ani bio, na sɛ ɔhunu sɛ yadeɛ no ano abrɛ ase a ɛntrɛtrɛɛ a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛka ato dwa sɛ, ɔyarefoɔ no ho atɔ no; ɔbɛkyerɛ mu sɛ ɛyɛ nsawa bi na ɛguu no berɛ tiawa bi mu. Enti sɛ ɔyarefoɔ no si ne ntoma a wɔbɛfa no sɛ wanya ayaresa awie. 7 Na sɛ nso ɔyarefoɔ no ba ɔsɔfoɔ no nkyɛn ma ɔhwɛ no na yadeɛ no atrɛtrɛ a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsane ba ɔsɔfoɔ no nkyɛn bio 8 na ɔhwɛ no na sɛ yadeɛ no atrɛtrɛ ɔhonam no ani a, afei, ɔbɛpae mu aka sɛ amanneɛ kwan so no, ne ho nte na ɛyɛ ɔhonam ani nsaneyadeɛ. 9 “Sɛ obi nya ɔhonam ani nsaneyadeɛ a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde no kɔkyerɛ ɔsɔfoɔ na ɔhwɛ no. 10 Sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hunu sɛ nwi no bi ayɛ fitaa na ekuro atɔ saa beaeɛ hɔ a, 11 na ɛkyerɛ sɛ ɛyɛ ɔhonam ani nsaneyadeɛ, na ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no de to dwa sɛ amanneɛ kwan so no, onipa no ho nte. Ɛba saa a, wɔnhwehwɛ yadeɛ no mu bio, ɛfiri sɛ ɛda adi pefee sɛ honam no ayɛ kwata. 12 “Nanso sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hunu sɛ kwata no adidi ne honam nyinaa firi ne tiri so kɔsi ne nan ase nyinaa a, 13 ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛpae mu aka sɛ ne ho te, ɛfiri sɛ, ne honam nyinaa adane ayɛ fitaa. 14 Na sɛ akuro no bi pue ne honam no baabi foforɔ a, wɔbɛpae mu ka sɛ onipa no yɛ ɔkwatani. 15 Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no pae mu ka ntɛm ara a ɔhunu ekuro wɔ honam no fa baabi, ɛfiri sɛ akuro no kyerɛ sɛ kwata wɔ honam no mu. 16 Na sɛ akuro no wu na ɛdane yɛ fitaa sɛ honam a aka no a, ɔkwatani no bɛkɔ ɔsɔfoɔ no hɔ bio. 17 Ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛhwɛ no na sɛ honam no fa hɔ ayɛ fitaa deɛ a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛpae mu aka sɛ ne ho atɔ no. 18 “Sɛ pɔmpɔ si obi na ɛgyae 19 na sɛ baabi a pɔmpɔ no siiɛ no biribi hyɛnn, bi anaa deɛ ɛbere kakra hono wɔ hɔ a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔde ne ho kɔkyerɛ ɔsɔfoɔ. 20 Na sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ na yadeɛ no adidi kɔ ne honam mu na enwi a ɛwɔ honam no hɔ no ayɛ fitaa a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛpae mu aka sɛ ɔyarefoɔ no ho nte, ɛfiri sɛ, kwata apue afiri pɔmpɔ no mu. 21 Nanso sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ na ɔhunu sɛ enwi fitaa biara nni baabi a yadeɛ no wɔ hɔ no, na yadeɛ no nnidi nkɔɔ honam no mu, na ahosuo no yɛ nsonso a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛyi no afiri nnipa mu nnanson. 22 Saa ɛberɛ no mu sɛ beaeɛ hɔ no trɛtrɛ a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛpae mu aka sɛ, onipa no yare kwata. 23 Na sɛ beaeɛ a ɛhɔ ayɛ hyɛnn no anhono bio na antrɛtrɛ a, na ɛyɛ pɔmpɔ no twa kɛkɛ enti ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛpae mu aka sɛ, ne ho te. 24 “Sɛ obi hyehye na sɛ nhyehyeeɛ no mu yɛ kɔkɔɔ ne fitaa anaa fitaa a, 25 ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ nhyehyeeɛ hɔ. Sɛ nwi a ɛwɔ beaeɛ a ɛhɔ nnii dɛm biara no dane yɛ fitaa na sɛ ɛyɛ adeɛ a adidi kɔ honam no mu a, na ɛyɛ kwata na apue afiri nhyehyeeɛ no mu, enti ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no pae mu ka sɛ onipa no yɛ ɔkwatani. 26 Na sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ hunu sɛ nwi fitaa nni beaeɛ a ɛhɔ yɛ hyɛnn no, na sɛ hyɛnn no nnidi nkɔɔ honam no mu, na yadeɛ no regyae a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛyi no afiri nnipa mu nnanson 27 na wahwɛ no bio ne nnanson so. Sɛ yadeɛ no trɛ fa ɔhonam no ani a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no pae mu ka sɛ kwata ayɛ onipa no. 28 Nanso sɛ honam no fa hɔ a ayɛ hyɛnn no antrɛtrɛ honam no ani, na sɛ ɛyɛ sɛ deɛ ɛhɔ retwintwam no a, wɔbɛfa no sɛ ɛyɛ nhyehyeeɛ twa bi, enti ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛda no adi sɛ ɔnyare kwata. 29 “Sɛ ekuro da ɔbarima anaa ɔbaa bi tirim anaa nʼafono ho a, 30 ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ; sɛ ɔhwɛ na ɔhunu sɛ yadeɛ no adidi kɔ honam no mu na ɔsane hunu enwi a ɛte sɛ akokɔsradeɛ wɔ ekuro no mu a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔpae mu ka sɛ onipa no yare kwata. 31 Na sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ na ɔhunu sɛ yadeɛ no nnidi nkɔɔ honam no mu, na mmom, ɛwɔ honam no ani a enwi tuntum wɔ mu a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔyi onipa no firi nnipa mu nnanson, 32 na ne nnanson so no, wɔsane hwɛ no bio. Sɛ yadeɛ no ntrɛtrɛeɛ na enwi a ɛte sɛ akokɔsradeɛ nnaa ne ho adi wɔ mu na ɛnnidi nkɔɔ honam no mu a, 33 ɔbɛwerɛ enwi a atwa ekuro no ho ahyia nyinaa (na mmom ɛnyɛ ekuro no mu ankasa) na ɔsɔfoɔ no ayi no afiri nnipa mu nnanson bio. 34 Ne nnanson so, ɔbɛsane ahwɛ no bio na sɛ yadeɛ no ntrɛtrɛeɛ, nnidi nkɔɔ honam no mu a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛpae mu aka sɛ onipa no ho ate na sɛ ɔsi ne ntoma wie a, na afei wadi mu. 35 Na sɛ akyire no saa yadeɛ no trɛtrɛ a, 36 ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hwɛ no bio a ɔnhwɛ sɛ enwi a ɛte sɛ akokɔsradeɛ fra yadeɛ no mu na ɔpae mu ka sɛ, onipa no yare kwata. 37 Na sɛ yadeɛ no trɛ a ɛretrɛtrɛ no gyae na sɛ enwi tuntum fu wɔ beaeɛ hɔ a, na ɛkyerɛ sɛ, ne ho atɔ no a kwata biara nni ne ho enti ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no pae mu ka sɛ, ne ho ate. 38 “Sɛ ɔbarima anaa ɔbaa bi honam ani yɛ fitaa nahanaha, 39 na akyire no, honam no ani dum ara na ɛredum a, na ɛnkyerɛ sɛ kwata ayɛ onipa no, na mmom, ɛyɛ yare foforɔ bi. 40 “Sɛ obi tiri so pa a, ɛwom sɛ ne tiri so apa deɛ, nanso ɛno nkyerɛ sɛ ɔyɛ ɔkwatani! 41 Sɛ obi tiri so pa firi ne moma so a, na ne moma so ara na apa, na ɛnkyerɛ sɛ ɛyɛ kwata. 42 Na mmom, sɛ nsisiiɛ nkɔkɔɔ a fitaa frafra mu wɔ atipa no so a, na ɛkyerɛ sɛ, ebia, kwata pɛ sɛ ɛyɛ saa onipa no. 43 Sɛ ɛba saa a, ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛhwɛ no na sɛ biribi kɔkɔɔ aboa ne ho baabi te sɛ kwata a, 44 na ɛkyerɛ sɛ, kwata ayɛ no, enti ɛsɛ sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no pae mu ka sɛ, onipa no yare kwata. 45 “Onipa biara a wɔbɛhunu sɛ ɔyare kwata no, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔfira ntoma a atete na ɔma ne tirinwi fu, twa mpɛsɛmpɛsɛ na ɔkata nʼanim fa na ɔnam a ɔteateam sɛ, ‘Me ho nte! Me ho nte!’ 46 Na nna dodoɔ a yadeɛ no nkɔeɛ no deɛ, wɔbɛfa ɔyarefoɔ no sɛ ne ho nte enti ɛsɛ sɛ ɔtena kuro no akyi baabi. 47 “Sɛ kwata ho nsɛnkyerɛnneɛ bi ka atadeɛ mu 48 kuntutam anaa nweratam, aboa nhoma anaa biribiara a wɔde aboa nwoma ayɛ mu, 49 na sɛ nsisiiɛ ahahammono anaa kɔkɔɔ wɔ mu a, ebia na ɛyɛ kwata, enti ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde kɔma ɔsɔfoɔ na ɔhwɛ. 50 Ɔsɔfoɔ no de bɛkɔ akɔsie nnanson 51 na nnanson so no, wasane ahwɛ bio. Na sɛ ɔhunu sɛ nsisiiɛ no atrɛtrɛ a, na ɛkyerɛ sɛ, ɛyɛ kwata a ɛtumi sane nnipa, 52 enti ɛsɛ sɛ ɔde ogya hye ntoma, kuntu ne ntadetam ne aboa nhoma no nyinaa, ɛfiri sɛ, ɛnam yeinom so bɛtumi ama yadeɛ no asane nnipa. 53 “Na sɛ ne nnanson so no ɔhwɛ na sɛ nsisiiɛ no ntrɛtrɛeɛ a, 54 ɔsɔfoɔ no bɛhyɛ ama wɔasi nneɛma a wɔdwene sɛ yadeɛ no bi wɔ mu no no nyinaa na wɔakora no baabi bio nnanson. 55 Sɛ nnanson bio akyi faako a yadeɛ no wɔ hɔ no nsesaa nʼahosuo na ɛntrɛtrɛɛ a, wɔbɛfa no sɛ ɛyɛ kwata enti ɛsɛ sɛ wɔhye adeɛ no, ɛfiri sɛ, yadeɛ no adidi kɔ mu ara yie. 56 Na sɛ ɔsɔfoɔ no hunu sɛ nneɛmasie no akyi, nsisiiɛ no ano abrɛ ase a, ɔbɛtwa hɔ afiri ntoma anaa aboa nhoma a wɔde adi dwuma bi no mu. 57 Na sɛ ɛsane ba bio deɛ a, na ɛyɛ kwata enti ɛsɛ sɛ wɔhye no. 58 Sɛ wɔsi na asɛm biara amma ho a, wɔtumi de di dwuma biara ɛberɛ a wɔasane asi bio no.” 59 Yeinom ne mmara a ɛfa kwata a ɛwɔ ntoma anaa biribiara a wɔde aboa nwoma ayɛ a wɔnam so da no adi sɛ kwata wɔ dekodeɛ no mu anaa ebi nni mu no ho.

In Other Versions

Leviticus 13 in the ANGEFD

Leviticus 13 in the ANTPNG2D

Leviticus 13 in the AS21

Leviticus 13 in the BAGH

Leviticus 13 in the BBPNG

Leviticus 13 in the BBT1E

Leviticus 13 in the BDS

Leviticus 13 in the BEV

Leviticus 13 in the BHAD

Leviticus 13 in the BIB

Leviticus 13 in the BLPT

Leviticus 13 in the BNT

Leviticus 13 in the BNTABOOT

Leviticus 13 in the BNTLV

Leviticus 13 in the BOATCB2

Leviticus 13 in the BOBCV

Leviticus 13 in the BOCNT

Leviticus 13 in the BOECS

Leviticus 13 in the BOGWICC

Leviticus 13 in the BOHCB

Leviticus 13 in the BOHCV

Leviticus 13 in the BOHLNT

Leviticus 13 in the BOHNTLTAL

Leviticus 13 in the BOICB

Leviticus 13 in the BOILNTAP

Leviticus 13 in the BOITCV

Leviticus 13 in the BOKCV

Leviticus 13 in the BOKCV2

Leviticus 13 in the BOKHWOG

Leviticus 13 in the BOKSSV

Leviticus 13 in the BOLCB

Leviticus 13 in the BOLCB2

Leviticus 13 in the BOMCV

Leviticus 13 in the BONAV

Leviticus 13 in the BONCB

Leviticus 13 in the BONLT

Leviticus 13 in the BONUT2

Leviticus 13 in the BOPLNT

Leviticus 13 in the BOSCB

Leviticus 13 in the BOSNC

Leviticus 13 in the BOTLNT

Leviticus 13 in the BOVCB

Leviticus 13 in the BOYCB

Leviticus 13 in the BPBB

Leviticus 13 in the BPH

Leviticus 13 in the BSB

Leviticus 13 in the CCB

Leviticus 13 in the CUV

Leviticus 13 in the CUVS

Leviticus 13 in the DBT

Leviticus 13 in the DGDNT

Leviticus 13 in the DHNT

Leviticus 13 in the DNT

Leviticus 13 in the ELBE

Leviticus 13 in the EMTV

Leviticus 13 in the ESV

Leviticus 13 in the FBV

Leviticus 13 in the FEB

Leviticus 13 in the GGMNT

Leviticus 13 in the GNT

Leviticus 13 in the HARY

Leviticus 13 in the HNT

Leviticus 13 in the IRVA

Leviticus 13 in the IRVB

Leviticus 13 in the IRVG

Leviticus 13 in the IRVH

Leviticus 13 in the IRVK

Leviticus 13 in the IRVM

Leviticus 13 in the IRVM2

Leviticus 13 in the IRVO

Leviticus 13 in the IRVP

Leviticus 13 in the IRVT

Leviticus 13 in the IRVT2

Leviticus 13 in the IRVU

Leviticus 13 in the ISVN

Leviticus 13 in the JSNT

Leviticus 13 in the KAPI

Leviticus 13 in the KBT1ETNIK

Leviticus 13 in the KBV

Leviticus 13 in the KJV

Leviticus 13 in the KNFD

Leviticus 13 in the LBA

Leviticus 13 in the LBLA

Leviticus 13 in the LNT

Leviticus 13 in the LSV

Leviticus 13 in the MAAL

Leviticus 13 in the MBV

Leviticus 13 in the MBV2

Leviticus 13 in the MHNT

Leviticus 13 in the MKNFD

Leviticus 13 in the MNG

Leviticus 13 in the MNT

Leviticus 13 in the MNT2

Leviticus 13 in the MRS1T

Leviticus 13 in the NAA

Leviticus 13 in the NASB

Leviticus 13 in the NBLA

Leviticus 13 in the NBS

Leviticus 13 in the NBVTP

Leviticus 13 in the NET2

Leviticus 13 in the NIV11

Leviticus 13 in the NNT

Leviticus 13 in the NNT2

Leviticus 13 in the NNT3

Leviticus 13 in the PDDPT

Leviticus 13 in the PFNT

Leviticus 13 in the RMNT

Leviticus 13 in the SBIAS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIBS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIBS2

Leviticus 13 in the SBICS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIDS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIGS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIHS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIIS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIIS2

Leviticus 13 in the SBIIS3

Leviticus 13 in the SBIKS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIKS2

Leviticus 13 in the SBIMS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIOS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIPS

Leviticus 13 in the SBISS

Leviticus 13 in the SBITS

Leviticus 13 in the SBITS2

Leviticus 13 in the SBITS3

Leviticus 13 in the SBITS4

Leviticus 13 in the SBIUS

Leviticus 13 in the SBIVS

Leviticus 13 in the SBT

Leviticus 13 in the SBT1E

Leviticus 13 in the SCHL

Leviticus 13 in the SNT

Leviticus 13 in the SUSU

Leviticus 13 in the SUSU2

Leviticus 13 in the SYNO

Leviticus 13 in the TBIAOTANT

Leviticus 13 in the TBT1E

Leviticus 13 in the TBT1E2

Leviticus 13 in the TFTIP

Leviticus 13 in the TFTU

Leviticus 13 in the TGNTATF3T

Leviticus 13 in the THAI

Leviticus 13 in the TNFD

Leviticus 13 in the TNT

Leviticus 13 in the TNTIK

Leviticus 13 in the TNTIL

Leviticus 13 in the TNTIN

Leviticus 13 in the TNTIP

Leviticus 13 in the TNTIZ

Leviticus 13 in the TOMA

Leviticus 13 in the TTENT

Leviticus 13 in the UBG

Leviticus 13 in the UGV

Leviticus 13 in the UGV2

Leviticus 13 in the UGV3

Leviticus 13 in the VBL

Leviticus 13 in the VDCC

Leviticus 13 in the YALU

Leviticus 13 in the YAPE

Leviticus 13 in the YBVTP

Leviticus 13 in the ZBP