Joshua 9 (BOATCB2)

1 Afei, ahemfo a wɔwɔ Yordan atɔe fam no nyinaa tee nsɛm a asisi. Eyinom ne Hetifo, Amorifo, Kanaanfo, Perisifo, Hewifo ne Yebusifo ahemfo a na wɔtete mmepɔw nsase a ɛwɔ atɔe fam mmepɔw no ase ne Po Kɛse no mpoano kosi Lebanon atifi fam mmepɔw no so tɔnn. 2 Saa ahemfo yi boaa wɔn nsraadɔm ano ntɛm so sɛ wɔbɛko atia Yosua ne Israelfo. 3 Nanso Gibeonfo tee asɛm a ato Yeriko ne Ai no, 4 wɔfaa nnaadaa kwan so de gyee wɔn ho nkwa. Wɔsomaa ananmusifo kɔɔ Yosua nkyɛn. Wɔde nkotoku a atetew ne mmoa nhoma nsa nkotoku a ayɛ dedaw na wɔatetare mu soaa wɔn mfurum. 5 Wɔhyehyɛɛ ntade dedaw ne mpaboa a akyɛ na wɔapempam. Afei wɔfaa brodo a abɔ ntuw sɛ wɔn aduan. 6 Woduu Israelfo atenae wɔ Gilgal no, wɔka kyerɛɛ Yosua ne Israel mmarima no se, “Yefi akyirikyiri man bi so na aba rebɛsrɛ mo sɛ mo ne yɛn nyɛ asomdwoe apam.” 7 Israelfo no buaa saa Hewifo yi sɛ, “Ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na yɛahu sɛ monnte mmɛn ha? Efisɛ sɛ ɛte saa a, yɛrentumi ne mo nnyɛ apam.” 8 Wobuae se, “Yɛbɛyɛ mo asomfo.”Yosua bisaa wɔn se, “Moyɛ ɛhefo na mufi he?” 9 Wobuaa se, “Yefi akyirikyiri asase bi so. Yɛate AWURADE, mo Nyankopɔn no kɛseyɛ ne nea ɔyɛɛ wɔ Misraim nyinaa. 10 Afei yɛate nea ɔyɛɛ Amorifo ahemfo baanu wɔ Asubɔnten Yordan apuei fam, Hesbonhene Sihon ne Basanhene Og (a ɔtenaa Astarot no). 11 Ɛno nti, yɛn mpanyimfo ne ɔmanfo no ka kyerɛɛ yɛn ɔhyɛ so sɛ, ‘Munsiesie mo ho mma akwantu tenten. Munkohyia Israelfo na mompae mu nka se “Yɛn nkurɔfo bɛyɛ wɔn asomfo na mompere asomdwoe.” ’ 12 Yɛresi mu no, na brodo yi yɛ hyerehyere a efi fonoo mu. Nanso sɛnea muhu no, akyenkyen na abɔ ntuw. 13 Saa mmoa nhoma nsa nkotoku yi, bere a yɛde nsa guu mu no na ɛyɛ foforo, nanso mprempren, apaapae ayɛ dedaw. Na yɛn ntade ne mpaboa nso, esiane akwantu tenten nti, atetew.” 14 Enti Israelfo no hwehwɛɛ wɔn brodo no ho nanso wɔammisa AWURADE. 15 Yosua kɔɔ so ne wɔn yɛɛ asomdwoe apam no na Israel mpanyimfo no kekaa ntam a emu yɛ den nam so gye too mu. 16 Nnansa akyi no, nokware no daa adi sɛ saa nnipa a wɔyɛ Gibeonfo no te bɛn. 17 Enti Israelfo no anna so koraa na wɔyɛɛ sɛ wɔbɛyɛ nhwehwɛmu. Nnansa akyi no woduu wɔn nkurow no so. Saa nkurow no ne Gibeon, Kefira, Beerot ne Kiriat-Yearim. 18 Nanso Israelfo no antow anhyɛ nkurow no so, efisɛ na wɔn mpanyimfo aka ntam akyerɛ AWURADE, Israel Nyankopɔn.Esiane Apam no nti, Israelfo no nwiinwii hyɛɛ wɔn mpanyimfo no. 19 Na mpanyimfo no buae se, “Yɛaka ntam wɔ AWURADE, Israel Nyankopɔn anim. Yɛrentumi mfa yɛn nsa nka wɔn. 20 Ɛsɛ sɛ yɛma wɔtena. Sɛ yebu yɛn ntam no so a, Onyankopɔn bo befuw yɛn. 21 Momma wɔntena. Nanso, yɛbɛma wɔabu nnua, akɔ asu ama asafo no nyinaa.” Enti Israelfo no dii bɔ a wɔahyɛ Gibeonfo no so. 22 Na Yosua frɛɛ Gibeonfo mpanyimfo no bisaa wɔn se, “Adɛn nti na mutwaa atoro kyerɛɛ yɛn? Adɛn nti na mokaa se mote akyirikyiri asase so wɔ bere a mote yɛn mu pɛɛ? 23 Nnome mmra mo so! Efi nnɛ rekɔ, mubebu nnua, atwe nsu de akɔ me Nyankopɔn fi.” 24 Wobuaa Yosua se, “Yɛyɛɛ saa, efisɛ wɔka kyerɛɛ yɛn se, AWURADE, mo Nyankopɔn hyɛɛ ne somfo Mose sɛ ɔmmɛko nni saa asase yi nyinaa so na ɔnsɛe nnipa a wɔte so nyinaa. Yesuroo sɛ mubekunkum yɛn. Ɛno nti na ɛma yɛyɛɛ saa. 25 Mprempren yɛdan mo. Nea mususuw sɛ eye ma mo biara no, monyɛ.” 26 Yosua amma Israelfo no ankum wɔn. 27 Na ɛda no, ɔmaa Gibeonfo no yɛɛ nnuabufo ne asukɔfo maa Israelfo ne Awurade afɔremuka no wɔ baabiara a AWURADE bɛka sɛ wonsi no no. Saa nhyehyɛe no wɔ hɔ de besi nnɛ.

In Other Versions

Joshua 9 in the ANGEFD

Joshua 9 in the ANTPNG2D

Joshua 9 in the AS21

Joshua 9 in the BAGH

Joshua 9 in the BBPNG

Joshua 9 in the BBT1E

Joshua 9 in the BDS

Joshua 9 in the BEV

Joshua 9 in the BHAD

Joshua 9 in the BIB

Joshua 9 in the BLPT

Joshua 9 in the BNT

Joshua 9 in the BNTABOOT

Joshua 9 in the BNTLV

Joshua 9 in the BOATCB

Joshua 9 in the BOBCV

Joshua 9 in the BOCNT

Joshua 9 in the BOECS

Joshua 9 in the BOGWICC

Joshua 9 in the BOHCB

Joshua 9 in the BOHCV

Joshua 9 in the BOHLNT

Joshua 9 in the BOHNTLTAL

Joshua 9 in the BOICB

Joshua 9 in the BOILNTAP

Joshua 9 in the BOITCV

Joshua 9 in the BOKCV

Joshua 9 in the BOKCV2

Joshua 9 in the BOKHWOG

Joshua 9 in the BOKSSV

Joshua 9 in the BOLCB

Joshua 9 in the BOLCB2

Joshua 9 in the BOMCV

Joshua 9 in the BONAV

Joshua 9 in the BONCB

Joshua 9 in the BONLT

Joshua 9 in the BONUT2

Joshua 9 in the BOPLNT

Joshua 9 in the BOSCB

Joshua 9 in the BOSNC

Joshua 9 in the BOTLNT

Joshua 9 in the BOVCB

Joshua 9 in the BOYCB

Joshua 9 in the BPBB

Joshua 9 in the BPH

Joshua 9 in the BSB

Joshua 9 in the CCB

Joshua 9 in the CUV

Joshua 9 in the CUVS

Joshua 9 in the DBT

Joshua 9 in the DGDNT

Joshua 9 in the DHNT

Joshua 9 in the DNT

Joshua 9 in the ELBE

Joshua 9 in the EMTV

Joshua 9 in the ESV

Joshua 9 in the FBV

Joshua 9 in the FEB

Joshua 9 in the GGMNT

Joshua 9 in the GNT

Joshua 9 in the HARY

Joshua 9 in the HNT

Joshua 9 in the IRVA

Joshua 9 in the IRVB

Joshua 9 in the IRVG

Joshua 9 in the IRVH

Joshua 9 in the IRVK

Joshua 9 in the IRVM

Joshua 9 in the IRVM2

Joshua 9 in the IRVO

Joshua 9 in the IRVP

Joshua 9 in the IRVT

Joshua 9 in the IRVT2

Joshua 9 in the IRVU

Joshua 9 in the ISVN

Joshua 9 in the JSNT

Joshua 9 in the KAPI

Joshua 9 in the KBT1ETNIK

Joshua 9 in the KBV

Joshua 9 in the KJV

Joshua 9 in the KNFD

Joshua 9 in the LBA

Joshua 9 in the LBLA

Joshua 9 in the LNT

Joshua 9 in the LSV

Joshua 9 in the MAAL

Joshua 9 in the MBV

Joshua 9 in the MBV2

Joshua 9 in the MHNT

Joshua 9 in the MKNFD

Joshua 9 in the MNG

Joshua 9 in the MNT

Joshua 9 in the MNT2

Joshua 9 in the MRS1T

Joshua 9 in the NAA

Joshua 9 in the NASB

Joshua 9 in the NBLA

Joshua 9 in the NBS

Joshua 9 in the NBVTP

Joshua 9 in the NET2

Joshua 9 in the NIV11

Joshua 9 in the NNT

Joshua 9 in the NNT2

Joshua 9 in the NNT3

Joshua 9 in the PDDPT

Joshua 9 in the PFNT

Joshua 9 in the RMNT

Joshua 9 in the SBIAS

Joshua 9 in the SBIBS

Joshua 9 in the SBIBS2

Joshua 9 in the SBICS

Joshua 9 in the SBIDS

Joshua 9 in the SBIGS

Joshua 9 in the SBIHS

Joshua 9 in the SBIIS

Joshua 9 in the SBIIS2

Joshua 9 in the SBIIS3

Joshua 9 in the SBIKS

Joshua 9 in the SBIKS2

Joshua 9 in the SBIMS

Joshua 9 in the SBIOS

Joshua 9 in the SBIPS

Joshua 9 in the SBISS

Joshua 9 in the SBITS

Joshua 9 in the SBITS2

Joshua 9 in the SBITS3

Joshua 9 in the SBITS4

Joshua 9 in the SBIUS

Joshua 9 in the SBIVS

Joshua 9 in the SBT

Joshua 9 in the SBT1E

Joshua 9 in the SCHL

Joshua 9 in the SNT

Joshua 9 in the SUSU

Joshua 9 in the SUSU2

Joshua 9 in the SYNO

Joshua 9 in the TBIAOTANT

Joshua 9 in the TBT1E

Joshua 9 in the TBT1E2

Joshua 9 in the TFTIP

Joshua 9 in the TFTU

Joshua 9 in the TGNTATF3T

Joshua 9 in the THAI

Joshua 9 in the TNFD

Joshua 9 in the TNT

Joshua 9 in the TNTIK

Joshua 9 in the TNTIL

Joshua 9 in the TNTIN

Joshua 9 in the TNTIP

Joshua 9 in the TNTIZ

Joshua 9 in the TOMA

Joshua 9 in the TTENT

Joshua 9 in the UBG

Joshua 9 in the UGV

Joshua 9 in the UGV2

Joshua 9 in the UGV3

Joshua 9 in the VBL

Joshua 9 in the VDCC

Joshua 9 in the YALU

Joshua 9 in the YAPE

Joshua 9 in the YBVTP

Joshua 9 in the ZBP