2 Samuel 18 (BOKHWOG)

1 Na rĩrĩ, Daudi akĩũngania andũ arĩa maarĩ nake, na agĩthuura anene a gwatha thigari ngiri ngiri na a gwatha thigari igana igana. 2 Daudi agĩtũma mbũtũ icio cia ita ithiĩ ikarũe, gĩcunjĩ gĩa ithatũ gĩathagwo nĩ Joabu, na gĩcunjĩ gĩa ithatũ gĩathagwo nĩ Abishai mũrũ wa nyina na Joabu, mũrũ wa Zeruia, na gĩcunjĩ kĩngĩ gĩa ithatũ gĩgaathwo nĩ Itai ũrĩa Mũgiiti. Nake mũthamaki akĩĩra mbũtũ icio cia ita atĩrĩ, “Ti-itherũ niĩ mwene nĩngumagarania na inyuĩ.” 3 No andũ acio makĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Wee ndũgũthiĩ; tũngĩgaakĩrio hinya tũũre-rĩ, matingĩrũmbũiya ũhoro witũ. O na nuthu iitũ ĩngĩkua-rĩ, matingĩrũmbũiya ũhoro ũcio; no wee ũrĩ bata gũkĩra andũ ngiri ikũmi aitũ. Rĩu nĩ kaba ũtũteithĩrĩrie ũrĩ gũkũ itũũra-inĩ rĩĩrĩ inene.” 4 Nake mũthamaki agĩcookia atĩrĩ, “Niĩ ngwĩka ũrĩa wothe mũkuona kwagĩrĩire.”Nĩ ũndũ ũcio mũthamaki akĩrũgama kĩhingo-inĩ rĩrĩa andũ acio othe moimagaraga marĩ ikundi cia andũ igana igana, na cia ngiri ngiri. 5 Mũthamaki agĩatha Joabu, na Abishai, na Itai, akĩmeera atĩrĩ, “Menyererai mwanake ũcio ũgwĩtwo Abisalomu nĩ ũndũ wakwa.” Nacio mbũtũ ciothe cia ita nĩciaiguire mũthamaki akĩheana watho nĩ ũndũ wa Abisalomu kũrĩ o ũmwe wa anene a mbũtũ cia ita. 6 Mbũtũ icio cia ita ikĩerekera werũ-inĩ ikarũe na Isiraeli, nayo mbaara ĩkĩrũĩrwo mũtitũ-inĩ wa Efiraimu. 7 Kũu nĩkuo mbũtũ cia ita cia Isiraeli ciatooreirio nĩ andũ a Daudi. Nao arĩa maakuire mũthenya ũcio maarĩ aingĩ mũno, maarĩ andũ ngiri mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ. 8 Mbaara ĩkĩhurunjũka bũrũri wothe, naguo mũtitũ ũkĩniina andũ aingĩ mũthenya ũcio gũkĩra arĩa maaniinirwo nĩ rũhiũ rwa njora. 9 Nake Abisalomu agĩcemania na andũ a Daudi. Nake aahaicĩte nyũmbũ yake, na rĩrĩa nyũmbũ yathiiagĩra rungu rwa honge ndumanu cia mũgandi mũnene, mũtwe wa Abisalomu ũkĩhata mũtĩ-inĩ. Nake agĩtigwo acunjuurĩte rĩera-inĩ, nayo nyũmbũ ĩrĩa aahaicĩte ĩgĩthiĩ o na mbere. 10 Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mũndũ ũmwe wao onire ũguo, akĩĩra Joabu atĩrĩ, “Nĩndona Abisalomu acunjuurĩte mũtĩ-inĩ wa mũgandi.” 11 Joabu akĩĩra mũndũ ũrĩa wamwĩrire ũguo atĩrĩ, “Atĩ kĩĩ! Nĩwamuona? Nĩ kĩĩ kĩagiria ũmũgũthe agwe thĩ o ro hau? Nĩingĩakũhe cekeri ikũmi cia betha, na mũcibi wa mũndũ njamba.” 12 No mũndũ ũcio agĩcookia atĩrĩ, “O na ingĩthimĩrwo cekeri ngiri ĩmwe njĩkĩrĩrwo guoko, ndingĩtambũrũkĩria mũrũ wa mũthamaki guoko ndĩmwĩke ũũru. Mũthamaki aagwathire wee, na Abishai, na Itai tũkĩiguaga, akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, ‘Menyererai mwanake ũcio ũgwĩtwo Abisalomu nĩ ũndũ wakwa.’ 13 Na ingĩtwarĩrĩirie muoyo wakwa thĩĩna-inĩ, na tondũ gũtirĩ ũndũ ũhithagwo mũthamaki, no wĩeherie ũndiganĩrie.” 14 Joabu akiuga atĩrĩ, “Niĩ ndigũte mahinda nĩ ũndũ waku.” Nĩ ũndũ ũcio akĩoya matimũ matatũ, agĩthiĩ, akĩmũtheeca namo ngoro Abisalomu arĩ o muoyo hau mũtĩ-inĩ wa mũgandi-inĩ ũcio. 15 Nao andũ ikũmi arĩa maakuuagĩra Joabu indo cia mbaara makĩrigiicĩria Abisalomu, makĩmũhũũra, makĩmũũraga. 16 Hĩndĩ ĩyo Joabu akĩhuha karumbeta, nacio mbũtũ cia ita igĩtiga gũtengʼeria andũ a Isiraeli, tondũ Joabu nĩacirũgamirie. 17 Nao makĩoya Abisalomu, makĩmũikia irima inene kũu mũtitũ, na makĩũmba hĩba nene ya mahiga igũrũ rĩake. Hĩndĩ ĩyo andũ othe a Isiraeli makĩũrĩra kwao mĩciĩ. 18 Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa aarĩ muoyo, Abisalomu nĩeyakĩire gĩtugĩ agĩkĩhaanda Gĩtuamba-inĩ kĩa Mũthamaki kĩrĩ gĩa kĩririkano gĩake, tondũ eeciirĩtie atĩrĩ, “Niĩ ndirĩ na kahĩĩ kangĩtũũria rĩĩtwa rĩakwa.” Agĩĩta gĩtugĩ kĩu rĩĩtwa rĩake, nakĩo gĩĩtagwo Gĩtugĩ kĩa Abisalomu nginya ũmũthĩ. 19 Na rĩrĩ, Ahimaazu mũrũ wa Zadoku akiuga atĩrĩ, “Reke hanyũke ngatwarĩre mũthamaki ũhoro atĩ Jehova nĩamũhonoketie kuuma guoko-inĩ gwa thũ ciake.” 20 Joabu akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Wee tiwe wagĩrĩirwo nĩ gũtwara ũhoro ũcio ũmũthĩ. Reke ũgaatwara ũhoro ihinda rĩngĩ, no ndũgwĩka ũguo ũmũthĩ, tondũ mũrũ wa mũthamaki nĩakuĩte.” 21 Hĩndĩ ĩyo Joabu akĩĩra Mũkushi ũmwe atĩrĩ, “Thiĩ ũkeere mũthamaki ũrĩa wonete.” Mũkushi ũcio akĩinamĩrĩra mbere ya Joabu na akĩhanyũka agĩthiĩ. 22 Ahimaazu mũrũ wa Zadoku akĩĩra Joabu rĩngĩ atĩrĩ, “O ũrĩa kũrĩtuĩka, reke nũmĩrĩre Mũkushi ũcio.”No Joabu agĩcookia atĩrĩ, “Mũrũ wakwa, ũkwenda gũthiĩ nĩkĩ? Wee ndũrĩ na ũhoro ũrĩa ũngĩheerwo kĩheo.” 23 Nake akiuga atĩrĩ, “O ũrĩa kũrĩtuĩka, nĩngwenda kũhanyũka.”Nĩ ũndũ ũcio Joabu akiuga atĩrĩ, “Kĩhanyũke!” Hĩndĩ ĩyo Ahimaazu akĩhanyũka agereire werũ-inĩ, akĩhĩtũka Mũkushi. 24 Daudi aaikairĩte thĩ gatagatĩ ga kĩhingo kĩa na thĩinĩ na kĩa nja-rĩ, mũrangĩri agĩthiĩ kĩhingo-igũrũ agereire rũthingo-inĩ. Na rĩrĩa aacũthĩrĩirie nja, akĩona mũndũ ahanyũkĩte arĩ o wiki. 25 Nake mũrangĩri agĩĩta mũthamaki na akĩmũmenyithia ũhoro ũcio.Nake mũthamaki akiuga atĩrĩ, “Akorwo arĩ wiki, akĩrĩ na ũhoro mwega.” Nake mũndũ ũcio agĩkuhĩrĩria o gũkuhĩrĩria. 26 Ningĩ mũrangĩri akĩona mũndũ ũngĩ ahanyũkĩte, agĩĩta mũrangĩri wa kĩhingo, akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Atĩrĩrĩ, mũndũ ũngĩ ahanyũkĩte arĩ o wiki!”Nake mũthamaki akiuga atĩrĩ, “No nginya o nake akorwo ararehe ũhoro mwega.” 27 Mũrangĩri akiuga atĩrĩ, “Ndĩrona mũndũ ũcio wa mbere akĩhanyũka ta Ahimaazu mũrũ wa Zadoku.”Mũthamaki akiuga atĩrĩ, “Ũcio nĩ mũndũ mwega, arooka arĩ na ũhoro mwega.” 28 Ningĩ Ahimaazu agĩĩta mũthamaki, akĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Gũtirĩ na ũũru!” Akĩinamĩrĩra mbere ya mũthamaki aturumithĩtie ũthiũ thĩ, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Jehova Ngai waku arogoocwo! Nĩaneanĩte andũ arĩa maatambũrũkĩtie moko mookĩrĩre mũthamaki mwathi wakwa.” 29 Nake mũthamaki akĩũria atĩrĩ, “Mwanake ũcio ti Abisalomu arĩ o thayũ?”Nake Ahimaazu agĩcookia atĩrĩ, “Nĩnyonire kĩrigiicano kĩnene rĩrĩa Joabu ekwendaga gũtũma ndungata ya mũthamaki o na niĩ, ndungata yaku, no ndinamenya kiuma gĩa kĩĩ.” 30 Nake mũthamaki akiuga atĩrĩ, “Rũgama haha mwena-inĩ weterere.” Nĩ ũndũ ũcio agĩthiĩ mwena-inĩ, akĩrũgama ho. 31 Hĩndĩ ĩyo Mũkushi agĩkinya, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Mũthamaki mwathi wakwa, ta igua ũhoro ũyũ mwega! Jehova nĩakũhonoketie ũmũthĩ kuuma kũrĩ arĩa maragũũkĩrĩire.” 32 Mũthamaki akĩũria Mũkushi atĩrĩ, “Mwanake ũrĩa ti Abisalomu arĩ o thayũ?”Mũkushi akĩmũcookeria atĩrĩ, “Thũ ciothe cia mũthamaki mwathi wakwa, na andũ arĩa othe mangĩũkĩra makũgere ngero marotũĩka ta mwanake ũcio.” 33 Mũthamaki akĩinaina. Akĩhaica, agĩthiĩ nyũmba ya igũrũ ya kĩhingo-inĩ, akĩrĩra. Agĩthiĩ akiugaga atĩrĩ, “Ũũi mũrũ wakwa Abisalomu! Mũrũ wakwa, mũrũ wakwa Abisalomu! Naarĩ korwo nĩ niĩ ndĩrakuire handũ haku, ũũi mũrũ wakwa, mũrũ wakwa!”

In Other Versions

2 Samuel 18 in the ANGEFD

2 Samuel 18 in the ANTPNG2D

2 Samuel 18 in the AS21

2 Samuel 18 in the BAGH

2 Samuel 18 in the BBPNG

2 Samuel 18 in the BBT1E

2 Samuel 18 in the BDS

2 Samuel 18 in the BEV

2 Samuel 18 in the BHAD

2 Samuel 18 in the BIB

2 Samuel 18 in the BLPT

2 Samuel 18 in the BNT

2 Samuel 18 in the BNTABOOT

2 Samuel 18 in the BNTLV

2 Samuel 18 in the BOATCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BOATCB2

2 Samuel 18 in the BOBCV

2 Samuel 18 in the BOCNT

2 Samuel 18 in the BOECS

2 Samuel 18 in the BOGWICC

2 Samuel 18 in the BOHCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BOHCV

2 Samuel 18 in the BOHLNT

2 Samuel 18 in the BOHNTLTAL

2 Samuel 18 in the BOICB

2 Samuel 18 in the BOILNTAP

2 Samuel 18 in the BOITCV

2 Samuel 18 in the BOKCV

2 Samuel 18 in the BOKCV2

2 Samuel 18 in the BOKSSV

2 Samuel 18 in the BOLCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BOLCB2

2 Samuel 18 in the BOMCV

2 Samuel 18 in the BONAV

2 Samuel 18 in the BONCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BONLT

2 Samuel 18 in the BONUT2

2 Samuel 18 in the BOPLNT

2 Samuel 18 in the BOSCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BOSNC

2 Samuel 18 in the BOTLNT

2 Samuel 18 in the BOVCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BOYCB

2 Samuel 18 in the BPBB

2 Samuel 18 in the BPH

2 Samuel 18 in the BSB

2 Samuel 18 in the CCB

2 Samuel 18 in the CUV

2 Samuel 18 in the CUVS

2 Samuel 18 in the DBT

2 Samuel 18 in the DGDNT

2 Samuel 18 in the DHNT

2 Samuel 18 in the DNT

2 Samuel 18 in the ELBE

2 Samuel 18 in the EMTV

2 Samuel 18 in the ESV

2 Samuel 18 in the FBV

2 Samuel 18 in the FEB

2 Samuel 18 in the GGMNT

2 Samuel 18 in the GNT

2 Samuel 18 in the HARY

2 Samuel 18 in the HNT

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVA

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVB

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVG

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVH

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVK

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVM

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVM2

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVO

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVP

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVT

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVT2

2 Samuel 18 in the IRVU

2 Samuel 18 in the ISVN

2 Samuel 18 in the JSNT

2 Samuel 18 in the KAPI

2 Samuel 18 in the KBT1ETNIK

2 Samuel 18 in the KBV

2 Samuel 18 in the KJV

2 Samuel 18 in the KNFD

2 Samuel 18 in the LBA

2 Samuel 18 in the LBLA

2 Samuel 18 in the LNT

2 Samuel 18 in the LSV

2 Samuel 18 in the MAAL

2 Samuel 18 in the MBV

2 Samuel 18 in the MBV2

2 Samuel 18 in the MHNT

2 Samuel 18 in the MKNFD

2 Samuel 18 in the MNG

2 Samuel 18 in the MNT

2 Samuel 18 in the MNT2

2 Samuel 18 in the MRS1T

2 Samuel 18 in the NAA

2 Samuel 18 in the NASB

2 Samuel 18 in the NBLA

2 Samuel 18 in the NBS

2 Samuel 18 in the NBVTP

2 Samuel 18 in the NET2

2 Samuel 18 in the NIV11

2 Samuel 18 in the NNT

2 Samuel 18 in the NNT2

2 Samuel 18 in the NNT3

2 Samuel 18 in the PDDPT

2 Samuel 18 in the PFNT

2 Samuel 18 in the RMNT

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIAS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIBS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIBS2

2 Samuel 18 in the SBICS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIDS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIGS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIHS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIIS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIIS2

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIIS3

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIKS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIKS2

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIMS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIOS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIPS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBISS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBITS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBITS2

2 Samuel 18 in the SBITS3

2 Samuel 18 in the SBITS4

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIUS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBIVS

2 Samuel 18 in the SBT

2 Samuel 18 in the SBT1E

2 Samuel 18 in the SCHL

2 Samuel 18 in the SNT

2 Samuel 18 in the SUSU

2 Samuel 18 in the SUSU2

2 Samuel 18 in the SYNO

2 Samuel 18 in the TBIAOTANT

2 Samuel 18 in the TBT1E

2 Samuel 18 in the TBT1E2

2 Samuel 18 in the TFTIP

2 Samuel 18 in the TFTU

2 Samuel 18 in the TGNTATF3T

2 Samuel 18 in the THAI

2 Samuel 18 in the TNFD

2 Samuel 18 in the TNT

2 Samuel 18 in the TNTIK

2 Samuel 18 in the TNTIL

2 Samuel 18 in the TNTIN

2 Samuel 18 in the TNTIP

2 Samuel 18 in the TNTIZ

2 Samuel 18 in the TOMA

2 Samuel 18 in the TTENT

2 Samuel 18 in the UBG

2 Samuel 18 in the UGV

2 Samuel 18 in the UGV2

2 Samuel 18 in the UGV3

2 Samuel 18 in the VBL

2 Samuel 18 in the VDCC

2 Samuel 18 in the YALU

2 Samuel 18 in the YAPE

2 Samuel 18 in the YBVTP

2 Samuel 18 in the ZBP