Exodus 30 (BOLCB)

1 “Onookola ekyoto mu miti gya akasiya, okwoterezangako obubaane. 2 Kya kwenkanankana, sentimita amakumi ana mu ttaano buli ludda mu buwanvu ne mu bugazi; era kinaabeera n’obugulumivu bwa sentimita kyenda. Kubeeko amayembe amakole mu muti ogw’ekyoto nga si mayungeko buyunzi. 3 Ekyoto okiteekeko zaabu kyonna, waggulu ne mu mbiriizi, ne ku mayembe. Era kikolereko omuge ogwa zaabu okukyetooloola. 4 Wansi w’omuge, mu mbiriizi z’ekyoto zombi, kolerawo empeta bbiri eza zaabu, okuyisaamu emisituliro gyakyo nga waliwo gye kitwalibwa. 5 Emisituliro ogikole mu muti gwa akasiya, era ogiteekeko zaabu. 6 Ekyoto kitereeze mu maaso g’eggigi awali essanduuko ey’endagaano, awali ekisaanikira, ye ntebe ey’okusaasira, ekiri ku Ndagaano; awo we nnaakusisinkana. 7 “Alooni anaayotezanga obubaane buli nkya, bw’anajjanga okulongoosa ettaala. 8 Era Alooni bw’anajjanga okukoleeza ettaala akawungeezi, anyookezenga obubaane mu maaso ga MUKAMA mu mirembe gyammwe gyonna. 9 Ku kyoto kino tojja kwoterezaako bubaane bulala, wadde ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa, newaakubadde eky’eŋŋaano era tojja kufukako ekiweebwayo eky’ekyokunywa. 10 Alooni anaakolanga omukolo ogw’okulangiririra ku mayembe gaakyo omulundi gumu mu buli mwaka. Okulongoosa kuno okwa buli mwaka kunaakolebwanga n’omusaayi ogw’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi mu mirembe gyammwe gyonna egigenda okujja. Ekyoto kya MUKAMA kino kitukuvu nnyo.” 11 Awo MUKAMA n’agamba Musa nti, 12 “Bw’onoobalanga abaana ba Isirayiri, buli gw’onoobalanga anaasasulanga omuwendo eri MUKAMA olw’okununula obulamu bwe mu kiseera mw’abaliddwa, kawumpuli aleme okubagwamu. 13 Buli abalibwa ne yeegatta ku bamaze okubalibwa, anaawaangayo gulaamu mukaaga eri MUKAMA, ng’okubala okw’Awatukuvu okutongole bwe kuli. Sekeri emu yenkanankana ne gera amakumi abiri. Gulaamu omukaaga zinaaweebwangayo ng’ekiweebwayo eri MUKAMA. 14 Bonna abeegatta ku bamaze okubalibwa, okuva ku b’emyaka amakumi abiri egy’obukulu, n’okweyongerayo, anaawaayo ekiweebwayo ekyo eri MUKAMA. 15 Abagagga tebaawengayo kusussa kitundu kya sekeri, n’omwavu taawengayo kitatuuka kitundu kya sekeri bwe munaawangayo ekiweebwayo eri MUKAMA olw’okwetangirira obulamu bwammwe. 16 Ensimbi abaana ba Isirayiri ze banaakuwa onoozikozesanga ku mirimu gy’Eweema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu. Kinaabanga ekijjukizo mu maaso ga MUKAMA, olw’okwetangirira obulamu bwammwe.” 17 Awo MUKAMA n’agamba Musa nti, 18 “Onookola ebbensani enaabirwamu nga ya kikomo ne ky’etuulako nga kya kikomo. Giteeke wakati w’ekyoto n’Eweema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu; osseemu amazzi. 19 Alooni ne batabani be ge banaakozesanga okunaaba engalo zaabwe n’ebigere byabwe. 20 Bwe banaabanga bagenda okuyingira mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, banaanaabanga amazzi, baleme okufa. Era ne bwe banajjanga ku kyoto okuweereza nga bawaayo eri MUKAMA ekiweebwayo ekyokye n’omuliro, 21 banaanaabanga engalo zaabwe n’ebigere byabwe, baleme okufa. Kino kinaabanga kiragiro eky’olubeerera eri Alooni n’ezzadde lye emirembe gyonna.” 22 Awo MUKAMA n’agamba Musa nti, 23 “Ddira ebyakawoowo bino eby’omuwendo: Kiro mukaaga ez’omugavu omuyenge omuka, ne kiro ssatu eza kinamoni, ne kiro ssatu eza kalamu omuwoomerevu; 24 ne kiro mukaaga eza kasiya, ne lita nnya ez’amafuta g’omuzeeyituuni; ng’ebipimo by’obuzito bw’omu Watukuvu bwe biri. 25 Bino byonna obikolemu amafuta amatukuvu ag’okusiiga, nga bigattikibbwa bulungi ng’ebikoleddwa omutabuzi w’eby’akawoowo, ne galyoka gabeera amafuta amatukuvu ag’okufukibwangako. 26 Olyoke osiige n’amafuta ago Eweema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, n’Essanduuko ey’Endagaano, 27 n’emmeeza n’ebibeerako byonna, n’ekikondo ky’ettaala n’ebyakyo byonna, n’ekyoto eky’obubaane, 28 n’ekyoto eky’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa n’ebikozesebwako, n’ebbensani ne kw’etuula. 29 Obyawule bifuuke bitukuvu nnyo, era buli ekinaabikomangako nga nakyo kifuuka kitukuvu. 30 “Alooni ne batabani be onoobafukako amafuta, obaawule, balyoke bampeerezenga nga bakabona. 31 Era abaana ba Isirayiri obagambe nti, ‘Gano ge ganaabanga amafuta gange amatukuvu ag’okufukibwangako, mu mirembe gyammwe gyonna. 32 Tegajjanga kufukibwa ku bantu ba bulijjo; era tewabangawo amafuta amalala agatabulwa mu ngeri eno. Gano matukuvu, era mujjukirenga nti matukuvu. 33 Omuntu yenna anaakolanga amafuta ga kalifuuwa okufaanana ne gano, oba anaafukanga gano ku muntu yenna atali kabona, anaawaŋŋangusibwanga, n’ava mu bantu b’ewaabwe.’ ” 34 Awo MUKAMA n’agamba Musa nti, “Ddira ebyakaloosa bino eby’omuwendo ennyo: sitakite, n’onuka, ne galabano, n’obubaane obuka, nga byenkanankana obuzito, 35 Okolemu ebyakaloosa eby’omuwendo, bibe ng’ebikoleddwa omukugu w’ebyakaloosa. Obiteekemu omunnyo bibeere birongoofu era nga bitukuvu. 36 Onoggyako ekitundu n’okisa ne kifuuka lufufugge, n’okiteeka okwolekera Essanduuko ey’Endagaano mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, awo we nnaakusisinkananga. Ekyo kinaabeeranga kitukuvu nnyo, gy’oli. 37 Temwekoleranga ebyakaloosa ebyammwe ku bwammwe mu ntabula eno; bino binaabanga bitukuvu era nga bya MUKAMA. 38 Omuntu yenna alikola ebibifaanana yeesanyuse olw’akaloosa kaabyo, anaawaŋŋangusibwanga, n’ava mu bantu b’ewaabwe.”

In Other Versions

Exodus 30 in the ANGEFD

Exodus 30 in the ANTPNG2D

Exodus 30 in the AS21

Exodus 30 in the BAGH

Exodus 30 in the BBPNG

Exodus 30 in the BBT1E

Exodus 30 in the BDS

Exodus 30 in the BEV

Exodus 30 in the BHAD

Exodus 30 in the BIB

Exodus 30 in the BLPT

Exodus 30 in the BNT

Exodus 30 in the BNTABOOT

Exodus 30 in the BNTLV

Exodus 30 in the BOATCB

Exodus 30 in the BOATCB2

Exodus 30 in the BOBCV

Exodus 30 in the BOCNT

Exodus 30 in the BOECS

Exodus 30 in the BOGWICC

Exodus 30 in the BOHCB

Exodus 30 in the BOHCV

Exodus 30 in the BOHLNT

Exodus 30 in the BOHNTLTAL

Exodus 30 in the BOICB

Exodus 30 in the BOILNTAP

Exodus 30 in the BOITCV

Exodus 30 in the BOKCV

Exodus 30 in the BOKCV2

Exodus 30 in the BOKHWOG

Exodus 30 in the BOKSSV

Exodus 30 in the BOLCB2

Exodus 30 in the BOMCV

Exodus 30 in the BONAV

Exodus 30 in the BONCB

Exodus 30 in the BONLT

Exodus 30 in the BONUT2

Exodus 30 in the BOPLNT

Exodus 30 in the BOSCB

Exodus 30 in the BOSNC

Exodus 30 in the BOTLNT

Exodus 30 in the BOVCB

Exodus 30 in the BOYCB

Exodus 30 in the BPBB

Exodus 30 in the BPH

Exodus 30 in the BSB

Exodus 30 in the CCB

Exodus 30 in the CUV

Exodus 30 in the CUVS

Exodus 30 in the DBT

Exodus 30 in the DGDNT

Exodus 30 in the DHNT

Exodus 30 in the DNT

Exodus 30 in the ELBE

Exodus 30 in the EMTV

Exodus 30 in the ESV

Exodus 30 in the FBV

Exodus 30 in the FEB

Exodus 30 in the GGMNT

Exodus 30 in the GNT

Exodus 30 in the HARY

Exodus 30 in the HNT

Exodus 30 in the IRVA

Exodus 30 in the IRVB

Exodus 30 in the IRVG

Exodus 30 in the IRVH

Exodus 30 in the IRVK

Exodus 30 in the IRVM

Exodus 30 in the IRVM2

Exodus 30 in the IRVO

Exodus 30 in the IRVP

Exodus 30 in the IRVT

Exodus 30 in the IRVT2

Exodus 30 in the IRVU

Exodus 30 in the ISVN

Exodus 30 in the JSNT

Exodus 30 in the KAPI

Exodus 30 in the KBT1ETNIK

Exodus 30 in the KBV

Exodus 30 in the KJV

Exodus 30 in the KNFD

Exodus 30 in the LBA

Exodus 30 in the LBLA

Exodus 30 in the LNT

Exodus 30 in the LSV

Exodus 30 in the MAAL

Exodus 30 in the MBV

Exodus 30 in the MBV2

Exodus 30 in the MHNT

Exodus 30 in the MKNFD

Exodus 30 in the MNG

Exodus 30 in the MNT

Exodus 30 in the MNT2

Exodus 30 in the MRS1T

Exodus 30 in the NAA

Exodus 30 in the NASB

Exodus 30 in the NBLA

Exodus 30 in the NBS

Exodus 30 in the NBVTP

Exodus 30 in the NET2

Exodus 30 in the NIV11

Exodus 30 in the NNT

Exodus 30 in the NNT2

Exodus 30 in the NNT3

Exodus 30 in the PDDPT

Exodus 30 in the PFNT

Exodus 30 in the RMNT

Exodus 30 in the SBIAS

Exodus 30 in the SBIBS

Exodus 30 in the SBIBS2

Exodus 30 in the SBICS

Exodus 30 in the SBIDS

Exodus 30 in the SBIGS

Exodus 30 in the SBIHS

Exodus 30 in the SBIIS

Exodus 30 in the SBIIS2

Exodus 30 in the SBIIS3

Exodus 30 in the SBIKS

Exodus 30 in the SBIKS2

Exodus 30 in the SBIMS

Exodus 30 in the SBIOS

Exodus 30 in the SBIPS

Exodus 30 in the SBISS

Exodus 30 in the SBITS

Exodus 30 in the SBITS2

Exodus 30 in the SBITS3

Exodus 30 in the SBITS4

Exodus 30 in the SBIUS

Exodus 30 in the SBIVS

Exodus 30 in the SBT

Exodus 30 in the SBT1E

Exodus 30 in the SCHL

Exodus 30 in the SNT

Exodus 30 in the SUSU

Exodus 30 in the SUSU2

Exodus 30 in the SYNO

Exodus 30 in the TBIAOTANT

Exodus 30 in the TBT1E

Exodus 30 in the TBT1E2

Exodus 30 in the TFTIP

Exodus 30 in the TFTU

Exodus 30 in the TGNTATF3T

Exodus 30 in the THAI

Exodus 30 in the TNFD

Exodus 30 in the TNT

Exodus 30 in the TNTIK

Exodus 30 in the TNTIL

Exodus 30 in the TNTIN

Exodus 30 in the TNTIP

Exodus 30 in the TNTIZ

Exodus 30 in the TOMA

Exodus 30 in the TTENT

Exodus 30 in the UBG

Exodus 30 in the UGV

Exodus 30 in the UGV2

Exodus 30 in the UGV3

Exodus 30 in the VBL

Exodus 30 in the VDCC

Exodus 30 in the YALU

Exodus 30 in the YAPE

Exodus 30 in the YBVTP

Exodus 30 in the ZBP