Jonah 4 (FBV)
1 But this really upset Jonah, and he became very angry. 2 He prayed to the Lord and told him, “Lord, wasn't this what I said when I was back home? That's why I ran away to Tarshish in the first place! For I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, very patient and full of kindhearted love, who relents from sending disaster. 3 So just kill me now, Lord, because I'd prefer to die than to live!” 4 The Lord responded, “Do you have a good reason to be so angry?” 5 Jonah left the city and sat down to the east of it. There he made himself a shelter so he could sit in the shade and watch what would happen to the city. 6 The Lord God had a plant grow up and provide shade over Jonah's head to ease his discomfort. Jonah was very happy with the plant. 7 The next day at dawn the Lord had a maggot attack the plant and it withered. 8 Then as the sun came up the Lord arranged for a scorching east wind to blow, and the sun beat down on Jonah's head so that he became faint and wanted to die. “I'd rather die than live!” he said. 9 But the Lord asked Jonah, “Do you have a good reason to be so angry about the plant?”“Yes I do!” Jonah replied. “I'm angry enough to die!” 10 Then the Lord told Jonah, “You're concerned about a plant which you did nothing about, and you didn't make it grow. It came up overnight and died overnight. 11 Shouldn't I be concerned about the great city of Nineveh where one hundred and twenty thousand people live who don't know their right hand from their left, not to mention all the animals?”
In Other Versions
Jonah 4 in the ANGEFD
Jonah 4 in the ANTPNG2D
Jonah 4 in the AS21
Jonah 4 in the BAGH
Jonah 4 in the BBPNG
Jonah 4 in the BBT1E
Jonah 4 in the BDS
Jonah 4 in the BEV
Jonah 4 in the BHAD
Jonah 4 in the BIB
Jonah 4 in the BLPT
Jonah 4 in the BNT
Jonah 4 in the BNTABOOT
Jonah 4 in the BNTLV
Jonah 4 in the BOATCB
Jonah 4 in the BOATCB2
Jonah 4 in the BOBCV
Jonah 4 in the BOCNT
Jonah 4 in the BOECS
Jonah 4 in the BOGWICC
Jonah 4 in the BOHCB
Jonah 4 in the BOHCV
Jonah 4 in the BOHLNT
Jonah 4 in the BOHNTLTAL
Jonah 4 in the BOICB
Jonah 4 in the BOILNTAP
Jonah 4 in the BOITCV
Jonah 4 in the BOKCV
Jonah 4 in the BOKCV2
Jonah 4 in the BOKHWOG
Jonah 4 in the BOKSSV
Jonah 4 in the BOLCB
Jonah 4 in the BOLCB2
Jonah 4 in the BOMCV
Jonah 4 in the BONAV
Jonah 4 in the BONCB
Jonah 4 in the BONLT
Jonah 4 in the BONUT2
Jonah 4 in the BOPLNT
Jonah 4 in the BOSCB
Jonah 4 in the BOSNC
Jonah 4 in the BOTLNT
Jonah 4 in the BOVCB
Jonah 4 in the BOYCB
Jonah 4 in the BPBB
Jonah 4 in the BPH
Jonah 4 in the BSB
Jonah 4 in the CCB
Jonah 4 in the CUV
Jonah 4 in the CUVS
Jonah 4 in the DBT
Jonah 4 in the DGDNT
Jonah 4 in the DHNT
Jonah 4 in the DNT
Jonah 4 in the ELBE
Jonah 4 in the EMTV
Jonah 4 in the ESV
Jonah 4 in the FEB
Jonah 4 in the GGMNT
Jonah 4 in the GNT
Jonah 4 in the HARY
Jonah 4 in the HNT
Jonah 4 in the IRVA
Jonah 4 in the IRVB
Jonah 4 in the IRVG
Jonah 4 in the IRVH
Jonah 4 in the IRVK
Jonah 4 in the IRVM
Jonah 4 in the IRVM2
Jonah 4 in the IRVO
Jonah 4 in the IRVP
Jonah 4 in the IRVT
Jonah 4 in the IRVT2
Jonah 4 in the IRVU
Jonah 4 in the ISVN
Jonah 4 in the JSNT
Jonah 4 in the KAPI
Jonah 4 in the KBT1ETNIK
Jonah 4 in the KBV
Jonah 4 in the KJV
Jonah 4 in the KNFD
Jonah 4 in the LBA
Jonah 4 in the LBLA
Jonah 4 in the LNT
Jonah 4 in the LSV
Jonah 4 in the MAAL
Jonah 4 in the MBV
Jonah 4 in the MBV2
Jonah 4 in the MHNT
Jonah 4 in the MKNFD
Jonah 4 in the MNG
Jonah 4 in the MNT
Jonah 4 in the MNT2
Jonah 4 in the MRS1T
Jonah 4 in the NAA
Jonah 4 in the NASB
Jonah 4 in the NBLA
Jonah 4 in the NBS
Jonah 4 in the NBVTP
Jonah 4 in the NET2
Jonah 4 in the NIV11
Jonah 4 in the NNT
Jonah 4 in the NNT2
Jonah 4 in the NNT3
Jonah 4 in the PDDPT
Jonah 4 in the PFNT
Jonah 4 in the RMNT
Jonah 4 in the SBIAS
Jonah 4 in the SBIBS
Jonah 4 in the SBIBS2
Jonah 4 in the SBICS
Jonah 4 in the SBIDS
Jonah 4 in the SBIGS
Jonah 4 in the SBIHS
Jonah 4 in the SBIIS
Jonah 4 in the SBIIS2
Jonah 4 in the SBIIS3
Jonah 4 in the SBIKS
Jonah 4 in the SBIKS2
Jonah 4 in the SBIMS
Jonah 4 in the SBIOS
Jonah 4 in the SBIPS
Jonah 4 in the SBISS
Jonah 4 in the SBITS
Jonah 4 in the SBITS2
Jonah 4 in the SBITS3
Jonah 4 in the SBITS4
Jonah 4 in the SBIUS
Jonah 4 in the SBIVS
Jonah 4 in the SBT
Jonah 4 in the SBT1E
Jonah 4 in the SCHL
Jonah 4 in the SNT
Jonah 4 in the SUSU
Jonah 4 in the SUSU2
Jonah 4 in the SYNO
Jonah 4 in the TBIAOTANT
Jonah 4 in the TBT1E
Jonah 4 in the TBT1E2
Jonah 4 in the TFTIP
Jonah 4 in the TFTU
Jonah 4 in the TGNTATF3T
Jonah 4 in the THAI
Jonah 4 in the TNFD
Jonah 4 in the TNT
Jonah 4 in the TNTIK
Jonah 4 in the TNTIL
Jonah 4 in the TNTIN
Jonah 4 in the TNTIP
Jonah 4 in the TNTIZ
Jonah 4 in the TOMA
Jonah 4 in the TTENT
Jonah 4 in the UBG
Jonah 4 in the UGV
Jonah 4 in the UGV2
Jonah 4 in the UGV3
Jonah 4 in the VBL
Jonah 4 in the VDCC
Jonah 4 in the YALU
Jonah 4 in the YAPE
Jonah 4 in the YBVTP
Jonah 4 in the ZBP