2 Chronicles 35 (TOMA)

1 Zoziase Pake fɛtii ɠulani Zeluzalɛme, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI lɛbi vai ma, ti fɛti zuaiti kɔdaaleʋeni konagi ma alu mɔungi ma volo puugɔ maazu naanigɔi (14) ma. 2 É zalaɠa ɠula nuiti pilɛni ti-losuʋɛti ʋolu, é naati iɲɔdɔ ta-wotiiti su, nii ti kɛɛzu Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zei ʋɛlɛi wu. 3 Naa ʋoluma, é ɓɔɛni Levi mavofodaiti pɔ, niiti ti veai Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ʋɛ, ga ti ɗa nuɓusɛi pɛ kala. É ɠɛni ti ma: «À minazeɠe kesui la Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zei ʋɛlɛi wu, nii Davide ná-doun zunui Salomɔn toni, Izilayɛle masagi. Niima ziɛgi zu wo ɓɛdɛ la mɔ ba ga wo da ɠɔma, wo ɗa leʋe da. À botii ɠɛ wa-ƓALAGI, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ta ná-nuɓusɛi Izilayɛle ʋɛ. 4 À ɓɔɠɔ zei kpasu, wo ɓɔɠɔ ɠaaɠwɛsu ga pɛlɛyeɠe ʋelei, ta botii ɠɛ ɓɔgiti gaaɠwɛ, eɠɛʋelei Izilayɛle masagi Davide deveni la ta ná-doun zunui Salomɔn. 5 À wo-losuʋɛti seɠe ada ɲadegai wu, nii a kɛ Levi ʋɛlɛyeɠe ɠila ge ɠɛ ná wo-ɠɛɛlointi ta-ʋɛlɛyeɠei ɠilagilagiti faa ma nuɓusɛi zaama. 6 À Pake baala ziʋoiti paa. Naa ɠa é ba, à ɓɔɠɔ ɲade, wo Pakegi ɠɛʋele ɓɛtɛ wo-ɠɛɛlointi bɛ, eɠɛʋelei Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI laawooi la nii é puuni Moize la ga é bo.» 7 Pake fɛtii ɠula vai zu Zoziase ɠulani ga: baala ziʋo ta boli yiʋo waaʋuusaʋagɔ (30.000), naa ʋɛɛ nikɛ zinɛ waasaʋagɔ (3.000) ʋa, é naati pɛ kulani kpɔɠɔ logani ɓulugi zaama nuɓusɛiti pɛ faa ma, niiti ti ɠaalɛɛni ba Zeluzalɛme. 8 Ná-nu wolaiti ɓalaa ti faaɓɔɠɔiti kɛɛni nuɓusɛi ʋɛ, naa ʋɛɛ zalaɠa ɠula nuiti ta Levi nuiti ba. Yilikiya, Zakali, ta Yeɠiyɛle, niiti ti ɠɛni ga GALA sei ʋɛlɛi ma ɠundiɠiiti, naati ti baala ziʋo ta boli yiʋo waafelegɔ undɔzita (2.600) veeni zalaɠa ɠula nuiti bɛ, ta ti nikɛ zinɛ unsaʋagɔ (300) ve Pake fɛtii ɠula vai zu. 9 Levi nuiti ta-ɠundiɠiiti Konania ta kɛɛɠɛlointi Semaya ta Netaneyɛle, naa ʋɛɛ Ɠasaɓiya, Yeiyɛle ta Yozaɓade ʋa, ti baala ziʋo ta boli yiʋo waadɔɔlugɔ (5.000) veeni Levi nuiti bɛ Pake fɛti vaa zu, naa ʋɛɛ nikɛ zinɛ undɔɔlugɔ (500) ʋa. 10 Pɛtɛ ʋelei ti fɛtii zeini la kpasu: Zalaɠa ɠula nuiti ti loni ti-losuʋɛti, Levi nuiti ti ɠaaɠwɛsu ga ʋelei ta-ɓɔgiti ti la, é zoloo devei naa ma nii masagi boni. 11 Nuɓusɛiti ti ɠɛni Pake fɛtii ma zuaiti paazu. Levi nuiti ti ɠɛni ma ɲamai veezu zalaɠa ɠula nuiti zea, naati ti ɗa pili zalaɠa ɠulazuʋɛ ma, naa ʋoluma Levi nuiti ti ɗa zalaɠa zuaiti kɔlɔɔ. 12 Ti ɠɛni gala zalaɠaiti puuzu yɛ, nii a kɛ ti ti ve pɛlɛyeɠei ɠilagilagiti ta-ɓɔgiti zea, ti ʋa daazeeli ga zalaɠai Ɠɔoɠɔ GALA ma, eɠɛʋelei sɛʋɛai la Moize ná-sɛʋɛi zu. Ʋele nɔ ɠana ti kɛɛni la ga togani ɓaazagiti. 13 Ti Pake baala ziʋoiti mɔni, eɠɛʋelei deveai la tɔgi zu, naama ziɛgi zu ti ɗa zɔɔma zalaɠa zua ɲadegaiti gili diɠiiti su, naa ʋɛɛ ɓɔniiti ta aniɲakaiti zɔiti ba, nii a kɛ ti ʋa, ti ɠaaɠwɛ fala nuɓusɛi ʋa. 14 Naa pɛ poluma, Levi nuiti ti ɠɛni Pakegi ɠɛʋele ɓɛtɛzu tiya ɓɔɠɔi ta zalaɠa ɠula nuiti bɛ, tɔɔzei Aalɔn mavofodaiti ti zalaɠa ɠula nuiti, naati unpilɛga ɠɛni de gala zalaɠaiti kula vai ma ta sua wulɔiti gala vai ma é zo sobui ma é zeeli kpidii ma. Naa ɠa é kɛɛni Levi nuiti ti ɠɛni Pakegi ɠɛʋele ɓɛtɛzu ɓɔɠɔ ʋɛ ta Aalɔn mavofodaiti. 15 Gɛingɛin gani nuiti ti ga Azafe mavofodaiti, naati ti ɠɛni loni ti-losuʋɛti, eɠɛʋelei Davide deveni la, ta Azafe ɓɔɠɔgoi, naa ʋɛɛ Ɠeman ʋa ta masagi ná-GALA goo wo nui Yedutun. Siɠida makɛ nuiti ɓalaa ti ɠɛni siɠidaʋɛti pɛ, ti la ɠɛni ta-wotii zuɠoloɠoloni, tɔɔzei ti-wɔɔlaiti Levi nuiti ti ɠɛni kɛʋele ɓɛtɛi ɠɛɛzu ti ʋɛ. 16 Ʋele ɠana naama voloi Pake fɛtii ɠula vai pɛ ge zeini la kpasu, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ná-lɛbiyai vaa ma, ta gala zalaɠaiti daazeeli vai Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ná-zalaɠa ɠulazuʋɛ, ʋelei masagi Zoziase deveni la. 17 Izilayɛle nui niiti ti ɠɛni ná naama voloi ti Pake fɛtii ɠulani, ti ɓului nii lɛʋɛ la su ti naama vɛtii ɠula folo lɔfela laawu naama ziɛgi zu. 18 Kaipa é zo GALA goo wo nui Samiyɛle ná-siɛgi zu ma, Pake fɛti naa ɠɛɠala la ɠɛni dɛ ɠulani Izilayɛle. Izilayɛle masagiti ti la ɠɛni Pake fɛti zeini kpasu ga nii ɠɛʋele, nii Zoziase ta zalaɠa ɠula nuiti ta Levi nuiti ti kɛʋele ɓɛtɛni, naa ʋɛɛ Zuda ta Izilayɛle nuiti pɛ ba niiti ti ɠɛni ná, ta Zeluzalɛme nuiti pɛ. 19 Zoziase ná-masa fai ma ɠona puugɔ maazu lɔsaʋai (18) ma nɔ ɠa, ti Pake fɛtii naa ɠulani. 20 Naama vaiti poluma, Zoziase ɓegai ma ga GALA sei ʋɛlɛi ɠɛʋele ɓɛtɛ ʋolu ga pagɔ, Ezipete masagi Neko liini ga kɔɔi Kaalekemise ziɛ wolai Efelate ɠa. Zoziase liini daaɠomisu ga kɔɔi, é pele leʋe tuɠɔ. 21 Kɛlɛ Neko keelaiti teʋeni ma, ti ɠɛ ma: «Zuda masagi, lee ɠa é de yɔɠɔzu? Ɗa lɛi gè ʋa ɠɛ ʋaazu ga kɔɔi è laalɔɠɔma za. Masa kili ka gè liizu daalɔɠɔma. GALA ge ɠɛ gè zuvilɛ ga kɛa. Dama ga ɓɔɠɔ, è ʋa li GALA sakpesu, nii é bà. Ni naa laade, toɠa è ɠoloɠolo.» 22 Kɛlɛ Zoziase la ɠɛni kɛɛni é ʋa ɠale ma. É la woiloni naa ná-kpaazaɠa wooi ma, tama naa zeɠeni GALA pɔ. É ɓɔɠɔ maaʋoteni, é li naa laalɔɠɔma ga kɔɔi Megido nɛmɛi zu. 23 Siɛgi zu ti ɠɛni kɔɔi ɠɔɔzu la, mɛɛn ʋili nuiti ti sɔɔni, é zɛba é ɠɛ ná-botiɠɛ nuiti ma: «À li ga ze, tɔɔzei gòla maawanaʋɛ.» 24 Ná-kɔɔɠuluɓaiti ti kulani ná-kɔɔɠɔ wotoloi zu, ti da ná-wotoloi velesiɛi zu, ti lii la Zeluzalɛme. É zaani, ti maaɠulu mɛmɛwolani ta-ɠabamaʋɛ. Zuda nuiti pɛ naa ʋɛɛ Zeluzalɛme nuiti ba Zoziase zaa wɔlɔi woni. 25 Zelemi saa wɔlɔ wuyei ɓɛtɛni ná-faa zu. Guye loo nuiti kpein, zunu, anzanu ti pɛ ta ɗa daa lɔ guyei zu zaaɠaza, mazɔlɔɔ naa ɠɛa ga Izilayɛle nuiti kɛɛ vaa wɔlɔma. Guyei naati sɛʋɛʋɛ saa wɔlɔ wuye zɛʋɛi zu. 26 Zoziase ná-fai mɔtaiti, naa ʋɛɛ ná-kɛɛwoti ʋagɔiti ba, eɠɛʋelei sɛʋɛai la Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ná-tɔ sɛʋɛi zu, 27 ta ná-kɛɛwotiiti, é zo ma mɔungiti ma, é li gaaɓelagiti pɔ, naati sɛʋɛʋɛ Izilayɛle masagiti ta Zuda masagiti ta-zɛʋɛi zu.

In Other Versions

2 Chronicles 35 in the ANGEFD

2 Chronicles 35 in the ANTPNG2D

2 Chronicles 35 in the AS21

2 Chronicles 35 in the BAGH

2 Chronicles 35 in the BBPNG

2 Chronicles 35 in the BBT1E

2 Chronicles 35 in the BDS

2 Chronicles 35 in the BEV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BHAD

2 Chronicles 35 in the BIB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BLPT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BNTABOOT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BNTLV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOATCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOATCB2

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOBCV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOCNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOECS

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOGWICC

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOHCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOHCV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOHLNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOHNTLTAL

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOICB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOILNTAP

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOITCV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOKCV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOKCV2

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOKHWOG

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOKSSV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOLCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOLCB2

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOMCV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BONAV

2 Chronicles 35 in the BONCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BONLT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BONUT2

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOPLNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOSCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOSNC

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOTLNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOVCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BOYCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BPBB

2 Chronicles 35 in the BPH

2 Chronicles 35 in the BSB

2 Chronicles 35 in the CCB

2 Chronicles 35 in the CUV

2 Chronicles 35 in the CUVS

2 Chronicles 35 in the DBT

2 Chronicles 35 in the DGDNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the DHNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the DNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the ELBE

2 Chronicles 35 in the EMTV

2 Chronicles 35 in the ESV

2 Chronicles 35 in the FBV

2 Chronicles 35 in the FEB

2 Chronicles 35 in the GGMNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the GNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the HARY

2 Chronicles 35 in the HNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVA

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVB

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVG

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVH

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVK

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVM

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVM2

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVO

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVP

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVT

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVT2

2 Chronicles 35 in the IRVU

2 Chronicles 35 in the ISVN

2 Chronicles 35 in the JSNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the KAPI

2 Chronicles 35 in the KBT1ETNIK

2 Chronicles 35 in the KBV

2 Chronicles 35 in the KJV

2 Chronicles 35 in the KNFD

2 Chronicles 35 in the LBA

2 Chronicles 35 in the LBLA

2 Chronicles 35 in the LNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the LSV

2 Chronicles 35 in the MAAL

2 Chronicles 35 in the MBV

2 Chronicles 35 in the MBV2

2 Chronicles 35 in the MHNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the MKNFD

2 Chronicles 35 in the MNG

2 Chronicles 35 in the MNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the MNT2

2 Chronicles 35 in the MRS1T

2 Chronicles 35 in the NAA

2 Chronicles 35 in the NASB

2 Chronicles 35 in the NBLA

2 Chronicles 35 in the NBS

2 Chronicles 35 in the NBVTP

2 Chronicles 35 in the NET2

2 Chronicles 35 in the NIV11

2 Chronicles 35 in the NNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the NNT2

2 Chronicles 35 in the NNT3

2 Chronicles 35 in the PDDPT

2 Chronicles 35 in the PFNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the RMNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIAS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIBS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIBS2

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBICS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIDS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIGS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIHS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIIS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIIS2

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIIS3

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIKS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIKS2

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIMS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIOS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIPS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBISS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBITS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBITS2

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBITS3

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBITS4

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIUS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBIVS

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBT

2 Chronicles 35 in the SBT1E

2 Chronicles 35 in the SCHL

2 Chronicles 35 in the SNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the SUSU

2 Chronicles 35 in the SUSU2

2 Chronicles 35 in the SYNO

2 Chronicles 35 in the TBIAOTANT

2 Chronicles 35 in the TBT1E

2 Chronicles 35 in the TBT1E2

2 Chronicles 35 in the TFTIP

2 Chronicles 35 in the TFTU

2 Chronicles 35 in the TGNTATF3T

2 Chronicles 35 in the THAI

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNFD

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNT

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNTIK

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNTIL

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNTIN

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNTIP

2 Chronicles 35 in the TNTIZ

2 Chronicles 35 in the TTENT

2 Chronicles 35 in the UBG

2 Chronicles 35 in the UGV

2 Chronicles 35 in the UGV2

2 Chronicles 35 in the UGV3

2 Chronicles 35 in the VBL

2 Chronicles 35 in the VDCC

2 Chronicles 35 in the YALU

2 Chronicles 35 in the YAPE

2 Chronicles 35 in the YBVTP

2 Chronicles 35 in the ZBP