2 Chronicles 15 (YAPE)
1 Me yibe Kan Thothup rok Got nga daken Azariah nib mo’on ni fak Oded, 2 me yan ni nge mada’nag Asa ni Pilung. Me tolul ngak nib ga’ laman ni be ga’ar, “Asa ni Pilung mmotoyil ngog, nge gimed gubin e girdi’ nu Judah nge Benjamin! I SOMOL e bay romed u n’umngin nap’an ni gimed bay rok. Fa’an gimed ra gay, ma ra pagmed ngam patgad ngak, machane fa’an gimed ra pag, ma ra n’agmed. 3 Ba n’uw nap’an ni i par yu Israel ndariy e bin riyul’ e Got rorad, mdariy e prist ni ngar filed ban’en ngorad, ma ku dariy ba motochiyel. 4 Machane nap’an ni yib e tin nib mo’maw’ ngorad ma ra chelgad ngar sapgad ngak SOMOL ni Got nu Israel. Miyad gay miyad pir’eg. 5 Re ngiyal’ i n’em e dakuriy be’ nrayag ni ngi i yib ngi i yan nib pagan’, ni bochan e gubin e nam ma bay e wodmang nge wagagey riy. 6 Ra reb e nam ma be gafgownag reb e nam, ma ra reb e binaw ma be togopluw nga reb e binaw, ni bochan e ke pag Got gubin mit e wodmang nge gafgow ke yib nga dakenrad. 7 Machane thingar mu gel niged lanin’med ma dabi mulan’med. Re maruwel ni bay um rin’ed e bay pulwon.” 8 Nap’an ni rung’ag Asa fare yi’iy nike yog Azariah nib mo’on ni fak Oded me yib e athamgil nga laniyan’. Me chuweg urngin e liyos nu lan fare nam nu Judah ngu lan fare gi nug rok Benjamin nge gubin e liyos nu lan fapi binaw ni kol u daken e ted u Efraim ni go’ burey. Miki ngongliy bayay fare altar rok SOMOL ni immoy u mit fare yoror ko Tempel. 9 Bo’or e girdi’ nrabad u Efraim, Manasseh, nge Simeon nga ba’ rok Asa, ngar pired u tan lungun, ni bochan e ka ra guyed ni bay SOMOL rok. Me yog Asa ni ngar mu’ulunggad e girdi’ nu Judah ngu Benjamin. 10 Miyad mu’ulung nga Jerusalem u lan e bin dalip e pul ko re duw ni gaman e ragag nge lal ngay nike pilung Asa. 11 Rofen nem e ra pi’ed e maligach ngak SOMOL ko pin’en ni ka ra feked u fithik’ e yargal: medlip mir’ay e garbaw nge medlip i bbiyu’ e saf. 12 Miyad ngongliy ba m’ag nike ta’reb lanin’rad ni ngu’ur liyorgad ngak SOMOL ni Got rok e pi chitamngirad, u polo’ i gumircha’rad ngu polo’ i lanin’rad. 13 Ma demturug be’, bbitir, pilbithir, pumo’on fa be’ ni bpin ni fa’anra dabi liyor ngak SOMOL ma yira thang e pogofan rok. 14 Miyad micheg u fithingan SOMOL nib ga’ lamrad ni yad ra fol ko re m’ag nem, miyad tolul miyad thoy e rappa. 15 Gubin e girdi’ nu Judah nra felfelan’gad ni bochan e ka ra ngongliyed e re m’ag ney u polo’ i gumircha’rad. Ma rib fel’ u wan’rad ni yad ma liyor ngak SOMOL, miyad fel’ u wan’ SOMOL me pi’ e gapas ngorad u gubin yang. 16 Me chuweg Asa ni Pilung i Maakah ni titaw rok ko liw rok ni chitiningin e pilung, ni bochan e ke ngongliy ba liyos nib golong ni ya’an fare got ni bpin i Asherah. Me th’ab Asa fare got nga but’ nge theth’ab nge urfiy u lan fare loway ni Kidron fithingan. 17 Yug aram rogon nde thirif Asa urngin e yungi n’en ni tagil’ e tayfan rok e pi’in ndar nanged Got u lan fare nam, machane mi i par Asa nib yul’yul’ ngak SOMOL u n’umngin nap’an e yafos rok. 18 Me tay ngalan fare Tempel gubin e pin’en nike ognag Abijah ni chitamngin ngak Got, ni kub mu’un ngay e pin’en nib gol nge silber ni ir rok e ke pi’ ngak SOMOL. 19 Ma daki yib e mael nge mada’ ko re duw nike gaman e guyey nge lal e duw ngay nike gagiyeg.
In Other Versions
2 Chronicles 15 in the ANGEFD
2 Chronicles 15 in the ANTPNG2D
2 Chronicles 15 in the AS21
2 Chronicles 15 in the BAGH
2 Chronicles 15 in the BBPNG
2 Chronicles 15 in the BBT1E
2 Chronicles 15 in the BDS
2 Chronicles 15 in the BEV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BHAD
2 Chronicles 15 in the BIB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BLPT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BNTABOOT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BNTLV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOATCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOATCB2
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOBCV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOCNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOECS
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOGWICC
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOHCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOHCV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOHLNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOHNTLTAL
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOICB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOILNTAP
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOITCV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOKCV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOKCV2
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOKHWOG
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOKSSV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOLCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOLCB2
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOMCV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BONAV
2 Chronicles 15 in the BONCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BONLT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BONUT2
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOPLNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOSCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOSNC
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOTLNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOVCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BOYCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BPBB
2 Chronicles 15 in the BPH
2 Chronicles 15 in the BSB
2 Chronicles 15 in the CCB
2 Chronicles 15 in the CUV
2 Chronicles 15 in the CUVS
2 Chronicles 15 in the DBT
2 Chronicles 15 in the DGDNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the DHNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the DNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the ELBE
2 Chronicles 15 in the EMTV
2 Chronicles 15 in the ESV
2 Chronicles 15 in the FBV
2 Chronicles 15 in the FEB
2 Chronicles 15 in the GGMNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the GNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the HARY
2 Chronicles 15 in the HNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVA
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVB
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVG
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVH
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVK
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVM
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVM2
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVO
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVP
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVT
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVT2
2 Chronicles 15 in the IRVU
2 Chronicles 15 in the ISVN
2 Chronicles 15 in the JSNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the KAPI
2 Chronicles 15 in the KBT1ETNIK
2 Chronicles 15 in the KBV
2 Chronicles 15 in the KJV
2 Chronicles 15 in the KNFD
2 Chronicles 15 in the LBA
2 Chronicles 15 in the LBLA
2 Chronicles 15 in the LNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the LSV
2 Chronicles 15 in the MAAL
2 Chronicles 15 in the MBV
2 Chronicles 15 in the MBV2
2 Chronicles 15 in the MHNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the MKNFD
2 Chronicles 15 in the MNG
2 Chronicles 15 in the MNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the MNT2
2 Chronicles 15 in the MRS1T
2 Chronicles 15 in the NAA
2 Chronicles 15 in the NASB
2 Chronicles 15 in the NBLA
2 Chronicles 15 in the NBS
2 Chronicles 15 in the NBVTP
2 Chronicles 15 in the NET2
2 Chronicles 15 in the NIV11
2 Chronicles 15 in the NNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the NNT2
2 Chronicles 15 in the NNT3
2 Chronicles 15 in the PDDPT
2 Chronicles 15 in the PFNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the RMNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIAS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIBS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIBS2
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBICS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIDS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIGS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIHS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIIS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIIS2
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIIS3
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIKS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIKS2
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIMS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIOS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIPS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBISS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBITS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBITS2
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBITS3
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBITS4
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIUS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBIVS
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBT
2 Chronicles 15 in the SBT1E
2 Chronicles 15 in the SCHL
2 Chronicles 15 in the SNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the SUSU
2 Chronicles 15 in the SUSU2
2 Chronicles 15 in the SYNO
2 Chronicles 15 in the TBIAOTANT
2 Chronicles 15 in the TBT1E
2 Chronicles 15 in the TBT1E2
2 Chronicles 15 in the TFTIP
2 Chronicles 15 in the TFTU
2 Chronicles 15 in the TGNTATF3T
2 Chronicles 15 in the THAI
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNFD
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNT
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNTIK
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNTIL
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNTIN
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNTIP
2 Chronicles 15 in the TNTIZ
2 Chronicles 15 in the TOMA
2 Chronicles 15 in the TTENT
2 Chronicles 15 in the UBG
2 Chronicles 15 in the UGV
2 Chronicles 15 in the UGV2
2 Chronicles 15 in the UGV3
2 Chronicles 15 in the VBL
2 Chronicles 15 in the VDCC
2 Chronicles 15 in the YALU
2 Chronicles 15 in the YBVTP
2 Chronicles 15 in the ZBP