Luke 13 (ANGEFD)

1 Jisasɨ ciaŋ sulɨdaci hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ nudɨ abavɨmi. Nama Galili fɨli tɨbɨ hɨsɨŋ lɨhavalɨ agɨladɨ igahɨlahanaŋ uavɨmi. Nɨbɨlaŋ Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ iguben aba sabaŋ sipsipɨ agɨladɨ ifɨhɨmavɨdaci mɨdɨ mɨgavalɨ uavɨmi. Lɨhavɨdaci Pailatɨ nudɨ sagaŋ hɨsɨŋ hulemɨlɨ agɨladɨ abɨci uavɨla hulaŋ sagalɨ iguavalɨ agɨladɨ ifɨhɨmuhɨmu uavalɨ uavɨmi. Ifɨhɨmuhɨmu uavɨdaci nulɨdɨ mɨdɨ agɨlaŋ sabaŋ sipsipɨ mɨdɨ mɨgavalɨ agɨladɨ sabɨ heŋ mɨgavalɨ uavɨmi. 2 Lɨhavɨci Jisasɨ abami. Namɨlaŋ hɨji nameŋ igahɨlɨlalaŋ uami. Hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle hɨmavalɨ agɨlaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ vivi hɨmavalɨ aba abɨlalaŋ uami. Hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle Galili fɨli tɨbɨ hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ lɨvalavalɨ sadaŋ hɨmavalɨ aba abɨlalaŋ uami. 3 Viaŋ naludɨ abadin agadɨ igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Ha hɨma sɨbaŋ uami. Namɨlaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ ma valavɨla ha namɨlaŋ avi hameŋ ala hɨmɨbalaŋ uami. 4 Vaka Siloam avɨli sɨmɨ tulɨ mikɨ heŋ ulaŋ hɨvɨ hekɨlɨ agaŋ lɨfa mɨgavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨladɨ ifɨhɨmalɨ uami. Hulaŋ iamɨgali human limu limu fɨhala hɨcɨ limu fɨhala hɨcɨ limu ahica pam cɨjɨŋ hameŋ agɨladɨ ifɨhɨmalɨ uami. Lɨci namɨlaŋ nulɨsaŋ hɨji nameŋ lamɨlalaŋ uami. Hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vihavɨci ulaŋ lɨfa mɨgavɨla nulɨdɨ ifɨhɨmalɨ aba abɨlalaŋ uami. Nulɨdɨ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨniavalɨ agɨladɨ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ lɨvalavalɨ aba abɨlalaŋ uami. Hameŋ sadaŋ ulaŋ agaŋ lɨfa mɨgavɨla nulɨdɨ ifɨhɨmalɨ aba abɨlalaŋ uami. 5 Agadɨ ala viaŋ naludɨ abadin agadɨ igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Ha hɨma sɨbaŋ uami. Namɨlaŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ ma valavɨla ha namɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan avi hameŋ ala hɨmɨbalaŋ uami. 6 La Jisasɨ agaŋ hɨve lama abami. Hulaŋ mu kɨlɨ fikɨ agadɨ lɨmɨn uain hualabɨla heŋ hulivi uami. Hulia vala uavɨla hutesɨ hɨnivi uami. Hɨniavɨla amɨŋ agɨladɨ viben aba cɨhu vevi uami. Ve igɨci kɨlɨ fikɨ agaŋ amɨŋ ma lamɨvi uami. 7 Lɨci sibɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agadɨ abɨvi uami. Ci igɨnaŋ aba abɨvi uami. Kɨlɨ fikɨ hulimin agadɨ hualɨ ahica pam hɨvɨ uu veve igɨdalɨŋ amɨŋ ma lamɨlalɨ aba abɨvi uami. Hameŋ sadaŋ nama ihavɨla havalɨha aba abɨvi uami. Fɨli sɨdaŋ agadɨ havɨ havɨ fɨhalɨmɨdɨ aba abɨvi uami. 8 Lɨci sibɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agaŋ abɨvi uami. Manɨgali aba abɨvi uami. Vana hualɨ pabiŋ hɨnidaci viaŋ kɨlɨ fikɨ hɨdɨlɨ agadɨ haŋala haŋala mavɨben aba abɨvi uami. Mavavɨla sabaŋ bulɨmakau su viavɨla lamɨben aba abɨvi uami. 9 Hameŋ lɨlɨŋ hualɨ mu heŋ amɨŋ lamɨbali akua aba abɨvi uami. Amɨŋ ma lamɨmaŋ lɨci iadɨ abɨnaŋ ihavɨla havalɨben aba abɨvi uami. 10 Mu tɨbɨ Jisasɨ agaŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ alusɨsɨ mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ uavɨla nulɨdɨ aŋam ulaŋ hɨvɨ ivouavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨlasaŋ Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ sulami. 11 Sulasula hɨnia igɨci iamɨgali mu sudɨ sɨbɨlɨ daŋ agaŋ avi aŋam ulaŋ heŋ hɨnimi. Sudɨ sɨbɨlɨ agaŋ iamɨgali agadɨ hɨvɨ hɨnidaci hulɨ mafɨlɨci iahɨci hɨdadami. Hɨdɨdaci hualɨ human limu limu fɨhala hɨcɨ limu fɨhala hɨcɨ limu ahica pam cɨjɨŋ umi. Sɨlɨvɨ ma lagulama hɨdadami. 12 Jisasɨ nudɨ igavɨla ulɨci vemi. Veci nudɨ abami. Iamɨgali uami. Viaŋ nadɨ ci huaci lamin uami. 13 La nudɨ human iamɨgali agadɨ sabɨ hɨvɨ lamɨci cɨhu sɨlɨvɨ lagulamami. Sɨlɨvɨ lagulamavɨla Asɨ dɨ ibi mɨŋaiahami. 14 Alusɨsɨ mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ sudɨ sɨbɨlɨ iamɨgali agadɨ hɨvɨ hɨniadami agadɨ lahumi. Lɨci aŋam ulaŋ agadɨ hali hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agaŋ igavɨla Jisasɨ saŋ igɨvɨ hɨnimi. Lavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ abami. Sibɨla vivi mɨhiŋ human limu fɨhala human limu pabiŋ cɨjɨŋ uami. Aniaba hulaŋ naludɨ hɨmuhɨmu huaci lamalama saŋ sibɨla vivi mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ vehalaŋ uami. Alusɨsɨ mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ hulaŋ naludɨ hɨmuhɨmu huaci lamalama saŋ abɨmɨlaŋ uami. 15 Lɨci Jisasɨ nulɨdɨ abami. Namɨlaŋ analɨ abɨlalaŋ uami. Alaŋ alusɨsɨ mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ sibɨla ma vilalu aba abɨlalaŋ uami. Alusɨsɨ mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ namɨlaŋ hɨtɨŋ hɨtɨŋ avi sabaŋ bulɨmakau sabaŋ donɨki ulaŋ hɨvɨ hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ lɨmɨn hivahiva magɨla magɨla avɨli nana saŋ vivi ulalaŋ uami. 16 Viaŋ avi iamɨgali nagadɨ alusɨsɨ mɨhiŋ hɨvɨ huaci lamin uami. Namɨlaŋ lɨlalaŋ hameŋ ala lin uami. Nɨbu Ebɨlam dɨ iamɨlɨnu uami. Agadɨ ala Satan agaŋ iamɨgali agadɨ hɨvɨ hɨnidaci hualɨ human limu limu fɨhala hɨcɨ limu fɨhala hɨcɨ limu ahica pam cɨjɨŋ ualɨ uami. Alaŋ nudɨ valɨmɨli hameŋ laci hɨnimɨdɨ uami. 17 Lɨci nudɨ nagɨli lamavɨmi agɨlaŋ igahɨlavɨla sɨhumahɨlavɨmi. Hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ Jisasɨ akuaba akuaba lɨmi agɨladɨ igavɨmi agɨlasaŋ hɨjɨŋalavɨmi. 18 18-19 Lɨhavɨci Jisasɨ hɨve lama abami. Asɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali likɨlɨci nudɨ lɨhu hɨvɨ hɨniavɨbali agaŋ nɨbu isabɨlaŋ masɨtetɨ hɨlɨcɨ me uami. Hulaŋ mu isabɨlaŋ masɨtetɨ hɨlɨcɨ agɨladɨ via uavɨla nudɨ hualabɨla hɨvɨ havalɨdaci mɨgavɨvi uami. Havalɨdaci mɨgamɨga iahaiaha kɨlɨ cɨki cɨki me hɨniavɨvi uami. Hɨniavɨdaci havaŋ agɨlaŋ veve nulɨdɨ makaŋ makaŋ heŋ ulaŋ hafiavɨvi uami. 20 20-21 Lavɨla Jisasɨ cɨhu abami. Asɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali likɨlɨci nudɨ lɨhu hɨvɨ hɨniavɨbali agaŋ nɨbu maci huhɨla huhɨla hɨsɨŋ isɨ aba abavɨlalɨ agaŋ me uami. Iamɨgali mu agaŋ maci agadɨ hunaŋ mu hɨvɨ ahica pam tɨbɨ vivi hunaŋ mɨsɨn hekɨlɨ hɨvɨ mɨŋamɨjidaci mɨguvi uami. Lavɨla maci huhɨla huhɨla hɨsɨŋ isɨ aba abavɨlalɨ agadɨ vivi uami. Viavɨla maci hunaŋ mɨsɨn hekɨlɨ hɨvɨ mɨŋamɨjici mɨguvi heŋ isɨ aba abavɨlalɨ agadɨ sudɨme cɨki mɨŋamɨjici mɨguvi uami. La eŋalɨci maci agaŋ sɨkasɨkan huhɨlɨvi uami. 22 Jisasɨ Jelusalem haiabɨla uben aba haiabɨla hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ haiabɨla sudɨme sudɨme agɨladɨ hɨvɨ hɨdahɨda ciaŋ sulasula umi. 23 Lɨdaci hulaŋ mu agaŋ abami. Iadɨ Hekɨlɨ uami. Asɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali pabiŋ pabiŋ agɨladɨ laci ahɨliahudaci huaci hameŋ laci hameŋ laci hɨniavɨbali uami. Lɨci Jisasɨ nulɨdɨ abami. 24 Viaŋ naludɨ abadin agadɨ igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Hulaŋ iamɨgali akape hɨbɨ ivu ivu sudɨme cɨki heŋ ivoubalu aba lɨhavɨbali uami. Agadɨ ala ma ivouavɨbali uami. Namɨlaŋ hɨbɨ ivu ivu sudɨme cɨki heŋ ivo ivo saŋ vɨsɨvasi iguavɨla ivouhalaŋ uami. 25 Ulaŋ iaganu agaŋ iaha hɨbɨ lɨbɨbali uami. Lɨbɨci namɨlaŋ vevɨla haiabɨla lagulama hɨbɨ lapa ifu ifu abɨbalaŋ uami. Manɨgali aba abɨbalaŋ uami. Alusaŋ hɨbɨ lavɨlɨha aba abɨbalaŋ uami. Lɨlaŋ naludɨ nameŋ abɨbali uami. Viaŋ naludɨ ma igɨlan aba abɨbali uami. Namɨlaŋ abeŋ hɨsɨŋ aba abɨbali uami. 26 Lɨci namɨlaŋ abɨbalaŋ uami. Alaŋ nama hula sɨmɨŋ nadamɨlu aba abɨbalaŋ uami. Nama aludɨ haiabɨla hɨnihɨni alusaŋ ciaŋ suladamɨnaŋ aba abɨbalaŋ uami. 27 Lɨlaŋ naludɨ nameŋ abɨbali uami. Viaŋ naludɨ ma igɨlan aba abɨbali uami. Namɨlaŋ abeŋ hɨsɨŋ aba abɨbali uami. Namɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali aba abɨbali uami. Namɨlaŋ uhalaŋ aba abɨbali uami. 28 Naludɨ hameŋ abavɨla lahuci ua haiabɨla hɨnibalaŋ uami. Hɨnihɨni Ebɨlam dɨdaŋ Aisakɨ dɨdaŋ igɨbalaŋ uami. Jekopɨ dɨdaŋ Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ igalahalaha hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ sɨkasɨkan agɨladɨdaŋ avi igɨbalaŋ uami. Asɨ agaŋ nulɨdɨ likɨlɨci nɨbɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan nudɨ lɨhu hɨvɨ hɨniavɨlalɨ uami. Namɨlaŋ nulɨdɨ iga iga ilɨha ilɨha mɨka hɨkɨŋ lagulagu hɨnibalaŋ uami. 29 Hɨnidalaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali akape uaiaŋ iahaiaha kɨlikɨli hɨsɨŋ uami. Uaiaŋ mɨgumɨgu kɨlikɨli hɨsɨŋ uami. Ium kɨlikɨli hɨsɨŋ uami. Lakulamaŋ kɨlikɨli hɨsɨŋ uami. Nɨbɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan nulɨdɨ fɨli tɨbɨ valavala vehavɨdaci Asɨ nulɨdɨ likɨlɨbali uami. Likɨlɨci nudɨ lɨhu hɨvɨ hɨnihɨni sɨmɨŋ nana hɨniavɨbali uami. 30 Ci igɨlaŋ uami. Hulaŋ iabi neŋ sijaŋ sɨbaŋ hɨniavadi agɨlaŋ mufɨli nɨbɨlaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ hɨniavɨbali uami. Hulaŋ iabi neŋ hali hɨsɨŋ hɨniavadi agɨlaŋ mufɨli sijaŋ sɨbaŋ hɨniavɨbali uami. 31 Jisasɨ ciaŋ aba fɨhalɨci Falisi hɨdɨlɨ limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ vevɨla nudɨ abavɨmi. Nama haiabɨla nagadɨ valavɨla mu haiabɨla hɨvɨ uha uavɨmi. Helotɨ nadɨ ifɨhɨmɨben aba ladi uavɨmi. 32 Lɨhavɨci Jisasɨ nulɨdɨ abami. Hulaŋ agaŋ nɨbu sudɨ iŋam me sɨbaŋ uami. Namɨlaŋ uavɨla nudɨ abɨhalaŋ uami. Ci igɨnaŋ aba abɨhalaŋ uami. Nɨbu iabi me amɨli me sudɨ sɨbɨlɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ hɨvɨ hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ lahudaci uavɨbali aba abɨhalaŋ uami. Hɨmuhɨmu daŋ agɨladɨ mɨŋahihɨlɨbali aba abɨhalaŋ uami. Lavɨla nɨbu anihuliŋ me hɨvɨ sibɨla fɨhalɨbali aba abɨhalaŋ uami. 33 Asɨ abɨdaci iabi hɨdɨben uami. Amɨli hɨdɨben uami. Anihuliŋ hɨdɨben uami. Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ igalahalaha hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agɨlaŋ haiabɨla mu hɨvɨ ma hɨniavɨdaci ifɨhɨmavɨlalɨ uami. Jelusalem haiabɨla pam hɨniavɨdaci ifɨhɨmavɨlalɨ uami. 34 Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ namɨlaŋ uami. Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ igalahalaha hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agɨladɨ ifɨhɨmɨlalaŋ uami. Asɨ abɨdaci vehavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ avi lɨba kum kum agɨladɨ vivi havala havala ifɨhɨmɨlalaŋ uami. Akape tɨbɨ viaŋ naludɨ vavevave mɨgudɨbɨben aba lɨlan uami. Akakala numɨgaŋ agaŋ nudɨ ninaŋ ninaŋ agɨladɨ abɨŋ lɨhu hɨvɨ mɨgudɨba hafilɨbɨlalɨ hameŋ lɨben aba lɨlan uami. Lɨdalɨŋ ala namɨlaŋ valɨlalaŋ uami. 35 Ci igɨlaŋ uami. Naludɨ haiabɨla agaŋ sɨbɨlɨ lɨbali uami. Sɨbɨlɨ lavɨla sɨkasɨkan ivasɨjia fɨhalɨbali uami. Viaŋ naludɨ abadin agadɨ igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Namɨlaŋ iadɨ lɨhalɨha ma igɨbalaŋ uami. La hɨnihɨni nameŋ abɨbalaŋ uami. Aludɨ Hekɨlɨ dɨ ibi hɨvɨ vedi aba abɨbalaŋ uami. Asɨ nudɨ huaci lamɨlalɨ aba abɨbalaŋ uami. Hameŋ abavɨla iadɨ cɨhu heŋ igɨbalaŋ uami.

In Other Versions

Luke 13 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 13 in the AS21

Luke 13 in the BAGH

Luke 13 in the BBPNG

Luke 13 in the BBT1E

Luke 13 in the BDS

Luke 13 in the BEV

Luke 13 in the BHAD

Luke 13 in the BIB

Luke 13 in the BLPT

Luke 13 in the BNT

Luke 13 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 13 in the BNTLV

Luke 13 in the BOATCB

Luke 13 in the BOATCB2

Luke 13 in the BOBCV

Luke 13 in the BOCNT

Luke 13 in the BOECS

Luke 13 in the BOGWICC

Luke 13 in the BOHCB

Luke 13 in the BOHCV

Luke 13 in the BOHLNT

Luke 13 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 13 in the BOICB

Luke 13 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 13 in the BOITCV

Luke 13 in the BOKCV

Luke 13 in the BOKCV2

Luke 13 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 13 in the BOKSSV

Luke 13 in the BOLCB

Luke 13 in the BOLCB2

Luke 13 in the BOMCV

Luke 13 in the BONAV

Luke 13 in the BONCB

Luke 13 in the BONLT

Luke 13 in the BONUT2

Luke 13 in the BOPLNT

Luke 13 in the BOSCB

Luke 13 in the BOSNC

Luke 13 in the BOTLNT

Luke 13 in the BOVCB

Luke 13 in the BOYCB

Luke 13 in the BPBB

Luke 13 in the BPH

Luke 13 in the BSB

Luke 13 in the CCB

Luke 13 in the CUV

Luke 13 in the CUVS

Luke 13 in the DBT

Luke 13 in the DGDNT

Luke 13 in the DHNT

Luke 13 in the DNT

Luke 13 in the ELBE

Luke 13 in the EMTV

Luke 13 in the ESV

Luke 13 in the FBV

Luke 13 in the FEB

Luke 13 in the GGMNT

Luke 13 in the GNT

Luke 13 in the HARY

Luke 13 in the HNT

Luke 13 in the IRVA

Luke 13 in the IRVB

Luke 13 in the IRVG

Luke 13 in the IRVH

Luke 13 in the IRVK

Luke 13 in the IRVM

Luke 13 in the IRVM2

Luke 13 in the IRVO

Luke 13 in the IRVP

Luke 13 in the IRVT

Luke 13 in the IRVT2

Luke 13 in the IRVU

Luke 13 in the ISVN

Luke 13 in the JSNT

Luke 13 in the KAPI

Luke 13 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 13 in the KBV

Luke 13 in the KJV

Luke 13 in the KNFD

Luke 13 in the LBA

Luke 13 in the LBLA

Luke 13 in the LNT

Luke 13 in the LSV

Luke 13 in the MAAL

Luke 13 in the MBV

Luke 13 in the MBV2

Luke 13 in the MHNT

Luke 13 in the MKNFD

Luke 13 in the MNG

Luke 13 in the MNT

Luke 13 in the MNT2

Luke 13 in the MRS1T

Luke 13 in the NAA

Luke 13 in the NASB

Luke 13 in the NBLA

Luke 13 in the NBS

Luke 13 in the NBVTP

Luke 13 in the NET2

Luke 13 in the NIV11

Luke 13 in the NNT

Luke 13 in the NNT2

Luke 13 in the NNT3

Luke 13 in the PDDPT

Luke 13 in the PFNT

Luke 13 in the RMNT

Luke 13 in the SBIAS

Luke 13 in the SBIBS

Luke 13 in the SBIBS2

Luke 13 in the SBICS

Luke 13 in the SBIDS

Luke 13 in the SBIGS

Luke 13 in the SBIHS

Luke 13 in the SBIIS

Luke 13 in the SBIIS2

Luke 13 in the SBIIS3

Luke 13 in the SBIKS

Luke 13 in the SBIKS2

Luke 13 in the SBIMS

Luke 13 in the SBIOS

Luke 13 in the SBIPS

Luke 13 in the SBISS

Luke 13 in the SBITS

Luke 13 in the SBITS2

Luke 13 in the SBITS3

Luke 13 in the SBITS4

Luke 13 in the SBIUS

Luke 13 in the SBIVS

Luke 13 in the SBT

Luke 13 in the SBT1E

Luke 13 in the SCHL

Luke 13 in the SNT

Luke 13 in the SUSU

Luke 13 in the SUSU2

Luke 13 in the SYNO

Luke 13 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 13 in the TBT1E

Luke 13 in the TBT1E2

Luke 13 in the TFTIP

Luke 13 in the TFTU

Luke 13 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 13 in the THAI

Luke 13 in the TNFD

Luke 13 in the TNT

Luke 13 in the TNTIK

Luke 13 in the TNTIL

Luke 13 in the TNTIN

Luke 13 in the TNTIP

Luke 13 in the TNTIZ

Luke 13 in the TOMA

Luke 13 in the TTENT

Luke 13 in the UBG

Luke 13 in the UGV

Luke 13 in the UGV2

Luke 13 in the UGV3

Luke 13 in the VBL

Luke 13 in the VDCC

Luke 13 in the YALU

Luke 13 in the YAPE

Luke 13 in the YBVTP

Luke 13 in the ZBP