Matthew 8 (ANTPNG2D)

1 Egha Iesus mɨghsɨam ategha ghuaghirima avɨrir ekiam an gɨn zui. 2 Ezɨ gumazir lepa itir mam, Iesus bagha iza uan tevimning apɨrigha a mɨgɨa ghaze, “Ekiam, nɨ fueghɨva na damutɨ, kɨ Godɨn damazimɨn zuegh ua deragham.” 3 Ezɨ Iesus uan agharim isa gumazir kam gatɨgha ghaze, “Kɨ ifonge. Nɨn mɨkarzim zuegh, egh ua deragh.” A kamaghɨn mɨgɨavɨra itima, gumazir kamɨn lepan arɨmariam zuamɨra anetaghizɨma gumazim ua dera. 4 Ezɨ Iesus a mɨgɨa ghaze, “Nɨ oragh, nɨ batozir bizir kamɨn gun mɨkɨman markɨ. Nɨ mangɨ uan mɨkarzim isɨ ofa gamir gumazimɨn akagh, egh Moses fomɨra e mɨkemezɨ moghɨn, nɨ ua bagh Godɨn ofa damu. Eghtɨ gumaziba fogh suam, nɨn arɨmariam gɨfa.” 5 Egha Iesus ghua nguibar ekiam Kaperneamɨn aven ghu. Ezɨ 100 plan mɨdorozir gumazibar garir gumazir ekiam iza, Iesus gaghora ghaze, 6 “Ekiam, nan ingangarir gumazim ariava muna dɨpenimɨn iti. An soroghafariba bar ariaghɨre, ezɨ a mɨzazir kuram barasi.” 7 Ezɨ Iesus ghaze, “Kɨ mangɨ a damightɨ, a ua deragham.” 8 Ezɨ mɨdorozir gumazir ekiam Iesusɨn akam ikaragha a mɨgɨa ghaze, “Ekiam, kɨ gumazir aghuir manam, nɨ nan dɨpenimɨn aven izam? Markɨ. Nɨ pura mɨkɨmtɨma, nan ingangarir gumazim deragham. 9 Kɨ uabɨ mɨdorozir gumazir mabar apengan iti, egha uabɨ mabar garima, da nan apengan iti. Ezɨ kɨ me mɨgei, ‘Ia mangɨ,’ eghtɨ me mangam. O, kɨ me mɨkɨmam, ‘Ia izɨ.’ Eghtɨ me izam. Egh kɨ uan ingangarir gumazir mam mɨkɨm suam, nɨ ingangarir kam damu, eghtɨ an a damuam. Egha kɨ fo, nɨ mɨkɨmtɨ, nan ingangarir gumazim ua deragh.” 10 Ezɨ Iesus mɨgɨrɨgɨar kam baregha, dɨgavir kuram gami. Egha ragha a ko izir gumazibav gɨa ghaze, “Kɨ bar guizbangɨra ia mɨgei, kɨ Israelɨn aven kamaghɨn nɨghnɨzir gavgavim itir gumazitamɨn ganizir puvatɨ. 11 “Kɨ ia mɨgei, gumazamizir avɨrim uan nguibabar aruem anadir danganim ko aruem ghuaghiri danganim ategh, izɨ Abraham ko Aisak ko Jekop dukuagh, God Bizibagh Ativamin Dughiamɨn aven dakozimɨn daperagh damam. 12 Egh God faragh uan Nguibamɨn ikiasa mɨsevezir darazi, God me batuegh me isɨva danganir mɨtatem me akunigham. Eghtɨ me tuangɨva arangɨva atariba kuskugh danganir kamɨn ikiam.” 13 Egha Iesus 100 plan mɨdorozir gumazibar garir gumazir ekiam mɨgɨa ghaze, “Nɨ mangɨ. Bizir nɨ nɨghnɨzir gavgavim itim, a nɨ bagh otogham.” Dughiar kamra, gumazir kamɨn ingangarir gumazim ua dera. 14 Ezɨ Iesus ghua Pitan dɨpenimɨn aven ghua garima, Pitan asamimɨn mɨkarzim an feima, an aria dakozim girɨghav iti. 15 Ezɨ Iesus an dafarim suirazɨma, an arɨmariam maghɨram anetaghizɨma, a dɨkavigha Iesus bagha isai. 16 Ezɨ aruem gevima, me gumazamizir avɨrir duar kuraba apazaziba inigha, Iesus bagha izi. Ezɨ Iesus duar kurar kabav gɨa me batozima, me an akamɨn gumazamiziba ataghrasi. Ezɨ Iesus arɨmariaba itir gumazamiziba bar men arɨmariaba agɨfa. 17 Godɨn akam inigha izezir gumazim Aisaia ghaze, “A uabɨ e bativir arɨmariaba ko mɨzaziba da batoghezɨ, da ghue.” Iesus Aisaian akam damightɨ, an otivasa, arazir kabagh ami. 18 Egha Iesus garima, avɨrir ekiam anekufa. Ezɨ a uan suren gumazibav gɨa ghaze, “E dɨpam giregh vongɨn mangam.” 19 Ezɨ Judan arazibagh fozir gumazir mam iza, kamaghɨn Iesus mɨgei, “Tisa, nɨ danganir manamɨn mangam, kɨ uaghan nɨ ko mangam.” 20 Ezɨ Iesus a mɨgɨa ghaze, “Afiar atiaba nguazir toribar itima, kuaraziba mɨkonibar iti, ezɨ Gumazibar Otarim danganir dakuamiba puvatɨ.” 21 Ezɨ gumazir mam, a uaghan Iesusɨn suren gumazim, a kamaghɨn Iesus mɨgei, “Ekiam, nɨ faragh na amamangatɨghtɨma, kɨ mangɨ uan afeziam mozim dafaka.” 22 Ezɨ Iesus a mɨgɨa ghaze, “Markɨ. Nɨ nan gɨn izɨ, gumazir ovengeziba uari uan gumazir kuabar afɨ.” 23 Ezɨ Iesus botɨn anabozɨ, an suren gumaziba an gɨn zui. 24 Me ghua ongarimɨn torimɨn amɨnir bar ekiam dɨkava ongarim gamima, a dɨpɨra kurim avasava ami. Ezɨ Iesus akuavɨra iti. 25 Ezɨ an suren gumaziba agaghuragha a mɨgei, “Ekiam, nɨ en akuragh, e arɨmɨghiregham!” 26 Ezɨ a kamaghɨn me mɨgei, “Ian nɨghnɨzir gavgavim bar sufi. Ia tizim bagha atiati?” Egha a dɨkavigha amɨnim ko ongarim mɨgɨrɨgɨar gavgavim aning ganɨngizɨ, amɨnim gɨvazɨma, dɨpam uam amɨraghirɨ. 27 Ezɨ an suren gumaziba nɨghnɨzir avɨribagh amua ghaze, “Kar gumazir manmaghɨn amizim? A mɨgeima, amɨnim ko dɨpavsɨzim an akam barasi!” 28 Ezɨ Iesus ghua Galilin ongarir dadarimɨn vongɨn itimɨn oto. Kar Gadaran nguazir asɨzim. Egha iza gumazir pumuning duar kuraba apazimning bato. Aning matmatɨn tongɨn ikegha izi. Egha aning bar ikuvizɨma, gumazamiziba aningɨn atiatigha tuavir kam garuir puvatɨ. 29 Egha aning pamten dia ghaze, “Nɨ Godɨn Otarim, nɨ tizim ga damuasa? Dughiam tɨgharɨ, nɨ kagh izɨ ga gasɨghasɨghasa?” 30 Ezɨ dar bɨzir ekiar mam mong saghon apa iti. 31 Ezɨ duar kurar kaba pamten Iesus gakaghora ghaze, “Nɨ e batosi, kamaghɨn nɨ e ateghtɨma, e mangɨ dar bɨzir munamɨn aven mangam.” 32 Ezɨ Iesus me mɨgɨa ghaze, “Ia mangɨ.” Ezɨma duar kuraba gumazir kamning ategha ghua dabar aven ghue. Ezɨ dar bɨzir ekiar kam puv ara ghua davarir kurar mamɨn ghuaghira dɨpam apa bar ariaghɨre. 33 Ezɨ gumazir dabar gariba men ganigha ara ghue. Me ghua nguibar ekiamɨn otivigha bizir kabar gun gumazamizibagh eghari. Me uaghan gumazir duar kuraba apazazir pumuning bativizir bizibagh eghari. 34 Kamaghɨn amizɨ, nguibar ekiar kamɨn itir gumazamiziba Iesus bagha izi. Me iza an gara a gakaghora ghaze, a men nguazim ategh danganir igharazitamɨn mangɨ.

In Other Versions

Matthew 8 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 8 in the AS21

Matthew 8 in the BAGH

Matthew 8 in the BBPNG

Matthew 8 in the BBT1E

Matthew 8 in the BDS

Matthew 8 in the BEV

Matthew 8 in the BHAD

Matthew 8 in the BIB

Matthew 8 in the BLPT

Matthew 8 in the BNT

Matthew 8 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 8 in the BNTLV

Matthew 8 in the BOATCB

Matthew 8 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 8 in the BOBCV

Matthew 8 in the BOCNT

Matthew 8 in the BOECS

Matthew 8 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 8 in the BOHCB

Matthew 8 in the BOHCV

Matthew 8 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 8 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 8 in the BOICB

Matthew 8 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 8 in the BOITCV

Matthew 8 in the BOKCV

Matthew 8 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 8 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 8 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 8 in the BOLCB

Matthew 8 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 8 in the BOMCV

Matthew 8 in the BONAV

Matthew 8 in the BONCB

Matthew 8 in the BONLT

Matthew 8 in the BONUT2

Matthew 8 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 8 in the BOSCB

Matthew 8 in the BOSNC

Matthew 8 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 8 in the BOVCB

Matthew 8 in the BOYCB

Matthew 8 in the BPBB

Matthew 8 in the BPH

Matthew 8 in the BSB

Matthew 8 in the CCB

Matthew 8 in the CUV

Matthew 8 in the CUVS

Matthew 8 in the DBT

Matthew 8 in the DGDNT

Matthew 8 in the DHNT

Matthew 8 in the DNT

Matthew 8 in the ELBE

Matthew 8 in the EMTV

Matthew 8 in the ESV

Matthew 8 in the FBV

Matthew 8 in the FEB

Matthew 8 in the GGMNT

Matthew 8 in the GNT

Matthew 8 in the HARY

Matthew 8 in the HNT

Matthew 8 in the IRVA

Matthew 8 in the IRVB

Matthew 8 in the IRVG

Matthew 8 in the IRVH

Matthew 8 in the IRVK

Matthew 8 in the IRVM

Matthew 8 in the IRVM2

Matthew 8 in the IRVO

Matthew 8 in the IRVP

Matthew 8 in the IRVT

Matthew 8 in the IRVT2

Matthew 8 in the IRVU

Matthew 8 in the ISVN

Matthew 8 in the JSNT

Matthew 8 in the KAPI

Matthew 8 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 8 in the KBV

Matthew 8 in the KJV

Matthew 8 in the KNFD

Matthew 8 in the LBA

Matthew 8 in the LBLA

Matthew 8 in the LNT

Matthew 8 in the LSV

Matthew 8 in the MAAL

Matthew 8 in the MBV

Matthew 8 in the MBV2

Matthew 8 in the MHNT

Matthew 8 in the MKNFD

Matthew 8 in the MNG

Matthew 8 in the MNT

Matthew 8 in the MNT2

Matthew 8 in the MRS1T

Matthew 8 in the NAA

Matthew 8 in the NASB

Matthew 8 in the NBLA

Matthew 8 in the NBS

Matthew 8 in the NBVTP

Matthew 8 in the NET2

Matthew 8 in the NIV11

Matthew 8 in the NNT

Matthew 8 in the NNT2

Matthew 8 in the NNT3

Matthew 8 in the PDDPT

Matthew 8 in the PFNT

Matthew 8 in the RMNT

Matthew 8 in the SBIAS

Matthew 8 in the SBIBS

Matthew 8 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 8 in the SBICS

Matthew 8 in the SBIDS

Matthew 8 in the SBIGS

Matthew 8 in the SBIHS

Matthew 8 in the SBIIS

Matthew 8 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 8 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 8 in the SBIKS

Matthew 8 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 8 in the SBIMS

Matthew 8 in the SBIOS

Matthew 8 in the SBIPS

Matthew 8 in the SBISS

Matthew 8 in the SBITS

Matthew 8 in the SBITS2

Matthew 8 in the SBITS3

Matthew 8 in the SBITS4

Matthew 8 in the SBIUS

Matthew 8 in the SBIVS

Matthew 8 in the SBT

Matthew 8 in the SBT1E

Matthew 8 in the SCHL

Matthew 8 in the SNT

Matthew 8 in the SUSU

Matthew 8 in the SUSU2

Matthew 8 in the SYNO

Matthew 8 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 8 in the TBT1E

Matthew 8 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 8 in the TFTIP

Matthew 8 in the TFTU

Matthew 8 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 8 in the THAI

Matthew 8 in the TNFD

Matthew 8 in the TNT

Matthew 8 in the TNTIK

Matthew 8 in the TNTIL

Matthew 8 in the TNTIN

Matthew 8 in the TNTIP

Matthew 8 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 8 in the TOMA

Matthew 8 in the TTENT

Matthew 8 in the UBG

Matthew 8 in the UGV

Matthew 8 in the UGV2

Matthew 8 in the UGV3

Matthew 8 in the VBL

Matthew 8 in the VDCC

Matthew 8 in the YALU

Matthew 8 in the YAPE

Matthew 8 in the YBVTP

Matthew 8 in the ZBP