Matthew 8 (KNFD)

1 Zisas mba bunin mba gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrve ga suaŋgiap, ana mbaram mba mbɨkshɨma thav verim, gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrve ana zɨn veri. 2 Ana verim, ŋkari gu fari goreri rɨmrɨm ki guma mbe zav, wo thɨpanani phɨrgiap, ana nɨman fav, khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guma Bakɨme, ndu vuzvugirga, ndu nan muuŋgirga, gu Fhe Bakɨme nɨman ŋgararga.” 3 Ana maaŋ nzuaim, Zisas wo farven ana khɨngiap khaŋ ana nzuai, “Gu vuzvugi. Ndu rɨmrɨm vhɨzgi, ndu ŋgarari.” Zisas maaŋ nzuavra thagim, mba ŋkari gu fari goreri rɨmrɨm vhemkora mba guma thav vugim, mba guman fhav taagia ŋgarigi. 4 Mba guma fhav ŋgarigim, Zisas mbaram khaŋ ana nzuai, “Ndu tuituigira wo ganɨri. Ndu won hɨgi bigeŋ bun harigi guma the suaŋ thari. Ndu ŋgɨp wo fhavar mba Fhe Bakɨme rotu gari guman pana khɨvav, ndu mba Moses fhum muun zav suaŋgi shaman muuŋri. Ndu mba shaman muuŋrim, mba gumgi gu mbigi ndu gangip kaŋgirga, ndun rɨmrɨm vhɨzgi.” 5 Zisas vov Kaperneam ŋgu bakɨmen vhen verim, Roman ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi gari guman pan zav khaŋ tɨgap Zisasan nzav, khaŋ ana nzuai, 6 “Guman Rum, nan ŋaara guma rɨmrɨm mbatɨga mbuav, bigi ana rimgim, ana zaa mbatɨga ndiav phenan mbur ki.” 7 Ana maaŋ nzuaim, Zisas mbaram khaŋ ana nzuai, “Gu ŋgɨp ana muuŋgirim, ana nzerarga.” 8 Zisas maaŋ nzuaim, mba ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi gari guman pan ana ŋgarkarav khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guman Rum, gu guman vhuueŋ, ndu maaŋ muuŋgip na phena vhen ŋgirɨrie. Ndu fhura khara kɨv suaŋrim, nan ŋaara guma taagip nzerarga. 9 Gu khaŋ muuŋgia tɨgap ndu nzuai ne khaŋ muuŋgi, gu vhɨra guma mbe piin ŋgarim, ana na gari guman pan ki. Gu vhɨra gu ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi mbari garim, mbe na piin ki. Gu maaŋ muuŋgip, khaŋ the suanga, ‘Ndu ŋgɨ,’ ana vui. Gu maaŋ muuŋgip khaŋ harigi ne suanga, ‘Ndu zɨ,’ ana zi. Gu maaŋ muuŋgip, khaŋ won ŋaara guma ga suanga, ‘Ndu kha ŋaarar muuŋ,’ ana mba ŋaara mbui.” 10 Ana mba buni nzuaim, Zisas nta mbararagiap ŋgava mbatɨga muuŋgi. Ana ŋgava mbatɨga muuŋgiap, khaŋ mba wo phorga zi gumgi ga nzuai, “Gu guigira khar nde nzuai, gu Isrerin gumgi rɨgar guma the garim, ana kha guma bigi khothɨgi fara muuŋgi fhuvara. 11 “Gu nde nzuai, gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrvera, mbe ra ndai fhain ki ŋguir kegɨp zɨrga, gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrve mbe ra veri fhain kegɨp zɨv, mbe Abraham gu Aisak gu Zekop phorgɨv, mbe Hevenan Fhe Bakɨme piin kɨv mbɨrga. 12 Mba Fhe Bakɨme fharav mba won ŋgun kɨr zav farasarigi gumgi, ana mbe vhararim, mbe ŋgɨp gɨngɨn kɨvgi ŋgun ŋgegɨp ana kɨrga. Mbe maaŋ kɨv nzi mbatɨgar muuŋv, tari ntɨɨri phɨrɨrga.” 13 Zisas maaŋ mbe nzuav, khaŋ mba ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi gari guman pana nzuai, “Ndu ŋgɨ! Ndu na khothɨgap, mba nzuai bigi, nta mbara muuŋgip hɨgɨrga.” Ana mba nzuai tugara mba ntari ga mbui gɨɨtɨvi gari guman pana ŋaara guma rɨmrɨm vhɨzgiap taagia nzerigi. 14 Zisas mbaram vov Pita phenan vergi. Ana verav Pitar muun niamuuŋ garim, ana rɨɨv won kaa ga rɨgap ki. Ana rɨɨv ana fhav ana gurgurgim, ana ki. 15 Zisas mbaram vov ana farver suirigim, ana rɨmrɨm fhura ana thav mbar vugi. Ana mbaram khavgiap Zisas ga nzuav mba tui. 16 Mba raar ra vera vov vhɨzim, ŋkotuguraagen gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrve ŋiniŋgi mbatɨgi mben vherir ki, mbe mbe ndiav Zisas han zi. Mbe mbe ndiav Zisas han zim, ana mba ŋiniŋgi mbatɨgi ga nzuaim, mbe mba gumgi gu mbigi thamthav kɨrar him, mbe taagia nzezerigi. Ana vhɨra mba rɨɨi gumgi gu mbigi, ana za mbe mbuim, mbe rɨmrɨɨ vhɨzi. 17 Ana mba tɨva mbuav, ana mba Fhe Bakɨme kamthooŋ guma Aisaia fhum suaŋgi kameŋ, ana nera zɨn vugi. Aisaia fhum, khaŋ suaŋgi, “Ana nduara nza tɨn mbarkɨrga rɨmrɨɨ, ana nza tɨn nta ndiv, nta vhɨzɨrga.” 18 Zisas mba ana behuigap thivgi gumgi gu mbigi vhɨrve garav khaŋ wo phorga rui gumgi ga nzuai, “Nza kha mbɨ gaar muen ŋgɨrga.” 19 Zisas maaŋ mbe nzuaim, Zudaiŋ tɨvir vhuuiŋ kaŋgi guma mbe zav khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guman Rum, ndu mba vui ŋani gu vhɨra ndu phorgɨv ntan ŋgɨrga.” 20 Ana maaŋ nzuaim, Zisas mbaram khaŋ ana nzuai, “Ruaŋruaŋgi feiŋ, nta kha nuianan kui thoori ki. Kha korigi mbe khoni ki. Kha Fhe Bakɨmen Guma Guar, ana kui phena the ki fhu.” 21 Ana phorga rui guma mbera, vhɨra khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guman Rum, ndu na khɨrarim, gu ŋgɨp won ndia ganɨv kɨrim, ana rimgirim, gu ana mpɨrav zɨrga.” 22 Ana maaŋ nzuaim, Zisas mbaram khaŋ ana nzuai, “Mba tɨv mbar kɨri, mba rimgi fara muuŋgiap ki gumgi mbe vhɨzɨv, mbe mbar wari ndiv mbogir rɨgɨri. Ndu zɨv na phorgɨv ŋka ŋgɨrga.” 23 Zisas mba buni mbe suaŋgi thugap, mbaram fega kema mben mbara vuim, ana phorga rui gumgi ana phorga vui. 24 Mbe vov mba mbɨn rɨgɨgera vuim, bɨɨŋbɨɨŋ bakɨme khavgim, mbɨ phuri za mba kema vhar za mbui. Zisas mba kema vhen ka kui. 25 Mbe mbaram vov ana vhurav khaŋ ana nzuai, “Guman Rum, ndu nzan kura. Nza vhɨzɨr zav mbui.” 26 Zisas mbaram khavgiap khaŋ mbe nzuai, “Nde na khothɨgi tɨv guigira bisaŋgi. Nde thaŋ nzuav rɨvi?” Ana nen mbe nzuav khavgia thɨgav, mbaram mba mbɨ phuri gum bɨɨŋbɨɨŋ ruma mbui. Ana mani ruma mbuim, mba bɨɨŋbɨɨŋ fhura thuga vugim, mba mbɨ fhura mbɨrira vugap rɨgap ki. Mba mbɨ wom khɨkhɨm thaneŋ hi fhuvara. 27 Mba Zisas phorga rui gumgi mba bigeŋ gangiap, mbe ndɨkndɨgi vhɨrve ga mbuav khaŋ nzuai, “Khe ram mbui khesharigi guma, kha bɨɨŋbɨɨŋ gum mbɨ phuri ana nzuai buni zɨn vui?” 28 Zisas kema ndigap Gariri mbɨn mueŋ nderen Gadaraiŋ faiŋ nuianeŋ phorgi. Ana vov phorgim, ŋiniŋgi mbatɨgi vhen ndagi guma phunini zav ana hɨgi. Mani mbe gumgi ndi mbogi ga rɨgi ŋanen kegap wani zi. Mani guigira ruaŋruaŋgi gumani ma. Maaŋ muuŋgiap, mba gumgi gu mbigi manin rivgiap mba tuava rui fhuvara. 29 Mani zav khɨrɨv kaav khaŋ nzuai, “Ndu Fhe Bakɨmen Kam, ndu ram nzan muun za mbui? Tuk ntigar hɨrga, ndu fhumra tɨva mbatɨgar nzan muun zav zi thi?” 30 Mba tugen daa bɨna bakɨ mbe maneŋ samra maaŋ ki. Nta gari gumgi mban nta ndɨɨim, nta pav ki. 31 Mba ŋiniŋgi mbatɨgi mba nzambaren Zisas ga muuŋgiap mbaram, khɨrɨv Zisasan kaav khaŋ ana nzuai, “Ndu nza vharvhara saŋv, ndu nza vharav, nza sararim, nza ŋgɨp mbu daa vherir ŋgirgɨri.” 32 Mbe mba suambara mbuim, Zisas mbaram, khaŋ mbe nzuai, “Nde hegɨp, ŋgɨri.”Zisas maaŋ nzuaim, mba ŋiniŋgi mbatɨgi mba gumani thav kɨrar hegap, mbaram vov mba daa vherir vergi. Mba daa za khuafua vov mba ŋana mbatɨgeŋra vera vov mbɨ rav, mbɨ pav, za vhɨzgi. 33 Mba daa gari gumgi mba daa gangiap, wari za regi. Mbe ra vov, ŋgu bakɨmen vov mba hɨgi bigeŋ bun mba gumgi gu mbigi ga nzuai. Mbe mba bigi bun nzuai, mba ŋiniŋgi mbatɨgi vhen ndagi gumani mbe vhɨra manin hɨgi bigeŋ bun nzuai. 34 Mba ŋgu bakɨmen ki gumgi gu mbigi mba bigi mbararagiap, mbe za Zisas han zi. Mbe zav Zisas garav, mbe khaŋ tɨgap wari wo fhain wo nuianeŋ thav harigi fhain ŋgɨr zav Zisas ga nzuai.

In Other Versions

Matthew 8 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 8 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 8 in the AS21

Matthew 8 in the BAGH

Matthew 8 in the BBPNG

Matthew 8 in the BBT1E

Matthew 8 in the BDS

Matthew 8 in the BEV

Matthew 8 in the BHAD

Matthew 8 in the BIB

Matthew 8 in the BLPT

Matthew 8 in the BNT

Matthew 8 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 8 in the BNTLV

Matthew 8 in the BOATCB

Matthew 8 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 8 in the BOBCV

Matthew 8 in the BOCNT

Matthew 8 in the BOECS

Matthew 8 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 8 in the BOHCB

Matthew 8 in the BOHCV

Matthew 8 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 8 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 8 in the BOICB

Matthew 8 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 8 in the BOITCV

Matthew 8 in the BOKCV

Matthew 8 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 8 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 8 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 8 in the BOLCB

Matthew 8 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 8 in the BOMCV

Matthew 8 in the BONAV

Matthew 8 in the BONCB

Matthew 8 in the BONLT

Matthew 8 in the BONUT2

Matthew 8 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 8 in the BOSCB

Matthew 8 in the BOSNC

Matthew 8 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 8 in the BOVCB

Matthew 8 in the BOYCB

Matthew 8 in the BPBB

Matthew 8 in the BPH

Matthew 8 in the BSB

Matthew 8 in the CCB

Matthew 8 in the CUV

Matthew 8 in the CUVS

Matthew 8 in the DBT

Matthew 8 in the DGDNT

Matthew 8 in the DHNT

Matthew 8 in the DNT

Matthew 8 in the ELBE

Matthew 8 in the EMTV

Matthew 8 in the ESV

Matthew 8 in the FBV

Matthew 8 in the FEB

Matthew 8 in the GGMNT

Matthew 8 in the GNT

Matthew 8 in the HARY

Matthew 8 in the HNT

Matthew 8 in the IRVA

Matthew 8 in the IRVB

Matthew 8 in the IRVG

Matthew 8 in the IRVH

Matthew 8 in the IRVK

Matthew 8 in the IRVM

Matthew 8 in the IRVM2

Matthew 8 in the IRVO

Matthew 8 in the IRVP

Matthew 8 in the IRVT

Matthew 8 in the IRVT2

Matthew 8 in the IRVU

Matthew 8 in the ISVN

Matthew 8 in the JSNT

Matthew 8 in the KAPI

Matthew 8 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 8 in the KBV

Matthew 8 in the KJV

Matthew 8 in the LBA

Matthew 8 in the LBLA

Matthew 8 in the LNT

Matthew 8 in the LSV

Matthew 8 in the MAAL

Matthew 8 in the MBV

Matthew 8 in the MBV2

Matthew 8 in the MHNT

Matthew 8 in the MKNFD

Matthew 8 in the MNG

Matthew 8 in the MNT

Matthew 8 in the MNT2

Matthew 8 in the MRS1T

Matthew 8 in the NAA

Matthew 8 in the NASB

Matthew 8 in the NBLA

Matthew 8 in the NBS

Matthew 8 in the NBVTP

Matthew 8 in the NET2

Matthew 8 in the NIV11

Matthew 8 in the NNT

Matthew 8 in the NNT2

Matthew 8 in the NNT3

Matthew 8 in the PDDPT

Matthew 8 in the PFNT

Matthew 8 in the RMNT

Matthew 8 in the SBIAS

Matthew 8 in the SBIBS

Matthew 8 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 8 in the SBICS

Matthew 8 in the SBIDS

Matthew 8 in the SBIGS

Matthew 8 in the SBIHS

Matthew 8 in the SBIIS

Matthew 8 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 8 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 8 in the SBIKS

Matthew 8 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 8 in the SBIMS

Matthew 8 in the SBIOS

Matthew 8 in the SBIPS

Matthew 8 in the SBISS

Matthew 8 in the SBITS

Matthew 8 in the SBITS2

Matthew 8 in the SBITS3

Matthew 8 in the SBITS4

Matthew 8 in the SBIUS

Matthew 8 in the SBIVS

Matthew 8 in the SBT

Matthew 8 in the SBT1E

Matthew 8 in the SCHL

Matthew 8 in the SNT

Matthew 8 in the SUSU

Matthew 8 in the SUSU2

Matthew 8 in the SYNO

Matthew 8 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 8 in the TBT1E

Matthew 8 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 8 in the TFTIP

Matthew 8 in the TFTU

Matthew 8 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 8 in the THAI

Matthew 8 in the TNFD

Matthew 8 in the TNT

Matthew 8 in the TNTIK

Matthew 8 in the TNTIL

Matthew 8 in the TNTIN

Matthew 8 in the TNTIP

Matthew 8 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 8 in the TOMA

Matthew 8 in the TTENT

Matthew 8 in the UBG

Matthew 8 in the UGV

Matthew 8 in the UGV2

Matthew 8 in the UGV3

Matthew 8 in the VBL

Matthew 8 in the VDCC

Matthew 8 in the YALU

Matthew 8 in the YAPE

Matthew 8 in the YBVTP

Matthew 8 in the ZBP