Exodus 25 (BOGWICC)

1 Yehova ananena kwa Mose kuti, 2 “Uza Aisraeli kuti abweretse chopereka kwa Ine. Iwe ulandire choperekacho mʼmalo mwanga kuchokera kwa munthu amene akupereka mwakufuna kwake. 3 Zopereka zimene ulandire kwa anthuwo ndi izi: Golide, siliva ndi mkuwa. 4 Nsalu zobiriwira, zapepo, zofiira, nsalu zofewa, ubweya wambuzi; 5 zikopa za nkhosa zazimuna za utoto wofiira ndi zikopa za akatumbu; matabwa amtengo wa mkesha; 6 mafuta anyale a olivi, zonunkhiritsa mafuta odzozera ndi zopangira lubani wonunkhira; 7 miyala yokongola ya mtundu wa onikisi ndi ina yabwino yoyika pa efodi ndi pa chovala cha pachifuwa. 8 “Iwo andipangire malo wopatulika, ndipo Ine ndidzakhala pakati pawo. 9 Umange chihema ndiponso ziwiya zamʼkatimo monga momwe Ine ndidzakuonetsere. 10 “Tsono apange bokosi lamatabwa amtengo wa mkesha, ndipo kutalika kwake kukhale masentimita 114, mulifupi mwake masentimita 69, msinkhu wake masentimita 69. 11 Bokosilo ulikute ndi golide wabwino kwambiri, mʼkati mwake ndi kunja komwe, ndipo upange mkombero wagolide kuzungulira bokosilo. 12 Upange mphete zinayi zagolide ndipo uzimangirire ku miyendo yake inayi ya bokosilo, mbali ina ziwiri ndi mbali inanso ziwiri. 13 Kenaka upange mizati yamtengo wa mkesha ndi kuzikuta ndi golide. 14 Ndipo ulowetse nsichizo mʼmphete zija za mbali zonse ziwiri za bokosilo kuti azinyamulira. 15 Nsichizo zizikhala mʼmphete za bokosilo nthawi zonse, zisamachotsedwe. 16 Ndipo udzayike mʼbokosilo miyala iwiri yolembedwapo malamulo imene Ine ndidzakupatse. 17 “Upange chivundikiro cha bokosilo cha golide wabwino kwambiri, kutalika kwake masentimita 114, mulifupi mwake masentimita 69. 18 Ndipo upange Akerubi awiri agolide osula ndi nyundo, uwayike mbali ziwiri za chivundikirocho, 19 kerubi mmodzi mbali ina ndi wina mbali inayo. Akerubiwa uwapangire limodzi ndi chivundikirocho mʼmapeto mwa mbali ziwirizo. 20 Mapiko a Akerubiwo adzatambasukire pamwamba pa chivundikiro cha bokosilo kuti achiphimbe. Akerubiwo adzakhale choyangʼanana, aliyense kuyangʼana chivundikirocho. 21 Uyike chivundikirocho pamwamba pa bokosi ndipo mʼbokosilo uyikemo miyala ya malamulo, imene ndidzakupatse. 22 Ndizidzakumana nawe pamenepo, pamwamba pa chivundikiro cha bokosilo, pakati pa Akerubi awiriwo, ndikumadzakupatsa malamulo onse okhudzana ndi Aisraeli. 23 “Upange tebulo la matabwa amtengo wa mkesha, mulitali mwake masentimita 91, mulifupi mwake masentimita 46, msinkhu wake masentimita 69. 24 Tebulolo ulikute ndi golide wabwino kwambiri ndipo upange mkombero wagolide mʼmbali mwake. 25 Upange feremu yozungulira tebulo, mulifupi mwake ngati chikhatho cha dzanja, ndipo uyike mkombero wagolide kuzungulira feremuyo. 26 Upange mphete zinayi zagolide, ndipo uzilumikize ku ngodya zake zinayi, kumene kuli miyendo yake inayi. 27 Mphetezo uziyike kufupi ndi feremu kuti azikolowekamo nsichi zonyamulira tebuloyo. 28 Upange nsichi zamtengo wa mkesha ndi kuzikuta ndi golide kuti azinyamulira tebulolo. 29 Upange mbale ndi zipande zagolide wabwino, pamodzinso ndi mitsuko ndi mabeseni zogwiritsa ntchito popereka nsembe. 30 Pa tebulopo uyikepo buledi woperekedwa kosalekeza, kuti azikhala pamaso panga nthawi zonse. 31 “Upange choyikapo nyale chagolide wabwino kwambiri. Tsinde lake ndi mphanda zake zikhale zosulidwa ndi nyundo. Zikho zake zokhala ndi mphukira ndi maluwa ake zipangidwire kumodzi. 32 Mʼmbali mwake mukhale mphanda zisanu ndi imodzi, zitatu mbali iliyonse. 33 Zikho zitatu zokhala ngati za maluwa amtowo, mphukira ndi duwa zikhale pa mphanda yoyamba. Pa mphanda yachiwiri pakhalenso zikho zitatu zokhala ngati za maluwa amtowo, mphukira ndi duwa. Ndipo mphanda zonse zisanu ndi imodzi zikhale chimodzimodzi ndipo zituluke mʼchoyikapo nyalecho. 34 Pa choyikapo nyalecho pakhale zikho zinayi zopangidwa ngati maluwa amtowo ali ndi mphukira ndi maluwa. 35 Mphukira yoyamba ikhale mʼmunsi mwa nthambi ziwiri zoyamba za pa choyikapo nyale. Mphukira yachiwiri ikhale mʼmunsi mwa nthambi ziwiri zinazo. Ndipo mphukira yachitatu ikhale mʼmunsi mwa nthambi zina ziwirinso. Zonse pamodzi zikhale nthambi zisanu ndi imodzi 36 Mphukira ndi nthambi zonse zisulidwe kumodzi ndi choyikapo nyalecho ndi golide wabwino kwambiri. 37 “Ndipo upange nyale zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi kuziyika pa choyikapo nyalecho kuti ziwunikire kutsogolo. 38 Mbaniro ndi zowolera phulusa zikhale zagolide wabwino kwambiri. 39 Choyikapo nyale ndi zipangizo zonse zipangidwe ndi golide wabwino kwambiri wolemera makilogalamu 34. 40 Uwonetsetse kuti wapanga zonse monga momwe ndikukuonetsera pa phiri pano.”

In Other Versions

Exodus 25 in the ANGEFD

Exodus 25 in the ANTPNG2D

Exodus 25 in the AS21

Exodus 25 in the BAGH

Exodus 25 in the BBPNG

Exodus 25 in the BBT1E

Exodus 25 in the BDS

Exodus 25 in the BEV

Exodus 25 in the BHAD

Exodus 25 in the BIB

Exodus 25 in the BLPT

Exodus 25 in the BNT

Exodus 25 in the BNTABOOT

Exodus 25 in the BNTLV

Exodus 25 in the BOATCB

Exodus 25 in the BOATCB2

Exodus 25 in the BOBCV

Exodus 25 in the BOCNT

Exodus 25 in the BOECS

Exodus 25 in the BOHCB

Exodus 25 in the BOHCV

Exodus 25 in the BOHLNT

Exodus 25 in the BOHNTLTAL

Exodus 25 in the BOICB

Exodus 25 in the BOILNTAP

Exodus 25 in the BOITCV

Exodus 25 in the BOKCV

Exodus 25 in the BOKCV2

Exodus 25 in the BOKHWOG

Exodus 25 in the BOKSSV

Exodus 25 in the BOLCB

Exodus 25 in the BOLCB2

Exodus 25 in the BOMCV

Exodus 25 in the BONAV

Exodus 25 in the BONCB

Exodus 25 in the BONLT

Exodus 25 in the BONUT2

Exodus 25 in the BOPLNT

Exodus 25 in the BOSCB

Exodus 25 in the BOSNC

Exodus 25 in the BOTLNT

Exodus 25 in the BOVCB

Exodus 25 in the BOYCB

Exodus 25 in the BPBB

Exodus 25 in the BPH

Exodus 25 in the BSB

Exodus 25 in the CCB

Exodus 25 in the CUV

Exodus 25 in the CUVS

Exodus 25 in the DBT

Exodus 25 in the DGDNT

Exodus 25 in the DHNT

Exodus 25 in the DNT

Exodus 25 in the ELBE

Exodus 25 in the EMTV

Exodus 25 in the ESV

Exodus 25 in the FBV

Exodus 25 in the FEB

Exodus 25 in the GGMNT

Exodus 25 in the GNT

Exodus 25 in the HARY

Exodus 25 in the HNT

Exodus 25 in the IRVA

Exodus 25 in the IRVB

Exodus 25 in the IRVG

Exodus 25 in the IRVH

Exodus 25 in the IRVK

Exodus 25 in the IRVM

Exodus 25 in the IRVM2

Exodus 25 in the IRVO

Exodus 25 in the IRVP

Exodus 25 in the IRVT

Exodus 25 in the IRVT2

Exodus 25 in the IRVU

Exodus 25 in the ISVN

Exodus 25 in the JSNT

Exodus 25 in the KAPI

Exodus 25 in the KBT1ETNIK

Exodus 25 in the KBV

Exodus 25 in the KJV

Exodus 25 in the KNFD

Exodus 25 in the LBA

Exodus 25 in the LBLA

Exodus 25 in the LNT

Exodus 25 in the LSV

Exodus 25 in the MAAL

Exodus 25 in the MBV

Exodus 25 in the MBV2

Exodus 25 in the MHNT

Exodus 25 in the MKNFD

Exodus 25 in the MNG

Exodus 25 in the MNT

Exodus 25 in the MNT2

Exodus 25 in the MRS1T

Exodus 25 in the NAA

Exodus 25 in the NASB

Exodus 25 in the NBLA

Exodus 25 in the NBS

Exodus 25 in the NBVTP

Exodus 25 in the NET2

Exodus 25 in the NIV11

Exodus 25 in the NNT

Exodus 25 in the NNT2

Exodus 25 in the NNT3

Exodus 25 in the PDDPT

Exodus 25 in the PFNT

Exodus 25 in the RMNT

Exodus 25 in the SBIAS

Exodus 25 in the SBIBS

Exodus 25 in the SBIBS2

Exodus 25 in the SBICS

Exodus 25 in the SBIDS

Exodus 25 in the SBIGS

Exodus 25 in the SBIHS

Exodus 25 in the SBIIS

Exodus 25 in the SBIIS2

Exodus 25 in the SBIIS3

Exodus 25 in the SBIKS

Exodus 25 in the SBIKS2

Exodus 25 in the SBIMS

Exodus 25 in the SBIOS

Exodus 25 in the SBIPS

Exodus 25 in the SBISS

Exodus 25 in the SBITS

Exodus 25 in the SBITS2

Exodus 25 in the SBITS3

Exodus 25 in the SBITS4

Exodus 25 in the SBIUS

Exodus 25 in the SBIVS

Exodus 25 in the SBT

Exodus 25 in the SBT1E

Exodus 25 in the SCHL

Exodus 25 in the SNT

Exodus 25 in the SUSU

Exodus 25 in the SUSU2

Exodus 25 in the SYNO

Exodus 25 in the TBIAOTANT

Exodus 25 in the TBT1E

Exodus 25 in the TBT1E2

Exodus 25 in the TFTIP

Exodus 25 in the TFTU

Exodus 25 in the TGNTATF3T

Exodus 25 in the THAI

Exodus 25 in the TNFD

Exodus 25 in the TNT

Exodus 25 in the TNTIK

Exodus 25 in the TNTIL

Exodus 25 in the TNTIN

Exodus 25 in the TNTIP

Exodus 25 in the TNTIZ

Exodus 25 in the TOMA

Exodus 25 in the TTENT

Exodus 25 in the UBG

Exodus 25 in the UGV

Exodus 25 in the UGV2

Exodus 25 in the UGV3

Exodus 25 in the VBL

Exodus 25 in the VDCC

Exodus 25 in the YALU

Exodus 25 in the YAPE

Exodus 25 in the YBVTP

Exodus 25 in the ZBP