Ezekiel 34 (BOICB)

1 Okwu ONYENWE ANYỊ ruru m ntị, sị, 2 “Nwa nke mmadụ, buo amụma megide ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ Izrel niile, buo amụma sị ha, ‘Ihe a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru: Ahụhụ na-adịrị unu ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ Izrel, ndị na-enyeju naanị onwe ha afọ. Ọ kwesighị ka onye ọzụzụ atụrụ lekọtazie igwe atụrụ e tinyere nʼaka ya anya? 3 Unu na-eri abụba ha niile, unu na-eyi uwe ajị anụ, na-egbu anụ ndị mara abụba nʼagbanyeghị na unu adịghị elekọta igwe ewu na atụrụ m ndị a. 4 Unu anaghị eme ka ndị na-adịghị ike dị ike, maọbụ gwọọ ndị na-arịa ọrịa, maọbụ kechie ọnya ndị merụrụ ahụ. Unu adịghị akpọghachite ndị kpafuru akpafu, maọbụ pụọ ịchọ ndị furu efu. Kama naanị aka ike ka unu ji na-achị ha. 5 Nʼihi ya, ha agbasasịala nʼihi na onye ọzụzụ atụrụ anọghị ya. Ha aghọkwaarala anụ ọhịa niile ihe oriri. 6 Igwe ewu na atụrụ nke m na-awagharị nʼugwu niile, na nʼelu ugwu nta niile. Ọ bụkwa nʼelu ụwa niile ka ha gbasara. Ọ dịkwaghị onye na-ajụ ajụjụ banyere ha. Ọ dịkwaghị onye na-elenye anya nʼebe ha nọ. 7 “ ‘Nʼihi nke a, unu ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ, nụrụnụ okwu nke ONYENWE ANYỊ: 8 Dịka mụ onwe m na-adị ndụ, ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara, ebe unu hapụrụ igwe atụrụ m na-enweghị onye ọzụzụ atụrụ, mee ka ha ghọọrọ anụ ọhịa ihe oriri, ebe unu na-achọgharịghị ha, kama unu nọ na-enyeju onwe unu afọ, ma hapụ igwe atụrụ m ka agụụ gbuo ha, 9 nʼihi ya, unu ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ, nụrụnụ okwu nke ONYENWE ANYỊ: 10 Ihe ndị a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru, Ana m edo onwe m megide ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ niile. Ọ bụkwa nʼaka ha ka m ga-ajụta ihe banyere igwe ewu na atụrụ m. Aga m eme ka ha kwụsị ị bụ ndị na-azụ igwe ewu na atụrụ m, ka ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ ndị a ghara ịzụ onwe ha nri ọzọ. Aga m esite nʼọnụ ha napụta igwe ewu na atụrụ m, ha agaghị abụkwara ha nri ọzọ. 11 “ ‘Nʼihi na Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ sịrị, mụ onwe m ga-eji aka m pụọ gaa chọgharịa igwe atụrụ m. Mụ onwe m kwa ga-elekọta ha. 12 Dịka onye ọzụzụ atụrụ si elekọta igwe ewu na atụrụ ya anya, mgbe ha na ya nọ, otu a ka m ga-esi lekọta igwe atụrụ m. Aga m anapụta ha site nʼebe niile ha gbasasịrị gaa, nʼụbọchị igwe ojii na ọchịchịrị ahụ. 13 Aga m esite nʼobodo niile, na mba niile ha nọ kpọghachi ha nʼala nke ha. Aga m azụ ha nri nʼelu ugwu niile nke Izrel, na nʼakụkụ mmiri niile, ebe ala na-ewepụta nri nke ọma. 14 Aga m azụ ha nʼebe ịta ahịhịa mara mma, na nʼelu ugwu niile nke Izrel. Nʼebe ahụ ka ha ga-amakpukwa nʼudo. Ha ga-ata nri nʼebe ịta ahịhịa mara mma nke elu ugwu Izrel. 15 Ọ bụ mụ onwe m ga-abụ onye ọzụzụ atụrụ nke atụrụ m niile. Aga m eme ka ha makpuru nʼudo, otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara. 16 Aga m achọ ndị furu efu nʼime ha, ndị kpafuru akpafu, kpọghachite ha nʼụlọ. Aga m ekechi ọnya ndị merụrụ ahụ, meekwa ka ọ dị ike. Ma ndị mara abụba na nke ndị ahụ dị ike ka m ga-ala nʼiyi. Aga m eji ikpe ziri ezi zụọ ha. 17 “ ‘Ma unu onwe unu, ụmụ igwe anụ ụlọ m, otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru, aga m ekpe ikpe nʼetiti atụrụ na atụrụ, ebule na mkpi. 18 Ọ bụ unu ihe nta nʼanya na unu na-ata nri kachasị mma? Unu ga-ejikwa ụkwụ zọtọsịa nke fọdụrụ? Ọ bụ unu ihe nta nʼanya na unu na-aṅụ mmiri nke kachasị mma? Unu ga-ejikwa ụkwụ unu na-agbarụ nke fọdụrụ? 19 Ọ bụ ihe kwesiri ekwesi na igwe atụrụ m ga-ata nri unu zọtọrọ azọtọ, ma ṅụọkwa mmiri unu gbarụrụ agbarụ? 20 “ ‘Nʼihi ya, nke a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ sịrị ha, nʼezie, mụ onwe m ga-ekpe ikpe nʼetiti atụrụ ndị gbara abụba, na atụrụ ndị a tara ahụ. 21 Nʼihi na unu ji akụkụ ahụ unu, na ubu aka unu na-enupu ha. Unu jikwa mpi unu na-enupu ndị na-adịghị ike, tutu ruo mgbe unu chụsachara ha. 22 Lee, aga m azọpụta igwe ewu na atụrụ m. Aga m ekpe ikpe nʼetiti otu atụrụ na ibe ya. Ha agaghị aghọkwa ihe oriri ọzọ. Aga m ekpe ikpe nʼetiti otu atụrụ na ibe ya. 23 Aga m edobe otu onye ọzụzụ atụrụ nke ga-elekọta ndị m, ọ bụladị ohu m Devid. Ya onwe ya ga-elekọta ha, bụrụkwa onye ọzụzụ atụrụ nye ha. 24 Ma mụ onwe m bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ, ga-abụ Chineke ha, ma ohu m Devid ga-abụ onyeisi nʼetiti ndị m. Mụ onwe m bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ ekwuola ya. 25 “ ‘Mụ na ha ga-agba ndụ udo. Aga m achụpụkwa anụ ọjọọ niile nʼala ha, ka ndị m nwee ike ibi nʼudo nʼọzara, ma rahụkwa ụra ọ bụladị nʼetiti oke ọhịa nʼenweghị nsogbu. 26 Aga m agọzi ndị m, gọziekwa ebe obibi ha na ihe niile gbara ugwu nta m gburugburu. Aga m ezite mmiri ozuzo nʼoge ya, nʼezie, ngọzị ga-ezoro ha dịka mmiri. 27 Osisi ọhịa ga-amị mkpụrụ ya, ala ga-eme ihe omume ya. Ndị m ga-anọkwa nʼudo nʼala ha na-atụghị ụjọ. Ha ga-amatakwa na mụ onwe m bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ, mgbe m tijasịrị mkpọrọ yoku niile ha, napụta ha site nʼaka ndị na-akpagbu ha. 28 Ha agaghị abụkwa mba ndị ọzọ na-apụnara ihe ha nwere, maọbụ ndị anụ ọhịa ga-adọgbu. Ha ga-ebi na-atụghị ụjọ, ọ dịkwaghị onye ga-eme ka ha tụọ egwu. 29 Aga m enye ha ala nke amaara nke ọma nʼihi ihe na-epupụta nʼime ya, ha agaghị abụkwa ndị ụnwụ mekpara ahụ nʼala ahụ ọzọ, maọbụ ihe a na-akwa emo nke mba dị iche iche. 30 Ha ga-amata na mụ onwe m, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ Chineke ha, na m na-anọnyere ha, na ha onwe ha kwa, bụ ụlọ Izrel, bụ ndị m, otu a ka Onyenwe anyị Chineke kwupụtara. 31 Unu bụ igwe ewu na atụrụ m, atụrụ nke ebe ịta nri m, mụ onwe m bụkwa Chineke unu. Otu a ka Onye kachasị ihe niile elu, bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya.’ ”

In Other Versions

Ezekiel 34 in the ANGEFD

Ezekiel 34 in the ANTPNG2D

Ezekiel 34 in the AS21

Ezekiel 34 in the BAGH

Ezekiel 34 in the BBPNG

Ezekiel 34 in the BBT1E

Ezekiel 34 in the BDS

Ezekiel 34 in the BEV

Ezekiel 34 in the BHAD

Ezekiel 34 in the BIB

Ezekiel 34 in the BLPT

Ezekiel 34 in the BNT

Ezekiel 34 in the BNTABOOT

Ezekiel 34 in the BNTLV

Ezekiel 34 in the BOATCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BOATCB2

Ezekiel 34 in the BOBCV

Ezekiel 34 in the BOCNT

Ezekiel 34 in the BOECS

Ezekiel 34 in the BOGWICC

Ezekiel 34 in the BOHCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BOHCV

Ezekiel 34 in the BOHLNT

Ezekiel 34 in the BOHNTLTAL

Ezekiel 34 in the BOILNTAP

Ezekiel 34 in the BOITCV

Ezekiel 34 in the BOKCV

Ezekiel 34 in the BOKCV2

Ezekiel 34 in the BOKHWOG

Ezekiel 34 in the BOKSSV

Ezekiel 34 in the BOLCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BOLCB2

Ezekiel 34 in the BOMCV

Ezekiel 34 in the BONAV

Ezekiel 34 in the BONCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BONLT

Ezekiel 34 in the BONUT2

Ezekiel 34 in the BOPLNT

Ezekiel 34 in the BOSCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BOSNC

Ezekiel 34 in the BOTLNT

Ezekiel 34 in the BOVCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BOYCB

Ezekiel 34 in the BPBB

Ezekiel 34 in the BPH

Ezekiel 34 in the BSB

Ezekiel 34 in the CCB

Ezekiel 34 in the CUV

Ezekiel 34 in the CUVS

Ezekiel 34 in the DBT

Ezekiel 34 in the DGDNT

Ezekiel 34 in the DHNT

Ezekiel 34 in the DNT

Ezekiel 34 in the ELBE

Ezekiel 34 in the EMTV

Ezekiel 34 in the ESV

Ezekiel 34 in the FBV

Ezekiel 34 in the FEB

Ezekiel 34 in the GGMNT

Ezekiel 34 in the GNT

Ezekiel 34 in the HARY

Ezekiel 34 in the HNT

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVA

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVB

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVG

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVH

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVK

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVM

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVM2

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVO

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVP

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVT

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVT2

Ezekiel 34 in the IRVU

Ezekiel 34 in the ISVN

Ezekiel 34 in the JSNT

Ezekiel 34 in the KAPI

Ezekiel 34 in the KBT1ETNIK

Ezekiel 34 in the KBV

Ezekiel 34 in the KJV

Ezekiel 34 in the KNFD

Ezekiel 34 in the LBA

Ezekiel 34 in the LBLA

Ezekiel 34 in the LNT

Ezekiel 34 in the LSV

Ezekiel 34 in the MAAL

Ezekiel 34 in the MBV

Ezekiel 34 in the MBV2

Ezekiel 34 in the MHNT

Ezekiel 34 in the MKNFD

Ezekiel 34 in the MNG

Ezekiel 34 in the MNT

Ezekiel 34 in the MNT2

Ezekiel 34 in the MRS1T

Ezekiel 34 in the NAA

Ezekiel 34 in the NASB

Ezekiel 34 in the NBLA

Ezekiel 34 in the NBS

Ezekiel 34 in the NBVTP

Ezekiel 34 in the NET2

Ezekiel 34 in the NIV11

Ezekiel 34 in the NNT

Ezekiel 34 in the NNT2

Ezekiel 34 in the NNT3

Ezekiel 34 in the PDDPT

Ezekiel 34 in the PFNT

Ezekiel 34 in the RMNT

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIAS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIBS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIBS2

Ezekiel 34 in the SBICS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIDS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIGS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIHS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIIS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIIS2

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIIS3

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIKS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIKS2

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIMS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIOS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIPS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBISS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBITS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBITS2

Ezekiel 34 in the SBITS3

Ezekiel 34 in the SBITS4

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIUS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBIVS

Ezekiel 34 in the SBT

Ezekiel 34 in the SBT1E

Ezekiel 34 in the SCHL

Ezekiel 34 in the SNT

Ezekiel 34 in the SUSU

Ezekiel 34 in the SUSU2

Ezekiel 34 in the SYNO

Ezekiel 34 in the TBIAOTANT

Ezekiel 34 in the TBT1E

Ezekiel 34 in the TBT1E2

Ezekiel 34 in the TFTIP

Ezekiel 34 in the TFTU

Ezekiel 34 in the TGNTATF3T

Ezekiel 34 in the THAI

Ezekiel 34 in the TNFD

Ezekiel 34 in the TNT

Ezekiel 34 in the TNTIK

Ezekiel 34 in the TNTIL

Ezekiel 34 in the TNTIN

Ezekiel 34 in the TNTIP

Ezekiel 34 in the TNTIZ

Ezekiel 34 in the TOMA

Ezekiel 34 in the TTENT

Ezekiel 34 in the UBG

Ezekiel 34 in the UGV

Ezekiel 34 in the UGV2

Ezekiel 34 in the UGV3

Ezekiel 34 in the VBL

Ezekiel 34 in the VDCC

Ezekiel 34 in the YALU

Ezekiel 34 in the YAPE

Ezekiel 34 in the YBVTP

Ezekiel 34 in the ZBP