Matthew 28 (BOKCV)
1 Baada ya Sabato, alfajiri mapema siku ya kwanza ya juma, Maria Magdalene na yule Maria mwingine walikwenda kulitazama kaburi. 2 Ghafula, pakawa na tetemeko kubwa la ardhi, kwa sababu malaika wa Bwana alishuka kutoka mbinguni, akaenda penye kaburi, akalivingirisha lile jiwe na kulikalia. 3 Sura ya huyo malaika ilikuwa kama umeme, na mavazi yake yalikuwa meupe kama theluji. 4 Wale walinzi wa kaburi walimwogopa sana, wakatetemeka hata wakawa kama wafu. 5 Yule malaika akawaambia wale wanawake, “Msiogope, kwa maana ninajua kuwa mnamtafuta Yesu aliyesulubiwa. 6 Hayupo hapa, kwa kuwa amefufuka, kama vile alivyosema. Njooni mpatazame mahali alipokuwa amelazwa. 7 Kisha nendeni upesi mkawaambie wanafunzi wake kwamba, ‘Amefufuka kutoka kwa wafu, naye awatangulia kwenda Galilaya. Huko ndiko mtamwona. Sasa nimekwisha kuwaambia.’ ” 8 Hivyo wale wanawake wakaondoka pale kaburini wakiwa wamejawa na hofu, bali wakiwa na furaha nyingi. Wakaenda mbio kuwaeleza wanafunzi wake habari hizo. 9 Ghafula, Yesu akakutana nao, akasema, “Salamu!” Wale wanawake wakamkaribia, wakaishika miguu yake, wakamwabudu. 10 Ndipo Yesu akawaambia, “Msiogope. Nendeni mkawaambie ndugu zangu waende Galilaya, ndiko watakakoniona.” 11 Wakati wale wanawake walikuwa njiani wakienda, baadhi ya wale askari waliokuwa wakilinda kaburi walienda mjini na kuwaeleza viongozi wa makuhani kila kitu kilichokuwa kimetukia. 12 Baada ya viongozi wa makuhani kukutana na wazee na kutunga hila, waliwapa wale askari kiasi kikubwa cha fedha 13 wakiwaambia, “Inawapasa mseme, ‘Wanafunzi wake walikuja wakati wa usiku na kumwiba sisi tulipokuwa tumelala.’ 14 Kama habari hizi zikimfikia mtawala, sisi tutamwondolea mashaka nanyi hamtapata tatizo lolote.” 15 Kwa hiyo wale askari wakazipokea hizo fedha nao wakafanya kama walivyoelekezwa. Habari hii imeenea miongoni mwa Wayahudi mpaka leo. 16 Basi wale wanafunzi kumi na mmoja wakaenda hadi Galilaya kwenye ule mlima ambao Yesu alikuwa amewaagiza. 17 Walipomwona, wakamwabudu; lakini baadhi yao wakaona shaka. 18 Yesu akawajia na kusema, “Nimepewa mamlaka yote mbinguni na duniani. 19 Kwa sababu hii, enendeni mkawafanye mataifa yote kuwa wanafunzi, mkiwabatiza kwa Jina la Baba na la Mwana na la Roho Mtakatifu, 20 nanyi wafundisheni kuyashika mambo yote niliyowaamuru ninyi. Hakika mimi niko pamoja nanyi siku zote, hadi mwisho wa nyakati.”
In Other Versions
Matthew 28 in the ANGEFD
Matthew 28 in the ANTPNG2D
Matthew 28 in the AS21
Matthew 28 in the BAGH
Matthew 28 in the BBPNG
Matthew 28 in the BBT1E
Matthew 28 in the BDS
Matthew 28 in the BEV
Matthew 28 in the BHAD
Matthew 28 in the BIB
Matthew 28 in the BLPT
Matthew 28 in the BNT
Matthew 28 in the BNTABOOT
Matthew 28 in the BNTLV
Matthew 28 in the BOATCB
Matthew 28 in the BOATCB2
Matthew 28 in the BOBCV
Matthew 28 in the BOCNT
Matthew 28 in the BOECS
Matthew 28 in the BOGWICC
Matthew 28 in the BOHCB
Matthew 28 in the BOHCV
Matthew 28 in the BOHLNT
Matthew 28 in the BOHNTLTAL
Matthew 28 in the BOICB
Matthew 28 in the BOILNTAP
Matthew 28 in the BOITCV
Matthew 28 in the BOKCV2
Matthew 28 in the BOKHWOG
Matthew 28 in the BOKSSV
Matthew 28 in the BOLCB
Matthew 28 in the BOLCB2
Matthew 28 in the BOMCV
Matthew 28 in the BONAV
Matthew 28 in the BONCB
Matthew 28 in the BONLT
Matthew 28 in the BONUT2
Matthew 28 in the BOPLNT
Matthew 28 in the BOSCB
Matthew 28 in the BOSNC
Matthew 28 in the BOTLNT
Matthew 28 in the BOVCB
Matthew 28 in the BOYCB
Matthew 28 in the BPBB
Matthew 28 in the BPH
Matthew 28 in the BSB
Matthew 28 in the CCB
Matthew 28 in the CUV
Matthew 28 in the CUVS
Matthew 28 in the DBT
Matthew 28 in the DGDNT
Matthew 28 in the DHNT
Matthew 28 in the DNT
Matthew 28 in the ELBE
Matthew 28 in the EMTV
Matthew 28 in the ESV
Matthew 28 in the FBV
Matthew 28 in the FEB
Matthew 28 in the GGMNT
Matthew 28 in the GNT
Matthew 28 in the HARY
Matthew 28 in the HNT
Matthew 28 in the IRVA
Matthew 28 in the IRVB
Matthew 28 in the IRVG
Matthew 28 in the IRVH
Matthew 28 in the IRVK
Matthew 28 in the IRVM
Matthew 28 in the IRVM2
Matthew 28 in the IRVO
Matthew 28 in the IRVP
Matthew 28 in the IRVT
Matthew 28 in the IRVT2
Matthew 28 in the IRVU
Matthew 28 in the ISVN
Matthew 28 in the JSNT
Matthew 28 in the KAPI
Matthew 28 in the KBT1ETNIK
Matthew 28 in the KBV
Matthew 28 in the KJV
Matthew 28 in the KNFD
Matthew 28 in the LBA
Matthew 28 in the LBLA
Matthew 28 in the LNT
Matthew 28 in the LSV
Matthew 28 in the MAAL
Matthew 28 in the MBV
Matthew 28 in the MBV2
Matthew 28 in the MHNT
Matthew 28 in the MKNFD
Matthew 28 in the MNG
Matthew 28 in the MNT
Matthew 28 in the MNT2
Matthew 28 in the MRS1T
Matthew 28 in the NAA
Matthew 28 in the NASB
Matthew 28 in the NBLA
Matthew 28 in the NBS
Matthew 28 in the NBVTP
Matthew 28 in the NET2
Matthew 28 in the NIV11
Matthew 28 in the NNT
Matthew 28 in the NNT2
Matthew 28 in the NNT3
Matthew 28 in the PDDPT
Matthew 28 in the PFNT
Matthew 28 in the RMNT
Matthew 28 in the SBIAS
Matthew 28 in the SBIBS
Matthew 28 in the SBIBS2
Matthew 28 in the SBICS
Matthew 28 in the SBIDS
Matthew 28 in the SBIGS
Matthew 28 in the SBIHS
Matthew 28 in the SBIIS
Matthew 28 in the SBIIS2
Matthew 28 in the SBIIS3
Matthew 28 in the SBIKS
Matthew 28 in the SBIKS2
Matthew 28 in the SBIMS
Matthew 28 in the SBIOS
Matthew 28 in the SBIPS
Matthew 28 in the SBISS
Matthew 28 in the SBITS
Matthew 28 in the SBITS2
Matthew 28 in the SBITS3
Matthew 28 in the SBITS4
Matthew 28 in the SBIUS
Matthew 28 in the SBIVS
Matthew 28 in the SBT
Matthew 28 in the SBT1E
Matthew 28 in the SCHL
Matthew 28 in the SNT
Matthew 28 in the SUSU
Matthew 28 in the SUSU2
Matthew 28 in the SYNO
Matthew 28 in the TBIAOTANT
Matthew 28 in the TBT1E
Matthew 28 in the TBT1E2
Matthew 28 in the TFTIP
Matthew 28 in the TFTU
Matthew 28 in the TGNTATF3T
Matthew 28 in the THAI
Matthew 28 in the TNFD
Matthew 28 in the TNT
Matthew 28 in the TNTIK
Matthew 28 in the TNTIL
Matthew 28 in the TNTIN
Matthew 28 in the TNTIP
Matthew 28 in the TNTIZ
Matthew 28 in the TOMA
Matthew 28 in the TTENT
Matthew 28 in the UBG
Matthew 28 in the UGV
Matthew 28 in the UGV2
Matthew 28 in the UGV3
Matthew 28 in the VBL
Matthew 28 in the VDCC
Matthew 28 in the YALU
Matthew 28 in the YAPE
Matthew 28 in the YBVTP
Matthew 28 in the ZBP