Exodus 5 (BONCB)
1 Emva kwalokho uMosi lo-Aroni baya kuFaro. Bathi kuye, “Sikulethele ilizwi elivela KUTHIXO, uNkulunkulu wabantu bako-Israyeli. Uthi, ‘Vumela abantu bami bahambe, ukuze bangenzele umkhosi enkangala.’ ” 2 UFaro wathi, “Ungubani UTHIXO okufanele ngimlalele ngivumele abako-Israyeli ukuba bahambe na? Mina kangimazi UTHIXO, njalo kangiyikubavumela abako-Israyeli ukuba bahambe.” 3 Ngakho-ke bona bathi, “UNkulunkulu wamaHebheru ubonakele kithi. Kumele sithathe uhambo lwamalanga amathathu siye enkangala ukuze siyenikela iminikelo KUTHIXO uNkulunkulu wethu, funa asibulale ngemikhuhlane loba ngenkemba.” 4 Kodwa inkosi yaseGibhithe yathi, “Mosi lo-Aroni, kungani lisusa abantu emsebenzini wabo? Buyelani emisebenzini yenu.” 5 UFaro wasesithi, “Khangelani abantu sebebanengi elizweni, kodwa lina liyabamisa ukusebenza.” 6 Ngalelolanga uFaro wathumela lelilizwi ezinduneni zezigqili ezazisebenzisa abantu wathi: 7 “Lingabe lisabapha abantu utshani bokwenza izitina. Yekelani bayezidingela utshani babo kodwa lingehlisi inani lezitina okumele bazenze. 8 Kumele ukuthi batshaye inani abebelitshaya. Bangamavila, yikho besuka bakhale besithi, ‘Kasihambeni siyenikela kuNkulunkulu wethu.’ 9 Yenzani umsebenzi ubenzima kwabesilisa ukuze baqhubekele phambili ngomsebenzi batshiyane lokulalela amanga.” 10 Izinduna zezigqili kanye labaphathi baphuma bayatshela abantu bathi, “Nanku esikulaywe nguFaro, uthi, ‘Kangisoze ngilinike utshani futhi. 11 Hambani liyesika utshani lapho elingabuthola khona. Kodwa umsebenzi wenu kawusoze uphungulwe lakancinyane.’ ” 12 Ngakho abantu bahlakazeka kulolonke elaseGibhithe, besika imihlanga ukuze bayisebenzise esikhundleni sotshani. 13 Izinduna zezigqili zaqhubeka zibakhahlameza zisithi, “Qedani imisebenzi yansuku zonke njengalokho elalikwenza lisazuza utshani.” 14 Abaphathi bezisebenzi bako-Israyeli ababekhethwe yizinduna zezigqili zikaFaro batshaywa bebuzwa ukuthi, “Kungani inani lezolo lelanamuhla lingenelanga njengakuqala?” 15 Ngakho abaphathi bezisebenzi bako-Israyeli baya kuFaro bamncenga besithi, “Kungani uphatha izisebenzi zakho ngale indlela? 16 Izisebenzi zakho kazinikwa utshani, kodwa sitshelwa ukuthi, ‘Tshayani izitina!’ Izisebenzi zakho ziyatshaywa, kodwa umlandu ngowabantu bakho.” 17 UFaro wathi, “Mavila, yikho eliyikho, mavila! Yikho lihlala lisithi, ‘Siyekele siyenikela KUTHIXO.’ 18 Buyelani emsebenzini. Akulatshani elizabuphiwa. Kodwa kumele lenze izitina ezifika inani ebelivele lilenza.” 19 Abaphathi bezisebenzi bako-Israyeli bananzelela ukuthi babesebunzimeni obukhulu baze batshelwe ukuthi, “Kakumelanga lehlise inani lezitina okumele lilenze nsuku zonke.” 20 Sebesukile kuFaro, bafica uMosi lo-Aroni bebalindele. 21 Basebesithi, “UTHIXO kalikhangele alahlulele. Selenze ukuthi senyanyeke kuFaro lakuziphathamandla zakhe, lafaka inkemba ezandleni zabo ukuba basibulale.” 22 UMosi wabuyela KUTHIXO wathi kuye, “THIXO, kungani ulethe uhlupho ebantwini laba? Yiso yini isizatho sokungithuma. 23 Selokhu ngaya kuFaro ukuyakhuluma ngebizo lakho, uselethe uhlupho ebantwini laba, njalo kawubahlenganga abantu bakho lakancane.”
In Other Versions
Exodus 5 in the ANGEFD
Exodus 5 in the ANTPNG2D
Exodus 5 in the AS21
Exodus 5 in the BAGH
Exodus 5 in the BBPNG
Exodus 5 in the BBT1E
Exodus 5 in the BDS
Exodus 5 in the BEV
Exodus 5 in the BHAD
Exodus 5 in the BIB
Exodus 5 in the BLPT
Exodus 5 in the BNT
Exodus 5 in the BNTABOOT
Exodus 5 in the BNTLV
Exodus 5 in the BOATCB
Exodus 5 in the BOATCB2
Exodus 5 in the BOBCV
Exodus 5 in the BOCNT
Exodus 5 in the BOECS
Exodus 5 in the BOGWICC
Exodus 5 in the BOHCB
Exodus 5 in the BOHCV
Exodus 5 in the BOHLNT
Exodus 5 in the BOHNTLTAL
Exodus 5 in the BOICB
Exodus 5 in the BOILNTAP
Exodus 5 in the BOITCV
Exodus 5 in the BOKCV
Exodus 5 in the BOKCV2
Exodus 5 in the BOKHWOG
Exodus 5 in the BOKSSV
Exodus 5 in the BOLCB
Exodus 5 in the BOLCB2
Exodus 5 in the BOMCV
Exodus 5 in the BONAV
Exodus 5 in the BONLT
Exodus 5 in the BONUT2
Exodus 5 in the BOPLNT
Exodus 5 in the BOSCB
Exodus 5 in the BOSNC
Exodus 5 in the BOTLNT
Exodus 5 in the BOVCB
Exodus 5 in the BOYCB
Exodus 5 in the BPBB
Exodus 5 in the BPH
Exodus 5 in the BSB
Exodus 5 in the CCB
Exodus 5 in the CUV
Exodus 5 in the CUVS
Exodus 5 in the DBT
Exodus 5 in the DGDNT
Exodus 5 in the DHNT
Exodus 5 in the DNT
Exodus 5 in the ELBE
Exodus 5 in the EMTV
Exodus 5 in the ESV
Exodus 5 in the FBV
Exodus 5 in the FEB
Exodus 5 in the GGMNT
Exodus 5 in the GNT
Exodus 5 in the HARY
Exodus 5 in the HNT
Exodus 5 in the IRVA
Exodus 5 in the IRVB
Exodus 5 in the IRVG
Exodus 5 in the IRVH
Exodus 5 in the IRVK
Exodus 5 in the IRVM
Exodus 5 in the IRVM2
Exodus 5 in the IRVO
Exodus 5 in the IRVP
Exodus 5 in the IRVT
Exodus 5 in the IRVT2
Exodus 5 in the IRVU
Exodus 5 in the ISVN
Exodus 5 in the JSNT
Exodus 5 in the KAPI
Exodus 5 in the KBT1ETNIK
Exodus 5 in the KBV
Exodus 5 in the KJV
Exodus 5 in the KNFD
Exodus 5 in the LBA
Exodus 5 in the LBLA
Exodus 5 in the LNT
Exodus 5 in the LSV
Exodus 5 in the MAAL
Exodus 5 in the MBV
Exodus 5 in the MBV2
Exodus 5 in the MHNT
Exodus 5 in the MKNFD
Exodus 5 in the MNG
Exodus 5 in the MNT
Exodus 5 in the MNT2
Exodus 5 in the MRS1T
Exodus 5 in the NAA
Exodus 5 in the NASB
Exodus 5 in the NBLA
Exodus 5 in the NBS
Exodus 5 in the NBVTP
Exodus 5 in the NET2
Exodus 5 in the NIV11
Exodus 5 in the NNT
Exodus 5 in the NNT2
Exodus 5 in the NNT3
Exodus 5 in the PDDPT
Exodus 5 in the PFNT
Exodus 5 in the RMNT
Exodus 5 in the SBIAS
Exodus 5 in the SBIBS
Exodus 5 in the SBIBS2
Exodus 5 in the SBICS
Exodus 5 in the SBIDS
Exodus 5 in the SBIGS
Exodus 5 in the SBIHS
Exodus 5 in the SBIIS
Exodus 5 in the SBIIS2
Exodus 5 in the SBIIS3
Exodus 5 in the SBIKS
Exodus 5 in the SBIKS2
Exodus 5 in the SBIMS
Exodus 5 in the SBIOS
Exodus 5 in the SBIPS
Exodus 5 in the SBISS
Exodus 5 in the SBITS
Exodus 5 in the SBITS2
Exodus 5 in the SBITS3
Exodus 5 in the SBITS4
Exodus 5 in the SBIUS
Exodus 5 in the SBIVS
Exodus 5 in the SBT
Exodus 5 in the SBT1E
Exodus 5 in the SCHL
Exodus 5 in the SNT
Exodus 5 in the SUSU
Exodus 5 in the SUSU2
Exodus 5 in the SYNO
Exodus 5 in the TBIAOTANT
Exodus 5 in the TBT1E
Exodus 5 in the TBT1E2
Exodus 5 in the TFTIP
Exodus 5 in the TFTU
Exodus 5 in the TGNTATF3T
Exodus 5 in the THAI
Exodus 5 in the TNFD
Exodus 5 in the TNT
Exodus 5 in the TNTIK
Exodus 5 in the TNTIL
Exodus 5 in the TNTIN
Exodus 5 in the TNTIP
Exodus 5 in the TNTIZ
Exodus 5 in the TOMA
Exodus 5 in the TTENT
Exodus 5 in the UBG
Exodus 5 in the UGV
Exodus 5 in the UGV2
Exodus 5 in the UGV3
Exodus 5 in the VBL
Exodus 5 in the VDCC
Exodus 5 in the YALU
Exodus 5 in the YAPE
Exodus 5 in the YBVTP
Exodus 5 in the ZBP