Revelation 20 (BOTLNT)
1 Mme ka bona moengele a fologa kwa legodimong a tshotse dilotlole tsa molete o o senang bolekanngo le keetane e e bokete mo letsogong la gagwe. 2 Mme a tshwara kgogela noga ya bogologolo, Satane, a mo golega selekanyo sa dingwaga di le sekete. 3 Mme a mo latlhela mo moleteng o o senang bolekanngo, o jaanong a neng a o tswala a bo a o lotlela, gore e se ka ya tlhola e tsietsa dichaba gape go fitlhelela dingwaga tse di sekete di fela. Morago ga moo e tlaa gololwa gape ka lobakanyana. 4 Mme ka bona ditilo tsa bogosi, mme ba ba neng ba ntse mo go tsone e ne e le ba ba neng ba neetswe taolo ya go atlhola. Mme ka bona mewa ya ba ba neng ba kgaotswe ditlhogo ka ntlha ya go supa ka Jesu, le go bolela Lefoko la Modimo, le ba ba neng ba se ka ba obamela sebatana le setshwantsho sa sone sa leje, kgotsa go amogela lotshwao lwa sone mo diphatleng tsa bone kgotsa mo diatleng. Ba ne ba rudile mme jaanong ba busa le Keresete selekanyo sa dingwaga di le sekete. 5 E ke tsogo ya ntlha ya baswi. (Mme ba ba setseng botlhe ba se ka ba rula go fitlhelela dingwaga tse di sekete di fela). 6 Go sego ebile go boitshepo ba ba nang le kabelo mo tsogong ya ntlha. Gonne mo go bone loso lwa bobedi ga lo na thata, gonne ba tlaa nna baperesiti ba Modimo le ba ga Keresete… 7 E tlaa re fa dingwaga tse di sekete di fela, Satane o tlaa gololwa mo kgolegelong. 8 O tlaa tswa a ya go tsietsa dichaba tsa lefatshe a bo a di phutha, ga mmogo le Gogo le Magogo, go ya ntweng, ebong lesomo le legolo, le le senang palo jaaka motlhaba o o mo lotshitshing. 9 Ba tlaa tlhatloga ba kgabaganya kwa godimo ga bophara jwa lefatshe go dikaganyetsa batho ba Modimo le motse o o rategang wa Jerusalema mo ntlheng tsotlhe. Mme molelo wa Modimo o o tswang legodimong o tlaa fologela mo mephatong ya batlhasedi o bo o e laila. 10 Mme Diabolo yo o ba tsieditseng o tlaa latlhelwa mo lecheng la molelo o o tukang ka sebabole mo sebatana le moporofiti wa tsietso ba leng teng, mme ba tlaa tlhokofadiwa bosigo le motshegare ka bosakhutleng. 11 Mme ka bona setilo sa bogosi se segolo se se sweu le yo o se ntseng, yo lefatshe le legodimo di neng tsa tshaba sefatlhogo sa gagwe, mme tsa tlhoka fa di iphitlhang teng. 12 Mme ka bona baswi, ba bannye le bagolo, ba eme fa pele ga Modimo mme dikwalo tsa bo di butswe, mmogo le Lokwalo lwa Botshelo. Mme baswi ba ne ba atlholwa ka fa dilong tse di neng di kwadilwe dikwalong, mongwe le mongwe ka fa ditirong tse o di dirileng. 13 Mme mawatle a ntsha baswi ba ba mo go one; mme lefatshe le bobipo tsa ntsha baswi ba ba neng ba le mo go tsone. Mongwe le mongwe a atlholwa ka fa ditirong tsa gagwe. 14 Mme loso le molete tsa latlhelwa mo lecheng la molelo. Se ke loso lwa bobedi, ebong lecha la molelo. 15 Mme fa leina la mongwe le ne le sa fitlhelwe le kwadilwe mo Lokwalong lwa Botshelo, o ne a latlhelwa mo lecheng la molelo.
In Other Versions
Revelation 20 in the ANGEFD
Revelation 20 in the ANTPNG2D
Revelation 20 in the AS21
Revelation 20 in the BAGH
Revelation 20 in the BBPNG
Revelation 20 in the BBT1E
Revelation 20 in the BDS
Revelation 20 in the BEV
Revelation 20 in the BHAD
Revelation 20 in the BIB
Revelation 20 in the BLPT
Revelation 20 in the BNT
Revelation 20 in the BNTABOOT
Revelation 20 in the BNTLV
Revelation 20 in the BOATCB
Revelation 20 in the BOATCB2
Revelation 20 in the BOBCV
Revelation 20 in the BOCNT
Revelation 20 in the BOECS
Revelation 20 in the BOGWICC
Revelation 20 in the BOHCB
Revelation 20 in the BOHCV
Revelation 20 in the BOHLNT
Revelation 20 in the BOHNTLTAL
Revelation 20 in the BOICB
Revelation 20 in the BOILNTAP
Revelation 20 in the BOITCV
Revelation 20 in the BOKCV
Revelation 20 in the BOKCV2
Revelation 20 in the BOKHWOG
Revelation 20 in the BOKSSV
Revelation 20 in the BOLCB
Revelation 20 in the BOLCB2
Revelation 20 in the BOMCV
Revelation 20 in the BONAV
Revelation 20 in the BONCB
Revelation 20 in the BONLT
Revelation 20 in the BONUT2
Revelation 20 in the BOPLNT
Revelation 20 in the BOSCB
Revelation 20 in the BOSNC
Revelation 20 in the BOVCB
Revelation 20 in the BOYCB
Revelation 20 in the BPBB
Revelation 20 in the BPH
Revelation 20 in the BSB
Revelation 20 in the CCB
Revelation 20 in the CUV
Revelation 20 in the CUVS
Revelation 20 in the DBT
Revelation 20 in the DGDNT
Revelation 20 in the DHNT
Revelation 20 in the DNT
Revelation 20 in the ELBE
Revelation 20 in the EMTV
Revelation 20 in the ESV
Revelation 20 in the FBV
Revelation 20 in the FEB
Revelation 20 in the GGMNT
Revelation 20 in the GNT
Revelation 20 in the HARY
Revelation 20 in the HNT
Revelation 20 in the IRVA
Revelation 20 in the IRVB
Revelation 20 in the IRVG
Revelation 20 in the IRVH
Revelation 20 in the IRVK
Revelation 20 in the IRVM
Revelation 20 in the IRVM2
Revelation 20 in the IRVO
Revelation 20 in the IRVP
Revelation 20 in the IRVT
Revelation 20 in the IRVT2
Revelation 20 in the IRVU
Revelation 20 in the ISVN
Revelation 20 in the JSNT
Revelation 20 in the KAPI
Revelation 20 in the KBT1ETNIK
Revelation 20 in the KBV
Revelation 20 in the KJV
Revelation 20 in the KNFD
Revelation 20 in the LBA
Revelation 20 in the LBLA
Revelation 20 in the LNT
Revelation 20 in the LSV
Revelation 20 in the MAAL
Revelation 20 in the MBV
Revelation 20 in the MBV2
Revelation 20 in the MHNT
Revelation 20 in the MKNFD
Revelation 20 in the MNG
Revelation 20 in the MNT
Revelation 20 in the MNT2
Revelation 20 in the MRS1T
Revelation 20 in the NAA
Revelation 20 in the NASB
Revelation 20 in the NBLA
Revelation 20 in the NBS
Revelation 20 in the NBVTP
Revelation 20 in the NET2
Revelation 20 in the NIV11
Revelation 20 in the NNT
Revelation 20 in the NNT2
Revelation 20 in the NNT3
Revelation 20 in the PDDPT
Revelation 20 in the PFNT
Revelation 20 in the RMNT
Revelation 20 in the SBIAS
Revelation 20 in the SBIBS
Revelation 20 in the SBIBS2
Revelation 20 in the SBICS
Revelation 20 in the SBIDS
Revelation 20 in the SBIGS
Revelation 20 in the SBIHS
Revelation 20 in the SBIIS
Revelation 20 in the SBIIS2
Revelation 20 in the SBIIS3
Revelation 20 in the SBIKS
Revelation 20 in the SBIKS2
Revelation 20 in the SBIMS
Revelation 20 in the SBIOS
Revelation 20 in the SBIPS
Revelation 20 in the SBISS
Revelation 20 in the SBITS
Revelation 20 in the SBITS2
Revelation 20 in the SBITS3
Revelation 20 in the SBITS4
Revelation 20 in the SBIUS
Revelation 20 in the SBIVS
Revelation 20 in the SBT
Revelation 20 in the SBT1E
Revelation 20 in the SCHL
Revelation 20 in the SNT
Revelation 20 in the SUSU
Revelation 20 in the SUSU2
Revelation 20 in the SYNO
Revelation 20 in the TBIAOTANT
Revelation 20 in the TBT1E
Revelation 20 in the TBT1E2
Revelation 20 in the TFTIP
Revelation 20 in the TFTU
Revelation 20 in the TGNTATF3T
Revelation 20 in the THAI
Revelation 20 in the TNFD
Revelation 20 in the TNT
Revelation 20 in the TNTIK
Revelation 20 in the TNTIL
Revelation 20 in the TNTIN
Revelation 20 in the TNTIP
Revelation 20 in the TNTIZ
Revelation 20 in the TOMA
Revelation 20 in the TTENT
Revelation 20 in the UBG
Revelation 20 in the UGV
Revelation 20 in the UGV2
Revelation 20 in the UGV3
Revelation 20 in the VBL
Revelation 20 in the VDCC
Revelation 20 in the YALU
Revelation 20 in the YAPE
Revelation 20 in the YBVTP
Revelation 20 in the ZBP