Luke 7 (SBIIS)

1 tataH paraM sa lokAnAM karNagochare tAn sarvvAn upadeshAn samApya yadA kapharnAhUmpuraM pravishati 2 tadA shatasenApateH priyadAsa eko mR^itakalpaH pIDita AsIt| 3 ataH senApati ryIsho rvArttAM nishamya dAsasyArogyakaraNAya tasyAgamanArthaM vinayakaraNAya yihUdIyAn kiyataH prAchaH preShayAmAsa| 4 te yIshorantikaM gatvA vinayAtishayaM vaktumArebhire, sa senApati rbhavatonugrahaM prAptum arhati| 5 yataH sosmajjAtIyeShu lokeShu prIyate tathAsmatkR^ite bhajanagehaM nirmmitavAn| 6 tasmAd yIshustaiH saha gatvA niveshanasya samIpaM prApa, tadA sa shatasenApati rvakShyamANavAkyaM taM vaktuM bandhUn prAhiNot| he prabho svayaM shramo na karttavyo yad bhavatA madgehamadhye pAdArpaNaM kriyeta tadapyahaM nArhAmi, 7 ki nchAhaM bhavatsamIpaM yAtumapi nAtmAnaM yogyaM buddhavAn, tato bhavAn vAkyamAtraM vadatu tenaiva mama dAsaH svastho bhaviShyati| 8 yasmAd ahaM parAdhInopi mamAdhInA yAH senAH santi tAsAm ekajanaM prati yAhIti mayA prokte sa yAti; tadanyaM prati AyAhIti prokte sa AyAti; tathA nijadAsaM prati etat kurvviti prokte sa tadeva karoti| 9 yIshuridaM vAkyaM shrutvA vismayaM yayau, mukhaM parAvartya pashchAdvarttino lokAn babhAShe cha, yuShmAnahaM vadAmi isrAyelo vaMshamadhyepi vishvAsamIdR^ishaM na prApnavaM| 10 tataste preShitA gR^ihaM gatvA taM pIDitaM dAsaM svasthaM dadR^ishuH| 11 pare.ahani sa nAyInAkhyaM nagaraM jagAma tasyAneke shiShyA anye cha lokAstena sArddhaM yayuH| 12 teShu tannagarasya dvArasannidhiM prApteShu kiyanto lokA ekaM mR^itamanujaM vahanto nagarasya bahiryAnti, sa tanmAturekaputrastanmAtA cha vidhavA; tayA sArddhaM tannagarIyA bahavo lokA Asan| 13 prabhustAM vilokya sAnukampaH kathayAmAsa, mA rodIH| sa samIpamitvA khaTvAM pasparsha tasmAd vAhakAH sthagitAstamyuH; 14 tadA sa uvAcha he yuvamanuShya tvamuttiShTha, tvAmaham Aj nApayAmi| 15 tasmAt sa mR^ito janastatkShaNamutthAya kathAM prakathitaH; tato yIshustasya mAtari taM samarpayAmAsa| 16 tasmAt sarvve lokAH shasha Nkire; eko mahAbhaviShyadvAdI madhye.asmAkam samudait, Ishvarashcha svalokAnanvagR^ihlAt kathAmimAM kathayitvA IshvaraM dhanyaM jagaduH| 17 tataH paraM samastaM yihUdAdeshaM tasya chaturdiksthadesha ncha tasyaitatkIrtti rvyAnashe| 18 tataH paraM yohanaH shiShyeShu taM tadvR^ittAntaM j nApitavatsu 19 sa svashiShyANAM dvau janAvAhUya yIshuM prati vakShyamANaM vAkyaM vaktuM preShayAmAsa, yasyAgamanam apekShya tiShThAmo vayaM kiM sa eva janastvaM? kiM vayamanyamapekShya sthAsyAmaH? 20 pashchAttau mAnavau gatvA kathayAmAsatuH, yasyAgamanam apekShya tiShThAmo vayaM, kiM saeva janastvaM? kiM vayamanyamapekShya sthAsyAmaH? kathAmimAM tubhyaM kathayituM yohan majjaka AvAM preShitavAn| 21 tasmin daNDe yIshUrogiNo mahAvyAdhimato duShTabhUtagrastAMshcha bahUn svasthAn kR^itvA, anekAndhebhyashchakShuMShi dattvA pratyuvAcha, 22 yuvAM vrajatam andhA netrANi kha njAshcharaNAni cha prApnuvanti, kuShThinaH pariShkriyante, badhirAH shravaNAni mR^itAshcha jIvanAni prApnuvanti, daridrANAM samIpeShu susaMvAdaH prachAryyate, yaM prati vighnasvarUpohaM na bhavAmi sa dhanyaH, 23 etAni yAni pashyathaH shR^iNuthashcha tAni yohanaM j nApayatam| 24 tayo rdUtayo rgatayoH sato ryohani sa lokAn vaktumupachakrame, yUyaM madhyeprAntaraM kiM draShTuM niragamata? kiM vAyunA kampitaM naDaM? 25 yUyaM kiM draShTuM niragamata? kiM sUkShmavastraparidhAyinaM kamapi naraM? kintu ye sUkShmamR^iduvastrANi paridadhati sUttamAni dravyANi bhu njate cha te rAjadhAnIShu tiShThanti| 26 tarhi yUyaM kiM draShTuM niragamata? kimekaM bhaviShyadvAdinaM? tadeva satyaM kintu sa pumAn bhaviShyadvAdinopi shreShTha ityahaM yuShmAn vadAmi; 27 pashya svakIyadUtantu tavAgra preShayAmyahaM| gatvA tvadIyamArgantu sa hi pariShkariShyati| yadarthe lipiriyam Aste sa eva yohan| 28 ato yuShmAnahaM vadAmi striyA garbbhajAtAnAM bhaviShyadvAdinAM madhye yohano majjakAt shreShThaH kopi nAsti, tatrApi Ishvarasya rAjye yaH sarvvasmAt kShudraH sa yohanopi shreShThaH| 29 apara ncha sarvve lokAH karama nchAyinashcha tasya vAkyAni shrutvA yohanA majjanena majjitAH parameshvaraM nirdoShaM menire| 30 kintu phirUshino vyavasthApakAshcha tena na majjitAH svAn pratIshvarasyopadeshaM niShphalam akurvvan| 31 atha prabhuH kathayAmAsa, idAnIntanajanAn kenopamAmi? te kasya sadR^ishAH? 32 ye bAlakA vipaNyAm upavishya parasparam AhUya vAkyamidaM vadanti, vayaM yuShmAkaM nikaTe vaMshIravAdiShma, kintu yUyaM nAnarttiShTa, vayaM yuShmAkaM nikaTa arodiShma, kintu yuyaM na vyalapiShTa, bAlakairetAdR^ishaisteShAm upamA bhavati| 33 yato yohan majjaka Agatya pUpaM nAkhAdat drAkShArasa ncha nApivat tasmAd yUyaM vadatha, bhUtagrastoyam| 34 tataH paraM mAnavasuta AgatyAkhAdadapiva ncha tasmAd yUyaM vadatha, khAdakaH surApashchANDAlapApinAM bandhureko jano dR^ishyatAm| 35 kintu j nAnino j nAnaM nirdoShaM viduH| 36 pashchAdekaH phirUshI yIshuM bhojanAya nyamantrayat tataH sa tasya gR^ihaM gatvA bhoktumupaviShTaH| 37 etarhi tatphirUshino gR^ihe yIshu rbhektum upAvekShIt tachChrutvA tannagaravAsinI kApi duShTA nArI pANDaraprastarasya sampuTake sugandhitailam AnIya 38 tasya pashchAt pAdayoH sannidhau tasyau rudatI cha netrAmbubhistasya charaNau prakShAlya nijakachairamArkShIt, tatastasya charaNau chumbitvA tena sugandhitailena mamarda| 39 tasmAt sa nimantrayitA phirUshI manasA chintayAmAsa, yadyayaM bhaviShyadvAdI bhavet tarhi enaM spR^ishati yA strI sA kA kIdR^ishI cheti j nAtuM shaknuyAt yataH sA duShTA| 40 tadA yAshustaM jagAda, he shimon tvAM prati mama ki nchid vaktavyamasti; tasmAt sa babhAShe, he guro tad vadatu| 41 ekottamarNasya dvAvadhamarNAvAstAM, tayorekaH pa nchashatAni mudrApAdAn aparashcha pa nchAshat mudrApAdAn dhArayAmAsa| 42 tadanantaraM tayoH shodhyAbhAvAt sa uttamarNastayo rR^iNe chakShame; tasmAt tayordvayoH kastasmin preShyate bahu? tad brUhi| 43 shimon pratyuvAcha, mayA budhyate yasyAdhikam R^iNaM chakShame sa iti; tato yIshustaM vyAjahAra, tvaM yathArthaM vyachArayaH| 44 atha tAM nArIM prati vyAghuThya shimonamavochat, strImimAM pashyasi? tava gR^ihe mayyAgate tvaM pAdaprakShAlanArthaM jalaM nAdAH kintu yoShideShA nayanajalai rmama pAdau prakShAlya keshairamArkShIt| 45 tvaM mAM nAchumbIH kintu yoShideShA svIyAgamanAdArabhya madIyapAdau chumbituM na vyaraMsta| 46 tva ncha madIyottamA Nge ki nchidapi tailaM nAmardIH kintu yoShideShA mama charaNau sugandhitailenAmarddIt| 47 atastvAM vyAharAmi, etasyA bahu pApamakShamyata tato bahu prIyate kintu yasyAlpapApaM kShamyate solpaM prIyate| 48 tataH paraM sa tAM babhAShe, tvadIyaM pApamakShamyata| 49 tadA tena sArddhaM ye bhoktum upavivishuste parasparaM vaktumArebhire, ayaM pApaM kShamate ka eShaH? 50 kintu sa tAM nArIM jagAda, tava vishvAsastvAM paryyatrAsta tvaM kShemeNa vraja|

In Other Versions

Luke 7 in the ANGEFD

Luke 7 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 7 in the AS21

Luke 7 in the BAGH

Luke 7 in the BBPNG

Luke 7 in the BBT1E

Luke 7 in the BDS

Luke 7 in the BEV

Luke 7 in the BHAD

Luke 7 in the BIB

Luke 7 in the BLPT

Luke 7 in the BNT

Luke 7 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 7 in the BNTLV

Luke 7 in the BOATCB

Luke 7 in the BOATCB2

Luke 7 in the BOBCV

Luke 7 in the BOCNT

Luke 7 in the BOECS

Luke 7 in the BOGWICC

Luke 7 in the BOHCB

Luke 7 in the BOHCV

Luke 7 in the BOHLNT

Luke 7 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 7 in the BOICB

Luke 7 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 7 in the BOITCV

Luke 7 in the BOKCV

Luke 7 in the BOKCV2

Luke 7 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 7 in the BOKSSV

Luke 7 in the BOLCB

Luke 7 in the BOLCB2

Luke 7 in the BOMCV

Luke 7 in the BONAV

Luke 7 in the BONCB

Luke 7 in the BONLT

Luke 7 in the BONUT2

Luke 7 in the BOPLNT

Luke 7 in the BOSCB

Luke 7 in the BOSNC

Luke 7 in the BOTLNT

Luke 7 in the BOVCB

Luke 7 in the BOYCB

Luke 7 in the BPBB

Luke 7 in the BPH

Luke 7 in the BSB

Luke 7 in the CCB

Luke 7 in the CUV

Luke 7 in the CUVS

Luke 7 in the DBT

Luke 7 in the DGDNT

Luke 7 in the DHNT

Luke 7 in the DNT

Luke 7 in the ELBE

Luke 7 in the EMTV

Luke 7 in the ESV

Luke 7 in the FBV

Luke 7 in the FEB

Luke 7 in the GGMNT

Luke 7 in the GNT

Luke 7 in the HARY

Luke 7 in the HNT

Luke 7 in the IRVA

Luke 7 in the IRVB

Luke 7 in the IRVG

Luke 7 in the IRVH

Luke 7 in the IRVK

Luke 7 in the IRVM

Luke 7 in the IRVM2

Luke 7 in the IRVO

Luke 7 in the IRVP

Luke 7 in the IRVT

Luke 7 in the IRVT2

Luke 7 in the IRVU

Luke 7 in the ISVN

Luke 7 in the JSNT

Luke 7 in the KAPI

Luke 7 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 7 in the KBV

Luke 7 in the KJV

Luke 7 in the KNFD

Luke 7 in the LBA

Luke 7 in the LBLA

Luke 7 in the LNT

Luke 7 in the LSV

Luke 7 in the MAAL

Luke 7 in the MBV

Luke 7 in the MBV2

Luke 7 in the MHNT

Luke 7 in the MKNFD

Luke 7 in the MNG

Luke 7 in the MNT

Luke 7 in the MNT2

Luke 7 in the MRS1T

Luke 7 in the NAA

Luke 7 in the NASB

Luke 7 in the NBLA

Luke 7 in the NBS

Luke 7 in the NBVTP

Luke 7 in the NET2

Luke 7 in the NIV11

Luke 7 in the NNT

Luke 7 in the NNT2

Luke 7 in the NNT3

Luke 7 in the PDDPT

Luke 7 in the PFNT

Luke 7 in the RMNT

Luke 7 in the SBIAS

Luke 7 in the SBIBS

Luke 7 in the SBIBS2

Luke 7 in the SBICS

Luke 7 in the SBIDS

Luke 7 in the SBIGS

Luke 7 in the SBIHS

Luke 7 in the SBIIS2

Luke 7 in the SBIIS3

Luke 7 in the SBIKS

Luke 7 in the SBIKS2

Luke 7 in the SBIMS

Luke 7 in the SBIOS

Luke 7 in the SBIPS

Luke 7 in the SBISS

Luke 7 in the SBITS

Luke 7 in the SBITS2

Luke 7 in the SBITS3

Luke 7 in the SBITS4

Luke 7 in the SBIUS

Luke 7 in the SBIVS

Luke 7 in the SBT

Luke 7 in the SBT1E

Luke 7 in the SCHL

Luke 7 in the SNT

Luke 7 in the SUSU

Luke 7 in the SUSU2

Luke 7 in the SYNO

Luke 7 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 7 in the TBT1E

Luke 7 in the TBT1E2

Luke 7 in the TFTIP

Luke 7 in the TFTU

Luke 7 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 7 in the THAI

Luke 7 in the TNFD

Luke 7 in the TNT

Luke 7 in the TNTIK

Luke 7 in the TNTIL

Luke 7 in the TNTIN

Luke 7 in the TNTIP

Luke 7 in the TNTIZ

Luke 7 in the TOMA

Luke 7 in the TTENT

Luke 7 in the UBG

Luke 7 in the UGV

Luke 7 in the UGV2

Luke 7 in the UGV3

Luke 7 in the VBL

Luke 7 in the VDCC

Luke 7 in the YALU

Luke 7 in the YAPE

Luke 7 in the YBVTP

Luke 7 in the ZBP