Acts 27 (BOATCB)

1 Wɔsii gyinaeɛ wieeɛ sɛ yɛnkɔ Italia no, wɔde Paulo ne nneduafoɔ bi hyɛɛ Yulio a ɔyɛ Roma asraafoɔ panin no nsa. 2 Yɛkɔtenaa ɛhyɛn bi a ɛrekɔ Asia fam no mu wɔ Adramitio. Na Makedoniani Aristarko a ɔfiri Tesalonika no ka yɛn ho. 3 Adeɛ kyeeɛ no, yɛkɔduruu Sidon. Yulio yɛɛ Paulo adɔeɛ maa ɔkɔsraa ne nnamfo maa wɔmaa no nneɛma a ɛho hia no no. 4 Esiane sɛ yɛtuu wɔ hɔ no na mframa bɔ hyia yɛn no enti, yɛka kɔɔ Kipro nifa fam. 5 Yɛnam ɛpo so kɔfaa Kilikia ne Pamfilia kɔduruu Mira a ɛwɔ Likia mantam mu no mu. 6 Ɛhɔ na asraafoɔ panin no hunuu ɛhyɛn bi a ɛfiri Aleksandria rekɔ Italia. Enti, ɔde yɛn kɔtenaa mu. 7 Ɛhyɛn no kɔɔ brɛoo maa yɛdii nna wɔ ɛpo no so. Yɛbrɛeɛ ansa na yɛreduru Knido. Esiane sɛ na mframa bɔ hyia yɛn no enti, yɛfaa Salmoni hyɛngyinabea ka kɔɔ Kreta nifa fam. 8 Yɛka kɔɔ mpoano nkakrankakra kɔsii sɛ yɛde ɔbrɛ bɛduruu baabi a wɔfrɛ hɔ Hyɛn Agyinaeɛ a ɛbɛn kuro Lasea. 9 Esiane sɛ na afe no rekɔ nʼawieeɛ na saa ɛberɛ no nso ɛpo no so fa yɛ hu no enti, yɛtenaa hɔ kyɛreeɛ. Paulo tuu wɔn fo sɛ, 10 “Anuanom, mehunu sɛ, sɛ yɛtoa yɛn akwantuo yi so a, yɛbɛhunu amane ama ebia ɛhyɛn no abɔ ama emu nneɛma asɛe ama nnipa ahwere wɔn nkwa.” 11 Nanso, asraafoɔ panin no antie fo a Paulo tuu wɔn no, na mmom ɔtiee nsɛm a hyɛnkafoɔ no ne ɛhyɛn no wura kaeɛ no. 12 Esiane sɛ na hyɛngyinabea hɔ nyɛ mma sɛ wɔbɛtena hɔ awɔberɛ mu no enti, nnipa no bebree pɛɛ sɛ, sɛ ɛbɛtumi a, anka ɛhyɛn no bɛtu afiri hɔ akɔ Foinike. Foinike yɛ hyɛngyinabea a ɛwɔ Kreta a ɛda atifi ne anafoɔ ntam wɔ Atɔeɛ fam. Ɛyɛ baabi a wɔbɛtumi atena hɔ awɔberɛ mu. 13 Mframa a ano nyɛ den bɔ firii anafoɔ fam. Yei maa nnipa no susuu sɛ wɔbɛtumi atoa wɔn akwantuo no so sɛdeɛ wɔahyehyɛ no. Enti, wɔtuu sɛkyɛ no de ɛhyɛn no faa Kreta mpoano. 14 Ankyɛre koraa na mframa kɛseɛ bi a wɔfrɛ no “Atifi Apueeɛ Mframa” bɔ firii supɔ no so. 15 Mframa no bɔ bunkam faa yɛn ɛhyɛn no so twee no kɔɔ ɛpo no mu. Yɛbɔɔ mmɔden sɛ yɛbɛdane ɛhyɛn no ani na anyɛ yie no, yɛgyae maa mframa no twee no kɔeɛ. 16 Yɛduruu supɔ ketewa bi a wɔfrɛ no Klauda ho a na ɛhɔ mframa ano nyɛ den mpo no, yɛbrɛeɛ ansa na yɛretumi atwe ɛhyɛn no kodoɔ a ɛsɛn akyire no aba mu. 17 Ɛhyɛn no mu adwumayɛfoɔ maa so baa ɛhyɛn no mu, kyekyeree no dendeenden. Esiane sɛ na wɔsuro sɛ wɔbɛkɔ akɔtim anwea mu enti, wɔyiyii ɛhyɛn dua no so ntoma maa mframa no bɔɔ ɛhyɛn no kɔɔ baabiara a ɛpɛ. 18 Mframaden no kɔɔ so bɔeɛ; ɛno enti adeɛ kyeeɛ no, wɔyiyii ɛhyɛn no mu nneɛma no bi to guu ɛpo no mu. 19 Ne nnansa so no, wɔsesaa ɛhyɛn no ho nneɛma no bi to guiɛ. 20 Nna bebree twaa mu a na yɛnhunu awia anaa nsoromma a na mframaden no gu so retu. Yei maa yɛn anidasoɔ nyinaa saeɛ. 21 Nna bebree twaa mu a na obiara anidie no, Paulo ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Anuanom, sɛ motiee me na yɛantu amfiri Kreta a, anka ɛnyɛ ɛne yɛn amanehunu yi. 22 Nanso, momma mo bo ntɔ mo yam, ɛfiri sɛ, mo mu biara renwu na mmom, ɛhyɛn no na ɛbɛbɔ. 23 Nnora anadwo, Onyankopɔn a mesom no no ɔbɔfoɔ baa me nkyɛn 24 bɛka kyerɛɛ me sɛ, ‘Paulo, nsuro! Deɛ ɛbɛyɛ biara wobɛduru Kaesare anim ama wadi wʼasɛm. Wɔn a wɔka wo ho yi nso, Onyankopɔn adom enti, biribiara renyɛ wɔn.’ 25 Anuanom, momma mo bo ntɔ mo yam, ɛfiri sɛ, megye Onyankopɔn di na asɛm a waka akyerɛ me no bɛba mu pɛpɛɛpɛ. 26 Nanso, deɛ ɛbɛyɛ biara, ɛhyɛn no bɛbɔ wɔ supɔ bi mpoano.” 27 Ne nnawɔtwe mmienu anadwo no a na mframaden no enti ɛhyɛn no redi akɔneaba wɔ Adria ɛpo so no, ɔdasuo mu na ɛhyɛn no mu adwumayɛfoɔ hunuu sɛ yɛrebɛn asase. 28 Wɔtoo susuhoma hunuu sɛ nsuo no mu tenten yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonu. Ɛyɛɛ kakra a wɔsusuu bio no, wɔhunuu sɛ ɛyɛ anammɔn aduɔkron. 29 Esiane sɛ na wɔsuro sɛ anyɛ a ɛhyɛn no bɛpem abotan bi enti, wɔtoo sɛkyɛ ɛnan wɔ ɛhyɛn no akyi twɛn kɔsii adekyeeɛ. 30 Ɛhyɛn no mu adwumayɛfoɔ pɛɛ sɛ wɔdwane. Enti, wɔgyaee ɛhyɛn no kodoɔ no sii ɛpo no ani boapa yɛɛ sɛdeɛ wɔrekɔto asɛkyɛ wɔ ɛhyɛn no anim. 31 Paulo ka kyerɛɛ asraafoɔ panin no ne asraafoɔ a wɔka ne ho no sɛ, “Sɛ ɛhyɛn yi mu adwumayɛfoɔ no dwane a, mobɛwuwu.” 32 Yei enti, asraafoɔ no twaa ahoma a ɛkyekyere ɛhyɛn no kodoɔ no mu no maa ɛkɔeɛ. 33 Adeɛ reyɛ akye no, Paulo srɛɛ wɔn nyinaa sɛ wɔnnidi. Deɛ ɔkae ne sɛ, “Nnawɔtwe mmienu ni, mo mu biara mfaa aduane nkaa nʼano. 34 Mesrɛ mo, obiara nnidi sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, mobɛnya ahoɔden. Biribiara renyɛ obiara.” 35 Paulo kasa wieeɛ no, ɔfaa burodo bɔɔ mpaeɛ, daa Onyankopɔn ase wɔ wɔn nyinaa anim na ɔbuu bi diiɛ. 36 Amonom hɔ ara, wɔn nyinaa bo tɔɔ wɔn yam ma wɔhyɛɛ aseɛ didiiɛ. 37 Nnipa a na yɛwɔ ɛhyɛn no mu no dodoɔ yɛ ahanu ne aduɔson nsia. 38 Obiara didi meeɛ no, ɛhyɛn no mu adwumayɛfoɔ no too aburoo a ɛwɔ ɛhyɛn no mu no guu ɛpo no mu ma ɛhyɛn no mu yɛɛ hare. 39 Adeɛ kyeeɛ no, hyɛn no mu adwumayɛfoɔ no anhunu sɛ wɔaduru mpoano. Wɔhunuu baabi a ɛpo no adidi akɔ asase no mu a nsuo taa hɔ. Enti, wɔyɛɛ wɔn adwene sɛ wɔbɛka hyɛn no akɔ hɔ ama akɔtim. 40 Ɛno enti, wɔtwitwaa hyɛn no asɛkyɛ nhoma no mu maa asɛkyɛ no guu ɛpo mu. Afei, wɔsanesanee ahoma a ɛkura akyerɛkyerɛkwan no mu na afei wɔsii ntoma a ɛwɔ ɛhyɛn no anim no sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, mframa bɛtumi abɔ hyɛn no akɔ mpoano. 41 Nanso, ɛhyɛn no kɔpem anweatam bi ma ɛtimiiɛ. Ɛhyɛn no anim timii dendeenden ɛnna nʼakyi no nso, asorɔkye a na ɛrebɔ no no ma ɛbubuiɛ. 42 Asraafoɔ no yɛɛ wɔn adwene sɛ wɔbɛkunkum nneduafoɔ no nyinaa sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, obiara rennya ɛkwan nnwane. 43 Nanso, ɛsiane sɛ na asraafoɔ panin no pɛ sɛ ɔgye Paulo nkwa no enti, wamma wɔn ho ɛkwan. Mmom, ɔhyɛɛ sɛ wɔn a wɔbɛtumi adware no ahyɛaseɛ nnware nkɔ mpoano. 44 Wɔn a aka no nso ntetare mmerɛte ne nnua asinasini a abubu firi hyɛn no mu no so nkɔ mpoano. Saa ɛkwan yi so na yɛnam bɛduruu mpoano nohoa dwoodwoo.

In Other Versions

Acts 27 in the ANGEFD

Acts 27 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 27 in the AS21

Acts 27 in the BAGH

Acts 27 in the BBPNG

Acts 27 in the BBT1E

Acts 27 in the BDS

Acts 27 in the BEV

Acts 27 in the BHAD

Acts 27 in the BIB

Acts 27 in the BLPT

Acts 27 in the BNT

Acts 27 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 27 in the BNTLV

Acts 27 in the BOATCB2

Acts 27 in the BOBCV

Acts 27 in the BOCNT

Acts 27 in the BOECS

Acts 27 in the BOGWICC

Acts 27 in the BOHCB

Acts 27 in the BOHCV

Acts 27 in the BOHLNT

Acts 27 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 27 in the BOICB

Acts 27 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 27 in the BOITCV

Acts 27 in the BOKCV

Acts 27 in the BOKCV2

Acts 27 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 27 in the BOKSSV

Acts 27 in the BOLCB

Acts 27 in the BOLCB2

Acts 27 in the BOMCV

Acts 27 in the BONAV

Acts 27 in the BONCB

Acts 27 in the BONLT

Acts 27 in the BONUT2

Acts 27 in the BOPLNT

Acts 27 in the BOSCB

Acts 27 in the BOSNC

Acts 27 in the BOTLNT

Acts 27 in the BOVCB

Acts 27 in the BOYCB

Acts 27 in the BPBB

Acts 27 in the BPH

Acts 27 in the BSB

Acts 27 in the CCB

Acts 27 in the CUV

Acts 27 in the CUVS

Acts 27 in the DBT

Acts 27 in the DGDNT

Acts 27 in the DHNT

Acts 27 in the DNT

Acts 27 in the ELBE

Acts 27 in the EMTV

Acts 27 in the ESV

Acts 27 in the FBV

Acts 27 in the FEB

Acts 27 in the GGMNT

Acts 27 in the GNT

Acts 27 in the HARY

Acts 27 in the HNT

Acts 27 in the IRVA

Acts 27 in the IRVB

Acts 27 in the IRVG

Acts 27 in the IRVH

Acts 27 in the IRVK

Acts 27 in the IRVM

Acts 27 in the IRVM2

Acts 27 in the IRVO

Acts 27 in the IRVP

Acts 27 in the IRVT

Acts 27 in the IRVT2

Acts 27 in the IRVU

Acts 27 in the ISVN

Acts 27 in the JSNT

Acts 27 in the KAPI

Acts 27 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 27 in the KBV

Acts 27 in the KJV

Acts 27 in the KNFD

Acts 27 in the LBA

Acts 27 in the LBLA

Acts 27 in the LNT

Acts 27 in the LSV

Acts 27 in the MAAL

Acts 27 in the MBV

Acts 27 in the MBV2

Acts 27 in the MHNT

Acts 27 in the MKNFD

Acts 27 in the MNG

Acts 27 in the MNT

Acts 27 in the MNT2

Acts 27 in the MRS1T

Acts 27 in the NAA

Acts 27 in the NASB

Acts 27 in the NBLA

Acts 27 in the NBS

Acts 27 in the NBVTP

Acts 27 in the NET2

Acts 27 in the NIV11

Acts 27 in the NNT

Acts 27 in the NNT2

Acts 27 in the NNT3

Acts 27 in the PDDPT

Acts 27 in the PFNT

Acts 27 in the RMNT

Acts 27 in the SBIAS

Acts 27 in the SBIBS

Acts 27 in the SBIBS2

Acts 27 in the SBICS

Acts 27 in the SBIDS

Acts 27 in the SBIGS

Acts 27 in the SBIHS

Acts 27 in the SBIIS

Acts 27 in the SBIIS2

Acts 27 in the SBIIS3

Acts 27 in the SBIKS

Acts 27 in the SBIKS2

Acts 27 in the SBIMS

Acts 27 in the SBIOS

Acts 27 in the SBIPS

Acts 27 in the SBISS

Acts 27 in the SBITS

Acts 27 in the SBITS2

Acts 27 in the SBITS3

Acts 27 in the SBITS4

Acts 27 in the SBIUS

Acts 27 in the SBIVS

Acts 27 in the SBT

Acts 27 in the SBT1E

Acts 27 in the SCHL

Acts 27 in the SNT

Acts 27 in the SUSU

Acts 27 in the SUSU2

Acts 27 in the SYNO

Acts 27 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 27 in the TBT1E

Acts 27 in the TBT1E2

Acts 27 in the TFTIP

Acts 27 in the TFTU

Acts 27 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 27 in the THAI

Acts 27 in the TNFD

Acts 27 in the TNT

Acts 27 in the TNTIK

Acts 27 in the TNTIL

Acts 27 in the TNTIN

Acts 27 in the TNTIP

Acts 27 in the TNTIZ

Acts 27 in the TOMA

Acts 27 in the TTENT

Acts 27 in the UBG

Acts 27 in the UGV

Acts 27 in the UGV2

Acts 27 in the UGV3

Acts 27 in the VBL

Acts 27 in the VDCC

Acts 27 in the YALU

Acts 27 in the YAPE

Acts 27 in the YBVTP

Acts 27 in the ZBP