Proverbs 24 (BOGWICC)
1 Usachitire nsanje anthu oyipa,usalakalake kuti uzikhala nawo, 2 pakuti mitima yawo imalingalira chiwawa,ndipo pakamwa pawo pamayankhula zoyambitsa mavuto. 3 Nyumba imamangidwa ndi anthu anzeru,ndipo imakhazikika ndi anthu odziwa zinthu; 4 Munthu wodziwa zinthu angathe kudzaza zipinda zakendi chuma chamtengowapatali ndiponso chabwino. 5 Munthu wodziwa zinthu ali ndi mphamvu yayikulu kuposa munthu wanyonga zambiri,ndipo munthu wachidziwitso amaposa munthu wamphamvu. 6 Pafunika malangizo kuti ukamenye nkhondo.Pakakhala aphungu ambiri kupambana kumakhalapo. 7 Nzeru ndi chinthu chapatali kwambiri kwa chitsiru;chilibe choti chiyankhule pabwalo la milandu pa chipata. 8 Amene amakonzekera kuchita zoyipaadzatchedwa mvundulamadzi. 9 Kukonzekera kuchita za uchitsiru ndi tchimo,ndipo munthu wonyoza amanyansa anthu. 10 Ngati utaya mtima nthawi ya mavuto ndiye kutimphamvu yako ndi yochepadi! 11 Uwapulumutse amene akutengedwa kuti akaphedwe;uwalanditse amene akuyenda movutika kupita kokaphedwa. 12 Ukanena kuti, “Koma ife sitinadziwe kanthu za izi,”kodi Iye amene amasanthula mtima sazindikira zimenezi?Kodi Iye amene amateteza moyo wako sazidziwa zimenezi?Kodi Iye sadzalipira munthu malingana ndi ntchito zake? 13 Mwana wanga, uzidya uchi popeza ndi wabwino;uchi wochokera mʼchisa cha njuchi ndi wokoma ukawulawa. 14 Udziwe kuti nzeru ndi yoteronso pa moyo wako;ngati uyipeza nzeruyo, zinthu zidzakuyendera bwino mʼtsogolo,ndipo chiyembekezo chako sichidzapita pachabe. 15 Usachite zachifwamba nyumba ya munthu wolungama ngati munthu woyipa.Usachite nayo nkhondo nyumba yake; 16 paja munthu wolungama akagwa kasanu nʼkawiri amadzukiriranso.Koma woyipa adzathedwa tsoka likadzawafikira. 17 Usamakondwera ndi kugwa kwa mdani wako.Mtima wako usamasangalale iye akapunthwa. 18 Kuopa kuti Yehova ataziona zimenezi nayipidwa nazo,angaleke kukwiyira mdaniyo. 19 Usavutike mtima chifukwa cha anthu ochita zoyipakapena kuchitira nsanje anthu oyipa, 20 paja munthu woyipa alibe tsogolo.Moyo wa anthu oyipa adzawuzimitsa ngati nyale. 21 Mwana wanga, uziopa Yehova ndi mfumu,ndipo usamagwirizana ndi anthu owachitira mwano, 22 awiri amenewa amagwetsa tsoka mwadzidzidzi.Ndani angadziwe mavuto amene angagwetse? 23 Malangizo enanso a anthu anzeru ndi awa:Kukondera poweruza mlandu si chinthu chabwino: 24 Aliyense amene amawuza munthu wolakwa kuti, “Iwe ndi munthu wosalakwa,”anthu a mitundu yonse adzamutemberera, ndi mitundu ya anthu idzayipidwa naye. 25 Koma olanga anthu oyipa zinthu zidzawayendera bwinondipo madalitso ochuluka adzakhala pa iwo. 26 Woyankhula mawu owonandiye amaonetsa chibwenzi chenicheni. 27 Ugwiriretu ntchito zako zonse,makamaka za ku mundandipo pambuyo pake uyambe kumanga nyumba. 28 Usakhale mboni yotsutsa mnzako popanda chifukwa,kapena kugwiritsa ntchito pakamwa pako kunena zachinyengo. 29 Usanene kuti, “Ine ndidzamuchitira iye monga momwe wandichitira ine;ndidzamubwezera munthu ameneyo zimene anandichitira.” 30 Ndinkayenda mʼmbali mwa munda wa munthu waulesindinadutsa munda wamphesa wa munthu wopanda nzeru. 31 Ndinapeza kuti paliponse mʼmundamo munali mutamera minga,mʼnthaka imeneyo munali mutamera khwisa,ndipo mpanda wake wamiyala unali utawonongeka. 32 Tsono nditaona ndinayamba kuganizira mu mtima mwangandipo ndinatolapo phunziro ili: 33 Ukati, “Bwanji ndigone pangʼono,” kapena “Ndiwodzereko pangʼono,”kapenanso “Ndipinde manja pangʼono kuti ndipumule,” 34 umphawi udzafika pa iwe ngati mbalandipo usiwa udzakupeza ngati munthu wachifwamba.
In Other Versions
Proverbs 24 in the ANGEFD
Proverbs 24 in the ANTPNG2D
Proverbs 24 in the AS21
Proverbs 24 in the BAGH
Proverbs 24 in the BBPNG
Proverbs 24 in the BBT1E
Proverbs 24 in the BDS
Proverbs 24 in the BEV
Proverbs 24 in the BHAD
Proverbs 24 in the BIB
Proverbs 24 in the BLPT
Proverbs 24 in the BNT
Proverbs 24 in the BNTABOOT
Proverbs 24 in the BNTLV
Proverbs 24 in the BOATCB
Proverbs 24 in the BOATCB2
Proverbs 24 in the BOBCV
Proverbs 24 in the BOCNT
Proverbs 24 in the BOECS
Proverbs 24 in the BOHCB
Proverbs 24 in the BOHCV
Proverbs 24 in the BOHLNT
Proverbs 24 in the BOHNTLTAL
Proverbs 24 in the BOICB
Proverbs 24 in the BOILNTAP
Proverbs 24 in the BOITCV
Proverbs 24 in the BOKCV
Proverbs 24 in the BOKCV2
Proverbs 24 in the BOKHWOG
Proverbs 24 in the BOKSSV
Proverbs 24 in the BOLCB
Proverbs 24 in the BOLCB2
Proverbs 24 in the BOMCV
Proverbs 24 in the BONAV
Proverbs 24 in the BONCB
Proverbs 24 in the BONLT
Proverbs 24 in the BONUT2
Proverbs 24 in the BOPLNT
Proverbs 24 in the BOSCB
Proverbs 24 in the BOSNC
Proverbs 24 in the BOTLNT
Proverbs 24 in the BOVCB
Proverbs 24 in the BOYCB
Proverbs 24 in the BPBB
Proverbs 24 in the BPH
Proverbs 24 in the BSB
Proverbs 24 in the CCB
Proverbs 24 in the CUV
Proverbs 24 in the CUVS
Proverbs 24 in the DBT
Proverbs 24 in the DGDNT
Proverbs 24 in the DHNT
Proverbs 24 in the DNT
Proverbs 24 in the ELBE
Proverbs 24 in the EMTV
Proverbs 24 in the ESV
Proverbs 24 in the FBV
Proverbs 24 in the FEB
Proverbs 24 in the GGMNT
Proverbs 24 in the GNT
Proverbs 24 in the HARY
Proverbs 24 in the HNT
Proverbs 24 in the IRVA
Proverbs 24 in the IRVB
Proverbs 24 in the IRVG
Proverbs 24 in the IRVH
Proverbs 24 in the IRVK
Proverbs 24 in the IRVM
Proverbs 24 in the IRVM2
Proverbs 24 in the IRVO
Proverbs 24 in the IRVP
Proverbs 24 in the IRVT
Proverbs 24 in the IRVT2
Proverbs 24 in the IRVU
Proverbs 24 in the ISVN
Proverbs 24 in the JSNT
Proverbs 24 in the KAPI
Proverbs 24 in the KBT1ETNIK
Proverbs 24 in the KBV
Proverbs 24 in the KJV
Proverbs 24 in the KNFD
Proverbs 24 in the LBA
Proverbs 24 in the LBLA
Proverbs 24 in the LNT
Proverbs 24 in the LSV
Proverbs 24 in the MAAL
Proverbs 24 in the MBV
Proverbs 24 in the MBV2
Proverbs 24 in the MHNT
Proverbs 24 in the MKNFD
Proverbs 24 in the MNG
Proverbs 24 in the MNT
Proverbs 24 in the MNT2
Proverbs 24 in the MRS1T
Proverbs 24 in the NAA
Proverbs 24 in the NASB
Proverbs 24 in the NBLA
Proverbs 24 in the NBS
Proverbs 24 in the NBVTP
Proverbs 24 in the NET2
Proverbs 24 in the NIV11
Proverbs 24 in the NNT
Proverbs 24 in the NNT2
Proverbs 24 in the NNT3
Proverbs 24 in the PDDPT
Proverbs 24 in the PFNT
Proverbs 24 in the RMNT
Proverbs 24 in the SBIAS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIBS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIBS2
Proverbs 24 in the SBICS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIDS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIGS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIHS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIIS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIIS2
Proverbs 24 in the SBIIS3
Proverbs 24 in the SBIKS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIKS2
Proverbs 24 in the SBIMS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIOS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIPS
Proverbs 24 in the SBISS
Proverbs 24 in the SBITS
Proverbs 24 in the SBITS2
Proverbs 24 in the SBITS3
Proverbs 24 in the SBITS4
Proverbs 24 in the SBIUS
Proverbs 24 in the SBIVS
Proverbs 24 in the SBT
Proverbs 24 in the SBT1E
Proverbs 24 in the SCHL
Proverbs 24 in the SNT
Proverbs 24 in the SUSU
Proverbs 24 in the SUSU2
Proverbs 24 in the SYNO
Proverbs 24 in the TBIAOTANT
Proverbs 24 in the TBT1E
Proverbs 24 in the TBT1E2
Proverbs 24 in the TFTIP
Proverbs 24 in the TFTU
Proverbs 24 in the TGNTATF3T
Proverbs 24 in the THAI
Proverbs 24 in the TNFD
Proverbs 24 in the TNT
Proverbs 24 in the TNTIK
Proverbs 24 in the TNTIL
Proverbs 24 in the TNTIN
Proverbs 24 in the TNTIP
Proverbs 24 in the TNTIZ
Proverbs 24 in the TOMA
Proverbs 24 in the TTENT
Proverbs 24 in the UBG
Proverbs 24 in the UGV
Proverbs 24 in the UGV2
Proverbs 24 in the UGV3
Proverbs 24 in the VBL
Proverbs 24 in the VDCC
Proverbs 24 in the YALU
Proverbs 24 in the YAPE
Proverbs 24 in the YBVTP
Proverbs 24 in the ZBP