Philemon 1 (BOICB)

1 Pọl, onye e tinyere nʼụlọ mkpọrọ nʼihi Kraịst Jisọs na site nʼaka nwanna anyị Timoti, Anyị na-edetara gị ya ezi enyi anyị na onye anyị na ya na-arụkọ ọrụ, Fịlịmọn. 2 Anyị na-edetakwara ya nzukọ Kraịst dị nʼụlọ gị, na nwanna anyị nwanyị Afịa, na Akipos onye anyị na ya so na-alụ agha a. 3 Ka amara na udo nke sitere na Chineke bụ Nna, na Kraịst Jisọs Onyenwe anyị dịrị unu. 4 Ana m ekele Chineke ekele mgbe ọbụla m na-echeta gị nʼekpere niile m na-ekpe. 5 Nʼihi na ana m anụ ihe banyere okwukwe i nwere nʼime Onyenwe anyị Jisọs, na ịhụnanya i na-egosi ndị nsọ niile. 6 Ekpere m na-ekpe banyere gị bụ ka mmekọrịta anyị na gị dịka ndị kwere ekwe, mee ka ị matazuo ihe ọma niile anyị nwere nʼime Kraịst. 7 Ịhụnanya gị na-enye m oke ọṅụ na ịgbaume, ezi nwanna m, nʼihi na emeela ka ndị nsọ nwee ume ọhụrụ site nʼinyeaka gị. 8 Ọ bụ ezie na-enwere m ike nʼime Kraịst inye gị iwu banyere ihe kwesiri ka i mee, ma agaghị m eme otu a. 9 Kama, ọ kaara m mma site na ndabere nke ịhụnanya, ịrịọ gị ya dị ka arịrịọ. Ee, ọ bụ mụ Pọl, agadi nwoke ahụ na onye mkpọrọ nʼihi Kraịst Jisọs na-arịọ gị arịrịọ a. 10 Biko, arịọ m gị nʼisi Onisimọs, onye e mere ka ọ bụrụ nwa m oge m nọ nʼụlọ mkpọrọ. 11 Na mbụ, o nweghị uru ọbụla ọ baara gị, ma ugbu a, ọ baara mụ na gị uru. 12 Ana m ezighachiri gị ya ugbu a, ya bụ, onye bụ obi m ka m na-ezitere gị. 13 Ọ gụsịrị m agụụ ike ime ka mụ na ya nọdụ nʼebe a, ka o were ọnọdụ gị na-ejere m ozi ọ bụladị dị ka m nọ na mkpọrọ nʼihi oziọma. 14 Ma, a chọghị m ime ihe ọbụla na-enwetaghị nkwenye gị, ka ọ ghara ịdị ka i mere obiọma gị na mmanye. Kama, achọrọ m ka i mee ihe si gị nʼobi pụta. 15 Ma eleghị anya, ọ bụ nʼihi nke a ka eji kewapụ ya nwa oge nta site nʼebe ị nọ, bụ ka i mesịa nweghachi ya ebighị ebi. 16 Ọ bụghịkwa ohu ọzọ, kama ọ karịrị ohu, maka ọ dịka nwanna a hụrụ nʼanya, ọkachasị nʼebe mụ onwe m nọ, ma ọ ga-abụkwara gị karịchasịa, ma nʼanụ ahụ nakwa nʼime Onyenwe anyị. 17 Nʼihi nke a, ọ bụrụ na ị gụrụ m dị ka onye nnwekọ ihe, nabata ya dị ka ị ga-esi nabata m. 18 Biko, ọ bụrụ na o mejọrọ gị nʼụzọ ọbụla, ọ bụrụkwa na o ji ụgwọ ọbụla, gụọ ya dị ka ụgwọ m ji gị. 19 Mụ bụ Pọl ji aka m dee nke a; aga m akwụghachi gị. Ọ bakwaghị uru ichetara gị ụgwọ i ji m. Nʼihi na ụgwọ i ji m bụ gị onwe gị. 20 Nwanna m, mere m ihe a m na-arịọ gị nʼihi Onyenwe anyị. Mekwa ka obi m dị ọhụrụ nʼime Kraịst. 21 Olileanya m siri m ike na ị ga-aṅa m ntị, ana m edere gị akwụkwọ a, na ị ga-eme, ma karịakwa ka m rịọrọ. 22 Ihe ọzọkwa, bụ na m chọrọ ka ị kwadoro m ọnụụlọ ebe m ga-anọ dị ka ọbịa ma m bịa, maka enwere m olileanya na a ga-aza ekpere unu ime ka m si nʼebe a pụta bịakwute unu. 23 Epafras, onye mụ na ya nọ nʼụlọ mkpọrọ nʼihi Kraịst Jisọs na-ekele gị. 24 Mak, na Arịstakọs, na Dimas, na Luk, ndị mụ na ha na-arụkọ ọrụ na-ekelekwa unu. 25 Ka amara Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst dịnyere mmụọ unu.

In Other Versions

Philemon 1 in the ANGEFD

Philemon 1 in the ANTPNG2D

Philemon 1 in the AS21

Philemon 1 in the BAGH

Philemon 1 in the BBPNG

Philemon 1 in the BBT1E

Philemon 1 in the BDS

Philemon 1 in the BEV

Philemon 1 in the BHAD

Philemon 1 in the BIB

Philemon 1 in the BLPT

Philemon 1 in the BNT

Philemon 1 in the BNTABOOT

Philemon 1 in the BNTLV

Philemon 1 in the BOATCB

Philemon 1 in the BOATCB2

Philemon 1 in the BOBCV

Philemon 1 in the BOCNT

Philemon 1 in the BOECS

Philemon 1 in the BOGWICC

Philemon 1 in the BOHCB

Philemon 1 in the BOHCV

Philemon 1 in the BOHLNT

Philemon 1 in the BOHNTLTAL

Philemon 1 in the BOILNTAP

Philemon 1 in the BOITCV

Philemon 1 in the BOKCV

Philemon 1 in the BOKCV2

Philemon 1 in the BOKHWOG

Philemon 1 in the BOKSSV

Philemon 1 in the BOLCB

Philemon 1 in the BOLCB2

Philemon 1 in the BOMCV

Philemon 1 in the BONAV

Philemon 1 in the BONCB

Philemon 1 in the BONLT

Philemon 1 in the BONUT2

Philemon 1 in the BOPLNT

Philemon 1 in the BOSCB

Philemon 1 in the BOSNC

Philemon 1 in the BOTLNT

Philemon 1 in the BOVCB

Philemon 1 in the BOYCB

Philemon 1 in the BPBB

Philemon 1 in the BPH

Philemon 1 in the BSB

Philemon 1 in the CCB

Philemon 1 in the CUV

Philemon 1 in the CUVS

Philemon 1 in the DBT

Philemon 1 in the DGDNT

Philemon 1 in the DHNT

Philemon 1 in the DNT

Philemon 1 in the ELBE

Philemon 1 in the EMTV

Philemon 1 in the ESV

Philemon 1 in the FBV

Philemon 1 in the FEB

Philemon 1 in the GGMNT

Philemon 1 in the GNT

Philemon 1 in the HARY

Philemon 1 in the HNT

Philemon 1 in the IRVA

Philemon 1 in the IRVB

Philemon 1 in the IRVG

Philemon 1 in the IRVH

Philemon 1 in the IRVK

Philemon 1 in the IRVM

Philemon 1 in the IRVM2

Philemon 1 in the IRVO

Philemon 1 in the IRVP

Philemon 1 in the IRVT

Philemon 1 in the IRVT2

Philemon 1 in the IRVU

Philemon 1 in the ISVN

Philemon 1 in the JSNT

Philemon 1 in the KAPI

Philemon 1 in the KBT1ETNIK

Philemon 1 in the KBV

Philemon 1 in the KJV

Philemon 1 in the KNFD

Philemon 1 in the LBA

Philemon 1 in the LBLA

Philemon 1 in the LNT

Philemon 1 in the LSV

Philemon 1 in the MAAL

Philemon 1 in the MBV

Philemon 1 in the MBV2

Philemon 1 in the MHNT

Philemon 1 in the MKNFD

Philemon 1 in the MNG

Philemon 1 in the MNT

Philemon 1 in the MNT2

Philemon 1 in the MRS1T

Philemon 1 in the NAA

Philemon 1 in the NASB

Philemon 1 in the NBLA

Philemon 1 in the NBS

Philemon 1 in the NBVTP

Philemon 1 in the NET2

Philemon 1 in the NIV11

Philemon 1 in the NNT

Philemon 1 in the NNT2

Philemon 1 in the NNT3

Philemon 1 in the PDDPT

Philemon 1 in the PFNT

Philemon 1 in the RMNT

Philemon 1 in the SBIAS

Philemon 1 in the SBIBS

Philemon 1 in the SBIBS2

Philemon 1 in the SBICS

Philemon 1 in the SBIDS

Philemon 1 in the SBIGS

Philemon 1 in the SBIHS

Philemon 1 in the SBIIS

Philemon 1 in the SBIIS2

Philemon 1 in the SBIIS3

Philemon 1 in the SBIKS

Philemon 1 in the SBIKS2

Philemon 1 in the SBIMS

Philemon 1 in the SBIOS

Philemon 1 in the SBIPS

Philemon 1 in the SBISS

Philemon 1 in the SBITS

Philemon 1 in the SBITS2

Philemon 1 in the SBITS3

Philemon 1 in the SBITS4

Philemon 1 in the SBIUS

Philemon 1 in the SBIVS

Philemon 1 in the SBT

Philemon 1 in the SBT1E

Philemon 1 in the SCHL

Philemon 1 in the SNT

Philemon 1 in the SUSU

Philemon 1 in the SUSU2

Philemon 1 in the SYNO

Philemon 1 in the TBIAOTANT

Philemon 1 in the TBT1E

Philemon 1 in the TBT1E2

Philemon 1 in the TFTIP

Philemon 1 in the TFTU

Philemon 1 in the TGNTATF3T

Philemon 1 in the THAI

Philemon 1 in the TNFD

Philemon 1 in the TNT

Philemon 1 in the TNTIK

Philemon 1 in the TNTIL

Philemon 1 in the TNTIN

Philemon 1 in the TNTIP

Philemon 1 in the TNTIZ

Philemon 1 in the TOMA

Philemon 1 in the TTENT

Philemon 1 in the UBG

Philemon 1 in the UGV

Philemon 1 in the UGV2

Philemon 1 in the UGV3

Philemon 1 in the VBL

Philemon 1 in the VDCC

Philemon 1 in the YALU

Philemon 1 in the YAPE

Philemon 1 in the YBVTP

Philemon 1 in the ZBP