Genesis 1 (BOKCV)
1 Hapo mwanzo Mungu aliumba mbingu na dunia. 2 Wakati huu dunia ilikuwa haina umbo, tena ilikuwa tupu. Giza lilikuwa juu ya uso wa vilindi vya maji, naye Roho wa Mungu alikuwa ametulia juu ya maji. 3 Mungu akasema, “Iwepo nuru,” nayo nuru ikawepo. 4 Mungu akaona ya kuwa nuru ni njema, ndipo Mungu akatenganisha nuru na giza. 5 Mungu akaiita nuru “mchana,” na giza akaliita “usiku.” Ikawa jioni, ikawa asubuhi, siku ya kwanza. 6 Mungu akasema, “Iwepo nafasi kati ya maji igawe maji na maji.” 7 Kwa hiyo Mungu akafanya nafasi, akatenganisha maji yaliyo chini ya hiyo nafasi na maji yaliyo juu yake. Ikawa hivyo. 8 Mungu akaiita hiyo nafasi “anga.” Ikawa jioni, ikawa asubuhi, siku ya pili. 9 Mungu akasema, “Maji yaliyopo chini ya anga na yakusanyike mahali pamoja, pawepo na nchi kavu.” Ikawa hivyo. 10 Mungu akaiita nchi kavu “ardhi,” nalo lile kusanyiko la maji akaliita “bahari.” Mungu akaona kuwa ni vyema. 11 Kisha Mungu akasema, “Ardhi na itoe mimea: miche itoayo mbegu, miti juu ya nchi itoayo matunda yenye mbegu ndani yake, kila mmea kulingana na aina zake mbalimbali.” Ikawa hivyo. 12 Ardhi ikachipua mimea: Mimea itoayo mbegu kulingana na aina zake, na miti itoayo matunda yenye mbegu kulingana na aina zake. Mungu akaona ya kuwa hili ni jema. 13 Ikawa jioni, ikawa asubuhi, siku ya tatu. 14 Mungu akasema, “Iwepo mianga kwenye nafasi ya anga ili itenganishe usiku na mchana, nayo iwe alama ya kutambulisha majira mbalimbali, siku na miaka, 15 nayo iwe mianga kwenye nafasi ya anga ya kutia nuru juu ya dunia.” Ikawa hivyo. 16 Mungu akafanya mianga miwili mikubwa: mwanga mkubwa utawale mchana, na mwanga mdogo utawale usiku. Pia Mungu akafanya nyota. 17 Mungu akaiweka katika nafasi ya anga iangaze dunia, 18 itawale usiku na mchana, na ikatenganishe nuru na giza. Mungu akaona kuwa hili ni jema. 19 Ikawa jioni, ikawa asubuhi, siku ya nne. 20 Mungu akasema, “Kuwepo na viumbe hai tele kwenye maji, nao ndege waruke juu ya dunia katika nafasi ya anga.” 21 Kwa hiyo Mungu akaumba viumbe wakubwa wa baharini na kila kiumbe hai kiendacho majini kulingana na aina zake, na kila ndege mwenye mabawa kulingana na aina yake. Mungu akaona kuwa hili ni jema. 22 Mungu akavibariki, akasema, “Zaeni mwongezeke, mkayajaze maji ya bahari, nao ndege waongezeke katika dunia.” 23 Ikawa jioni, ikawa asubuhi, siku ya tano. 24 Mungu akasema, “Ardhi na itoe viumbe hai kulingana na aina zake: wanyama wa kufugwa, viumbe vitambaavyo ardhini na wanyama pori, kila mnyama kulingana na aina yake.” Ikawa hivyo. 25 Mungu akafanya wanyama pori kulingana na aina zake, wanyama wa kufugwa kulingana na aina zake, na viumbe vyote vitambaavyo juu ya ardhi kulingana na aina zake. Mungu akaona kuwa hili ni jema. 26 Ndipo Mungu akasema, “Tufanye mtu kwa mfano wetu, kwa sura yetu, wakatawale juu ya samaki wa baharini na ndege wa angani, juu ya mifugo, juu ya dunia yote, na juu ya viumbe wote watambaao juu ya nchi.” 27 Kwa hiyo Mungu akamuumba mtu kwa mfano wake mwenyewe,kwa mfano wa Mungu alimuumba;mwanaume na mwanamke aliwaumba. 28 Mungu akawabariki na akawaambia, “Zaeni na mkaongezeke, mkaijaze tena dunia na kuitiisha. Mkatawale samaki wa baharini, ndege wa angani, na kila kiumbe hai kiendacho juu ya ardhi.” 29 Kisha Mungu akasema, “Nimewapa kila mche utoao mbegu juu ya uso wa dunia yote, na kila mti wenye matunda yenye mbegu ndani yake. Vitakuwa chakula chenu. 30 Nao wanyama wote wa dunia, ndege wote wa angani, na viumbe vyote viendavyo juu ya ardhi: yaani kila kiumbe chenye pumzi ya uhai, ninawapa kila mche wa kijani kuwa chakula.” Ikawa hivyo. 31 Mungu akaona vyote alivyoumba, na tazama, ilikuwa vizuri sana. Ikawa jioni, ikawa asubuhi, siku ya sita.
In Other Versions
Genesis 1 in the ANGEFD
Genesis 1 in the ANTPNG2D
Genesis 1 in the AS21
Genesis 1 in the BAGH
Genesis 1 in the BBPNG
Genesis 1 in the BBT1E
Genesis 1 in the BDS
Genesis 1 in the BEV
Genesis 1 in the BHAD
Genesis 1 in the BIB
Genesis 1 in the BLPT
Genesis 1 in the BNT
Genesis 1 in the BNTABOOT
Genesis 1 in the BNTLV
Genesis 1 in the BOATCB
Genesis 1 in the BOATCB2
Genesis 1 in the BOBCV
Genesis 1 in the BOCNT
Genesis 1 in the BOECS
Genesis 1 in the BOGWICC
Genesis 1 in the BOHCB
Genesis 1 in the BOHCV
Genesis 1 in the BOHLNT
Genesis 1 in the BOHNTLTAL
Genesis 1 in the BOICB
Genesis 1 in the BOILNTAP
Genesis 1 in the BOITCV
Genesis 1 in the BOKCV2
Genesis 1 in the BOKHWOG
Genesis 1 in the BOKSSV
Genesis 1 in the BOLCB
Genesis 1 in the BOLCB2
Genesis 1 in the BOMCV
Genesis 1 in the BONAV
Genesis 1 in the BONCB
Genesis 1 in the BONLT
Genesis 1 in the BONUT2
Genesis 1 in the BOPLNT
Genesis 1 in the BOSCB
Genesis 1 in the BOSNC
Genesis 1 in the BOTLNT
Genesis 1 in the BOVCB
Genesis 1 in the BOYCB
Genesis 1 in the BPBB
Genesis 1 in the BPH
Genesis 1 in the BSB
Genesis 1 in the CCB
Genesis 1 in the CUV
Genesis 1 in the CUVS
Genesis 1 in the DBT
Genesis 1 in the DGDNT
Genesis 1 in the DHNT
Genesis 1 in the DNT
Genesis 1 in the ELBE
Genesis 1 in the EMTV
Genesis 1 in the ESV
Genesis 1 in the FBV
Genesis 1 in the FEB
Genesis 1 in the GGMNT
Genesis 1 in the GNT
Genesis 1 in the HARY
Genesis 1 in the HNT
Genesis 1 in the IRVA
Genesis 1 in the IRVB
Genesis 1 in the IRVG
Genesis 1 in the IRVH
Genesis 1 in the IRVK
Genesis 1 in the IRVM
Genesis 1 in the IRVM2
Genesis 1 in the IRVO
Genesis 1 in the IRVP
Genesis 1 in the IRVT
Genesis 1 in the IRVT2
Genesis 1 in the IRVU
Genesis 1 in the ISVN
Genesis 1 in the JSNT
Genesis 1 in the KAPI
Genesis 1 in the KBT1ETNIK
Genesis 1 in the KBV
Genesis 1 in the KJV
Genesis 1 in the KNFD
Genesis 1 in the LBA
Genesis 1 in the LBLA
Genesis 1 in the LNT
Genesis 1 in the LSV
Genesis 1 in the MAAL
Genesis 1 in the MBV
Genesis 1 in the MBV2
Genesis 1 in the MHNT
Genesis 1 in the MKNFD
Genesis 1 in the MNG
Genesis 1 in the MNT
Genesis 1 in the MNT2
Genesis 1 in the MRS1T
Genesis 1 in the NAA
Genesis 1 in the NASB
Genesis 1 in the NBLA
Genesis 1 in the NBS
Genesis 1 in the NBVTP
Genesis 1 in the NET2
Genesis 1 in the NIV11
Genesis 1 in the NNT
Genesis 1 in the NNT2
Genesis 1 in the NNT3
Genesis 1 in the PDDPT
Genesis 1 in the PFNT
Genesis 1 in the RMNT
Genesis 1 in the SBIAS
Genesis 1 in the SBIBS
Genesis 1 in the SBIBS2
Genesis 1 in the SBICS
Genesis 1 in the SBIDS
Genesis 1 in the SBIGS
Genesis 1 in the SBIHS
Genesis 1 in the SBIIS
Genesis 1 in the SBIIS2
Genesis 1 in the SBIIS3
Genesis 1 in the SBIKS
Genesis 1 in the SBIKS2
Genesis 1 in the SBIMS
Genesis 1 in the SBIOS
Genesis 1 in the SBIPS
Genesis 1 in the SBISS
Genesis 1 in the SBITS
Genesis 1 in the SBITS2
Genesis 1 in the SBITS3
Genesis 1 in the SBITS4
Genesis 1 in the SBIUS
Genesis 1 in the SBIVS
Genesis 1 in the SBT
Genesis 1 in the SBT1E
Genesis 1 in the SCHL
Genesis 1 in the SNT
Genesis 1 in the SUSU
Genesis 1 in the SUSU2
Genesis 1 in the SYNO
Genesis 1 in the TBIAOTANT
Genesis 1 in the TBT1E
Genesis 1 in the TBT1E2
Genesis 1 in the TFTIP
Genesis 1 in the TFTU
Genesis 1 in the TGNTATF3T
Genesis 1 in the THAI
Genesis 1 in the TNFD
Genesis 1 in the TNT
Genesis 1 in the TNTIK
Genesis 1 in the TNTIL
Genesis 1 in the TNTIN
Genesis 1 in the TNTIP
Genesis 1 in the TNTIZ
Genesis 1 in the TOMA
Genesis 1 in the TTENT
Genesis 1 in the UBG
Genesis 1 in the UGV
Genesis 1 in the UGV2
Genesis 1 in the UGV3
Genesis 1 in the VBL
Genesis 1 in the VDCC
Genesis 1 in the YALU
Genesis 1 in the YAPE
Genesis 1 in the YBVTP
Genesis 1 in the ZBP