Joshua 2 (BOLCB)

1 Awo Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni n’atuma abasajja babiri okuva e Sittimu bagende mu kyama bakette, n’abagamba nti, “Mugende mwekkaanye ensi eyo na ddala ekibuga Yeriko.” Bwe batyo ne bagenda. Bwe baatuukayo ne bayingira mu nnyumba y’omukazi malaaya ayitibwa Lakabu ne basula omwo. 2 Naye kabaka wa Yeriko n’akitegeera nti waliwo abasajja Abayisirayiri abazze ekiro okuketta ensi ye. 3 Bw’atyo kabaka oyo n’atumya ewa Lakabu nti, “Mu nju yo mulimu abasajja abazze okuketta ensi yange, bampeereze mangu.” 4 Lakabu abasajja bano yali yamaze dda okubakweka, naye n’alyoka agamba nti, “Kituufu abasajja abo baabaddeko wano naye saategedde gye baabadde bava. 5 Oluggi lw’ekibuga bwe lwabadde lunaatera okuggalwawo akawungeezi, ne bafuluma, saategedde gye baalaze; naye mubawondere osanga munaabagwikiriza.” 6 So nno yali yabakwese dda ku nju waggulu era nga ababisseeko bulungi ebikolokomba by’obugoogwa. 7 Basajja ba kabaka ne bafuluma ekibuga ne wankaaki waakyo naggalwawo. Ne banoonya abakessi okutuukira ddala ku mugga Yoludaani. 8 Abakessi bwe baali tebanneebaka, Lakabu n’ayambuka gye baali ku nju waggulu 9 n’abagamba nti, “Nkimanyi nga MUKAMA abawadde ensi eno era nga ffenna tubatidde nnyo, tuweddemu n’omwoyo. 10 Twawulira MUKAMA bwe yakaliza ennyanja emyufu nga muva e Misiri era twawulira bwe mwazikiriza Sikoni ne Ogi bakabaka b’Abamoli emitala w’omugga Yoludaani. 11 Amangwago nga twakakiwulira emitima gyatutyemuka, era teri n’omu ku ffe yasigalamu ndasi, kubanga MUKAMA Katonda wammwe ye Katonda w’omu ggulu ne mu nsi.” 12 N’abagamba nti, “Nga nange bwe mbakoledde ebyekisa, mbasaba nammwe munkolere bwe mutyo nga mulayira mu linnya lya MUKAMA era mumpe n’obukakafu 13 nga mulitutaliza; nze, ne kitange, ne mmange, ne baganda bange, ne bannyinaze awamu n’abo bonna be babeera nabo.” 14 Abasajja abo ne baddamu nti, “Bw’otolituloopa, naffe tulibawonya MUKAMA ng’atuwadde ensi eno; era MUKAMA atuzikirize bwe tutalikola bwe tutyo.” 15 Olw’okubanga ennyumba ya Lakabu yazimbwa ku bbugwe w’ekibuga, bw’atyo n’abasizza ku muguwa ng’abayisa mu ddirisa. 16 Yabagamba nti, “Mugende mwekwekere ennaku ssatu eyo mu nsozi okutuusa ng’ababawenja bamaze okudda, oluvannyuma muyinza okwetambulira amakubo gammwe.” 17 Ne bamugamba nti, “Tujja kukuuma butiribiri ekirayiro kyaffe 18 era bwe tulitabaala ensi yammwe, osibanga omuguwa guno omumyufu mu ddirisa mwe watuyisa era okuŋŋaanyizanga mu nnyumba yo, kitaawo, ne nnyoko, bannyoko n’ab’omu nnyumba ya kitaawo bonna. 19 Gwe kalitanda n’afuluma mu nju yo n’atambulatambula mu nguudo, ekirimutuukako kyonna y’alimanya. Kyokka alituukibwako akabi konna mu nju yo, ogwo guliba musango gwaffe. 20 Naye k’olituloopa, olwo oliba omenye endagaano yaffe naawe.” 21 Lakabu y’abaddamu n’abagamba nti, “Byonna bibeere nga bwe tukkaanyizza.” Bwe yamala okubasiibula n’asiba akawero akamyufu mu ddirisa. 22 Abakessi bwe baamala okwekwekera ennaku ssatu mu nsozi nga n’ababanoonya bababuliddwa, 23 ne beddirayo eri Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni ne bamuyitiramu mu byonna nga bwe byagenda. 24 Ne bamugamba nti, “Ddala ensi eyo MUKAMA agituwadde, abantu baamu bonna tubakubye encukwe.”

In Other Versions

Joshua 2 in the ANGEFD

Joshua 2 in the ANTPNG2D

Joshua 2 in the AS21

Joshua 2 in the BAGH

Joshua 2 in the BBPNG

Joshua 2 in the BBT1E

Joshua 2 in the BDS

Joshua 2 in the BEV

Joshua 2 in the BHAD

Joshua 2 in the BIB

Joshua 2 in the BLPT

Joshua 2 in the BNT

Joshua 2 in the BNTABOOT

Joshua 2 in the BNTLV

Joshua 2 in the BOATCB

Joshua 2 in the BOATCB2

Joshua 2 in the BOBCV

Joshua 2 in the BOCNT

Joshua 2 in the BOECS

Joshua 2 in the BOGWICC

Joshua 2 in the BOHCB

Joshua 2 in the BOHCV

Joshua 2 in the BOHLNT

Joshua 2 in the BOHNTLTAL

Joshua 2 in the BOICB

Joshua 2 in the BOILNTAP

Joshua 2 in the BOITCV

Joshua 2 in the BOKCV

Joshua 2 in the BOKCV2

Joshua 2 in the BOKHWOG

Joshua 2 in the BOKSSV

Joshua 2 in the BOLCB2

Joshua 2 in the BOMCV

Joshua 2 in the BONAV

Joshua 2 in the BONCB

Joshua 2 in the BONLT

Joshua 2 in the BONUT2

Joshua 2 in the BOPLNT

Joshua 2 in the BOSCB

Joshua 2 in the BOSNC

Joshua 2 in the BOTLNT

Joshua 2 in the BOVCB

Joshua 2 in the BOYCB

Joshua 2 in the BPBB

Joshua 2 in the BPH

Joshua 2 in the BSB

Joshua 2 in the CCB

Joshua 2 in the CUV

Joshua 2 in the CUVS

Joshua 2 in the DBT

Joshua 2 in the DGDNT

Joshua 2 in the DHNT

Joshua 2 in the DNT

Joshua 2 in the ELBE

Joshua 2 in the EMTV

Joshua 2 in the ESV

Joshua 2 in the FBV

Joshua 2 in the FEB

Joshua 2 in the GGMNT

Joshua 2 in the GNT

Joshua 2 in the HARY

Joshua 2 in the HNT

Joshua 2 in the IRVA

Joshua 2 in the IRVB

Joshua 2 in the IRVG

Joshua 2 in the IRVH

Joshua 2 in the IRVK

Joshua 2 in the IRVM

Joshua 2 in the IRVM2

Joshua 2 in the IRVO

Joshua 2 in the IRVP

Joshua 2 in the IRVT

Joshua 2 in the IRVT2

Joshua 2 in the IRVU

Joshua 2 in the ISVN

Joshua 2 in the JSNT

Joshua 2 in the KAPI

Joshua 2 in the KBT1ETNIK

Joshua 2 in the KBV

Joshua 2 in the KJV

Joshua 2 in the KNFD

Joshua 2 in the LBA

Joshua 2 in the LBLA

Joshua 2 in the LNT

Joshua 2 in the LSV

Joshua 2 in the MAAL

Joshua 2 in the MBV

Joshua 2 in the MBV2

Joshua 2 in the MHNT

Joshua 2 in the MKNFD

Joshua 2 in the MNG

Joshua 2 in the MNT

Joshua 2 in the MNT2

Joshua 2 in the MRS1T

Joshua 2 in the NAA

Joshua 2 in the NASB

Joshua 2 in the NBLA

Joshua 2 in the NBS

Joshua 2 in the NBVTP

Joshua 2 in the NET2

Joshua 2 in the NIV11

Joshua 2 in the NNT

Joshua 2 in the NNT2

Joshua 2 in the NNT3

Joshua 2 in the PDDPT

Joshua 2 in the PFNT

Joshua 2 in the RMNT

Joshua 2 in the SBIAS

Joshua 2 in the SBIBS

Joshua 2 in the SBIBS2

Joshua 2 in the SBICS

Joshua 2 in the SBIDS

Joshua 2 in the SBIGS

Joshua 2 in the SBIHS

Joshua 2 in the SBIIS

Joshua 2 in the SBIIS2

Joshua 2 in the SBIIS3

Joshua 2 in the SBIKS

Joshua 2 in the SBIKS2

Joshua 2 in the SBIMS

Joshua 2 in the SBIOS

Joshua 2 in the SBIPS

Joshua 2 in the SBISS

Joshua 2 in the SBITS

Joshua 2 in the SBITS2

Joshua 2 in the SBITS3

Joshua 2 in the SBITS4

Joshua 2 in the SBIUS

Joshua 2 in the SBIVS

Joshua 2 in the SBT

Joshua 2 in the SBT1E

Joshua 2 in the SCHL

Joshua 2 in the SNT

Joshua 2 in the SUSU

Joshua 2 in the SUSU2

Joshua 2 in the SYNO

Joshua 2 in the TBIAOTANT

Joshua 2 in the TBT1E

Joshua 2 in the TBT1E2

Joshua 2 in the TFTIP

Joshua 2 in the TFTU

Joshua 2 in the TGNTATF3T

Joshua 2 in the THAI

Joshua 2 in the TNFD

Joshua 2 in the TNT

Joshua 2 in the TNTIK

Joshua 2 in the TNTIL

Joshua 2 in the TNTIN

Joshua 2 in the TNTIP

Joshua 2 in the TNTIZ

Joshua 2 in the TOMA

Joshua 2 in the TTENT

Joshua 2 in the UBG

Joshua 2 in the UGV

Joshua 2 in the UGV2

Joshua 2 in the UGV3

Joshua 2 in the VBL

Joshua 2 in the VDCC

Joshua 2 in the YALU

Joshua 2 in the YAPE

Joshua 2 in the YBVTP

Joshua 2 in the ZBP