Deuteronomy 14 (BOSCB)
1 Imi muri vana vaJehovha Mwari wenyu. Musazvicheka kana kuzviveura pamberi pomusoro muchiitira vakafa, 2 nokuti muri rudzi rutsvene kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu. Jehovha akakutsaurai kubva pakati pendudzi dzose dziri panyika kuti muve rudzi rwake runokosha. 3 Musadya chinhu chipi zvacho chinonyangadza. 4 Idzi ndidzo mhuka dzamungadya: mombe, hwai, mbudzi, 5 nondo, mhara, mhembwe, ngururu, mharapara, nyati nehwai yomugomo. 6 Mungadya henyu mhuka ipi neipi ina mahwanda akaparadzana kuita maviri uye inodzeya. 7 Zvisinei, pane idzo dzinodzeya kana dzina mahwanda akaparadzana, mahwanda akanyatsoparadzana, hamufaniri kudya ngamera, tsuro kana mbira. Kunyange zvazvo dzichidzeya hadzina mahwanda akaparadzana; hadzina kuchena kwamuri. 8 Nguruvewo haina kuchena; kunyange zvayo ina mahwanda akaparadzana, haidzeyi. Hamufaniri kudya nyama yadzo kana kubata zvitunha zvadzo. 9 Pazvipuka zvose zvinogara mumvura, mungadya henyu zvose zvine zvimbi namakwande. 10 Asi chipi nechipi zvacho chisina zvimbi namakwande hamufaniri kudya; nokuti hachina kuchena. 11 Mungadya henyu shiri ipi neipi yakachena. 12 Asi dzamusingafaniri kudya ndeidzi: gondo, gora, gora dema, 13 njerere tsvuku, njerere nhema, rukodzi namarudzi arwo, 14 gunguo namarudzi aro ose, 15 zizi renyanga, kazizimbori, shiri yegungwa, namarudzi ose eruvangu, 16 zizi duku, zizi guru, zizi jena, 17 zizi romurenje, hukurwizi nekanyururahove, 18 neshuramurove namarudzi ose ekondo, nemhupupu uye nechiremwaremwa. 19 Zvipuka zvose zvina mapapiro zvinokambaira hazvina kuchena kwamuri; hamufaniri kuzvidya. 20 Asi zvipuka zvose zvina mapapiro zvakachena mungadya henyu. 21 Musadya chii zvacho chamunoona chakafa. Mungapa zvenyu kumutorwa agere mune rimwe ramaguta enyu, uye angadya zvake kana kuti mungatengesera zvenyu kumutorwa. Asi imi muri rudzi rutsvene kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu.Musabika mbudzana mumukaka wamai vayo. 22 Chenjera kuti utsaure chegumi chezvinhu zvose zvaunokohwa muminda yako gore negore. 23 Udye chegumi chezviyo, newaini itsva namafuta uye nezvibereko zvokutanga zvemombe dzako nezvamakwai ako pamberi paJehovha Mwari wako panzvimbo yaachasarudza kuti Zita rake rigarepo, kuitira kuti udzidze kutya Jehovha Mwari wako nguva dzose. 24 Asi kana nzvimbo yacho iri kure uye waropafadzwa naJehovha Mwari wako, uye usingagoni kutakura chegumi chako (nokuti nzvimbo ichasarudzwa naJehovha kuti Zita rake rigarepo iri kure), 25 ipapo unofanira kutsinhanisa chegumi chako nesirivha, ugotora sirivha ugoenda nayo kunzvimbo ichasarudzwa naJehovha Mwari wako. 26 Shandisa sirivha yacho kutenga zvaungada, zvakadai sezvizvi: mombe, makwai, waini kana zvimwe zvokunwa zvinobata, kana chinhu chipi zvacho chaunoda. Ipapo iwe neimba yako muchadya pamberi paJehovha Mwari wenyu mugofara. 27 Uye musazokanganwa vaRevhi vagere mumaguta enyu, nokuti havana mugove kana nhaka yavowo. 28 Panopera makore matatu oga oga, munofanira kuuya nezvegumi zvegore iroro uye mugozvichengetera mumaguta enyu, 29 kuitira kuti vaRevhi (avo vasina mugove kana nhaka yavowo) uye nomweni, nherera nechirikadzi vanogara mumaguta enyu, vauye vagodya vachiguta, uye kuitira kuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu akuropafadzei pamabasa ose amaoko enyu.
In Other Versions
Deuteronomy 14 in the ANGEFD
Deuteronomy 14 in the ANTPNG2D
Deuteronomy 14 in the AS21
Deuteronomy 14 in the BAGH
Deuteronomy 14 in the BBPNG
Deuteronomy 14 in the BBT1E
Deuteronomy 14 in the BDS
Deuteronomy 14 in the BEV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BHAD
Deuteronomy 14 in the BIB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BLPT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BNTABOOT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BNTLV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOATCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOATCB2
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOBCV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOCNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOECS
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOGWICC
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOHCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOHCV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOHLNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOHNTLTAL
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOICB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOILNTAP
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOITCV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOKCV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOKCV2
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOKHWOG
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOKSSV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOLCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOLCB2
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOMCV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BONAV
Deuteronomy 14 in the BONCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BONLT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BONUT2
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOPLNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOSNC
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOTLNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOVCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BOYCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BPBB
Deuteronomy 14 in the BPH
Deuteronomy 14 in the BSB
Deuteronomy 14 in the CCB
Deuteronomy 14 in the CUV
Deuteronomy 14 in the CUVS
Deuteronomy 14 in the DBT
Deuteronomy 14 in the DGDNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the DHNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the DNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the ELBE
Deuteronomy 14 in the EMTV
Deuteronomy 14 in the ESV
Deuteronomy 14 in the FBV
Deuteronomy 14 in the FEB
Deuteronomy 14 in the GGMNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the GNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the HARY
Deuteronomy 14 in the HNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVA
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVB
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVG
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVH
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVK
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVM
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVM2
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVO
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVP
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVT
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVT2
Deuteronomy 14 in the IRVU
Deuteronomy 14 in the ISVN
Deuteronomy 14 in the JSNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the KAPI
Deuteronomy 14 in the KBT1ETNIK
Deuteronomy 14 in the KBV
Deuteronomy 14 in the KJV
Deuteronomy 14 in the KNFD
Deuteronomy 14 in the LBA
Deuteronomy 14 in the LBLA
Deuteronomy 14 in the LNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the LSV
Deuteronomy 14 in the MAAL
Deuteronomy 14 in the MBV
Deuteronomy 14 in the MBV2
Deuteronomy 14 in the MHNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the MKNFD
Deuteronomy 14 in the MNG
Deuteronomy 14 in the MNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the MNT2
Deuteronomy 14 in the MRS1T
Deuteronomy 14 in the NAA
Deuteronomy 14 in the NASB
Deuteronomy 14 in the NBLA
Deuteronomy 14 in the NBS
Deuteronomy 14 in the NBVTP
Deuteronomy 14 in the NET2
Deuteronomy 14 in the NIV11
Deuteronomy 14 in the NNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the NNT2
Deuteronomy 14 in the NNT3
Deuteronomy 14 in the PDDPT
Deuteronomy 14 in the PFNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the RMNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIAS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIBS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIBS2
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBICS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIDS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIGS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIHS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIIS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIIS2
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIIS3
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIKS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIKS2
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIMS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIOS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIPS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBISS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBITS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBITS2
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBITS3
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBITS4
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIUS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBIVS
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBT
Deuteronomy 14 in the SBT1E
Deuteronomy 14 in the SCHL
Deuteronomy 14 in the SNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the SUSU
Deuteronomy 14 in the SUSU2
Deuteronomy 14 in the SYNO
Deuteronomy 14 in the TBIAOTANT
Deuteronomy 14 in the TBT1E
Deuteronomy 14 in the TBT1E2
Deuteronomy 14 in the TFTIP
Deuteronomy 14 in the TFTU
Deuteronomy 14 in the TGNTATF3T
Deuteronomy 14 in the THAI
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNFD
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNT
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNTIK
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNTIL
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNTIN
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNTIP
Deuteronomy 14 in the TNTIZ
Deuteronomy 14 in the TOMA
Deuteronomy 14 in the TTENT
Deuteronomy 14 in the UBG
Deuteronomy 14 in the UGV
Deuteronomy 14 in the UGV2
Deuteronomy 14 in the UGV3
Deuteronomy 14 in the VBL
Deuteronomy 14 in the VDCC
Deuteronomy 14 in the YALU
Deuteronomy 14 in the YAPE
Deuteronomy 14 in the YBVTP
Deuteronomy 14 in the ZBP