Galatians 5 (BOTLNT)

1 Jalo he, Keresete o re golotse. Jaanong tlhomamisang gore lo nne lo golotswe mme lo seka lwa golegelwa lotlhe gape mo dikeetaneng tsa botlhanka tsa melao le mediro ya Sejuta. 2 Ntheetsang ka tlhawaafalo, gonne se ga se dinyana: fa e le gore lo ikaegile mo go rupisiweng ebile lo tshegetsa melao ya Sejuta go lo siamisa mo Modimong, jalo Keresete ga a kake a lo boloka. 3 Ke ipoeletsa gape ka re: le fa e le mang yo o lekang go nna botsalano le Modimo ka go rupisiwa o tshwanetse go obamela molao mongwe le mongwe wa Sejuta malatsi otlhe e seng jalo a nyelele. 4 Keresete ga a na thuso epe mo go lona fa lo ganelela mo go phimoleng molato wa lona kwa Modimong ka go tshegetsa melao eo: lo latlhegile mo tshegofatsong ya Modimo. 5 Mme rona ka thuso ya Mowa O O Boitshepo re ikaegile mo losong lwa ga Keresete go phimola dibe tsa rona le go re siamisa mo Modimong. 6 Le gone rona ba Keresete a re neetseng botshelo jo bo sa khutleng ga go tlhokege gore re tshwenyege ka gore a re rupisitswe kgotsa nnyaa; kgotsa gore a re obamela mediro ya Sejuta kgotsa nnyaa; gonne gotlhe mo re go tlhokang ke tumelo e e dirang ka lorato. 7 Lo ne lo direla Modimo sentle thata. Yo o lo kgoreleditseng a lo busetsa kwa morago mo go saleng boammaaruri morago ke mang? 8 Tota ga se Modimo o o dirileng jalo, gonne ke one o o lo bileditseng mo kgololesegong mo go Keresete. 9 Mme motho a le mongwe fela yo o sa siamang mo gare ga lona o siamolola ba bangwe botlhe. 10 Ke ikanya Morena go lo busetsa mo go dumeleng jaaka ke dumela kaga dilo tse. Modimo o tlaa atlhola mosiamolodi yoo, le fa e ka ne e le mang, yo o ntseng a lo tshwenya ebile a lo tlhakatlhakanya ditlhogo. 11 Batho bangwe ba re Nna tota ke rera gore thupiso le melao ya Sejuta di tlhokega mo leanong la poloko. Jalo he, fa e le gore ke rerile jalo, ke ka bo ke sa tlhole ke bogisiwa, gonne molaetsa oo ga o kgopise ope. Lebaka le ke santseng ke bogisiwa ka lone, le supa gore ke santse ke rera poloko ka tumelo mo mokgorong wa ga Keresete a le nosi. 12 Ke eletsa fela gore baruti ba, ba ba batlang gore lo ikgaole ka go rupisiwa ba ikgaole mo go lona ba lo tlogele! 13 Gonne bakaulengwe, lo neetswe kgololesego: e seng kgololesego ya go dira bosula, mme e leng kgololesego ya go ratana le go direlana. 14 Gonne Molao otlhe o ka khutshwafalediwa mo taolong e e reng: “Rata ba bangwe jaaka o ithata.” 15 Mme fa mo boemong jwa gore lo supe kgolagano ya lorato mo go lona, malatsi otlhe lo buana bosula lo rumolana, itlhokomeleng! Itiseng mo go koafatsaneng. 16 Ke lo gakolola gore lo obamele ditaolo tsa Mowa O O Boitshepo fela. O tlaa lo bolelela gore lo ye kae le gore lo dire eng; jalo ga lo na go dira dilo tse di sa siamang malatsi otlhe tse tlholego ya lona e e bosula e batlang lo di dira. 17 Gonne ka tlholego re rata go dira dilo tse di bosula tse e leng gore ke dilo di sele fela mo dilong tse Mowa O O Boitshepo o re bolelelang gore re di dire; mme dilo tse di molemo tse re batlang go di dira fa Mowa O O Boitshepo o re kaela tsela ke dilo di sele mo dithatong tsa rona tsa tlholego. Dinonofo tse pedi tse, tse di mo go rona, di tsweletse ka go lwela go re laola, mme dikeletso tsa rona ga di a gololesega mo dikgatelelong tsa tsone. 18 Mme fa lo gogwa ke Mowa O O Boitshepo ga go sa tlhole go tlhokega gore lo ipateletse go obamela melao ya Sejuta. 19 Mme fa lo sala morago dithato tsa lona tse di bosula, matshelo a lona a tlaa ungwa maungo a a bosula a: megopolo e e leswe le keletso ya dithato tsa senama, 20 go rapela medimo ya disetwa, mewa e e maswe (ke gore go kgothatsa tiriso ya badimo), kilo le go lwa, lefufa le kgakalo, go ikgagapela, dingongorego le go buana bosula, maikutlo a gore mongwe le mongwe o phoso fa e se ba ba mo setlhopheng sa gago fela, gape go tlaa nna thuto e e seng ya boammaaruri, 21 bopelotshetlha, go bolaya, botagwa, botlhapelwa le gotlhe fela moo. Mmang ke lo bolelele gape jaaka pele, gore le fa e le mang yo o tshelang botshelo jo bo ntseng jalo ga a kitla a rua bogosi jwa Modimo. 22 Mme fa Mowa O O Boitshepo o laola matshelo a rona o tlaa ungwa loungo lwa mofuta o mo go rona: lorato, boitumelo, kagiso, bopelotelele, bopelonomi, bomolemo, boikanyego, 23 tshiamo le boitshwaro; mme fa ga gona kgogakgogano le melao ya Sejuta. 24 Ba e leng ba ga Keresete ba kokotetse dithato tse di bosula tsa bone tsa tlholego mo mokgorong wa gagwe ba di bapola gone foo. 25 Fa e le gore jaanong re tshela ka nonofo ya Mowa O O Boitshepo, a re gogweng ke Mowa O O Boitshepo mo tokololong nngwe le nngwe ya matshelo a rona. 26 Mme ga re na go tlhokana le go ipatlela tlotlo le go itsege mo go gogelang kwa lefufeng le mo go tsholaneng ka dipelo.

In Other Versions

Galatians 5 in the ANGEFD

Galatians 5 in the ANTPNG2D

Galatians 5 in the AS21

Galatians 5 in the BAGH

Galatians 5 in the BBPNG

Galatians 5 in the BBT1E

Galatians 5 in the BDS

Galatians 5 in the BEV

Galatians 5 in the BHAD

Galatians 5 in the BIB

Galatians 5 in the BLPT

Galatians 5 in the BNT

Galatians 5 in the BNTABOOT

Galatians 5 in the BNTLV

Galatians 5 in the BOATCB

Galatians 5 in the BOATCB2

Galatians 5 in the BOBCV

Galatians 5 in the BOCNT

Galatians 5 in the BOECS

Galatians 5 in the BOGWICC

Galatians 5 in the BOHCB

Galatians 5 in the BOHCV

Galatians 5 in the BOHLNT

Galatians 5 in the BOHNTLTAL

Galatians 5 in the BOICB

Galatians 5 in the BOILNTAP

Galatians 5 in the BOITCV

Galatians 5 in the BOKCV

Galatians 5 in the BOKCV2

Galatians 5 in the BOKHWOG

Galatians 5 in the BOKSSV

Galatians 5 in the BOLCB

Galatians 5 in the BOLCB2

Galatians 5 in the BOMCV

Galatians 5 in the BONAV

Galatians 5 in the BONCB

Galatians 5 in the BONLT

Galatians 5 in the BONUT2

Galatians 5 in the BOPLNT

Galatians 5 in the BOSCB

Galatians 5 in the BOSNC

Galatians 5 in the BOVCB

Galatians 5 in the BOYCB

Galatians 5 in the BPBB

Galatians 5 in the BPH

Galatians 5 in the BSB

Galatians 5 in the CCB

Galatians 5 in the CUV

Galatians 5 in the CUVS

Galatians 5 in the DBT

Galatians 5 in the DGDNT

Galatians 5 in the DHNT

Galatians 5 in the DNT

Galatians 5 in the ELBE

Galatians 5 in the EMTV

Galatians 5 in the ESV

Galatians 5 in the FBV

Galatians 5 in the FEB

Galatians 5 in the GGMNT

Galatians 5 in the GNT

Galatians 5 in the HARY

Galatians 5 in the HNT

Galatians 5 in the IRVA

Galatians 5 in the IRVB

Galatians 5 in the IRVG

Galatians 5 in the IRVH

Galatians 5 in the IRVK

Galatians 5 in the IRVM

Galatians 5 in the IRVM2

Galatians 5 in the IRVO

Galatians 5 in the IRVP

Galatians 5 in the IRVT

Galatians 5 in the IRVT2

Galatians 5 in the IRVU

Galatians 5 in the ISVN

Galatians 5 in the JSNT

Galatians 5 in the KAPI

Galatians 5 in the KBT1ETNIK

Galatians 5 in the KBV

Galatians 5 in the KJV

Galatians 5 in the KNFD

Galatians 5 in the LBA

Galatians 5 in the LBLA

Galatians 5 in the LNT

Galatians 5 in the LSV

Galatians 5 in the MAAL

Galatians 5 in the MBV

Galatians 5 in the MBV2

Galatians 5 in the MHNT

Galatians 5 in the MKNFD

Galatians 5 in the MNG

Galatians 5 in the MNT

Galatians 5 in the MNT2

Galatians 5 in the MRS1T

Galatians 5 in the NAA

Galatians 5 in the NASB

Galatians 5 in the NBLA

Galatians 5 in the NBS

Galatians 5 in the NBVTP

Galatians 5 in the NET2

Galatians 5 in the NIV11

Galatians 5 in the NNT

Galatians 5 in the NNT2

Galatians 5 in the NNT3

Galatians 5 in the PDDPT

Galatians 5 in the PFNT

Galatians 5 in the RMNT

Galatians 5 in the SBIAS

Galatians 5 in the SBIBS

Galatians 5 in the SBIBS2

Galatians 5 in the SBICS

Galatians 5 in the SBIDS

Galatians 5 in the SBIGS

Galatians 5 in the SBIHS

Galatians 5 in the SBIIS

Galatians 5 in the SBIIS2

Galatians 5 in the SBIIS3

Galatians 5 in the SBIKS

Galatians 5 in the SBIKS2

Galatians 5 in the SBIMS

Galatians 5 in the SBIOS

Galatians 5 in the SBIPS

Galatians 5 in the SBISS

Galatians 5 in the SBITS

Galatians 5 in the SBITS2

Galatians 5 in the SBITS3

Galatians 5 in the SBITS4

Galatians 5 in the SBIUS

Galatians 5 in the SBIVS

Galatians 5 in the SBT

Galatians 5 in the SBT1E

Galatians 5 in the SCHL

Galatians 5 in the SNT

Galatians 5 in the SUSU

Galatians 5 in the SUSU2

Galatians 5 in the SYNO

Galatians 5 in the TBIAOTANT

Galatians 5 in the TBT1E

Galatians 5 in the TBT1E2

Galatians 5 in the TFTIP

Galatians 5 in the TFTU

Galatians 5 in the TGNTATF3T

Galatians 5 in the THAI

Galatians 5 in the TNFD

Galatians 5 in the TNT

Galatians 5 in the TNTIK

Galatians 5 in the TNTIL

Galatians 5 in the TNTIN

Galatians 5 in the TNTIP

Galatians 5 in the TNTIZ

Galatians 5 in the TOMA

Galatians 5 in the TTENT

Galatians 5 in the UBG

Galatians 5 in the UGV

Galatians 5 in the UGV2

Galatians 5 in the UGV3

Galatians 5 in the VBL

Galatians 5 in the VDCC

Galatians 5 in the YALU

Galatians 5 in the YAPE

Galatians 5 in the YBVTP

Galatians 5 in the ZBP