Luke 20 (BOTLNT)

1 Mme ya re ka letsatsi lengwe la malatsi ao fa a ntse a ruta a bile a rera Mafoko a a Molemo mo Tempeleng, a engwa pele ke baperesiti ba bagolo le baeteledipele ba tumelo le bagolwane ba motse. 2 Ba batla go itse gore o neilwe e mang nonofo ya go lelekela barekisi kwa ntle ga Tempele. 3 A ba fetola a re, “Ke tlaa lo botsa potso pele ga ke lo araba. 4 A Johane o ne a rometswe ke Modimo kgotsa o ne a itirela fela ka fa nonofong ya gagwe?” 5 Ba buisanya ka ga gone bare, “Fa re re molaetsa wa gagwe o ne o tswa legodimong, hong re tlaa bo re itshwarisa ka gore o tla re botsa gore, ‘Ke eng falo sa dumela?’ 6 Mme fa re re Johane o ne a sa rongwa ke Modimo batho ba tlaa re kgobotletsa ka maje, gonne ba dumela thata gore ene ele moporo-fiti.” 7 Mme ya re kwa morago ba fetola ba re, “Ga re itse!” 8 Mme Jesu a ba araba a re, “Ga nkitla ke araba potso ya lona ka gope.” 9 Mme a retologela kwa bathong gape a ba bolelela polelo e: “Monna o kile a lema tshimo ya mofine mme a e hirisetsa balemi bangwe, mme a tsamaela kwa lefatsheng le le kgakala go ya go nna gone dingwaga di se kae. 10 Mme e rile fa nako ya thobo e fitlha, a romela mongwe wa batho ba gagwe go ya go phutha seabe sa gagwe sa thobo. Mme balemi ba mo itaya ba mmusetsa morago a iphotlhere fela. 11 Mme a romela yo mongwe, mme ga diragala gape jalo le ene a itewa a tlhapadiwa a bo a busediwa morago a sa tsaya sepe. 12 “Motho wa boraro le ene a rongwa mme ga diragala fela jalo le ene a ntshiwa dintho a ba a lelekwa. 13 Hong mong wa tshimo a ipotsa a re, ‘Ke tlaa dira eng? Ke tlaa roma morwaake yo ke mo ratang thata. Ammaaruri ene ba tlaa mo tlotla.’ 14 Mme e rile balemi ba bona morwawe, ba re, ‘E ke yone fela nako ya rona! Motho yo o tlaa ja boswa jwa lefatshe lotlhe fa rraagwe a sena goswa. Tlang, a re mmolayeng, ke gone e tlaa nnang jwa rona.’ 15 Hong ba mo gogela kwa ntle ga tshimo ya mofine ba mmolaya. Jaanong lo akanya gore mong wa tshimo o tlaa dira eng? 16 Ke a lo bolelela, o tlaa tla go ba bolaya a bo a hirisetsa ba sele tshimo ya mofine.” Mme bareetsi ba ganela ba re, “Ga ba ke ba dira selo se se ntseng jalo.” 17 Mme Jesu a ba leba a re, “Jaanong dikwalo di raya eng fa di re, ‘Lentswe le le gannweng ke baagi ke lone le le dirilweng lentswe la kgokgotshwana.’ ” 18 Mme a tlatsa a re, “Le fa e le mang yo o kgotswang mo lentsweng leo o tlaa robega; mme ba le ba welang le tlaa ba sugakanya go fitlhelela ba nna lorole.” 19 E rile baperesiti ba bagolo le baeteledipele ba molao ba utlwa kaga polelo e o e boletseng, ba batla gore a tshwarwe ka bonako, gonne ba ne ba lemoga gore o bua kaga bone. E ne e le bahiri ba ba bosula mo polelong ya gagwe. Mme ba ne ba boifa gore fa bone ka sebele ba ka mo tshwara go tlaa nna le pheretlhego. Hong ba leka go mo tshwara ka go bua sengwe se se ka bolelelwang molaodi wa Seroma e le lebaka le le ka mo tshwarang. 20 Ya re ba ntse ba lebeletse lebaka le la bone, ba romela ditlhola di ipeile jaaka ekete ke basiami. 21 Ba raya Jesu ba re, “Morena re a itse fa o le moruti yo o ikanyegang. O aga o bolela boammaaruri o sa fapoge ka gope se bangwe ba se akanyang, ebile o ruta ditsela tsa Modimo. 22 Jaanong a o ko o re bolelele, a go siame go duela makgetho a mmuso wa Seroma kgotsa nnyaa?” 23 Mme ya re ka go lemoga boferefere jwa bone a re, 24 “Ntshupegetsang ledi. Ke setshwantsho sa ga mang se se mo go lone? Ke leina la ga mang?” Mme ba fetola ba re, “Kaesara, molaodi yo mogolo wa Roma.” 25 Mme a ba raya a re, “Hong nayang molaodi tsotlhe tse e leng tsa gagwe mme lo neye Modimo tse e leng tsa one.” 26 Mme maiteko a bone a go leka go mo tshwara ka mafoko mo pele ga batho a pala; ba hakgamalela karabo ya gagwe mme ba didimala. 27 Mme Basadukai bangwe, batho ba ba dumelang gore loso ke bokhutlo jwa botshelo, ba re ga go na tsogo ya baswi, 28 ba tla kwa go Jesu ba re, “Melao ya ga Moshe ya re fa monna a a swa a sena bana, morwa-rraagwe o ka nyala motlholagadi wa gagwe mme bana ba bone e bo e le ba monna yo o suleng, go tsweledisa leina la gagwe. 29 “Re itse kaga bo morwa motho ba basimane ba supa. Yo mogolo mo go bone a nyala mme a swa a sena bana. 30 Monnawe a nyala motlholagadi yoo mme le ene, a swa a sena bana. 31 Mme ga tswelela fela jalo, go fitlhelela wa bosupa a mo nyala a bo a swa, a sena bana. 32 Mme ya re kwa morago mosadi le ene a swa. 33 Jaanong potso ya rona fano ke gore: E tlaa nna mosadi wa ga mang mo tsogong ya baswi! Gonne ba ne ba mo nyetse botlhe?” 34 34-35 Jesu a ba fetola a re, “Nyalo ke selo sa batho mono lefatsheng, mme e tlaa re ka letsatsi leo, batho ba ba bonwang ba tshwanetswe ke go tsosiwa mo baswing ba tsena kwa legodimong ga ba kitla ba nyala. 36 Le gone ga ba kitla ba tlhola ba a swa ka gope, ka tsela e, ba tshwana le baengele, ke bana ba Modimo gonne ba tsoseditswe botshelong jo bosha go tswa mo baswing. 37 37-38 “Mme ka fa potsong ya lona, e, le go ka ne go na le tsogo ya baswi kgotsa nnyaa, ke eng, fa le dikwalo tsa ga Moshe di supa selo se. Gonne fa a tlhalosa ka fa Modimo o iponaditseng ka gone mo go ene mo setlhareng se se tukang, o bua kaga Modimo e le, ‘Modimo wa ga Aberahame, Isake le Jakobe.’ Gore Morena ke Modimo wa motho, mongwe, go raya gore motho yoo o a tshela, ga aa swa. Jalo ka fa Modimong batho botlhe ba a tshela.” 39 Bangwe ba baruti ba molao ba Sejuta ba ba neng ba eme foo ba re, “O buile sentle Morena!” 40 Mme seo sa khutlisa dipotso tsa bone, gonne ba ne ba tshaba go botsa go feta foo. 41 Mme a ba botsa potso e: “Ke eng fa Keresete, Mesia, gotwe ke wa lotso lwa ga Kgosi Dafide? 42 42-43 Gonne Dafide ka boene o kwadile mo bukeng ya Dipesalema a re, ‘Modimo o reile Morena wa me, Mesia, wa re, “Nna ka fa seatleng sa me se segolo go fitlhelela ke baya baba ba gago ka fa tlase ga dinao tsa gago.” ’ 44 Mesia o ka nna jang Morwa Dafide le Modimo wa ga Dafide ka nako e le nngwe.” 45 Mme ya re batho ba reeditse, a retologela kwa barutweng ba gagwe a re, 46 “Itiseng mo bomaitseanapeng ba, ba tumelo, gonne ba rata go apara diaparo tse di kgokgothang le go dumedisiwa ka tlotlo fa ba tsamaya mo mebileng. Mme ba rata jang ditulo tsa tlotlego mo disenagogeng le manno a tlotlomalo mo medirong! 47 Mme le fa ba rapela ba rapela dithapelo tse di telele ka bobelonomi jo bogolo jo bo bonalang ka kwa ntle, ba loga maano a go gapela basadi ba batlholagadi dilo tsa bone ka tsietso. Mme katlholo e e boitshegang ya Modimo e letetse batho ba.”

In Other Versions

Luke 20 in the ANGEFD

Luke 20 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 20 in the AS21

Luke 20 in the BAGH

Luke 20 in the BBPNG

Luke 20 in the BBT1E

Luke 20 in the BDS

Luke 20 in the BEV

Luke 20 in the BHAD

Luke 20 in the BIB

Luke 20 in the BLPT

Luke 20 in the BNT

Luke 20 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 20 in the BNTLV

Luke 20 in the BOATCB

Luke 20 in the BOATCB2

Luke 20 in the BOBCV

Luke 20 in the BOCNT

Luke 20 in the BOECS

Luke 20 in the BOGWICC

Luke 20 in the BOHCB

Luke 20 in the BOHCV

Luke 20 in the BOHLNT

Luke 20 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 20 in the BOICB

Luke 20 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 20 in the BOITCV

Luke 20 in the BOKCV

Luke 20 in the BOKCV2

Luke 20 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 20 in the BOKSSV

Luke 20 in the BOLCB

Luke 20 in the BOLCB2

Luke 20 in the BOMCV

Luke 20 in the BONAV

Luke 20 in the BONCB

Luke 20 in the BONLT

Luke 20 in the BONUT2

Luke 20 in the BOPLNT

Luke 20 in the BOSCB

Luke 20 in the BOSNC

Luke 20 in the BOVCB

Luke 20 in the BOYCB

Luke 20 in the BPBB

Luke 20 in the BPH

Luke 20 in the BSB

Luke 20 in the CCB

Luke 20 in the CUV

Luke 20 in the CUVS

Luke 20 in the DBT

Luke 20 in the DGDNT

Luke 20 in the DHNT

Luke 20 in the DNT

Luke 20 in the ELBE

Luke 20 in the EMTV

Luke 20 in the ESV

Luke 20 in the FBV

Luke 20 in the FEB

Luke 20 in the GGMNT

Luke 20 in the GNT

Luke 20 in the HARY

Luke 20 in the HNT

Luke 20 in the IRVA

Luke 20 in the IRVB

Luke 20 in the IRVG

Luke 20 in the IRVH

Luke 20 in the IRVK

Luke 20 in the IRVM

Luke 20 in the IRVM2

Luke 20 in the IRVO

Luke 20 in the IRVP

Luke 20 in the IRVT

Luke 20 in the IRVT2

Luke 20 in the IRVU

Luke 20 in the ISVN

Luke 20 in the JSNT

Luke 20 in the KAPI

Luke 20 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 20 in the KBV

Luke 20 in the KJV

Luke 20 in the KNFD

Luke 20 in the LBA

Luke 20 in the LBLA

Luke 20 in the LNT

Luke 20 in the LSV

Luke 20 in the MAAL

Luke 20 in the MBV

Luke 20 in the MBV2

Luke 20 in the MHNT

Luke 20 in the MKNFD

Luke 20 in the MNG

Luke 20 in the MNT

Luke 20 in the MNT2

Luke 20 in the MRS1T

Luke 20 in the NAA

Luke 20 in the NASB

Luke 20 in the NBLA

Luke 20 in the NBS

Luke 20 in the NBVTP

Luke 20 in the NET2

Luke 20 in the NIV11

Luke 20 in the NNT

Luke 20 in the NNT2

Luke 20 in the NNT3

Luke 20 in the PDDPT

Luke 20 in the PFNT

Luke 20 in the RMNT

Luke 20 in the SBIAS

Luke 20 in the SBIBS

Luke 20 in the SBIBS2

Luke 20 in the SBICS

Luke 20 in the SBIDS

Luke 20 in the SBIGS

Luke 20 in the SBIHS

Luke 20 in the SBIIS

Luke 20 in the SBIIS2

Luke 20 in the SBIIS3

Luke 20 in the SBIKS

Luke 20 in the SBIKS2

Luke 20 in the SBIMS

Luke 20 in the SBIOS

Luke 20 in the SBIPS

Luke 20 in the SBISS

Luke 20 in the SBITS

Luke 20 in the SBITS2

Luke 20 in the SBITS3

Luke 20 in the SBITS4

Luke 20 in the SBIUS

Luke 20 in the SBIVS

Luke 20 in the SBT

Luke 20 in the SBT1E

Luke 20 in the SCHL

Luke 20 in the SNT

Luke 20 in the SUSU

Luke 20 in the SUSU2

Luke 20 in the SYNO

Luke 20 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 20 in the TBT1E

Luke 20 in the TBT1E2

Luke 20 in the TFTIP

Luke 20 in the TFTU

Luke 20 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 20 in the THAI

Luke 20 in the TNFD

Luke 20 in the TNT

Luke 20 in the TNTIK

Luke 20 in the TNTIL

Luke 20 in the TNTIN

Luke 20 in the TNTIP

Luke 20 in the TNTIZ

Luke 20 in the TOMA

Luke 20 in the TTENT

Luke 20 in the UBG

Luke 20 in the UGV

Luke 20 in the UGV2

Luke 20 in the UGV3

Luke 20 in the VBL

Luke 20 in the VDCC

Luke 20 in the YALU

Luke 20 in the YAPE

Luke 20 in the YBVTP

Luke 20 in the ZBP