Proverbs 22 (BSB)
1 A good name is more desirable than great riches;favor is better than silver and gold. 2 The rich and the poor have this in common:The LORD is Maker of them all. 3 The prudent see danger and take cover,but the simple keep going and suffer the consequences. 4 The rewards of humility and the fear of the LORDare wealth and honor and life. 5 Thorns and snares lie on the path of the perverse;he who guards his soul stays far from them. 6 Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old he will not depart from it. 7 The rich rule over the poor,and the borrower is slave to the lender. 8 He who sows injustice will reap disaster,and the rod of his fury will be destroyed. 9 A generous man will be blessed,for he shares his bread with the poor. 10 Drive out the mocker, and conflict will depart;even quarreling and insults will cease. 11 He who loves a pure heart and gracious lipswill have the king for a friend. 12 The LORD’s eyes keep watch over knowledge,but He frustrates the words of the faithless. 13 The slacker says, “There is a lion outside!I will be slain in the streets!” 14 The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit;he who is under the wrath of the LORD will fall into it. 15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child,but the rod of discipline drives it far from him. 16 Oppressing the poor to enrich oneself or giving gifts to the richwill surely lead to poverty. 17 Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise—apply your mind to my knowledge— 18 for it is pleasing when you keep them within youand they are constantly on your lips. 19 So that your trust may be in the LORD,I instruct you today—yes, you. 20 Have I not written for you thirty sayings about counsel and knowledge, 21 to show you true and reliable words,that you may soundly answer those who sent you? 22 Do not rob a poor man because he is poor,and do not crush the afflicted at the gate, 23 for the LORD will take up their caseand will plunder those who rob them. 24 Do not make friends with an angry man,and do not associate with a hot-tempered man, 25 or you may learn his waysand entangle yourself in a snare. 26 Do not be one who gives pledges,who puts up security for debts. 27 If you have nothing with which to pay,why should your bed be taken from under you? 28 Do not move an ancient boundary stonewhich your fathers have placed. 29 Do you see a man skilled in his work?He will be stationed in the presence of kings;he will not stand before obscure men.
In Other Versions
Proverbs 22 in the ANGEFD
Proverbs 22 in the ANTPNG2D
Proverbs 22 in the AS21
Proverbs 22 in the BAGH
Proverbs 22 in the BBPNG
Proverbs 22 in the BBT1E
Proverbs 22 in the BDS
Proverbs 22 in the BEV
Proverbs 22 in the BHAD
Proverbs 22 in the BIB
Proverbs 22 in the BLPT
Proverbs 22 in the BNT
Proverbs 22 in the BNTABOOT
Proverbs 22 in the BNTLV
Proverbs 22 in the BOATCB
Proverbs 22 in the BOATCB2
Proverbs 22 in the BOBCV
Proverbs 22 in the BOCNT
Proverbs 22 in the BOECS
Proverbs 22 in the BOGWICC
Proverbs 22 in the BOHCB
Proverbs 22 in the BOHCV
Proverbs 22 in the BOHLNT
Proverbs 22 in the BOHNTLTAL
Proverbs 22 in the BOICB
Proverbs 22 in the BOILNTAP
Proverbs 22 in the BOITCV
Proverbs 22 in the BOKCV
Proverbs 22 in the BOKCV2
Proverbs 22 in the BOKHWOG
Proverbs 22 in the BOKSSV
Proverbs 22 in the BOLCB
Proverbs 22 in the BOLCB2
Proverbs 22 in the BOMCV
Proverbs 22 in the BONAV
Proverbs 22 in the BONCB
Proverbs 22 in the BONLT
Proverbs 22 in the BONUT2
Proverbs 22 in the BOPLNT
Proverbs 22 in the BOSCB
Proverbs 22 in the BOSNC
Proverbs 22 in the BOTLNT
Proverbs 22 in the BOVCB
Proverbs 22 in the BOYCB
Proverbs 22 in the BPBB
Proverbs 22 in the BPH
Proverbs 22 in the CCB
Proverbs 22 in the CUV
Proverbs 22 in the CUVS
Proverbs 22 in the DBT
Proverbs 22 in the DGDNT
Proverbs 22 in the DHNT
Proverbs 22 in the DNT
Proverbs 22 in the ELBE
Proverbs 22 in the EMTV
Proverbs 22 in the ESV
Proverbs 22 in the FBV
Proverbs 22 in the FEB
Proverbs 22 in the GGMNT
Proverbs 22 in the GNT
Proverbs 22 in the HARY
Proverbs 22 in the HNT
Proverbs 22 in the IRVA
Proverbs 22 in the IRVB
Proverbs 22 in the IRVG
Proverbs 22 in the IRVH
Proverbs 22 in the IRVK
Proverbs 22 in the IRVM
Proverbs 22 in the IRVM2
Proverbs 22 in the IRVO
Proverbs 22 in the IRVP
Proverbs 22 in the IRVT
Proverbs 22 in the IRVT2
Proverbs 22 in the IRVU
Proverbs 22 in the ISVN
Proverbs 22 in the JSNT
Proverbs 22 in the KAPI
Proverbs 22 in the KBT1ETNIK
Proverbs 22 in the KBV
Proverbs 22 in the KJV
Proverbs 22 in the KNFD
Proverbs 22 in the LBA
Proverbs 22 in the LBLA
Proverbs 22 in the LNT
Proverbs 22 in the LSV
Proverbs 22 in the MAAL
Proverbs 22 in the MBV
Proverbs 22 in the MBV2
Proverbs 22 in the MHNT
Proverbs 22 in the MKNFD
Proverbs 22 in the MNG
Proverbs 22 in the MNT
Proverbs 22 in the MNT2
Proverbs 22 in the MRS1T
Proverbs 22 in the NAA
Proverbs 22 in the NASB
Proverbs 22 in the NBLA
Proverbs 22 in the NBS
Proverbs 22 in the NBVTP
Proverbs 22 in the NET2
Proverbs 22 in the NIV11
Proverbs 22 in the NNT
Proverbs 22 in the NNT2
Proverbs 22 in the NNT3
Proverbs 22 in the PDDPT
Proverbs 22 in the PFNT
Proverbs 22 in the RMNT
Proverbs 22 in the SBIAS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIBS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIBS2
Proverbs 22 in the SBICS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIDS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIGS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIHS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIIS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIIS2
Proverbs 22 in the SBIIS3
Proverbs 22 in the SBIKS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIKS2
Proverbs 22 in the SBIMS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIOS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIPS
Proverbs 22 in the SBISS
Proverbs 22 in the SBITS
Proverbs 22 in the SBITS2
Proverbs 22 in the SBITS3
Proverbs 22 in the SBITS4
Proverbs 22 in the SBIUS
Proverbs 22 in the SBIVS
Proverbs 22 in the SBT
Proverbs 22 in the SBT1E
Proverbs 22 in the SCHL
Proverbs 22 in the SNT
Proverbs 22 in the SUSU
Proverbs 22 in the SUSU2
Proverbs 22 in the SYNO
Proverbs 22 in the TBIAOTANT
Proverbs 22 in the TBT1E
Proverbs 22 in the TBT1E2
Proverbs 22 in the TFTIP
Proverbs 22 in the TFTU
Proverbs 22 in the TGNTATF3T
Proverbs 22 in the THAI
Proverbs 22 in the TNFD
Proverbs 22 in the TNT
Proverbs 22 in the TNTIK
Proverbs 22 in the TNTIL
Proverbs 22 in the TNTIN
Proverbs 22 in the TNTIP
Proverbs 22 in the TNTIZ
Proverbs 22 in the TOMA
Proverbs 22 in the TTENT
Proverbs 22 in the UBG
Proverbs 22 in the UGV
Proverbs 22 in the UGV2
Proverbs 22 in the UGV3
Proverbs 22 in the VBL
Proverbs 22 in the VDCC
Proverbs 22 in the YALU
Proverbs 22 in the YAPE
Proverbs 22 in the YBVTP
Proverbs 22 in the ZBP