Romans 10 (FEB)

1 我的兄弟姐妹们,我内心的渴望、我对上帝的祷告,就是要拯救以色列人! 2 我可以证明他们对上帝的热情奉献,但这并未基于真正了解他。 3 他们不理解上帝如何让我们变得良善正直,他们试图靠自己变得良善正直,不肯接受上帝让人类良善正直的方式。 4 基督就是律法的执行,相信基督即为正义。 5 摩西写道:“凡遵守律法的行善之人,都会活着去。” 6 但源于信的正义行事态度却会这样说:“不要问‘谁会上天堂?’(请求将基督带到人间),” 7 或“谁要到死人的地方去?”(请求让基督死而复生)。 8 经文其实已经说了:“上帝之道与你非常近,它就是你口中所云、心中所想。”事实上,这道就是源自我们所展示的信任。 9 如果你宣布接受耶稣为主,并且在内心确信上帝让耶稣死而复生,你就会获得救赎。 10 你对上帝的信任成就你的正义和善良,你宣布接受上帝将会拯救你。 11 正如经文所说,“信他之人不会失望。” 12 犹太人和希腊人本无区别。因为这唯一的主是每个人的主,只要向他请求,他必慷慨赐予。 13 因为“呼唤主之名的人必得救。” 14 但人们怎么能呼唤他们并不相信之人?怎么能相信从未听说之人?除非被告知,怎么能听到? 15 除非被派遣,否则怎么能走出去告诉其他人?正如经文所说:“带来福音之人才会真正受到欢迎!” 16 但并不是每个人接受这福音。正如以赛亚所问:“主啊,从我们这里听到福音之人,谁会相信?” 17 信任上帝源于聆听——聆听基督之道。 18 他们并不是没有听到。恰恰相反:“全世界都已听到传播上帝之道的声音,他们的讯息传遍了整个世界。” 19 所以我的问题是,“难道以色列不知道吗?”首先摩西说:“我会让你们嫉妒,嫉妒那些并非子民之人,我会让你们愤怒,因那些并不知情的外族人而愤怒!” 20 以赛亚甚至以更强烈的态度说到:“那些未寻找我的人,找到了我,那些未请求我的人,我向其显示。” 21 上帝对以色列人说:“我始终都向那些悖逆顽固之人伸出双手。”

In Other Versions

Romans 10 in the ANGEFD

Romans 10 in the ANTPNG2D

Romans 10 in the AS21

Romans 10 in the BAGH

Romans 10 in the BBPNG

Romans 10 in the BBT1E

Romans 10 in the BDS

Romans 10 in the BEV

Romans 10 in the BHAD

Romans 10 in the BIB

Romans 10 in the BLPT

Romans 10 in the BNT

Romans 10 in the BNTABOOT

Romans 10 in the BNTLV

Romans 10 in the BOATCB

Romans 10 in the BOATCB2

Romans 10 in the BOBCV

Romans 10 in the BOCNT

Romans 10 in the BOECS

Romans 10 in the BOGWICC

Romans 10 in the BOHCB

Romans 10 in the BOHCV

Romans 10 in the BOHLNT

Romans 10 in the BOHNTLTAL

Romans 10 in the BOICB

Romans 10 in the BOILNTAP

Romans 10 in the BOITCV

Romans 10 in the BOKCV

Romans 10 in the BOKCV2

Romans 10 in the BOKHWOG

Romans 10 in the BOKSSV

Romans 10 in the BOLCB

Romans 10 in the BOLCB2

Romans 10 in the BOMCV

Romans 10 in the BONAV

Romans 10 in the BONCB

Romans 10 in the BONLT

Romans 10 in the BONUT2

Romans 10 in the BOPLNT

Romans 10 in the BOSCB

Romans 10 in the BOSNC

Romans 10 in the BOTLNT

Romans 10 in the BOVCB

Romans 10 in the BOYCB

Romans 10 in the BPBB

Romans 10 in the BPH

Romans 10 in the BSB

Romans 10 in the CCB

Romans 10 in the CUV

Romans 10 in the CUVS

Romans 10 in the DBT

Romans 10 in the DGDNT

Romans 10 in the DHNT

Romans 10 in the DNT

Romans 10 in the ELBE

Romans 10 in the EMTV

Romans 10 in the ESV

Romans 10 in the FBV

Romans 10 in the GGMNT

Romans 10 in the GNT

Romans 10 in the HARY

Romans 10 in the HNT

Romans 10 in the IRVA

Romans 10 in the IRVB

Romans 10 in the IRVG

Romans 10 in the IRVH

Romans 10 in the IRVK

Romans 10 in the IRVM

Romans 10 in the IRVM2

Romans 10 in the IRVO

Romans 10 in the IRVP

Romans 10 in the IRVT

Romans 10 in the IRVT2

Romans 10 in the IRVU

Romans 10 in the ISVN

Romans 10 in the JSNT

Romans 10 in the KAPI

Romans 10 in the KBT1ETNIK

Romans 10 in the KBV

Romans 10 in the KJV

Romans 10 in the KNFD

Romans 10 in the LBA

Romans 10 in the LBLA

Romans 10 in the LNT

Romans 10 in the LSV

Romans 10 in the MAAL

Romans 10 in the MBV

Romans 10 in the MBV2

Romans 10 in the MHNT

Romans 10 in the MKNFD

Romans 10 in the MNG

Romans 10 in the MNT

Romans 10 in the MNT2

Romans 10 in the MRS1T

Romans 10 in the NAA

Romans 10 in the NASB

Romans 10 in the NBLA

Romans 10 in the NBS

Romans 10 in the NBVTP

Romans 10 in the NET2

Romans 10 in the NIV11

Romans 10 in the NNT

Romans 10 in the NNT2

Romans 10 in the NNT3

Romans 10 in the PDDPT

Romans 10 in the PFNT

Romans 10 in the RMNT

Romans 10 in the SBIAS

Romans 10 in the SBIBS

Romans 10 in the SBIBS2

Romans 10 in the SBICS

Romans 10 in the SBIDS

Romans 10 in the SBIGS

Romans 10 in the SBIHS

Romans 10 in the SBIIS

Romans 10 in the SBIIS2

Romans 10 in the SBIIS3

Romans 10 in the SBIKS

Romans 10 in the SBIKS2

Romans 10 in the SBIMS

Romans 10 in the SBIOS

Romans 10 in the SBIPS

Romans 10 in the SBISS

Romans 10 in the SBITS

Romans 10 in the SBITS2

Romans 10 in the SBITS3

Romans 10 in the SBITS4

Romans 10 in the SBIUS

Romans 10 in the SBIVS

Romans 10 in the SBT

Romans 10 in the SBT1E

Romans 10 in the SCHL

Romans 10 in the SNT

Romans 10 in the SUSU

Romans 10 in the SUSU2

Romans 10 in the SYNO

Romans 10 in the TBIAOTANT

Romans 10 in the TBT1E

Romans 10 in the TBT1E2

Romans 10 in the TFTIP

Romans 10 in the TFTU

Romans 10 in the TGNTATF3T

Romans 10 in the THAI

Romans 10 in the TNFD

Romans 10 in the TNT

Romans 10 in the TNTIK

Romans 10 in the TNTIL

Romans 10 in the TNTIN

Romans 10 in the TNTIP

Romans 10 in the TNTIZ

Romans 10 in the TOMA

Romans 10 in the TTENT

Romans 10 in the UBG

Romans 10 in the UGV

Romans 10 in the UGV2

Romans 10 in the UGV3

Romans 10 in the VBL

Romans 10 in the VDCC

Romans 10 in the YALU

Romans 10 in the YAPE

Romans 10 in the YBVTP

Romans 10 in the ZBP