Romans 10 (SBT)
1 Mobanse cintu nconkute kuyandishisha ne moyo wakame wonse, kayi kusenga kwakame kuli Lesa nikwakwambeti Baislayeli baname bakapuluke. 2 Ndamushomeshenga kwambeti nabo nibantu balibenga pa mulimo wa Lesa, nsombi kulibenga kwabo nkakwashimpa pa lwinshibo. 3 Nkabainshi nshila Lesa, njakute kubalulamikilamo bantu pamenso akendi, nsombi balelekesha kulilulamika bonka, kwakutakonka nshila iyo Lesa njakute kululamikilamo. 4 Yesu Klistu ewalikuba mapwililisho a Milawo ya Mose, kwambeti uliyense lashomonga akacanike walulama pa menso a Lesa. 5 Kwamba sha bululami bukute kucanika mukunyumfwila Milawo, Mose mu Mubala walambeti, “Uliyense lakonkelenga Milawo nakabe ne buyumi.” 6 Nsombi Mabala alambangeti, twamba sha bululami bukute kubapo pakushoma nibwa kwambeti, “Utamba mumoyo wakobeti, ‘Niyani eshakenga Kwilu.” Uku ekwambeti Klistu aseluke. 7 Kayi utamba mu moyo eti, “Niyani eshakenga kucishi ca bantu bafwa, ekwambeti akupundusha Klistu kubafu? 8 Ncecilambanga nikwambeti,“Maswi nkalipo kutali sobwe,nsombi ali pamulomo pakobe, ne mumoyo wakobe.”Awa emaswi akushoma ayo ngotukute kukambauka. 9 Na ulasuminishinga ne mulomo wakobe kwambeti Yesu ni Mwami, kayi na washoma mumoyo wakobeti Lesa walamupundusha kubafu nukapuluke. 10 Pakwinga na muntu lashomo ne moyo wakendi, ukute kuba walulama pamenso a Lesa, kayi na lasuminishi ne mulomo wakendi ukute kupuluka. 11 Pakwinga Mabala akute kwambeti, “Muntu uliyense washoma, nteshi akanyumfwe nsoni.” 12 Neco paliya kupusana pakati pa Bayuda ne bantu ba mishobo naimbi, pakwinga Lesa endiye Mwami wabonse, kayi eukute kuleleka bonse bakute kumusenga. 13 Mbuli Mabala ncakute kwambeti, “Uliyense eshakasenge mulina lya Mwami nakapuluke.” 14 Nomba bantu ngabamukuweconi Mwami kwambeti abanyamfwe na nkabamushoma? Nomba ngabashomaconi na baliya kunyumfwa sha endiye? Lino ngabanyumfwaconi na paliya lakambaukunga? 15 Nomba bantu ngabakambaukaconi na kuliya labatumu? Pakwinga Mabala akute kwambeti,“Nicintu cakondweleshakubona beshikukambauka Mulumbe Waina kabesa.” 16 Nsombi nte bonse balautambula Mulumbe Waina. Mbuli mushinshimi Yesaya ncalambeti, “Mwami, nibani balashoma mbyotwalakambauka?” 17 Neco lushomo lukute kwisa kupitila mukunyumfwa Mulumbe Waina, kayi kunyumfwa Mulumbe Waina ukute kwisa kufuma mukambauka sha Klistu. 18 Sena nicakubinga nkabalanyumfwa maswi awa? Sobwe, kunyumfwa balanyumfwa nditu. Mbuli Mabala ncalambangeti,“Liswi lyabo lyalanyumfwika pa cishi capanshi conse,maswi abo alashika ku mapwililisho a cishi.” 19 Kayi ndepushunga, Sena Baislayeli nkabalanyumfwishisha maswi ayo? Mose ewalakumbula mwipusho uwu. Walambeti,“Nindimunyumfwishe munyonone mushobo wabula kuba wancinencine,nindimupesheti mukalalile mushobo wa bantu baluya.” 20 Nendi Yesaya walambapo mwangofu, eti“Balancana bantu abo balikubula kunangaula.Ndalabonekela ku bantu abo balikubula kwipusha sha njame.” 21 Nsombi kuli Baislayeli ndalambeti, “Busuba bonse ndalatambika makasa akame kumushobo wa bantu balikubula kunyumfwila kayi beshikumbukila.”
In Other Versions
Romans 10 in the ANGEFD
Romans 10 in the ANTPNG2D
Romans 10 in the AS21
Romans 10 in the BAGH
Romans 10 in the BBPNG
Romans 10 in the BBT1E
Romans 10 in the BDS
Romans 10 in the BEV
Romans 10 in the BHAD
Romans 10 in the BIB
Romans 10 in the BLPT
Romans 10 in the BNT
Romans 10 in the BNTABOOT
Romans 10 in the BNTLV
Romans 10 in the BOATCB
Romans 10 in the BOATCB2
Romans 10 in the BOBCV
Romans 10 in the BOCNT
Romans 10 in the BOECS
Romans 10 in the BOGWICC
Romans 10 in the BOHCB
Romans 10 in the BOHCV
Romans 10 in the BOHLNT
Romans 10 in the BOHNTLTAL
Romans 10 in the BOICB
Romans 10 in the BOILNTAP
Romans 10 in the BOITCV
Romans 10 in the BOKCV
Romans 10 in the BOKCV2
Romans 10 in the BOKHWOG
Romans 10 in the BOKSSV
Romans 10 in the BOLCB
Romans 10 in the BOLCB2
Romans 10 in the BOMCV
Romans 10 in the BONAV
Romans 10 in the BONCB
Romans 10 in the BONLT
Romans 10 in the BONUT2
Romans 10 in the BOPLNT
Romans 10 in the BOSCB
Romans 10 in the BOSNC
Romans 10 in the BOTLNT
Romans 10 in the BOVCB
Romans 10 in the BOYCB
Romans 10 in the BPBB
Romans 10 in the BPH
Romans 10 in the BSB
Romans 10 in the CCB
Romans 10 in the CUV
Romans 10 in the CUVS
Romans 10 in the DBT
Romans 10 in the DGDNT
Romans 10 in the DHNT
Romans 10 in the DNT
Romans 10 in the ELBE
Romans 10 in the EMTV
Romans 10 in the ESV
Romans 10 in the FBV
Romans 10 in the FEB
Romans 10 in the GGMNT
Romans 10 in the GNT
Romans 10 in the HARY
Romans 10 in the HNT
Romans 10 in the IRVA
Romans 10 in the IRVB
Romans 10 in the IRVG
Romans 10 in the IRVH
Romans 10 in the IRVK
Romans 10 in the IRVM
Romans 10 in the IRVM2
Romans 10 in the IRVO
Romans 10 in the IRVP
Romans 10 in the IRVT
Romans 10 in the IRVT2
Romans 10 in the IRVU
Romans 10 in the ISVN
Romans 10 in the JSNT
Romans 10 in the KAPI
Romans 10 in the KBT1ETNIK
Romans 10 in the KBV
Romans 10 in the KJV
Romans 10 in the KNFD
Romans 10 in the LBA
Romans 10 in the LBLA
Romans 10 in the LNT
Romans 10 in the LSV
Romans 10 in the MAAL
Romans 10 in the MBV
Romans 10 in the MBV2
Romans 10 in the MHNT
Romans 10 in the MKNFD
Romans 10 in the MNG
Romans 10 in the MNT
Romans 10 in the MNT2
Romans 10 in the MRS1T
Romans 10 in the NAA
Romans 10 in the NASB
Romans 10 in the NBLA
Romans 10 in the NBS
Romans 10 in the NBVTP
Romans 10 in the NET2
Romans 10 in the NIV11
Romans 10 in the NNT
Romans 10 in the NNT2
Romans 10 in the NNT3
Romans 10 in the PDDPT
Romans 10 in the PFNT
Romans 10 in the RMNT
Romans 10 in the SBIAS
Romans 10 in the SBIBS
Romans 10 in the SBIBS2
Romans 10 in the SBICS
Romans 10 in the SBIDS
Romans 10 in the SBIGS
Romans 10 in the SBIHS
Romans 10 in the SBIIS
Romans 10 in the SBIIS2
Romans 10 in the SBIIS3
Romans 10 in the SBIKS
Romans 10 in the SBIKS2
Romans 10 in the SBIMS
Romans 10 in the SBIOS
Romans 10 in the SBIPS
Romans 10 in the SBISS
Romans 10 in the SBITS
Romans 10 in the SBITS2
Romans 10 in the SBITS3
Romans 10 in the SBITS4
Romans 10 in the SBIUS
Romans 10 in the SBIVS
Romans 10 in the SBT1E
Romans 10 in the SCHL
Romans 10 in the SNT
Romans 10 in the SUSU
Romans 10 in the SUSU2
Romans 10 in the SYNO
Romans 10 in the TBIAOTANT
Romans 10 in the TBT1E
Romans 10 in the TBT1E2
Romans 10 in the TFTIP
Romans 10 in the TFTU
Romans 10 in the TGNTATF3T
Romans 10 in the THAI
Romans 10 in the TNFD
Romans 10 in the TNT
Romans 10 in the TNTIK
Romans 10 in the TNTIL
Romans 10 in the TNTIN
Romans 10 in the TNTIP
Romans 10 in the TNTIZ
Romans 10 in the TOMA
Romans 10 in the TTENT
Romans 10 in the UBG
Romans 10 in the UGV
Romans 10 in the UGV2
Romans 10 in the UGV3
Romans 10 in the VBL
Romans 10 in the VDCC
Romans 10 in the YALU
Romans 10 in the YAPE
Romans 10 in the YBVTP
Romans 10 in the ZBP