Luke 14 (GGMNT)

1 Issi gallas Yesussay quma maanaas Farsawista halaqatape issa so gelida wode asay wuri Yesussa ay oothanakonne gidi ayfe iza bolla tooki xellides. 2 Heenka asatethay izas purin wayetiza issi assi iza sinthan dees. 3 Yesussaykka Muse woga erizaytanne Farsawista saketizadde sanbbata gallas pathanaas koshize koshennee? gidi oychchides. 4 Istika co7u gida izikka addezza bochchiddi pathi yeddides. 5 Qassekka intefe issi asas sanbbata wode nay woykko booray kundidi olan geliko eeson heeraka kesonta uray oone? gides. 6 Istika oychas aykko zaroka demmnaas dand7ibeyitenna 7 Xeygetida asati uttanaas boncho so koyishin Yesussay beyidi leemuso istas hiz gidi yoottides. 8 Issi assi nena sarges xeysiko boncho son utofa, nepe bollara bonchetizaddey xeysetiko 9 Intena nam77antaka xeysidaddey yiidi ne utidasoza hayssaddes yeda gaana, nenika yelatashe ziqaso banddassa. 10 Gido attin xeysetida wode ziqaso xellada utta, nena xegidaddey yiidi ta lagge haaya dhoqason utta gaandes, nenika he wode nenara maaddan utida asa wurso sinthan bonchetana. 11 Ays giiko bena dhoqqu histizaddey wuri ziq gaana bena ziq histizaddey wuri dhoqqu gaana. 12 Yesussaykka xeygidaddeza hiz gides quma woykko ka7o muzanas xeysiko neysatho nena xeysidi muzonta mala ne laggeta woykko ne ishata, ne dabota, woykko durista woykko dure guttata xegopa 13 Gido attin asa xeysada muzana koyko manqota, kushey toy bayndda wobistane qooqeta xeysa neni anjetana. 14 Xeysetidayti kushe zaranaas danda7onta gish xillota dentha wode nees kushey zaretana. 15 Maaddan Yesussara issife utidaytape issay hayssa siyidi Xoossa kawotethan shiiqidi maaddafe miza uray anjetidadde gides. 16 Yesussaykka hizgides issi assi wolqama diggisa giigisidi daro assi xeygides. 17 Diggissa maana wodeyka gakin xeygetida imathata wurikka giigida gish ha yite gidi xegana mala ba ashkkara yeddides. 18 Gido attin wurikka beso hara gaaso shiishidi isoy ha7i gade shamadis baada beyanas besses hachsi tana lancofa gides. 19 Hankoysika tani ichachu waxa boora shamadis izista paaca xellana gish hach tana lancofa gides. 20 Qasse hara asaykka tani buro miishratethan days baannaas danda7ikke gides. 21 Oothanchayka kitetida soope simmidi hezati gidayssa ba Godas yoottides. he wodeka diggisa giigisidays hanqetidi oothancha hizgides, elella oydu oge kezada manqota, kusheynne toy bayndda wobista qomaxatanne ayfey bayndda qooqeta ha geltha gides. 22 Oothanchayka zaaridi ta Godo ne tana azazidaysa wursa poladis burokka utetha soy dees gides. 23 Godazikka oothanchaza gede oydu oge keza ta keeth kumana mala pudene dugenne aadhdhizaytta wolqara geltha. 24 Tani tuma gays diggisa maana xeysetidaytape issi urayka duunan gelthenna gides. 25 Daro derey izara issife bizayssa beyidi guye simmida Yesussay hizgides. 26 Taako yizay wuri ba aawanne ba, ba machchonne nayta, ba ishatanne michchista ba duus gidiin ixonta agikko tana kaallizadde gidanas danda7enna. 27 Be masqale tookidi tana kaalontay tana kaallizadde gidanas danda7enna. 28 Inte issi assi keethe keexanas koyko polanaas danda7anakkonne danda7ontako koyrotidi ba bira qopontay oone? 29 Keetha keexana doomidi wursanaas hanonta ixxiko beydda assi wuri iza bolla miicana. 30 Istika hizgana haysi addezzi keeth oykides shin polibeyna. 31 Woykko issi kawoy hara kawora olistana giigiidi nam77u tamu shi asa assi ekki yiza kawo zaranaas tamu shi ola asara zaranakonne uttidi qopontay oone? 32 Ola zaranaas danda7ettontta milatida bettikko buro hahon dishin maqaynanas gaana yedes. 33 Izaka mala inte oonikka gidiin bees dizaysa aggontay oonikka tana kaallizadde gidanas danda7enna. 34 Maxiney lo7oshin maxiney mal7onta ixxiko go7ena, 35 Gadeni yegin gidonta gish co kare wora yegetes siyiza haythi diza assi siyo.

In Other Versions

Luke 14 in the ANGEFD

Luke 14 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 14 in the AS21

Luke 14 in the BAGH

Luke 14 in the BBPNG

Luke 14 in the BBT1E

Luke 14 in the BDS

Luke 14 in the BEV

Luke 14 in the BHAD

Luke 14 in the BIB

Luke 14 in the BLPT

Luke 14 in the BNT

Luke 14 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 14 in the BNTLV

Luke 14 in the BOATCB

Luke 14 in the BOATCB2

Luke 14 in the BOBCV

Luke 14 in the BOCNT

Luke 14 in the BOECS

Luke 14 in the BOGWICC

Luke 14 in the BOHCB

Luke 14 in the BOHCV

Luke 14 in the BOHLNT

Luke 14 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 14 in the BOICB

Luke 14 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 14 in the BOITCV

Luke 14 in the BOKCV

Luke 14 in the BOKCV2

Luke 14 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 14 in the BOKSSV

Luke 14 in the BOLCB

Luke 14 in the BOLCB2

Luke 14 in the BOMCV

Luke 14 in the BONAV

Luke 14 in the BONCB

Luke 14 in the BONLT

Luke 14 in the BONUT2

Luke 14 in the BOPLNT

Luke 14 in the BOSCB

Luke 14 in the BOSNC

Luke 14 in the BOTLNT

Luke 14 in the BOVCB

Luke 14 in the BOYCB

Luke 14 in the BPBB

Luke 14 in the BPH

Luke 14 in the BSB

Luke 14 in the CCB

Luke 14 in the CUV

Luke 14 in the CUVS

Luke 14 in the DBT

Luke 14 in the DGDNT

Luke 14 in the DHNT

Luke 14 in the DNT

Luke 14 in the ELBE

Luke 14 in the EMTV

Luke 14 in the ESV

Luke 14 in the FBV

Luke 14 in the FEB

Luke 14 in the GNT

Luke 14 in the HARY

Luke 14 in the HNT

Luke 14 in the IRVA

Luke 14 in the IRVB

Luke 14 in the IRVG

Luke 14 in the IRVH

Luke 14 in the IRVK

Luke 14 in the IRVM

Luke 14 in the IRVM2

Luke 14 in the IRVO

Luke 14 in the IRVP

Luke 14 in the IRVT

Luke 14 in the IRVT2

Luke 14 in the IRVU

Luke 14 in the ISVN

Luke 14 in the JSNT

Luke 14 in the KAPI

Luke 14 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 14 in the KBV

Luke 14 in the KJV

Luke 14 in the KNFD

Luke 14 in the LBA

Luke 14 in the LBLA

Luke 14 in the LNT

Luke 14 in the LSV

Luke 14 in the MAAL

Luke 14 in the MBV

Luke 14 in the MBV2

Luke 14 in the MHNT

Luke 14 in the MKNFD

Luke 14 in the MNG

Luke 14 in the MNT

Luke 14 in the MNT2

Luke 14 in the MRS1T

Luke 14 in the NAA

Luke 14 in the NASB

Luke 14 in the NBLA

Luke 14 in the NBS

Luke 14 in the NBVTP

Luke 14 in the NET2

Luke 14 in the NIV11

Luke 14 in the NNT

Luke 14 in the NNT2

Luke 14 in the NNT3

Luke 14 in the PDDPT

Luke 14 in the PFNT

Luke 14 in the RMNT

Luke 14 in the SBIAS

Luke 14 in the SBIBS

Luke 14 in the SBIBS2

Luke 14 in the SBICS

Luke 14 in the SBIDS

Luke 14 in the SBIGS

Luke 14 in the SBIHS

Luke 14 in the SBIIS

Luke 14 in the SBIIS2

Luke 14 in the SBIIS3

Luke 14 in the SBIKS

Luke 14 in the SBIKS2

Luke 14 in the SBIMS

Luke 14 in the SBIOS

Luke 14 in the SBIPS

Luke 14 in the SBISS

Luke 14 in the SBITS

Luke 14 in the SBITS2

Luke 14 in the SBITS3

Luke 14 in the SBITS4

Luke 14 in the SBIUS

Luke 14 in the SBIVS

Luke 14 in the SBT

Luke 14 in the SBT1E

Luke 14 in the SCHL

Luke 14 in the SNT

Luke 14 in the SUSU

Luke 14 in the SUSU2

Luke 14 in the SYNO

Luke 14 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 14 in the TBT1E

Luke 14 in the TBT1E2

Luke 14 in the TFTIP

Luke 14 in the TFTU

Luke 14 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 14 in the THAI

Luke 14 in the TNFD

Luke 14 in the TNT

Luke 14 in the TNTIK

Luke 14 in the TNTIL

Luke 14 in the TNTIN

Luke 14 in the TNTIP

Luke 14 in the TNTIZ

Luke 14 in the TOMA

Luke 14 in the TTENT

Luke 14 in the UBG

Luke 14 in the UGV

Luke 14 in the UGV2

Luke 14 in the UGV3

Luke 14 in the VBL

Luke 14 in the VDCC

Luke 14 in the YALU

Luke 14 in the YAPE

Luke 14 in the YBVTP

Luke 14 in the ZBP