Deuteronomy 6 (TBIAOTANT)

1 Egha Moses ua kamaghɨn mɨgei, “Kar Ikiavɨra Itir God, en God, ian sure damuasa na mɨkemezir Akar Gavgaviba, arazir God ifongeziba ko bizir a damuasa ia mɨkemeziba. Ia mangɨ nguazir ia datɨrɨghɨn iniamim dapiagh, egh akar kaba bar dar gɨn mangɨ. 2 Ikiavɨra Itir God kamaghsua ifonge, ia ko ian boriba ko men borir men gɨn otivamiba, ia angamɨra itir dughiamɨn, Ikiavɨra Itir Godɨn atiating, arazir a ifongeziba ko an Akar Gavgavir a ia ganɨdiba, ia dar gɨn mangɨvɨra ikɨ. Ia kamaghɨn damuva, ia dughiar ruarimɨn nguazir kamɨn ikiam. 3 O Israelia, ia oragh! Ia deraghvɨra ikɨsɨ, ia akar kaba baregh, egh deraghvɨra dar gɨn mangɨ. Ia kamaghɨn damu, egh ia nguazir aghuimɨn ikiam, nguazir kam a bar dera, ezɨ biziba bar an ikiava deravɨram aghui. Egh ia bar avɨrasemegh bar gavgavightɨ, ingangarir ia damuamiba, da deraghvɨram otivam, mati Ikiavɨra Itir God, ian inazir afeziabar God, ia mɨkemezɨ mokɨn. 4 4-5 “O Israelia, ia deravɨram oragh. Ikiavɨra Itir God, a bar uabɨra en God. Eghtɨ ia bar uan navir averiaba ko uan duaba ko uan gavgaviba sara bar a gifongegh. 6 Kɨ ia ganɨdir akar kaba, ia da isɨ uan navir averiabar arigh, egh dagh nɨghnɨghvɨra ikɨ. 7 Egh dughiar ia uan boriba ko dɨpenimɨn ikia avughsiba, ko dughiar ia me ko tuavibar zuiba, ko ia dakuasa mɨsiabar itir dughiaba, ko dughiar ia mɨsiabar dɨkaviba, ia zurara akar kaba dar men sure damuvɨra ikɨ. 8 Egh akar kaba akɨnafarimɨn ada osirigh, da isɨ uan agharibar arigh da uan guabagh ikegh, egh da gɨn amangan markɨ. 9 Egh akar kaba uan dɨpenibar tiar akabar akɨniba, ko nguibaba avɨnizir dɨvazibar tiar akabar da osirigh.” 10 Egha Moses kamaghɨn mɨgei “Ikiavɨra Itir God, en God, en inazir afeziaba, Abraham, Aisak, Jekop, ko akam akɨrigha ghaze, A nguazitam isɨ ia danɨngam. Nguazir kam, nguibar ekiar aghuiba an iti. Nguibar ekiar kaba, ia uari dar ingarizir puvatɨ. 11 Eghtɨ bizir aghuir avɨriba ian dɨpenibagh izevegham. Bizir kaba ia fomɨra da isa uan dɨpenibagh arɨghizir puvatɨ. Eghtɨ mozir dɨpar ia fomɨra kuizir puvatɨziba ikɨtɨ, wainɨn azeniba ko olivɨn azenir ia ingarava oparizir puvatɨziba ikiam. Eghtɨ ia an aven ikɨ damasa ifongezir daghebar amɨ bar izevegham. 12 Egh, ia deraghvɨra uari bagh gan. Ia fo, ia Isipɨn kantrin ikia pura ingangarir gumazir kɨnibar mɨn itima, Ikiavɨra Itir God ia inigha ian akuava azenan ize. Eghtɨ ia a gɨn amangan markɨ. 13 Ia Ikiavɨra Itir God, ian God, an atiating an apengara ikɨ an ziamra fam. Egh ia uan akaba gavgavim dar anɨngsɨ, an ziamra dɨpon akar dɨkɨrɨzim damu. 14 Egh ian boroghɨn itir gumazamizibar aseba, ia dar ziaba fan markɨ. 15 Ia kamaghɨn fogh, Ikiavɨra Itir God, ian God, ia ko iti, ezɨ gumazamiziba asebar gɨn zuima, Godɨn navim me bagha bar ikufi. Eghtɨ ia asebar ziaba fɨtɨ, Ikiavɨra Itir God ian atar, mati avim bizibar isia da gevi moghɨn, ia agɨvaghtɨ, ia ua nguazir kamɨn ikian kogham. 16 “Egh ia uan Ikiavɨra Itir God, en God, an araziba tuisɨgh a gɨfoghsɨ an gavgavim bagh azangan markɨ, mati ia Masan danganimɨn amizɨ mokɨn. 17 Ia Ikiavɨra Itir God, ian God, mɨkemezir Akar Gavgaviba, ko akar a ia ganɨngiziba, ko arazir a ifongeziba, ia dar gɨn mangasa, a ia mɨgɨa ghaze, ia guizbangɨra bar adar gɨn mangɨ. 18 Ia arazir aghuir Ikiavɨra Itir Godɨn damazimɨn deraziba, ia dar amu, eghtɨ bizir ia damuamiba bar deraghvɨram otivam. Eghtɨ nguazir aghuir Ikiavɨra Itir God ia danɨngasa ian inazir afeziaba ko akam akɨrizir kam, ia an aven mangɨ a iniam. 19 Eghtɨ Ikiavɨra Itir God ia koma akam akɨrizɨ moghɨra, ia uan apanibav sogh me batuegham. 20 “Dughiar gɨn izamimɨn, ian boriba izɨ kamaghɨn ian azangam, ‘Ikiavɨra Itir God, en God, akar ia ganɨngizir kaba, ko arazir a ifongeziba, ko bizir a damuasa ia mɨkemezir kaba, dar mɨngarim manmakɨn? Ia ti fo?’ 21 Eghtɨ ia kamaghɨn me mɨkɨm, ‘E Isipɨn kantrin atrivimɨn ingangarir gumazir kɨnibar itima, Ikiavɨra Itir God, uabɨ uan gavgavimɨn uam e ini. 22 E bar guizbangɨra, uari uan damazibar garima, a mirakelɨn igharagha gariba ko dɨgavir kuram gamir arazaraziba, Isipia ko, men atrivim ko, an gumazir ekiaba, me gami. 23 Egha a Isipɨn kantrin e inigha azenan ize, eghtɨ a en inazir afeziaba ko akam akɨrizir nguazim e danɨngɨsɨ, e inigh mangɨ e danɨngam. 24 Ikiavɨra Itir God, en God, arazir a ifongezir kabar gɨn mangasa e mɨkeme, eghtɨ e an atiating an apengara ikiam. E kamaghɨn damutɨ, a en kantrin aven deraghvɨram e geghuv en gantɨ, e deraghvɨra ikiam, mati e datɨrɨghɨn iti mokɨn. 25 Egh e Akar Gavgavir kaba, Ikiavɨra Itir God, en Godɨn damazimɨn dar gɨn mangɨtɨ, God, e mɨkemezɨ moghɨn, a kamaghɨn mɨkɨm suam, e an damazimɨn dera.’ ”

In Other Versions

Deuteronomy 6 in the ANGEFD

Deuteronomy 6 in the ANTPNG2D

Deuteronomy 6 in the AS21

Deuteronomy 6 in the BAGH

Deuteronomy 6 in the BBPNG

Deuteronomy 6 in the BBT1E

Deuteronomy 6 in the BDS

Deuteronomy 6 in the BEV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BHAD

Deuteronomy 6 in the BIB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BLPT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BNTABOOT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BNTLV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOATCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOATCB2

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOBCV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOCNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOECS

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOGWICC

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOHCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOHCV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOHLNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOHNTLTAL

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOICB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOILNTAP

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOITCV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOKCV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOKCV2

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOKHWOG

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOKSSV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOLCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOLCB2

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOMCV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BONAV

Deuteronomy 6 in the BONCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BONLT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BONUT2

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOPLNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOSCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOSNC

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOTLNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOVCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BOYCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BPBB

Deuteronomy 6 in the BPH

Deuteronomy 6 in the BSB

Deuteronomy 6 in the CCB

Deuteronomy 6 in the CUV

Deuteronomy 6 in the CUVS

Deuteronomy 6 in the DBT

Deuteronomy 6 in the DGDNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the DHNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the DNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the ELBE

Deuteronomy 6 in the EMTV

Deuteronomy 6 in the ESV

Deuteronomy 6 in the FBV

Deuteronomy 6 in the FEB

Deuteronomy 6 in the GGMNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the GNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the HARY

Deuteronomy 6 in the HNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVA

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVB

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVG

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVH

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVK

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVM

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVM2

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVO

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVP

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVT

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVT2

Deuteronomy 6 in the IRVU

Deuteronomy 6 in the ISVN

Deuteronomy 6 in the JSNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the KAPI

Deuteronomy 6 in the KBT1ETNIK

Deuteronomy 6 in the KBV

Deuteronomy 6 in the KJV

Deuteronomy 6 in the KNFD

Deuteronomy 6 in the LBA

Deuteronomy 6 in the LBLA

Deuteronomy 6 in the LNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the LSV

Deuteronomy 6 in the MAAL

Deuteronomy 6 in the MBV

Deuteronomy 6 in the MBV2

Deuteronomy 6 in the MHNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the MKNFD

Deuteronomy 6 in the MNG

Deuteronomy 6 in the MNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the MNT2

Deuteronomy 6 in the MRS1T

Deuteronomy 6 in the NAA

Deuteronomy 6 in the NASB

Deuteronomy 6 in the NBLA

Deuteronomy 6 in the NBS

Deuteronomy 6 in the NBVTP

Deuteronomy 6 in the NET2

Deuteronomy 6 in the NIV11

Deuteronomy 6 in the NNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the NNT2

Deuteronomy 6 in the NNT3

Deuteronomy 6 in the PDDPT

Deuteronomy 6 in the PFNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the RMNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIAS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIBS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIBS2

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBICS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIDS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIGS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIHS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIIS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIIS2

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIIS3

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIKS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIKS2

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIMS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIOS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIPS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBISS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBITS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBITS2

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBITS3

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBITS4

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIUS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBIVS

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBT

Deuteronomy 6 in the SBT1E

Deuteronomy 6 in the SCHL

Deuteronomy 6 in the SNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the SUSU

Deuteronomy 6 in the SUSU2

Deuteronomy 6 in the SYNO

Deuteronomy 6 in the TBT1E

Deuteronomy 6 in the TBT1E2

Deuteronomy 6 in the TFTIP

Deuteronomy 6 in the TFTU

Deuteronomy 6 in the TGNTATF3T

Deuteronomy 6 in the THAI

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNFD

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNT

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNTIK

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNTIL

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNTIN

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNTIP

Deuteronomy 6 in the TNTIZ

Deuteronomy 6 in the TOMA

Deuteronomy 6 in the TTENT

Deuteronomy 6 in the UBG

Deuteronomy 6 in the UGV

Deuteronomy 6 in the UGV2

Deuteronomy 6 in the UGV3

Deuteronomy 6 in the VBL

Deuteronomy 6 in the VDCC

Deuteronomy 6 in the YALU

Deuteronomy 6 in the YAPE

Deuteronomy 6 in the YBVTP

Deuteronomy 6 in the ZBP