Luke 4 (TNFD)

1 Pen Jisas ñɨg Jodan pakɨl adɨkɨd owaknɨŋ, God Kawnan ne ak Jisas nop nab ayaŋ mɨdupsek amnak ak, ne Jisas nop man nep binɨb ma yelak nab okok poŋɨd amnak. 2 Ñɨn anep 40 juwak nɨŋɨd, kɨcheki bɨawl ak ne Jisas yad yɨl owaŋ agɨl, ap nop agnɨgolɨgup. Jisas tap ak ma ñɨbek, anɨb ñɨn ak juwek nop yuwan gak. 3 Kɨcheki bɨawl ak ne nop agak, Nad God Ñɨne mɨdɨl nɨm, kab anɨb awl age bilet tek tɨkɨlaŋ agak. 4 Agek Jisas nop pen agak, Buk Baybol ak tɨkɨl agɨlak, Binɨb okok, kɨli tap mɨdup anep ñɨbebal ak, kɨles ma dɨl pelpel yenɨgel tek ma lup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 5 Agek kɨcheki Jisas nop dad dum awl alaŋ olap amɨl, kasek man okok mɨdupsek yomɨl 6 6-7 agak, Man teplep okol nɨgan agak. Bɨawl keke kod mɨdebal agak. Yad pen, man anɨb okok mɨdupsek kodɨpin agak. Bɨ olap nop agɨnɨg agɨnɨgayn agak. Anɨb ak nad kɨgom yɨmɨl yɨp agnɨŋɨd kɨdek genɨgaban, man anɨb okol mɨdupsek nep agen, yɨb yenɨgab ak kodɨnɨgaban agak. 8 Agek Jisas pen agak, Buk Baybol ak tɨkɨl agɨlak, Bɨawl God nad ak nop nep kɨgom yɨmɨl agnɨŋɨd, wog nop anep gɨnɨmɨn agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 9 9-11 Anɨb agek, kɨcheki bɨawl ak ne Jisas nop dad Jelusalem amɨl, dam God agnɨgep kal awl adek awl oklaŋ amɨl agak, Buk Baybol ak tɨkɨl agɨlak, God ne agek, ensel ne okok nep kod mɨdtep gɨnɨgabal agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Apyap pakɨnɨg ge, ñɨn kɨli ak nep dɨ yenɨgabal ak nɨm, kab tob nep puŋɨlɨnɨmuŋ tek ma lɨnɨgab agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Anɨb ak, nad God Ñɨne mɨdɨl nɨm, pɨdeg lum ayaŋ lan agak. 12 Kɨcheki anɨb agek Jisas agak, Buk Baybol ak tɨkɨl agɨlak, Chɨn Bɨawl God kɨles ne anɨgep tek ma mɨdeb agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 13 Kɨcheki bɨawl ak ne Jisas nop takaw tay yepɨs okok mɨdupsek ag mel nɨŋɨd, kelɨg amnɨg gɨl, gos ne anep nɨŋɨd agak, Kɨdek ñɨn ogɨnap yad apɨl, takaw yepɨs ogɨnap sek agnɨgɨnɨm agɨl, amnak. 14 Pen God Kawnan ne ak Jisas nop kɨles ñak nɨŋɨd, adɨkɨd am Galili plopens mɨdɨl, tap ogɨnap gek nɨŋɨd, binɨb okok takaw anɨb ak yɨg dad, Galili plopens nab okok mɨdupsek amnɨlak. 15 Ne Juda apnan gɨpal kal okok amɨl takaw agtep gek, bɨ tep yɨbɨl agɨl mɨñmɨñ yɨbɨl gɨlak. 16 Pen Jisas ne Galili plopens nab okok aj aj taun Nasalet, man ne awl gak ak am yek. Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl ak apek, ne pel golɨgup tek, Juda apnan gɨpal kal ak amɨl tɨkjakak. 17 Tɨkjakek, nop bɨ God gos ñek agñeb Aysaya ñu kɨl tɨkak buk bad ak dap ñel, dɨ malakɨl, buk nɨm pi ak agɨnɨg gak day ak nɨŋɨd, kɨlop agñak. Takaw anɨb ak agak, 18 God Bɨawl ak, yɨp wog ne ogɨnap aglɨl, Kawnan ne ak yokek yad yɨl apyapɨl yad ayɨp mɨdeb agak.Anɨb ak binɨb yɨmgeptek okok, yad takaw teplep agtep gen nɨgɨnɨgabal agak.Binɨb nag lup mɨdebal okok, wɨsɨb yoken amnɨgabal agak.Binɨb wɨdɨn koy mɨdebal okok, kɨlop gen nɨgɨnɨgabal agak.Binɨb ogɨnap kɨlop gɨ tɨmel gɨpal okok, gɨtep gɨnɨgayn agak. 19 Bɨawl binɨb ne okok mɨdupsek gɨtep gɨnɨgab ñɨn anɨb ak apek, binɨb okok kɨlop agñɨnɨgayn agak. 20 Jisas buk pi ak anɨb ak nɨgɨlɨg agñɨjuwɨl, buk bad ak dɨ yu gɨl, bɨ buk kod mɨdolɨgup anop tepayaŋ ñɨl besɨgek, binɨb yelak okok mɨdupsek wɨdɨn ak juwɨl nop nep nɨgɨlak. 21 Anɨgɨl nɨgelak Jisas kɨlop agak, God takaw anɨb won ak nepɨm ak, mɨñɨl nɨŋɨd yɨbɨl mɨdeb agak. 22 Anɨb agek nɨŋɨd, Takaw tep yɨbɨl ak nep chɨnop agup agɨl, yɨb nop ak dad aplanɨlɨg gos kuŋay nep nɨgɨlak. Pen gos olap nɨŋɨd agɨlak, Bɨ anɨb awl Josep ñɨne nep agɨlak. 23 Anɨb agel Jisas kɨlop agak, Yad nepin agak. Yɨp agɨnɨgabɨm, Dokta, nak ke mɨñak nep gup ak ge suŋ lɨnɨmuŋ agɨnɨgabɨm agak. Taun Kapeneyam mɨdɨl, tap mageptek ge, yɨd apek nopun tek ak, nab sɨŋawl abe ge nɨgun agɨnɨgabɨm agak. 24 Pen nɨbop nɨŋɨd agebin agak. Bɨ God gos ñek agñeb ak kal ne mɨdɨl agek, kɨli ma nɨgɨnɨgabal agak. 25 Pen nɨgɨm. Bɨ God gos ñek agñeb Yilayja yek ñɨn ak, sub omɨŋal nokom takan anep kagol ak, man ma yɨbɨl pakɨl, tap ma jakɨl, yuwan awl yɨbɨl gak agak. Yislel bin kaŋɨl yuwan gak okok kuŋay nep yelɨgɨpal ak pen, 26 God Yilayja nop agyokek, taun Saydon palawl amɨl, man sɨkol Salepat amnak agak. Amɨl bin kaŋɨl olap nop nɨŋɨd tap ñak agak. 27 Pen anɨb ak tek, kɨdek bɨ God gos ñek agñeb Yilaysa yek ñɨn ak, Yislel binɨb soy ladek lak okok kuŋay yɨbɨl yelak ak pen, binɨb ogɨnap gek suŋ ma lak agak. Bɨ Neman man Siliya palawl nɨb ak, nop nep gek suŋ lak agak. 28 Jisas anɨb agek, binɨb Juda apnan gɨpal kal ak yelak okok nɨgel kɨlop mɨlɨk tɨmel yɨbɨl yowak. 29 Kal kɨli ak dum kabsoy anɨb oklaŋ yek, anɨb ak tek kɨli tɨkjakɨl, Jisas nop lɨpɨg seŋ ken dad kab mɨduŋ soy oklaŋ damɨl, nop lɨpɨg mɨduŋ ayaŋ yokun agɨlak. 30 Pen dɨyokun agel, ne nab anɨb okok tɨkjakɨl amnak. 31 Jisas tɨkjakɨl amɨl, ne Galili plopens taun Kapeneyam ayaŋ amnak. Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl ak apek, apnan gɨpal kal ak amɨl, tɨkjakɨl kɨlop takaw agñak. 32 Agñek agɨlak, Ne bɨ yɨb sek, takaw nɨgtep yɨbɨl gɨl agup agɨlak. Anɨb agɨlɨg gos pal awl lɨlak. 33 Pen Juda apnan gɨpal kal ak nab anɨb ak, bɨ kɨcheki mulɨk sɨkɨl yek olap yek. Ne suk awl agɨl agak, 34 Ay, Jisas bɨ Nasalet nɨb agak. Nad tay gɨnɨg opan agak? Chɨnop gɨ tɨmel gɨnɨg opan tek lup agak? Yad nep nepin, God bɨ suŋtep yɨbɨl ne ak opan agak. 35 Pen Jisas kɨcheki mulɨk sɨkɨl yek anop ag gɨl agak, Takaw ma agan agak. Kelɨgɨl amnoŋ agak. Agek, kɨcheki seŋ amɨlɨg bɨ anop dɨl binɨb yelak nab sɨŋak yokɨl amnak. Pen nop ma pakak. 36 Anɨgek, binɨb mɨdupsek nɨg yelak okok kɨli judɨl, agnɨg agnɨg gɨl agɨlak, Bɨ kabɨyam tɨmel anɨb awl, takaw anɨb ak akal nɨb dad apɨl agek, kɨcheki okok pɨlɨk abal agɨlak. 37 Pen Jisas gak takaw anɨb ak man anɨb okok mɨdupsek dad amnɨlak. 38 Pen Jisas Juda apnan gɨpal kal ak kelɨgɨl, Saymon kal ak amnak. Saymon nɨmak ne ak tap awl gɨl, wak okok mɨdupsek mab tek yɨnak ak nɨm, binɨb okok apɨl Jisas nop agɨlak, Nad am ge, mɨñak anɨb ak suŋ laŋ agɨlak. 39 Agel, ne bin tap gup anɨb ak wulep sɨŋak apɨl, tap gak anɨb ak ag gɨl agak, Tap gup awl suŋ laŋ agak. Anɨb agak nɨŋɨd, won anep suŋ lek, bin anɨb ak tɨkjakɨl tap mɨdup kɨlop gɨlɨtep gak. 40 Pen sub saŋɨd amnak won ak, binɨb kɨli tap gak okok, mɨdupsek dad Jisas yek ak apelak, kɨlop nokom nokom dɨnɨgak nɨŋɨd suŋ lak. 41 Pen binɨb kuŋay kɨcheki tap okok mulɨk sɨkɨl yek okok, agyokek seŋ jakɨl, amɨlɨg suk awl agɨl agɨlak, Nad God Ñɨne agɨlak. Anɨb agel kɨlop ag gɨl agak, Nɨbi anɨb ma agɨnɨmɨb agak. Taynen? Kɨli nepal, Jisas ne Bɨ God nop aglup ak, binɨb okok kɨlop dɨl kod yenɨgab. 42 Mɨnek man kɨdeyɨl tɨkak won ak, Jisas man anɨb ak kelɨgɨl, man nep binɨb ma yelak nab okok amnak. Amek binɨb okok kɨdek amɨl, nop pɨyow nɨŋɨd agɨlak, Okok ma amnɨmɨn, chɨn ayɨp mɨdon agɨlak. 43 Anɨb agel Jisas agak, God yɨp agyokek opin tek, am binɨb wakay ogɨnap kɨlop abe agñɨnɨgayn agak. God binɨb dɨl kɨlop kod yenɨgab takaw teplep ak kɨlop agñɨnɨgayn agak. 44 Anɨb agɨl, Juda apnan gɨpal kal okok amɨl, takaw tep anɨb ak kɨlop agñolɨgup.

In Other Versions

Luke 4 in the ANGEFD

Luke 4 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 4 in the AS21

Luke 4 in the BAGH

Luke 4 in the BBPNG

Luke 4 in the BBT1E

Luke 4 in the BDS

Luke 4 in the BEV

Luke 4 in the BHAD

Luke 4 in the BIB

Luke 4 in the BLPT

Luke 4 in the BNT

Luke 4 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 4 in the BNTLV

Luke 4 in the BOATCB

Luke 4 in the BOATCB2

Luke 4 in the BOBCV

Luke 4 in the BOCNT

Luke 4 in the BOECS

Luke 4 in the BOGWICC

Luke 4 in the BOHCB

Luke 4 in the BOHCV

Luke 4 in the BOHLNT

Luke 4 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 4 in the BOICB

Luke 4 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 4 in the BOITCV

Luke 4 in the BOKCV

Luke 4 in the BOKCV2

Luke 4 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 4 in the BOKSSV

Luke 4 in the BOLCB

Luke 4 in the BOLCB2

Luke 4 in the BOMCV

Luke 4 in the BONAV

Luke 4 in the BONCB

Luke 4 in the BONLT

Luke 4 in the BONUT2

Luke 4 in the BOPLNT

Luke 4 in the BOSCB

Luke 4 in the BOSNC

Luke 4 in the BOTLNT

Luke 4 in the BOVCB

Luke 4 in the BOYCB

Luke 4 in the BPBB

Luke 4 in the BPH

Luke 4 in the BSB

Luke 4 in the CCB

Luke 4 in the CUV

Luke 4 in the CUVS

Luke 4 in the DBT

Luke 4 in the DGDNT

Luke 4 in the DHNT

Luke 4 in the DNT

Luke 4 in the ELBE

Luke 4 in the EMTV

Luke 4 in the ESV

Luke 4 in the FBV

Luke 4 in the FEB

Luke 4 in the GGMNT

Luke 4 in the GNT

Luke 4 in the HARY

Luke 4 in the HNT

Luke 4 in the IRVA

Luke 4 in the IRVB

Luke 4 in the IRVG

Luke 4 in the IRVH

Luke 4 in the IRVK

Luke 4 in the IRVM

Luke 4 in the IRVM2

Luke 4 in the IRVO

Luke 4 in the IRVP

Luke 4 in the IRVT

Luke 4 in the IRVT2

Luke 4 in the IRVU

Luke 4 in the ISVN

Luke 4 in the JSNT

Luke 4 in the KAPI

Luke 4 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 4 in the KBV

Luke 4 in the KJV

Luke 4 in the KNFD

Luke 4 in the LBA

Luke 4 in the LBLA

Luke 4 in the LNT

Luke 4 in the LSV

Luke 4 in the MAAL

Luke 4 in the MBV

Luke 4 in the MBV2

Luke 4 in the MHNT

Luke 4 in the MKNFD

Luke 4 in the MNG

Luke 4 in the MNT

Luke 4 in the MNT2

Luke 4 in the MRS1T

Luke 4 in the NAA

Luke 4 in the NASB

Luke 4 in the NBLA

Luke 4 in the NBS

Luke 4 in the NBVTP

Luke 4 in the NET2

Luke 4 in the NIV11

Luke 4 in the NNT

Luke 4 in the NNT2

Luke 4 in the NNT3

Luke 4 in the PDDPT

Luke 4 in the PFNT

Luke 4 in the RMNT

Luke 4 in the SBIAS

Luke 4 in the SBIBS

Luke 4 in the SBIBS2

Luke 4 in the SBICS

Luke 4 in the SBIDS

Luke 4 in the SBIGS

Luke 4 in the SBIHS

Luke 4 in the SBIIS

Luke 4 in the SBIIS2

Luke 4 in the SBIIS3

Luke 4 in the SBIKS

Luke 4 in the SBIKS2

Luke 4 in the SBIMS

Luke 4 in the SBIOS

Luke 4 in the SBIPS

Luke 4 in the SBISS

Luke 4 in the SBITS

Luke 4 in the SBITS2

Luke 4 in the SBITS3

Luke 4 in the SBITS4

Luke 4 in the SBIUS

Luke 4 in the SBIVS

Luke 4 in the SBT

Luke 4 in the SBT1E

Luke 4 in the SCHL

Luke 4 in the SNT

Luke 4 in the SUSU

Luke 4 in the SUSU2

Luke 4 in the SYNO

Luke 4 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 4 in the TBT1E

Luke 4 in the TBT1E2

Luke 4 in the TFTIP

Luke 4 in the TFTU

Luke 4 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 4 in the THAI

Luke 4 in the TNT

Luke 4 in the TNTIK

Luke 4 in the TNTIL

Luke 4 in the TNTIN

Luke 4 in the TNTIP

Luke 4 in the TNTIZ

Luke 4 in the TOMA

Luke 4 in the TTENT

Luke 4 in the UBG

Luke 4 in the UGV

Luke 4 in the UGV2

Luke 4 in the UGV3

Luke 4 in the VBL

Luke 4 in the VDCC

Luke 4 in the YALU

Luke 4 in the YAPE

Luke 4 in the YBVTP

Luke 4 in the ZBP